Advanced Photonics

(The median citation count of Advanced Photonics is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
3D direct writing of bandgap tunable nanocrystals in transparent material433
Picophotonics goes to higher dimensions253
Organic room-temperature phosphorescent polymers for efficient X-ray scintillation and imaging190
3.6 W compact all-fiber Pr3+-doped green laser at 521 nm183
Terahertz metasurface platform for modulation, holography, and encryption160
Tunable lasing direction in one-dimensional suspended high-contrast grating using bound states in the continuum117
Iso-propagation vortices with OAM-independent size and divergence toward future faster optical communications111
Quantum entanglement on photonic chips: a review101
Efficiently adding mode multiplexing for cost-effective, high-capacity fiber links100
About the cover: Advanced Photonics Volume 5, Issue 373
Hyperentanglement goes deterministic and large-scale73
Observing the collapse of super-Bloch oscillations in strong-driving photonic temporal lattices67
About the cover: Advanced Photonics Volume 6, Issue 265
Time-domain terahertz optoacoustics: manipulable water sensing and dampening60
On-the-fly precision spectroscopy with a dual-modulated tunable diode laser and Hz-level referencing to a cavity56
Tailoring laser colors for super-multiplexed cell tagging56
Journey from solitons to nanophotonics: an interview with Professor Yuri Kivshar55
About the cover: Advanced Photonics Volume 2, Issue 654
Advanced Photonics: keeping up with the community52
About the cover: Advanced Photonics Volume 3, Issue 148
Submilliwatt, widely tunable coherent microcomb generation with feedback-free operation46
Electro-optic tuning of a single-frequency ultranarrow linewidth microdisk laser45
Giant photoinduced reflectivity modulation of nonlocal resonances in silicon metasurfaces45
Torsion pendulum driven by the angular momentum of light: Beth’s legacy continues45
Overcoming the limitations of 3D sensors with wide field of view metasurface-enhanced scanning lidar43
Generation of time-varying orbital angular momentum beams with space-time-coding digital metasurface39
Silicon-based optoelectronics for general-purpose matrix computation: a review37
Rapid crystallization-driven high-efficiency phase-pure deep-blue Ruddlesden–Popper perovskite light-emitting diodes37
Metasurface-based computational imaging: a review36
Tunable topological polaritons by dispersion tailoring of an active metasurface35
On-chip metamaterial-enabled high-order mode-division multiplexing32
Rydberg state excitation in molecules manipulated by bicircular two-color laser pulses31
Machine learning for perovskite optoelectronics: a review31
Reconfigurable integrated photonic processor for NP-complete problems31
Electrically programmable phase-change photonic memory for optical neural networks with nanoseconds in situ training capability30
Integrated-resonant metadevices: a review29
Robust structured light in atmospheric turbulence27
Programming nonlinear propagation for efficient optical learning machines27
Finding the superior mode basis for mode-division multiplexing: a comparison of spatial modes in air-core fiber27
About the cover: Advanced Photonics Volume 6, Issue 426
Cross-modality transformations in biological microscopy enabled by deep learning26
Nonlinear thermal emission and visible thermometry25
Digital twin modeling and controlling of optical power evolution enabling autonomous-driving optical networks: a Bayesian approach25
Parallelization of frequency domain quantum gates: manipulation and distribution of frequency-entangled photon pairs generated by a 21 GHz silicon microresonator25
Transient evolution of quasifree electrons of plasma in liquid water revealed by optical-pump terahertz-probe spectroscopy25
Single-shot Kramers–Kronig complex orbital angular momentum spectrum retrieval24
Multiplane quantitative phase imaging using a wavelength-multiplexed diffractive optical processor24
About the cover: Advanced Photonics Volume 4, Issue 523
About the cover: Advanced Photonics Volume 3, Issue 321
Special Section Guest Editorial: Photonics Advances Quantum Science and Technologies21
About the cover: Advanced Photonics Volume 4, Issue 320
About the cover: Advanced Photonics Volume 5, Issue 420
Experimental verification of ill-defined topologies and energy sinks in electromagnetic continua19
From fundamental quantum optics to quantum information technology: the personal journey of Sir Peter Knight19
About the cover: Advanced Photonics Volume 4, Issue 117
Whispering-gallery-mode barcode-based broadband sub-femtometer-resolution spectroscopy with an electro-optic frequency comb17
Advanced Photonics: serving optical sciences and scientists17
Innovation in metamaterials and beyond: an interview with Prof. Xiang Zhang17
Color centers in wide-bandgap semiconductors for subdiffraction imaging: a review16
Active spintronic-metasurface terahertz emitters with tunable chirality16
Single-shot spectral-volumetric compressed ultrafast photography16
Interview with optical scientist and engineer Joseph Braat16
Enhanced generation of nondegenerate photon pairs in nonlinear metasurfaces15
Pushing the limit of high-Q mode of a single dielectric nanocavity15
(Erratum) Deep-learning-driven end-to-end metalens imaging15
Optically controlled dielectric metasurfaces for dynamic dual-mode modulation on terahertz waves15
Label-free fiber nanograting sensor for real-time in situ early monitoring of cellular apoptosis14
