Life Science Alliance

(The TQCC of Life Science Alliance is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Generation of marmoset primordial germ cell–like cells under chemically defined conditions106
Molecular insights into high-altitude adaption and acclimatisation ofAporrectodea caliginosa78
New algorithms for accurate and efficient de novo genome assembly from long DNA sequencing reads75
Rab40c regulates focal adhesions and PP6 activity by controlling ANKRD28 ubiquitylation71
Starvation-resistant cavefish reveal conserved mechanisms of starvation-induced hepatic lipotoxicity70
Rbfox1 is required for myofibril development and maintaining fiber type–specific isoform expression in Drosophila muscles49
The CHARGE syndrome-associated protein FAM172A controls AGO2 nuclear import46
Knockout of PA200 improves proteasomal degradation and myelination in a proteotoxic neuropathy45
H4K20me1 plays a dual role in transcriptional regulation of regeneration and axis patterning inHydra44
Chaperone BiP controls ER stress sensor Ire1 through interactions with its oligomers42
Meflin-positive cancer-associated fibroblasts enhance tumor response to immune checkpoint blockade40
SLMAP3 is essential for neurulation through mechanisms involving cytoskeletal elements, ABP, and PCP39
Epithelial-specific loss of Smad4 alleviates the fibrotic response in an acute colitis mouse model38
Naa80 is required for actin N-terminal acetylation and normal hearing in zebrafish36
MacrophageSult2b1promotes pathological neovascularization in age-related macular degeneration34
FAM21 is critical for TLR2/CLEC4E-mediated dendritic cell function againstCandida albicans33
FAT10 and NUB1L cooperate to activate the 26S proteasome31
RedRibbon: A new rank–rank hypergeometric overlap for gene and transcript expression signatures30
Biogenesis, inheritance, and 3D ultrastructure of the microsporidian mitosome29
Simultaneous solving high-resolution structures of various enzymes from human kidney microsomes29
Structural insights into CED-3 activation28
Spt5 interacts genetically with Myc and is limiting for brain tumor growth inDrosophila28
Edem1 activity in the fat body regulates insulin signalling and metabolic homeostasis in Drosophila28
Genetic reprogramming with stem cells regenerates glomerular epithelial podocytes in Alport syndrome27
Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ating pathway regulates development from stem cell niche to longevity control27
Autoimmune anti-DNA and anti-phosphatidylserine antibodies predict development of severe COVID-1926
The nucleolar phase of signal recognition particle assembly25
Crosstalk between Regnase-1 and -3 shapes mast cell survival and cytokine expression25
Disulfide stabilization reveals conserved dynamic features between SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 spikes25
Transcriptome analyses in infertile men reveal germ cell–specific expression and splicing patterns24
Arterial stiffness and cardiac dysfunction in Hutchinson–Gilford Progeria Syndrome corrected by inhibition of lysyl oxidase24
Improving the computation efficiency of polygenic risk score modeling: faster in Julia23
Integrated human/SARS-CoV-2 metabolic models present novel treatment strategies against COVID-1923
FERM domain–containing proteins are active components of the cell nucleus23
Loss of dyskerin facilitates the acquisition of metastatic traits by altering the mevalonate pathway22
Incomplete activation ofAlyrefandGabpb1leads to preimplantation arrest in cloned mouse embryos22
Expression of TMPRSS2 is up-regulated by bacterial flagellin, LPS, and Pam3Cys in human airway cells22
Single-domain antibody screening by isPLA-seq22
Tumor necrosis factor mediates USE1-independent FAT10ylation under inflammatory conditions22
Activation of XBP1 but not ATF6α rescues heart failure induced by persistent ER stress in medaka fish22
Functional annotation of noncoding mutations in cancer22
Crystal structure of inhibitor-bound human MSPL that can activate high pathogenic avian influenza22
2′,3′ cyclic nucleotide 3′ phosphodiesterase 1 functional isoform antagonizes HIV-1 particle assembly21
An immune-based tool platform for in vivo cell clearance21
DOCK1 insufficiency disrupts trophoblast function and pregnancy outcomes via DUSP4-ERK pathway21
Causal links of α-thalassemia indices and cardiometabolic traits and diabetes: MR study21
Nodal andchurchill1position the expression of a notch ligand duringXenopusgerm layer segregation21
IMPA1 dependent regulation of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate and calcium signalling by lithium21
