Diagnostic Cytopathology

(The TQCC of Diagnostic Cytopathology is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis: Colourful crazy shapes and sizes on cytology21
Rapid on‐site evaluation in percutaneous core needle biopsies of renal masses: Cytologic‐histologic concordance and diagnostic challenges19
Diagnostic challenges in fine‐needle aspiration of a jaw lesion17
Feasibility and performance of the Idylla™ NRAS/BRAF cartridge mutation assay on thyroid liquid‐based fine‐needle aspiration16
Cytologic diagnosis of metastatic embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma in cerebrospinal fluid: A case report15
A Case of Subcutaneous Phaeohyphomycosis Caused by Exophiala xenobiotica in a Poorly‐Controlled Diabetic Patient: The Conventional Papanicolaou Staining on Cytology Specimen Can Potentially Gui14
Large B‐cell lymphoma with IRF4 rearrangement—Fine needle biopsy—Report of a case with an atypical presentation14
Cytological features of chordoid glioma: A case report with summary of prior published cases13
Primary thyroid high‐grade B‐cell lymphoma with MYC and BCL2 rearrangements in Hashimoto's thyroiditis12
A cytopathological tale of a pediatric renal tumor12
Cytomorphological findings of Trichophyton rubrum infection in an elderly hypertensive woman11
Aliens in the thyroid gland: The secondary lesions11
Undifferentiated component of dedifferentiated endometrial carcinoma presenting as a “small round cell” malignancy in a mediastinal lymph node, mimicking small cell carcinoma11
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Uncommon variants of hepatocellular carcinoma: Not one size fits all10
Fine‐needle aspiration diagnosis of clonal extramedullary hematopoiesis in a case of myeloproliferative neoplasm9
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Fine needle aspiration cytology from an axillary lymph node: Finessing the fine distinctions9
Squamous cells in pericardial fluid9
Adequacy in pleural effusion: What is the minimum volume required for detection of malignant cells?8
Pleomorphic adenoma of the breast with cytologic atypia on cytopathology: A potential diagnostic pitfall and literature review8
Cytologic analysis of a glomus tumor in the left second toe: Case report8
Cytomorphometric and flow cytometric analyses using liquid‐based cytology materials in subtypes of lung adenocarcinoma7
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Upper gastrointestinal bleed as the initial presentation of seminoma involving the duodenum in an elderly patient with 9 year follow up: A case report and literature review7
A case of lung FNA with atypical squamous cells7
Pituitary carcinoma: A cytopathologic dilemma when metastatic to cervical lymph nodes7
Immunocytochemical detection by a fully automated immunostainer for assisting subclassification of pulmonary tumors on ThinPrep slides in real‐life clinical samples: A single‐institution ex7
Oxyphilic clear cell carcinoma of the ovary: A distinct cytomorphological finding6
Post fine‐needle aspiration near total infarction of Warthin tumor with squamous metaplasia: A diagnostic pitfall6
Keratin cyst as a diagnostic pitfall in aspiration cytology of phyllodes tumor6
Pleural metastasis from pulmonary primary signet‐ring squamous cell carcinoma. Case report and literature review6
Cytological characteristics of histological types of lung cancer by cytomorphometric and flow cytometric analyses using liquid‐based cytology materials6
Non‐small cell lung carcinoma with ectopic gonadotropin production: A case report and review of the literature6
Fine needle aspiration diagnosis of benign oncocytic lesions of the head and neck associated with false positive 18F‐fluorodeoxyglucose uptake on positron emission tomography sca6
Microfilaria in cervicovaginal Pap smears: A common parasite hiding in an unusual site: Short series of four cases with literature review6
Fine needle aspiration cytology of a myxoid adrenocortical adenoma. A case report6
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Tyrosine‐rich crystalloids: A potential clue to cytodiagnosis of pleomorphic adenoma6
A retrospective analysis of molecular testing in cytologically indeterminate thyroid nodules with histologic correlation: Experience at a heterogenous multihospital system5
Acinic cell carcinoma mimicking Warthin's tumor: A diagnostic challenge on fine‐needle cytology5
Spindle cell tumour with thymus‐like differentiation (SETTLE) on fine needle aspiration cytology: A case report highlighting diagnostic pitfalls5
