Diagnostic Cytopathology

(The H4-Index of Diagnostic Cytopathology is 11. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-12-01 to 2024-12-01.)
Application of the International System for Reporting Serous Fluid Cytopathology in routine reporting of pleural effusion and assessment of the risk of malignancy21
Impact of mobile devices on cancer diagnosis in cytology19
Performance of Afirma genomic sequencing classifier vs gene expression classifier in Bethesda category III thyroid nodules: An institutional experience17
A retrospective analysis of pleural effusion specimens based on the newly proposed International System for Reporting Serous Fluid Cytopathology16
Diagnostic performance of Milan system for reporting salivary gland cytopathology: A prospective study15
Serous fluid cytopathology: Past, present, and future14
Immunochemistry in the work‐up of mesothelioma and its differential diagnosis and mimickers14
Ancillary studies on cell blocks from fine needle aspiration specimens of salivary gland lesions: A multi‐institutional study13
Molecular/biomarker testing in lung cytology: A practical approach12
Cervical cancer: Automation of Pap test screening12
Paraphrase for the impact of repeat fine‐needle aspiration in thyroid nodules categorized as atypia of undetermined significance or follicular lesion of undetermined significance: A single center expe12
Criteria for follow‐up of thyroid nodules diagnosed as follicular neoplasm without molecular testing – The experience of a high‐volume thyroid centre in Japan11
COVID‐19 post‐vaccination lymphadenopathy: Report of cytological findings from fine needle aspiration biopsy11
Diagnostic value of endobronchial ultrasound combined with rapid on‐site evaluation of transbronchial lung biopsy for peripheral pulmonary lesions11
A modified Papanicolaou Society of Cytopathology system for reporting respiratory cytology specimens: Implications for estimates of malignancy risk and diagnostic accuracy11
Direct next‐generation sequencing analysis using endometrial liquid‐based cytology specimens for rapid cancer genomic profiling11