Plasma proteome dynamics of COVID-19 severity learnt by a graph convolutional network of multi-scale topology20
Common analysis of direct RNA sequencinG CUrrently leads to misidentification of m5C at GCU motifs20
The role ofLimch1alternative splicing in skeletal muscle function19
Whole genome sequencing of drug resistanceMycobacterium tuberculosisfrom extra-pulmonary sites19
Gene-regulation modules in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease revealed by single-nucleus ATAC-seq19
Single serine on TSC2 exerts biased control over mTORC1 activation mediated by ERK1/2 but not Akt19
Brain IGF-I regulates LTP, spatial memory, and sexual dimorphic behavior19
GPER1 links estrogens to centrosome amplification and chromosomal instability in human colon cells18
Phosphorylation of RGS regulates MAP kinase localization and promotes completion of cytokinesis18
TRIM25 targets p300 for degradation18
The conserved Pelado/ZSWIM8 protein regulates actin dynamics by promoting linear actin filament polymerization18
Contribution of the Golgi apparatus in morphogenesis of a virus-induced cytopathic vacuolar system18
Filopodia-like protrusions of adjacent somatic cells shape the developmental potential of oocytes18
High-resolution structure of a fish aquaporin reveals a novel extracellular fold18
Mitochondrial stress-induced GFRAL signaling controls diurnal food intake and anxiety-like behavior18
Neuropeptide signalling shapes feeding and reproductive behaviours in male Caenorhabditis elegans17
Actin-binding domain of Rng2 sparsely bound on F-actin strongly inhibits actin movement on myosin II17
Nucleotide biosynthesis links glutathione metabolism to ferroptosis sensitivity17
Brd4::Nutm1fusion gene initiates NUT carcinoma in vivo17
Malaria abrogates O’nyong–nyong virus pathologies by restricting virus infection in nonimmune cells17
Retinitis pigmentosa–associated mutations in mouse Prpf8 cause misexpression of circRNAs and degeneration of cerebellar granule cells17
Human T-cell activation withToxoplasma gondiiantigens loaded in maltodextrin nanoparticles17
Revisiting degron motifs in human AURKA required for its targeting by APC/CFZR117
Age-related differences in immune dynamics during SARS-CoV-2 infection in rhesus macaques17
Generation of human long-lived plasma cells by developmentally regulated epigenetic imprinting16
Single-cell RNA sequencing of mouse islets exposed to proinflammatory cytokines16
HR repair pathway plays a crucial role in maintaining neural stem cell fate under irradiation stress16
Timing of TORC1 inhibition dictates Pol III involvement inCaenorhabditis eleganslongevity16
Mechanistic and pharmacodynamic studies of DuoBody-CD3x5T4 in preclinical tumor models16
Comparative functional genomics identifies unique molecular features of EPSCs16
The different activities of RNA G-quadruplex structures are controlled by flanking sequences15
Cis-regulatory hubs: a new 3D model of complex disease genetics with an application to schizophrenia15
MANF supports the inner hair cell synapse and the outer hair cell stereocilia bundle in the cochlea15
Proteomic landscape of SARS-CoV-2– and MERS-CoV–infected primary human renal epithelial cells15
Insight into the mechanism of DNA synthesis by human terminal deoxynucleotidyltransferase15
Performance and robustness analysis reveals phenotypic trade-offs in yeast15
Dynamic closed states of a ligand-gated ion channel captured by cryo-EM and simulations15
DEFA1A3DNA gene-dosage regulates the kidney innate immune response during upper urinary tract infection15
Systems genetics analysis of human body fat distribution genes identifies adipocyte processes15
Single-cell time series analysis reveals the dynamics of HSPC response to inflammation15
Linking medicinal cannabis to autotaxin–lysophosphatidic acid signaling14
An inducible amphipathic α-helix mediates subcellular targeting and membrane binding of RPE6514
The C-terminal tail of CSNAP attenuates the CSN complex14
Vaccinia virus hijacks ESCRT-mediated multivesicular body formation for virus egress14
Low expression of EXOSC2 protects against clinical COVID-19 and impedes SARS-CoV-2 replication14
Distribution of lipid droplets in hippocampal neurons and microglia: impact of diabetes and exercise14
Peptide derived from SLAMF1 prevents TLR4-mediated inflammation in vitro and in vivo14
Intranasal soluble ACE2 improves survival and prevents brain SARS-CoV-2 infection14
arfAantisense RNA regulates MscL excretory activity14
KIF13B-mediated VEGFR2 trafficking is essential for vascular leakage and metastasis in vivo14
Cdh5-lineage–independent origin of dermal lymphatics shown by temporally restricted lineage tracing14
