Journal of Transportation Engineering Part B-Pavements

(The TQCC of Journal of Transportation Engineering Part B-Pavements is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A Statistical Principal Component Regression-Based Approach to Modeling the Degradative Effects of Local Climate and Traffic on Airfield Pavement Performance34
Evaluation of Impact of Mixing Method on Laboratory- and Plant-Produced Fiber-Reinforced Asphalt Mixture30
Illinois Flexibility Index Test: Effect of Specimen Geometry and Test Configuration on the Asphalt Concrete Damage Zone26
Characterization of Intermediate Temperature Fracture Properties of Asphalt Mixtures as Measured with Different Tests20
Detection of Unreported Treatments in Pavement Management System of Iowa DOT Using Machine Learning Classification Algorithm19
Evaluation of Work Zone Road User Cost of Pavements Based on Rehabilitation Strategy Approach18
Effects of Nonuniform Tire Contact Pressures on Near-Surface Pavement Response17
Impact of Pavement Roughness on Fuel Consumption for a Range of Vehicle Types15
Development of a Method for Assessing Metrological Traceability in 3D Pavement Texture Measurements14
PITTRIGID ME: Simplified Mechanistic-Empirical Design Tool for Pennsylvania Rigid Pavements Design and Analysis13
Fast Calculation Method for Mechanical Response at the Surface of Asphalt Pavement under an Elliptical Load13
A Probabilistic Understanding of the Effect of Voids and Layer Thickness on Interconnectivity of Voids in Asphalt Mixes: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach12
Optimal Change-Point Analysis of Pavement Condition Data for Identification of Homogeneous Sections12
Nanosilica Types and Their Influences on the Rheological Properties of Bitumen12
Fatigue Damage Prediction for Superload Vehicles in Pennsylvania on Jointed Plain Concrete Pavements11
An ANN-Based Approach for Nondestructive Asphalt Road Density Measurement11
Effects of Liquefied Waste Plastics on Chemical and Rheological Properties of Bitumen11
Estimation of Resilient Modulus Constitutive Model Parameters for Unbound Coarse Materials for MEPDG10
Using a 2D Profilometer to Determine Volume and Thickness of Stockpiles and Ground Layers of Roads10
Secondary-Reaction Method to Improve Performance of a Compound Modified Rubber Asphalt after Short-Term Aging10
Machine Learning Approach to Predict International Roughness Index Using Long-Term Pavement Performance Data9
Skeleton Filling System Evaluation Method of Asphalt Mixture Based on Compressible Packing Model9
Implementing Traffic Speed Deflection Measurements for Network Level Pavement Management in Virginia9
3D Visualization of Airport Pavement Quality Based on BIM and WebGL Integration9
Relationship between Foreign Object Debris, Roughness, and Friction9
Heat Conduction Behaviors in Semiflexible Pavements Using Discrete-Element Method9
Effect of Soy-Based Asphalt Rejuvenators on Asphalt Binders of Different Performance Grades9
Predicting Thermal Stress Restrained Specimen Test Fracture Temperatures Using the Dissipated Pseudo Strain Energy Criterion9
Feasibility of Using Recycled Combined Construction and Demolition Waste for Road Base and Subbase in Fooladshahr, Isfahan Province, Iran: A Case Study8
Survival Analysis of Fatigue Crack Initiation in Thin Asphalt Surfaces Based on In-Service Pavement Data8
Cracking Performance Evaluation of RAP Mixes8
Estimation of Equivalent Modulus of Fine-Grained Subgrade Soil from Numerical Model8
Statistical Analysis of Ordered Pavement Roughness Perceptions with Two-Group Random Effects8
Integrating Skid Resistance and Safety Benefits into Life Cycle Cost Analysis for Pavement Surface Treatment Selection8
Evaluation of Cracking Resistance of Tire Rubber–Modified Asphalt Mixtures8
Pavement Safety Characteristics Evaluation Utilizing Crowdsourced Vehicular and Cellular Sensor Data8
Effects of Pavement Texture Characteristics on Tire–Pavement Noise from Dense-Graded Asphalt Concrete Pavement7
