Applied Economic Analysis

(The median citation count of Applied Economic Analysis is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Impact of COVID-19 on the trade of goods and services in Spain34
Economic policy uncertainty and stock prices in BRIC countries: evidence from asymmetric frequency domain causality approach25
Assessing the impacts of global economic policy uncertainty and the long-term bond yields on oil prices20
The costs of COVID-19 and the cost-effectiveness of testing16
The economic consequences of Covid in Spain and how to deal with them14
Tax revenue instability and tax revenue in developed and developing countries10
Modeling the exchange rate pass-through in Turkey with uncertainty and geopolitical risk: a Markov regime-switching approach10
Banning mobile phones in schools: evidence from regional-level policies in Spain10
Government public infrastructure investment and economic performance in Spain (1980–2016)9
Innovation and SMEs performance: evidence from Vietnam9
The stabilizing effects of economic policies in Spain in times of COVID-199
Past, present and future of the Spanish labour market: when the pandemic meets the megatrends8
An investigation of demand and exchange rate shocks in the tourism sector7
Factors determining teleworking before and during COVID-19: some evidence from Spain and Andalusia7
Temporary layoffs, short-time work and COVID-19: the case of a dual labour market6
TFP determinants in the manufacturing sector: the case of Ecuadorian firms5
Corruption, quality of institutions and growth4
Purchasing power parity in GIIPS countries: evidence from unit root tests with breaks and non-linearity4
Scale heterogeneity in hotel guests’ satisfaction relative to room rates3
Testing for multiple bubbles: historical episodes on the sustainability of public debt in Spain, 1850–20202
The intergenerational effect of parental enthusiasm for reading2
Effect of volatility of foreign direct investment inflows on corporate income tax revenue volatility2
How does oil price uncertainty affect output in the Central and Eastern European economies? – the Bayesian-based approaches2
Aid effectiveness: when aid spurs investment2
On the economic evaluation of online learning in higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic: a willingness-to-accept approach2
What else? Immigrant–native cohorts entering the labour market under a context of adverse shocks: the great recession and COVID-191
Current-account breaks and stability spells in a global perspective1
Decomposition of value added in gross exports: a critical review1
Job creation and investment in imperfect financial and labor markets1
Investigation into the dynamic relationships between global economic uncertainty and price volatilities of commodities, raw materials, and energy1
Inequality and redistribution: evidence from Scandinavian and Mediterranean countries1
Determinants of the willingness to pay and willingness to accept in the valuation of informal care. The CUIDARSE study1
Consumer and business confidence connectedness in the euro area: a tale of two crises1
Mental health and obesity1
Housing bubbles and land planning corruption: evidence from Spain’s largest municipalities1
Impact of socioeconomic development on inflation in South Asia: evidence from panel cointegration analysis1