Catalytic mechanism of the zinc-dependent MutL endonuclease reaction14
Distinct landscapes of deleterious variants in DNA damage repair system in ethnic human populations14
De novo discovery of traits co-occurring with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease14
Distant sequence regions of JBP1 contribute to J-DNA binding14
Deletion of SERF2 in mice delays embryonic development and alters amyloid deposit structure in the brain14
Structural evidence for elastic tethers connecting separating chromosomes in crane-fly spermatocytes13
The origin, evolution, and molecular diversity of the chemokine system13
ERK-Smurf1-RhoA signaling is critical for TGFβ-drived EMT and tumor metastasis13
Metabolic adaptation pilots the differentiation of human hematopoietic cells13
Activation of the Keap1/Nrf2 pathway suppresses mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, and motor phenotypes inC9orf72ALS/FTD models13
A multiomic characterization of the leukemia cell line REH using short- and long-read sequencing13
Disruption of polyhomeotic polymerization decreases nucleosome occupancy and alters genome accessibility13
Exosome-mediated delivery of CRISPR/Cas9 for targeting of oncogenic KrasG12D in pancreatic cancer13
Human BRCA pathogenic variants were originated during recent human history13
Loss of cell–cell adhesion triggers cell migration through Rac1-dependent ROS generation12
The transcription factor HIF-1α in NKp46+ ILCs limits chronic intestinal inflammation and fibrosis12
Modulating HSF1 levels impacts expression of the estrogen receptor α and antiestrogen response12
Inhibition of protein arginine deiminase 4 prevents inflammation-mediated heart failure in arthritis12
S417 in the CC3 region of STIM1 is critical for STIM1-Orai1 binding and CRAC channel activation12
Integrins regulate hERG1 dynamics by girdin-dependent Gαi3: signaling and modeling in cancer cells12
Tracking connectivity maps in human stem cell–derived neuronal networks by holographic optogenetics12
Toward an understanding of glucose metabolism in radial glial biology and brain development12
Statistical guidelines for quality control of next-generation sequencing techniques12
Single-housing–induced islet epigenomic changes are related to polymorphisms in diabetic KK mice12
Gene-selective transcription promotes the inhibition of tissue reparative macrophages by TNF12
Lipid saturation induces degradation of squalene epoxidase for sterol homeostasis and cell survival12
Genome-wide CRISPR screen reveals the synthetic lethality between BCL2L1 inhibition and radiotherapy12
Mitochondrial impairment and intracellular reactive oxygen species alter primary cilia morphology11
PRMT5 triggers glucocorticoid-induced cell migration in triple-negative breast cancer11
Dose-dependent phosphorylation and activation of Hh pathway transcription factors11
Regulation of proteostasis by sleep through autophagy inDrosophilamodels of Alzheimer’s disease11
Full-length transcript alterations in human bronchial epithelial cells withU2AF1S34F mutations11
Enhancer mutations modulate the severity of chemotherapy-induced myelosuppression11
Quantitative profiling of adaptation to cyclin E overproduction11
Structural basis of nucleosomal histone H4 lysine 20 methylation by SET8 methyltransferase11
pyRBDome: a comprehensive computational platform for enhancing RNA-binding proteome data11
Themis controls T cell activation, effector functions, and metabolism of peripheral CD8+T cells11
CRISPRi screening reveals regulators of tau pathology shared between exosomal and vesicle-free tau11
Ubiquitome profiling reveals a regulatory pattern of UPL3 with UBP12 on metabolic-leaf senescence11
In vivo probing of SECIS-dependent selenocysteine translation in Archaea11
Nanoscale imaging of DNA-RNA identifies transcriptional plasticity at heterochromatin11
Laminin-α2 chain deficiency in skeletal muscle causes dysregulation of multiple cellular mechanisms11
Differential modulation of polycomb-associated histone marks by cBAF, pBAF, and gBAF complexes11
Passive diffusion accounts for the majority of intracellular nanovesicle transport11
Morphological correlates of synaptic protein turnover in the mouse brain11
Mechanical compressive forces increase PI3K output signaling in breast and pancreatic cancer cells10
The ERK activator, BCI, inhibits ciliogenesis and causes defects in motor behavior, ciliary gating, and cytoskeletal rearrangement10
Disrupted in renal carcinoma 2 (DIRC2/SLC49A4) is an H+-driven lysosomal pyridoxine exporter10
Yolk-deprivedCaenorhabditis eleganssecure brood size at the expense of competitive fitness10
mRNA COVID-19 vaccine booster fosters B- and T-cell responses in immunocompromised patients10
