Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis

(The TQCC of Journal of Nonlinear and Variational Analysis is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Simultaneous distributed and Neumann boundary optimal control problems for elliptic hemivariational inequalities8
Further results on quasi efficient solutions in multiobjective optimization4
A continuity result for the Nash equilibrium of a class of network games4
A homotopy method for multikernel-based approximation3
The generalized conditional gradient method for composite multiobjective optimization problems on Riemannian manifolds3
Stability on parametric strong symmetric quasi-equilibrium problems via nonlinear scalarization2
On generalized global fractional-order composite dynamical systems with set-valued perturbations2
Viscoelastic elliptic membrane shells on bilateral frictional contact: An asymptotic approach2
On the well-posedness of variational-hemivariational inequalities and associated fixed point problems1
On the strong convergence of a perturbed algorithm to the unique solution of a variational inequality problem1
Fixed point results via multivalued contractive type mappings involving a generalized distance on metric type spaces1
A multi-step inertial asynchronous sequential algorithm for common fixed point problems1
Some general Hurwitz-Lerch type Zeta functions associated with the Srivastava-Daoust multiple hypergeometric functions1
Noncoercive elliptic bilateral variational inequalities in the homogeneous Sobolev space $D^{1,p}(R^N)$1
On metrizable vector spaces with the Lebesgue property1
Adaptively weighted difference model of anisotropic and isotropic total variation for image denoising1
Some qualitative properties of solutions of higher-order lower semicontinus differential inclusions1
A modification piecewise convexification method with a classification strategy for box-constrained non-convex optimization programs1
A characterization of the $\varepsilon$-normal set and its application in robust convex optimization problems1
A scalable sphere-constrained magnitude-sparse SAR imaging1
A special issue dedicated to the blessed memory of Prof. Dr. habil. Alfred Göpfert1
Noncyclic $\varphi$-contractions in hyperbolic uniformly convex metric spaces1
Variational inequalities, Ky Fan minimax inequality, and strong Nash equilibria in generalized games1
A model of deformations of a beam with nonlinear boundary conditions1
Multiplicity of solutions to linearly coupled Hartree systems with critical exponent1
On constraint qualifications for an infinite system of quasiconvex inequalities1
A polyhedral approximation algorithm for recession cones of spectrahedral shadows1
A Bregman projection algorithm with self adaptive step sizes for split variational inequality problems involving non-Lipschitz operators1
Some new q-Hermite-Hadamard-Mercer inequalities and related estimates in quantum calculus1
Closed convex sets that are both Motzkin decomposable and generalized Minkowski sets1
Fast spectral clustering with self-weighted features1
The viscosity approximation method for accretive operators in Banach spaces1
Gradient approximation algorithms for the $\sigma$-OSS + concave function maximization0
New Bregman projection algorithms for solving the split feasibility problem0
Solving net-constrained clustering problem0
A first bibliography on set and vector optimization problems with respect to variable domination structures0
Strong and total Lagrange dualities for quasiconvex programming0
On the linear convergence of a Bregman proximal point algorithm0
Vectorial penalisation in vector optimisation in real linear-topological spaces0
Optimal control of a phase field tumor growth model with chemotaxis and active transport0
Sub-elliptic systems involving critical Hardy-Sobolev exponents and sign-changing weight functions on Carnot groups0
Editorial: A special issue on mathematical optimization and applications0
Robust variational inequalities governed by curvilinear integral functionals0
Multitemporal image cloud removal using group sparsity and nonconvex low-rank approximation0
Hölder continuity and upper bound results for generalized parametric elliptical variational-hemivariational inequalities0
Difference of composition operators on the Békollè weighted Bergman spaces in the unit ball0
The split common fixed point problem with multiple output sets for strictly pseudo-contractive mappings0
Convergence rates for nonlinear inverse problems of parameter identification using Bregman distances0
A new accelerated positive-indefinite proximal ADMM for constrained separable convex optimization problems0
Fast convergence rate of values with strong convergence of trajectories via inertial dynamics with Tikhonov regularization terms and asymptotically vanishing damping0
Fréchet subdifferential calculus for interval-valued functions and its applications in nonsmooth interval optimization0
A note on the Carleson measure for Dirichlet type spaces on the unit ball of $C^n$0
Newton’s method for uncertain multiobjective optimization problems under finite uncertainty sets0
Stability analysis for a contaminant convection-reaction-diffusion model of recovered fracturing fluid0
Subdifferential calculus and ideal solutions for set optimization problems0
A stochastic projection and contraction algorithm with inertial effects for stochastic variational inequalities0
Dynamic optimization with a non-smooth LPV system in aero-engine transition state acceleration process0
Higher-order mixed duality for set-valued optimization problems0
