Conservation Science and Practice

(The H4-Index of Conservation Science and Practice is 21. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Replacing “parachute science” with “global science” in ecology and conservation biology56
The last continuous grasslands on Earth: Identification and conservation importance51
Methods for wildlife monitoring in tropical forests: Comparing human observations, camera traps, and passive acoustic sensors48
Habitat loss accelerates for the endangered woodland caribou in western Canada41
Ecosystem integrity is neither real nor valuable38
U.S. conservation translocations: Over a century of intended consequences33
Avoiding wasted research resources in conservation science33
Ecological integrity is both real and valuable33
Conservation translocations for amphibian species threatened by chytrid fungus: A review, conceptual framework, and recommendations28
Presumed killers? Vultures, stakeholders, misperceptions, and fake news27
Concern over hybridization risks should not preclude conservation interventions27
Principles for the socially responsible use of conservation monitoring technology and data26
Shark and ray diversity, abundance and temporal variation around an Indian Ocean Island, inferred by eDNA metabarcoding25
Integrated framework for stakeholder participation: Methods and tools for identifying and addressing human–wildlife conflicts25
Bridging the gap between researchers, conservation planners, and decision makers to improve species conservation decision‐making25
Intentional introgression of a blight tolerance transgene to rescue the remnant population of American chestnut24
Protecting restoration investments from the cheatgrass‐fire cycle in sagebrush steppe23
Mechanistic invasive species management models and their application in conservation22
Perceptions and realities of elephant crop raiding and mitigation methods22
Predictors of support for biodiversity loss countermeasure and bushmeat consumption among Vietnamese urban residents22
Cryptic mortality of North Atlantic right whales21
Elephants in the village: Causes and consequences of property damage in Asia and Africa21
The Coalition for Conservation Genetics: Working across organizations to build capacity and achieve change in policy and practice21
Political affiliation predicts public attitudes toward gray wolf (Canis lupus) conservation and management21