The m6A(m)-independent role of FTO in regulating WNT signaling pathways10
MAP4K4 regulates forces at cell–cell and cell–matrix adhesions to promote collective cell migration10
Chromatin priming elements direct tissue-specific gene activity before hematopoietic specification10
Mitochondrial phosphoproteomes are functionally specialized across tissues10
CENP-C-Mis12 complex establishes a regulatory loop through Aurora B for chromosome segregation10
The HDL particle composition determines its antitumor activity in pancreatic cancer10
Crosstalk between bone metastatic cancer cells and sensory nerves in bone metastatic progression10
Calaxin is a key factor for calcium-dependent waveform control in zebrafish sperm10
PNKP is required for maintaining the integrity of progenitor cell populations in adult mice10
Automated staging of zebrafish embryos with deep learning10
Human milk inhibits some enveloped virus infections, including SARS-CoV-2, in an intestinal model10
All-trans retinoic acid changes muscle fiber type via increasing GADD34 dependent on MAPK signal10
Mass spectrometry–based proteomic exploration of diverse murine macrophage cellular models10
Genetic and compound screens uncover factors modulating cancer cell response to indisulam10
Concatemer-assisted stoichiometry analysis: targeted mass spectrometry for protein quantification10
Bis-choline tetrathiomolybdate prevents copper-induced blood–brain barrier damage10
Myc controls NK cell development, IL-15-driven expansion, and translational machinery10
B-cell targeting with anti-CD38 daratumumab: implications for differentiation and memory responses10
Bivalent binding of p14ARF to MDM2 RING and acidic domains inhibits E3 ligase function10
Phospholipids alter activity and stability of mitochondrial membrane-bound ubiquitin ligase MARCH59
Chromatin targeting of the RNF12/RLIM E3 ubiquitin ligase controls transcriptional responses9
Novel determinants of NOTCH1 trafficking and signaling in breast epithelial cells9
Chr21 protein–protein interactions: enrichment in proteins involved in intellectual disability, autism, and late-onset Alzheimer’s disease9
Correction: Dispersal of PRC1 condensates disrupts polycomb chromatin domains and loops9
Concordance of MERFISH spatial transcriptomics with bulk and single-cell RNA sequencing9
Correction: CDKL3 promotes osteosarcoma progression by activating Akt/PKB9
Differential effects of translation inhibitors onPlasmodium bergheiliver stage parasites9
Multi-level interaction between HIF and AHR transcriptional pathways in kidney carcinoma9
Dendritic cells maintain anti-tumor immunity by positioning CD8 skin-resident memory T cells9
Transducing compressive forces into cellular outputs in cancer and beyond9
ESCRT-I fuels lysosomal degradation to restrict TFEB/TFE3 signaling via the Rag-mTORC1 pathway9
Depleting chemoresponsive mitochondrial fission mediator DRP1 does not mitigate sarcoma resistance9
Plant mobile domain proteins ensure Microrchidia 1 expression to fulfill transposon silencing9
Correction: Microglia are essential for tissue contraction in wound closure after brain injury in zebrafish larvae9
Prognostic accuracy of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometric analysis of plasma in COVID-199
The arginine methyltransferase PRMT5 promotes mucosal defense in the intestine9
Caspase-4 dimerisation and D289 auto-processing elicit an interleukin-1β-converting enzyme9
Functional and metabolic fitness of human CD4+ T lymphocytes during metabolic stress9
DUSP4 protects BRAF- and NRAS-mutant melanoma from oncogene overdose through modulation of MITF9
Cryo-EM structures reveal the H+/citrate symport mechanism ofDrosophilaINDY9
Correction: Single-cell RNA sequencing of human breast tumour-infiltrating immune cells reveals a γδ T-cell subtype associated with good clinical outcome9
FBXO11 governs macrophage cell death and inflammation in response to bacterial toxins9
Necrotic debris and STING exert therapeutically relevant effects on tumor cholesterol homeostasis9
Rolf Jessberger: cohesin, telomeres, & germ cells9
Vascular dysfunction is at the onset of oxaliplatin-induced peripheral neuropathy symptoms in mice9
ciBAR1 loss in mice causes laterality defects, pancreatic degeneration, and altered glucose tolerance9
DSCR1 deficiency ameliorates the Aβ pathology of Alzheimer’s disease by enhancing microglial activity9
Ccrk-Mak/Ick signaling is a ciliary transport regulator essential for retinal photoreceptor survival9
Transcription factor EB (TFEB) activity increases resistance of TNBC stem cells to metabolic stress9