PCDNet: Seed Operation–Based Deep Learning Model for Pavement Crack Detection on 3D Asphalt Surface7
Validation of a Novel Sensing Approach for Continuous Pavement Monitoring Using Full-Scale APT Testing7
Determination of Optimal Characteristic Point Positions for Modulus Back-Calculation of Layered Pavement Structure7
Modeling Pavement Performance Indices in Harsh Climate Regions7
Monitoring of Vertical Displacement of Concrete Slab End at Pavement Joint Based on FBG-Dowel Bar Signal7
Integration of Pavement Roughness into Safety Performance Functions of Two-Lane Rural Roads in Pennsylvania7
Effect of Shear Stresses on Asphalt Pavement Performance and Evaluating Debonding Potential under Repeated Loading: Numerical Study7
Proposing Load Transfer Efficiency as Criterion for Repairing Longitudinal and Transverse Cracks of Asphalt Pavements7
Performance Improvement of Cold Recycled Bitumen Emulsion Mixture with Multicomponent Filler7
Modulus Improvement Factor-Based Design Coefficients for Geogrid- and Geocell-Reinforced Bases6
Estimating the Contribution of Suction on the Resilient Modulus of Subgrade Soils Using Capillary Saturation6
Relating Weather Conditions, Drivers’ Behavior, and Tire-Pavement Friction to the Analysis of Microscopic Simulated Vehicular Conflicts6
Compaction Quality Assurance Specifications of Unbound Materials6
Mechanistic Characterization of Fatigue Damage Process and Failure Predictions of Asphalt Binders6
Modeling the Impacts of Fixed-Path Truck Platooning on Pavement Performance: Texas IH 35 Case Study6
The Neutral Axis Concept in Asphalt Pavement Analysis6
Microscopic Mechanism of Direct-Input Waste Plastic Modified Asphalt6
Investigation of Permeability Persistence of Porous Asphalt Concrete under Coupled Conditions of Clogging and Cleaning6
Fatigue Performance of Concrete–Polyurethane Composite Materials under Compression5
Evaluation of the Accuracy of Pavement ME Methodology in Calculating Equivalent Loading Frequency and Its Effect on Strain Response Predictions in Flexible Pavements5
RoadID: A Dedicated Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Multipavement Distress Detection5
Deep Learning–Based Autonomous Road Condition Assessment Leveraging Inexpensive RGB and Depth Sensors and Heterogeneous Data Fusion: Pothole Detection and Quantification5
Field and Laboratory Performance Evaluation of Cement Treated Cold Recycled Asphalt Pavement Mixtures5
Mechanical Behavior of Doweled Joints in Concrete Pavements: A Review5
Crack Detection of Asphalt Concrete Using Combined Fracture Mechanics and Digital Image Correlation5
Impact of Asphalt Concrete Properties on the Illinois Flexibility Index Cracking and Hamburg Wheel Tracking Test Rutting Potential5
Field Evaluation and Cost-Effectiveness of Cement-Stabilized Full-Depth Reclamation of Asphalt Pavements in Hot and Humid Climates5
Reflective Cracking Performance Evaluations of Highly Polymer-Modified Asphalt Mixture5
Effect of Aging on Physical, Chemical, and Thermal Properties of Bitumen5
Ranking of the Commonly Used Aggregate and Asphalt Binder Systems in Arkansas5
A Multitask Fusion Network for Region-Level and Pixel-Level Pavement Distress Detection5
Determination of the Cracking Resistance of Hot-Mix Asphalt Prepared with Capsules Containing Waste Oil5
Improving Data Quality of Automated Pavement Condition Data Collection: Summary of State of the Practices of Transportation Agencies and Views of Professionals5
Design, Construction, and In-Service Causes of Premature Pavement Deterioration: A Fuzzy Delphi Application5
Use of Extreme Value Distributions in Describing the Overloaded Axle Load Data from Pavements5
Recommended Calibration Procedure of MEPDG Asphalt Rutting Model Using Repeated Load Permanent Deformation and Confined and Unconfined Dynamic Modulus Data5
Road Surface Condition Monitoring in Extreme Weather Using a Feature-Learning Enhanced Mask–RCNN5
Automated Pixel-Wise Pavement Crack Detection by Classification-Segmentation Networks5