Molecular features of pancreaticobiliary neoplasms: Implications for diagnosis, prognostication, and therapy selection5
Cytomorphology of monomorphic spindle epithelial tumor with thymus‐like elements: A case with local recurrence after subtotal resection5
Cytologic features of metastatic epithelioid uterine leiomyosarcoma to the pancreas5
Malignant mesothelioma cells with characteristic intracytoplasmic vacuolization and lipids5
Cytohistological findings and diagnostic challenges in rare pediatric pulmonary mesenchymal malignancies: A report of two cases5
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An isolated sacral promyelocytic sarcoma in a child: A rare case report with emphasis on cytomorphology5
Cysticercosis: A case of missed diagnosis5
Gastric glomus tumor on fine needle aspiration5
Galectin‐3 and CD117 immunocytochemistry in the diagnosis of indeterminate thyroid lesions: A pilot study5
Atypical de Quervain's thyroiditis diagnosed as atypia of undetermined significance by cytology and suspicious for cancer by Afirma Genomic Sequencing Classifier5
Inking cell blocks improves scanner detection for diagnosis in pathology5
Ditch the stains and the microscope: Clues in an unstained lymph node cytology smear observed with the ×1 objective5
Cytopathological differential diagnosis of malignant tumor cells in the cerebrospinal fluid: A retrospective analysis5
Significance of FNAC, BRAF mutation, and intraoperative frozen section in surgical decision‐making of thyroid nodules5
Diagnostic clues for differentiating Merkel cell carcinoma from lymphoma in fine‐needle aspiration cytology4
Effect of the Paris system for reporting urinary cytology with histologic follow‐up4
Hemophagocytosis on ascitic fluid cytology: Diagnosis of HLH4
Anal cytology and high‐risk human papilloma virus testing in atypical squamous categories: Value of concurrent testing in management of high‐risk population4
Rhabdomyosarcoma with epithelioid morphology: A challenging cytologic diagnosis in a pleural effusion4
Langerhans cell histiocytosis: A diagnostic challenge on thyroid fine needle aspiration cytology4
Endoscopic ultrasound fine needle biopsy was not more cost‐effective than fine‐needle aspiration with rapid on‐site evaluation in gastrointestinal lesions diagnosis4
Bile cytology diagnosis in challenging cases: Validation of diagnostic bile cytology criteria and extensive study for immunocytochemical markers4
Usefulness of cell block examination for the cytological diagnosis of thoracic SMARCA4‐deficient undifferentiated tumor: A case report4
Application of the Bethesda system of reporting for cervical cytology to evaluate human papilloma virus induced changes in oral leukoplakia, oral squamous cell carcinoma, and oropharyngeal squamous ce4
Fusion of old and new: Employing touch imprint slides for next generation sequencing in solid tumors4
Immunostaining on Destained Smears in Hodgkin Lymphoma4
Liquid‐based cytology for differentiating two cases of pemphigus vulgaris from oral squamous cell carcinoma4
Granulomatous mastitis: A diagnostic challenge—3 year single institutional experience4
Classification of endoscopic ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration cytology of pancreatic space occupying lesions by Papanicolaou Society of Cytopathology System: A five year study4
The histologic outcomes of indeterminate thyroid nodules with rat sarcoma mutations: A case series4
Diagnostic value of ultrasound‐guided transbronchial lung biopsy in peripheral tuberculous pulmonary lesions4
Introducing a Software‐Based Template for Standardized Structured Reports of Urinary Cytology and Its Impact on Turnaround Time in a Tertiary Center4
Utility of an immunocytochemical analysis for pan‐Trk in the cytodiagnosis of secretory carcinoma of the salivary gland4
Cerebrospinal fluid‐dissemination of a ovarian clear cell carcinoma: A leptomeningial carcinomatosis with diagnostic challenges4
Decipher me or I'll devour you: Parathyroid carcinoma, a cytomorphological challenge4
Ameloblastoma with adenoid features: Case report with cyto‐histopathologic correlation and molecular findings4
Cytological clues to Alternaria alternata4
Giant cell tumor of thyroid cartilage: A diagnostic dilemma on aspiration cytology3
Solitary fibrous tumor of deep parotid gland preoperatively classified as salivary gland neoplasm of uncertain malignant potential by the Milan system for reporting salivary gland cytopathology: A com3
BRD3‐NUTM1‐expressing NUT carcinoma of lung on endobronchial ultrasound‐guided transbronchial needle aspiration cytology, a diagnostic pitfall3