The DREAM complex represses growth in response to DNA damage in Arabidopsis9
Characterization of Na+currents regulating intrinsic excitability of optic tectal neurons8
Mature B cells and mesenchymal stem cells control emergency myelopoiesis8
The highly improved genome ofIxodes scapulariswith X and Y pseudochromosomes8
Decreasing pdzd8-mediated mito–ER contacts improves organismal fitness and mitigates Aβ42toxicity8
Cognitive decline in diabetic mice predisposed to Alzheimer’s disease is greater than in wild type8
Generating fast-twitch myotubes in vitro with an optogenetic-based, quantitative contractility assay8
Cristae dynamics is modulated in bioenergetically compromised mitochondria8
Unique activities of two overlappingPAX6retinal enhancers8
Cell cycle-dependent gene networks for cell proliferation activated by nuclear CK2α complexes8
RA-induced prominence-specific response resulted in distinctive regulation of Wnt and osteogenesis8
Cap analysis of gene expression reveals alternative promoter usage in a rat model of hypertension8
Congress of multiple dimers is needed for cross-phosphorylation of IRE1α and its RNase activity8
Nutrient sensitive protein O-GlcNAcylation modulates the transcriptome through epigenetic mechanisms during embryonic neurogenesis8
Gut microbiota–derived short-chain fatty acids protect against the progression of endometriosis8
Nef mediates neuroimmune response, myelin impairment, and neuronal injury in EcoHIV-infected mice8
Gain-of-function genetic screens in human cells identify SLC transporters overcoming environmental nutrient restrictions8
Transcellular blood–brain barrier disruption in malaria-induced reversible brain edema8
Quantitative proteomics identifies PTP1B as modulator of B cell antigen receptor signaling8
Gapless provides combined scaffolding, gap filling, and assembly correction with long reads8
Axon terminals control endolysosome diffusion to support synaptic remodelling8
Peripheral immune system modulates Purkinje cell degeneration in Niemann–Pick disease type C18
NRF2 connects Src tyrosine kinase to ferroptosis resistance in glioblastoma8
MicroRNAs in tear fluids predict underlying molecular changes associated with Alzheimer’s disease8
Oral bacteria induce IgA autoantibodies against a mesangial protein in IgA nephropathy model mice8
Inflammasome is a central player in B cell development and homing8
Structure and conformational dynamics of Clostridioides difficile toxin A8
Methionine uptake via the SLC43A2 transporter is essential for regulatory T-cell survival8
Functional characterization of C21ORF2 association with the NEK1 kinase mutated in human in diseases8
PPM1G dephosphorylates eIF4E in control of mRNA translation and cell proliferation8
Muscle stem cell polarity requires QKI-mediated alternative splicing of Integrin Alpha-7 (Itga7)8
nNOS regulates ciliated cell polarity, ciliary beat frequency, and directional flow in mouse trachea8
An essential Noc3p dimerization cycle mediates ORC double-hexamer formation in replication licensing8
Kalirin-RAC controls nucleokinetic migration in ADRN-type neuroblastoma8
Defective Integrator activity shapes the transcriptome of patients with multiple sclerosis7
A critique of the hypothesis that CA repeats are primary targets of neuronal MeCP27
Genetic mutation ofCep76results in male infertility due to abnormal sperm tail composition7
Activation of the JNK/COX-2/HIF-1α axis promotes M1 macrophage via glycolytic shift in HIV-1 infection7
Mutation-agnostic RNA interference with engineered replacement rescuesTmc1-related hearing loss7
Synergistic effect of antagonists to KRas4B/PDE6 molecular complex in pancreatic cancer7
PFKFB4 interacts with ICMT and activates RAS/AKT signaling-dependent cell migration in melanoma7
Meiotic DNA breaks activate a streamlined phospho-signaling response that largely avoids protein-level changes7
Molecular insights into RNA recognition and gene regulation by the TRIM-NHL protein Mei-P267
Inhibition of the SREBP pathway prevents SARS-CoV-2 replication and inflammasome activation7
Full-length MSP1 is a major target of protective immunity after controlled human malaria infection7
Loss of circSRY reduces γH2AX level in germ cells and impairs mouse spermatogenesis7
Mitochondrial lipidomes are tissue specific – low cholesterol contents relate to UCP1 activity7
Methylation of lysine 36 on histone H3 is required to control transposon activities in somatic cells7
RNA polymerase backtracking results in the accumulation of fission yeast condensin at active genes7
SLAMF6 compartmentalization enhances T cell functions7
A protocol for single nucleus RNA-seq from frozen skeletal muscle7
2024 reviewer index7