All-optical spatiotemporal oscilloscope for few-cycle optical waveform14
Simultaneous creation of multiple vortex-antivortex pairs in momentum space in photonic lattices14
Spatiotemporal topology of plasmonic spin meron pairs revealed by polarimetric photo-emission microscopy14
Superresolution imaging using superoscillatory diffractive neural networks13
Breaking the diffraction limit for label-free chemical imaging12
Light-controllable time-domain digital coding metasurfaces12
Photoswitchable vibrational nanoscopy with sub-100-nm optical resolution12
Dynamically responsive photonic metal–organic frameworks12
Chip-scale metalens microscope for wide-field and depth-of-field imaging12
Stimulated Raman scattering tomography for rapid three-dimensional chemical imaging of cells and tissue12
Single-molecule characterization from the perspective of optics, photonics, and optoelectronics: a review11
Quantum leap: observing antiferromagnetic transition in a 3D fermionic Hubbard model with ultracold atoms11
Tensorial tomographic Fourier ptychography with applications to muscle tissue imaging11
First demonstration of lithium niobate photonic chip for dense wavelength-division multiplexing transmitters11
Photonic circuits written by femtosecond laser in glass: improved fabrication and recent progress in photonic devices11
On-chip optical vector analysis based on thin-film lithium niobate single-sideband modulators11
Dynamically controlling terahertz wavefronts with cascaded metasurfaces10
Ultrafast impulsive Raman spectroscopy across the terahertz–fingerprint region10
Optical trapping with structured light: a review10
Optical Orbital Angular Momentum: Thirty Years and Counting9
Waveguide superlattices with artificial gauge field toward colorless and low-crosstalk ultrahigh-density photonic integration9
Nonlinear topological valley Hall edge states arising from type-II Dirac cones9
Femtosecond laser-inscribed optical waveguides in dielectric crystals: a concise review and recent advances9
Advances in lithium niobate thin-film lasers and amplifiers: a review8
Wonderland of silicon photonics: an interview with Professor Michal Lipson8
Topology-empowered membrane devices for terahertz photonics8
Neural network enables ultrathin flat optics imaging in full color8
Topological transformation and free-space transport of photonic hopfions8
High-speed image reconstruction for optically sectioned, super-resolution structured illumination microscopy8
Direct laser writing breaking diffraction barrier based on two-focus parallel peripheral-photoinhibition lithography7
About the cover: Advanced Photonics Volume 6, Issue 17
Advent of torsional optomechanics from Beth’s legacy7
Taking silicon photonics modulators to a higher performance level: state-of-the-art and a review of new technologies7
About the cover: Advanced Photonics Volume 4, Issue 27
Light touch in quantum: an interview with Prof. Serge Haroche7
Mechanically reprogrammable Pancharatnam–Berry metasurface for microwaves7
About the cover: Advanced Photonics Volume 5, Issue 26
Explorer of light, and more: an interview with Sir Michael Berry6
Photonics for net zero6
Optical information transfer through random unknown diffusers using electronic encoding and diffractive decoding5
Ultra-wide FOV meta-camera with transformer-neural-network color imaging methodology5
Hybrid brightfield and darkfield transport of intensity approach for high-throughput quantitative phase microscopy5
About the cover: Advanced Photonics Volume 6, Issue 35
Topological Landau–Zener nanophotonic circuits5
Far-field super-resolution imaging by nonlinearly excited evanescent waves5
Nondiffractive polarization feature of optical vortices5
Iso-propagation vortices: a breakthrough in optical communication technology5
High-capacity free-space optical link in the midinfrared thermal atmospheric windows using unipolar quantum devices5
Authentication through residual attention-based processing of tampered optical responses4
Spatial symmetries in nonlocal multipolar metasurfaces (Erratum)4
High-dimensional orbital angular momentum comb4
Light field on a chip: metasurface-based multicolor holograms4
Emergence of tunable intersubband-plasmon-polaritons in graphene superlattices4
Nonrelativistic and nonmagnetic terahertz-wave generation via ultrafast current control in anisotropic conductive heterostructures4
Optical superoscillatory waves without side lobes along a symmetric cut4
Generating a sub-nanometer-confined optical field in a nanoslit waveguiding mode3
Twenty questions on the frontier of laser science and technology3
Large-inductance superconducting microstrip photon detector enabling 10 photon-number resolution3
Compact and effective photon-resolved image scanning microscope3
Singular dielectric nanolaser: breaking diffraction limits to atomic scale3
Toward infrared spectral imaging at high resolution and high sensitivity3
Nested deep transfer learning for modeling of multilayer thin films3
White-light emission from organic aggregates: a review3
On-chip digitally tunable positive/negative dispersion controller using bidirectional chirped multimode waveguide gratings3
Harnessing the magic of light: spatial coherence instructed swin transformer for universal holographic imaging3
Massively parallel universal linear transformations using a wavelength-multiplexed diffractive optical network3
Review of bio-optical imaging systems with a high space-bandwidth product3