Myoepithelial carcinoma of soft tissue is a diagnostic challenge on fine‐needle aspiration: Case report and review of literature3
The need for “eagle‐eyed screening”: Owl's eyes in bronchoalveolar lavage cytology3
Digital droplet PCRTERT promoter mutational screening in fine needle aspiration cytology of thyroid lesions: A highly specific technique for pre‐operative identification of high‐risk3
BOC‐PLAG1, a new fusion gene of pleomorphic adenoma: Identified in a fine‐needle aspirate by RNA next‐generation sequencing3
Supraclavicular lymph nodes: An easily accessible site for diagnosis and molecular profiling of malignancies in the era of precision medicine3
Does Milan affect management? A retrospective analysis of resection rate and time to surgery among Milan categories3
A comparison between conventional and the Paris systems of reporting urinary cytopathology with a literature update3
Sensitivity, Specificity, and Cost–Benefit Effect Between Primary Human Papillomavirus Testing, Primary Liquid‐Based Cytology, and Co‐Testing Algorithms for Cervical Lesions3
Nasal cytology and uncommon findings in allergic rhinitis3
Metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma presenting as breast lump: A rare case report3
Importance of mediastinal granulomatous/sarcoid‐like lymphadenopathy in extrathoracic malignancies3
Malignant pleural effusion from a case of squamous‐cell carcinoma of the oral cavity: Cytological detection of a rare outcome3
Bilateral follicular variant of papillary thyroid cancer with different RAS mutations detected with next‐generation sequencing: Report of an unusual case and literature review3
Hyaline cell‐rich chondroid syringoma: A potential pitfall on cytology3
Pitfalls in Cytological Diagnosis of Extra Adrenal Paraganglioma and Pheochromocytoma: Experience From a Tertiary Care Center3
The evolution of “atypia” in thyroid fine‐needle aspiration specimens3
Synchronous hepatocellular carcinoma and renal cell carcinoma: A cytological marvel3
The impact of the use of the ACR‐TIRADS as a screening tool for thyroid nodules in a cancer center3
Utility of MGG and Papanicolaou stained smears in the detection of Mucormycosis in nasal swab/scraping/biopsy samples of COVID 19 patients3
Scrape cytology and radiological solid size correlation can be used in the intraoperative management of subsolid lung nodules3
Exploring cytologic features and potential diagnostic challenges of metastatic NUT carcinoma to the parotid gland: A case report and a comprehensive literature review3
In Memoriam: Stefan E. Pambuccian, MD (1957‐2020)3
Extra‐Adrenal Paraganglioma on Fine‐Needle Aspiration Cytology: A Case Series3
Pathologist‐performed ultrasound‐guided fine needle aspiration biopsies of extrathyroidal sites: An observational study3
Diagnosis of solid tumors in infants by fine‐needle aspiration cytology: 5 years retrospective study from a tertiary care oncology center in South India3
Re‐Categorization and Risk of Malignancy of Atypical Effusions According to the International System for Reporting Serous Fluid Cytopathology (TIS): An Institutional Experience3
Molecular testing in fine‐needle aspiration of thyroid nodules3
Cytology to More Clearly Distinguish Solitary Plasmacytoma at the Skull Base3
Fine needle aspiration of spindle cell lipoma—Lochkern cells as a clue for diagnosis: A case arising in the parotid gland3
A case of metastatic HPV‐related cervical small cell neuroendocrine carcinoma with varying cytomorphology found in cytological specimens of a solid organ transplant recipient3
Synaptophysin Positive Pulmonary Glomus Tumor Mimics Carcinoid Tumor on Fine‐Needle Aspiration3
Diagnostic Accuracy of the WHO System for Reporting Lung Cytopathology: A Retrospective Analysis3
Cytologic diagnosis of “atypical” in serous fluid cytopathology. Approach of the international system for reporting serous fluid cytopathology3
Epstein–Barr virus‐positive inflammatory follicular dendritic cell sarcoma: A brief report of a rare neoplasm diagnosed with cytopathology on a splenic biopsy3
Juxtaglomerular Cell Tumor With Cytohistological Correlation: A Case Report3
Squamous Cells in Thyroid Cytology and Their Clinical Significance: A Multi‐Institutional Study3
Cytologic, histologic, and molecular features of pancreatic sarcomatoid undifferentiated carcinoma with heterologous osteosarcomatous transformation3
Secretory carcinoma of parotid gland masquerading as acinic cell carcinoma on cytology: Case report and review of literature3
Molecular testing in cytology3