Convex minimization problems based on an accelerated fixed point algorithm with applications to image restoration problems0
Generalized Hukuhara weak subdifferential and its application on identifying optimality conditions for nonsmooth interval-valued functions0
Perturbation analysis of global error bounds for piecewise linear conic inequalities0
Weak Henig proper solution sets for set optimization problems0
Algorithm for generalized hybrid operators with numerical analysis and applications0
Multiple solutions for a class of Kirchhoff type equations with zero mass and Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev critical nonlinearity0
Linear fractional optimization problems on Jordan Euclidean algebras0
Sparse broadband beamformer design via proximal optimization Techniques0
Numerical analysis of a general elliptic variational-hemivariational inequality0
Embedding of Qp spaces into tent spaces and the extended Cesàro operator0
A new tensor projection method for tensor variational inequalities0
Optimality conditions in optimization under uncertainty0
Universality for non-linear convex variational problems0
The sampling complexity on nonconvex sparse phase retrieval problem0
Viscosity and inertial algorithms for the split common fixed point problem with applications to compressed sensing0
A double projection algorithm with inertial effects for solving split feasibility problems and applications to image restoration0
Weighted-type image segmentation model via coupling heat kernel convolution with high-order total variation0
Existence and asymptotic behavior of normalized ground states for critical coupled Choquard systems0
A Newton method for uncertain multiobjective optimization problems with finite uncertainty sets0
A remark on Chern-Simons-Schrödinger equations with Hartree type nonlinearity0
Linear-implicit local energy dissipation-preserving algorithms for the gradient flow system0
Several accelerated iterative algorithms for the multiple-set split common fixed-point problem of quasi-nonexpansive operators0
A modified inverse-free dynamical system for absolute value equations0
A special issue on the theory and numerical methods for vector optimization problems with respect to variable domination structures0
A relaxed CQ algorithm involving the alternated inertial technique for the multiple-sets split feasibility problem0
Semi-implicit back propagation0
Drop-DIP: A single-image denoising method based on deep image prior0
Gap functions and global error bounds for history-dependent variational-hemivariational inequalities0
Double inertial parameters forward-backward splitting method: Applications to compressed sensing, image processing, and SCAD penalty problems0
The theory of Hardy-Sobolev spaces over the upper half-plane0
Local convergence of the Newton’s method in two step nilpotent Lie groups0
Approximate elements for set optimization problems with respect to variable domination structures0
Multiple-sets split quasi-convex feasibility problems: Adaptive subgradient methods with convergence guarantee0
Physics-informed fourier neural operators: A machine learning method for parametric partial differential equations0
A parameterized three-operator splitting algorithm for non-convex minimization problems with applications0
Existence of multi-bump solutions for a nonlinear Kirchhoff equation0
Solutions for a nonstrictly hyperbolic and genuinely nonlinear system0
Quasi-subgradient methods with Bregman distance for quasi-convex feasibility problems0
Heat kernels on unit spheres and applications to graph kernels0
A steepest descent-like method for vector optimization problems with variable domination structure0
Path connectedness of solution sets for partially ordered set optimization problems0
On a boundary value problem for Hale type fractional functional-differential inclusions with causal multioperators in a Banach space0
Existence results and optimization over the set of efficient solutions in vector-valued approximation theory0
Optimal feedback control for a class of second-order evolution differential inclusions with Clarke’s subdifferential0
Optimality conditions of quasi $(\alpha,\varepsilon)$-solutions and approximate mixed type duality for DC composite optimization problems0
On topological properties of solution sets of semilinear fractional differential inclusions with non-convex right-hand side0
On semilinear fractional differential inclusions with a nonconvex-valued right-hand side in Banach spaces0
An inertial non-monotonic self-adaptive iterative algorithm for solving equilibrium problems0
Accelerated cyclic iterative algorithms for the multiple-set split common fixed-point problem of quasi-nonexpansive operators0
Existence and multiplicity of solutions for critical Kirchhoff-Choquard equations involving the fractional p-Laplacian on the Heisenberg group0
An inexact nonmonotone projected gradient method for constrained multiobjective optimization0
Fractional Kirchhoff-Choquard equations involving upper critical exponent and general nonlinearity0
Order-preservation properties of resolvent operators and their applications to variational inequalities0
A random-key GRASP for combinatorial optimization0
Porosity of the free boundary in a minimum problem0
A trust-region interior-point technique to solve multi-objective optimization problems and its application to a tuberculosis optimal control problem0
Multi-objective optimization of a nonlinear batch time-delay system with minimum system sensitivity0
Constraint qualifications in nonsmooth optimization: Classification and inter-relations0
Accelerated inertial subgradient extragradient algorithms with non-monotonic step sizes for equilibrium problems and fixed point problems0