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Pulmonary Kaposi sarcoma in a patient with bilateral lung transplant: An unexpected diagnosis on transbronchial fine needle aspiration and core biopsy3
Hepatocellular carcinoma presenting as a chest wall mass – An unusual case diagnosed on cytology with review of literature3
EUS‐FNA diagnosis of pancreatic tophaceous gout: Two rare cases3
Diagnostic accuracy and clinical impact of renal biopsy cytology3
Risk of malignancy assessment of the different cytologic categories in respiratory cytology samples according to the new guidelines of the Papanicolaou Society of Cytopathology3
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Mixed germ cell tumors metastasis to Ascitic fluid: Report of a case with immunocytochemical findings3
Fine‐needle aspiration cytology of osteoclast‐like giant cell tumor of liver—a case report with review of literature3
Advances in Oral Exfoliative Cytology: From Cancer Diagnosis to Systemic Disease Detection3
EUS‐guided FNAC in intra‐abdominal lesions: Technique of tissue acquisition, ancillary testing, pearls and perils, and prospects3
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Investigation of MTAP and BAP1 staining loss and P16/CDKN2A deletion in pleural cytology specimens and its role in the diagnosis of mesothelioma3
Pitfalls in the Cytological Diagnosis of Nodal Hodgkin Lymphoma3
Melanotic medullary thyroid carcinoma: A case report with review of the literature3
The meaning of high‐risk HPV other than type 16/18 in women with negative cytology: Is it really safe to wait for 1 year?3
The comparison of the histopathological results of the thyroid fine‐needle aspiration biopsies in the 795 patients with thyroidectomy3
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Fluorescent periodic acid Schiff‐like staining combined with standard cytologic staining of the same cytologic specimen may facilitate cytopathologic diagnosis2
A rare case of parotid mucormycosis diagnosed on aspiration cytology2
Metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma to the bone diagnosed by fine needle aspiration in a veteran population2
Diagnostic significance of GATA 3, TTF‐1, PTH, chromogranin expressions in parathyroid fine needle aspirations via immuonocytochemical method2
Cytomorphology of pulmonary low‐grade fetal adenocarcinoma in bronchial brushing specimen prepared by BD SurePath: A case report and literature review2
Outcome of atypia of undetermined significance/follicular lesion of undetermined significance in thyroid fine‐needle aspirations: A six‐year institutional experience2
Liesegang rings in peritoneal fluid: A rare phenomenon2
Cytopathology of the distant metastasis of papillary carcinoma of thyroid2
Case report: Primary adenocarcinoma NOS of the thymus and cytological features2
Cytology of micropapillary mucinous carcinoma: A case report of a clinically and genetically distinct breast carcinoma variant2
Fine needle aspiration cytology of mesenchymal hamartoma of liver mimicking hepatoblastoma: A case report2
Expression of EGFR, PD‐L1, and the mismatch repair proteins before and following therapy in malignant serous effusions with metastatic high‐grade serous tubo‐ovarian carcinoma2
A retrospective analysis of 512 cases of breast fine needle aspiration cytology utilizing the recently proposed IAC Yokohama system for reporting breast cytopathology2
The value of concurrent endoscopic ultrasound‐guided fine needle aspirates and needle core biopsies in the diagnosis of pancreatic neoplasms2
Bilateral localized primary parotid gland amyloidosis: A rare entity with literature review2
DNA aneuploidy combined with radial EBUS in the diagnosis of peripheral lung lesions2
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Parotid Keratocystoma: Fine Needle Aspiration Cytomorphology With Ancillary Testing Results2
Morphological markers of chromosomal instability as predictors of malignancy in pleural effusion2
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Cytological and histopathological features of recurrent calcifying aponeurotic fibroma of neck in an adolescent male‐rare presentation of a rare tumour2
Serous fluid cytopathology: Past, present, and future2
Cytologic presentation of ovarian large cell carcinoma with rhabdoid features detected on peritoneal washing. Report of one case with cyto‐histologic correlation and previously undescribed inactivatin2
Cytomorphology of metastatic dedifferentiated/undifferentiated melanoma to the gallbladder: A case report and review of literature2
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Pleural fluid metastasis of plasmacytoid urothelial carcinoma in comparison to micropapillary and conventional high‐grade urothelial carcinoma: Cytologic and immuonohistochemical findings2
Diagnostic value of liquid‐based cytology test in intrathoracic lymph nodes and lung lesions sampled by endobronchial ultrasonography‐transbronchial needle aspiration2
Cellular fibroadenoma versus phyllodes tumors: A pre‐operative diagnostic approach based on radiological and cytological features2
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ThinPrep liquid‐based cytologic diagnosis of hepatic entomophthoromycosis (basidiobolomycosis) with Splendore‐Hoeppli phenomenon2
Cytomorphological features of ALK‐positive pulmonary adenocarcinoma with abundant psammoma bodies2
Cytopathological findings of intranodal palisaded myofibroblastoma: Case report and review of the literature2
Prevalence of high‐risk human papillomavirus DNA and mRNA and its association with abnormal anal cytology in the Czech male anal cancer screening cohort2
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Cytomorphologic clues for the diagnosis of fallopian tube prolapse in liquid‐based vault samples with review of the literature2
Ganglioneuroma on fine needle aspiration cytology: Case series and review of the literature2
The Bethesda system for reporting thyroid fine needle aspirates: A study of 1763 patients; with histopathological correlations, in eastern India2
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Assessment of P16 and Ki‐67 Proteins Immunoexpressing in Oral Mucosa Among Saudi Smokers2
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Salivary Duct Carcinoma Metastasis in the Pleural Fluid2
Correlation of immediate prevalence of cervical squamous cell precancers and cancers with HPV genotype and age in women with LSIL cytology: A retrospective analysis of 1617 cases2
Detailed fine needle aspiration cytopathology findings of noninvasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary‐like nuclear features with nuclear grading correlated to that of biopsy and Bethesda ca2
Cytomorphology of spindle cell/sclerosing rhabdomyosarcoma, including MYOD1 (LI22R) mutation result2
Trichilemmal carcinoma metastatic to parotid gland: First report of fine needle aspiration cytology features2
Alternaria alternata spores shuttled by Peltate trichomes of olive leaf: A mysterious nasal cytology feature2
Opportunistic microsporidiosis unveiled by fine‐needle aspiration cytology of cervical lymph node with literature review2
Basophilic meningitis2
PD‐L1 expression in fine‐needle aspiration cell blocks of head and neck squamous‐cell carcinoma and its cytohistological concordance2
Contaminant Suggesting Rotifer in Liquid‐Based Cytology of the Cervix2
Primary epithelioid angiosarcoma of the mediastinum, cytomorphologic features of a rare entity—A case report and literature review2
Crystallizing galactocele of the breast masquerading as a malignancy: Report of a rare case with cytological diagnosis2
Direct next‐generation sequencing analysis using endometrial liquid‐based cytology specimens for rapid cancer genomic profiling2
Digital cytology: Current status and future prospects2
The way of specimens process on the result of pleural effusion cytology report2
A case of extranodal NK/T‐cell lymphoma, nasal type, diagnosed by scraping cytology of the maxillary gingiva2
The Cytological Diagnosis of a Malignant Effusion Is Independent of the Volume of Fluid Processed2
Squash cytology: A simple, bedside test for quick diagnosis of atypical presentations of Molluscum Contagiosum2
Fine‐needle aspiration cytology of adamantinoma‐like Ewing sarcoma: An unusual parotid tumor2
Fine‐needle aspiration cytology for the diagnosis of plasma cell neoplasms in the head and neck region: A systematic analysis of the literature2
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Angioimmunoblastic T‐cell lymphoma diagnosed from pleural fluid by integration of morphologic, immunophenotypic, and molecular findings2
Fine‐needle aspiration biopsy versus frozen section examination in assessing cervical lymph node metastasis in primary clinically positive neck papillary thyroid carcinoma2
Duodenal gastrointestinal stromal tumor masquerading as an uncinate process pancreatic neoplasm2
Correspondence to “Examining the impact of several factors including COVID‐19 on thyroid fine‐needle aspiration biopsy”2
Diagnostic utility of fine‐needle aspiration cytology in syphilitic lymphadenitis: A case report2
Accuracy of endobronchial ultrasound‐guided transbronchial needle aspiration for staging of non‐small cell lung cancer2