Coderivatives and Aubin properties of solution mappings for parametric vector variational inequality problems0
Visual transfer for reinforcement learning via gradient penalty based Wasserstein domain confusion0
Existence of radial sign-changing solutions for fractional Kirchhoff-type problems in R30
A distributed primal-dual hybrid gradient algorithm for fair resource allocation0
Nonlinear strict cone separation theorems in real normed spaces0
Polynomial differentiation composition operators from weighted Bergman spaces to weighted-type spaces on the unit ball0
A variational inequality trade network model in prices and quantities under commodity losses0
Geometric inequalities for solving variational inequality problems in certain Banach spaces0
Interpretative analysis on loose semisaddle points for two-person game0
Global solutions to nonlinear wave equations arising from a variational principle0
Strong convergent inertial Tseng’s extragradient method for solving non-Lipschitz quasimonotone variational inequalities in Banach spaces0
Existence results for the double-phase (p(x), q(x))-Laplace equation involving convolution terms and critical frequency0
Time-dependent tensor variational inequality for an oligopolistic market equilibrium problem0
Conservative solutions to the first initial-boundary value problem for a nonlinear variational wave equation0
Normalized duality mappings and projections in Bochner spaces0
Optimal payoffs for directionally closed acceptance sets0
Local optimality conditions and local saddle point theorems for nonconvex robust programming0
Nonsmooth analysis of the minimal time function for semilinear control systems0
Fully polynomial-time randomized approximation schemes for global optimization of high-dimensional minimax concave penalized generalized linear models0
On set-valued discrete dynamical systems0
Bergman-Morrey type spaces and Volterra integral operators0
Approximation of solutions of the split minimization problem with multiple output sets and common fixed point problems in real Banach spaces0
Weak separation functions constructed by Gerstewitz and topical functions with applications in conjugate duality0
Some families of generalized elliptic-type integrals and the associated multiple hypergeometric functions0
Optimization conditions and decomposable algorithms for convertible nonconvex optimization0
A new inertial relaxed Tseng extrgradient method for solving quasi-monotone bilevel variational inequality problems in Hilbert spaces0
The level-set subdifferential error bound via Moreau envelopes0
Optimality theorems for linear fractional optimization problems involving integral functions defined on Cn [0,1]0
A Special Issue on Recent Trends in Numerical Algorithms and Their Applications0
Editorial: Special issue on fast algorithms and theories for applications in signal and image processing0
Editorial: A special issue on vector and set optimization in applications0
Existence of entropy solutions to system of polytropic gas with a class of unbounded sources0
Closed-form formulas for solutions to a difference equation and existence of unbounded solutions0
Existence of constant sign and nodal solutions for a class of (p,q)-Laplacian-Kirchhoff problems0
Convex sets approximable as the sum of a compact set and a cone0
A nonmonotone gradient method for constrained multiobjective optimization problems0
Characterization of E-Benson proper efficient solutions of vector optimization problems with variable ordering structures in linear spaces0
Ground state solutions for fractional Choquard-Schrödinger-Poisson system with critical growth0
On approximate controllability for systems of fractional evolution hemivariational inequalities with Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives0
A certain class of $\theta_{L}$-type non-linear operators and some related fixed point results0
Special issue dedicated to the 70th birthday of Professor Panos M. Pardalos0
Approximate efficiency in set-valued optimization with variable order0
Fixed points of generalized multi-valued contractive mappings in metric type spaces0
Convergence of a new nonmonotone memory gradient method for unconstrained multiobjective optimization via robust approach0
Contractibility of the solution sets for set optimization problems0
Sparse least squares K-SVCR multi-class classification0
On the existence and uniqueness of positive periodic solutions of neutral differential equations0
A Special Issue on Variational and Hemivariational Inequalities with Applications0
Outer approximation for pseudo-convex mixed-integer nonlinear program problems0
Multiplicity of positive radial solutions for semilinear elliptic equation with locally concave-convex variable exponent0
A deep neural network-based numerical method for solving contact problems0
Ekeland’s variational principle with a scalarization type weighted set order relation0
A new q-fractional integral operator and its applications to the coefficient problem involving the second Hankel determinant for q-starlike and q-convex functions0
A Hankel matrix acting on Fock spaces0
Semidefinite programming approximation for a matrix optimization problem over an uncertain linear system0
The deformations problem for the Stieltjes strings system with a nonlinear condition0
A fast and effective algorithm for sparse linear regression with $\ell_p$-norm data fidelity and elastic net regularization0
Variational sets and applications to sensitivity analysis0
Singular integrals with non-standard kernels on Triebel-Lizorkin spaces0
Absolute value equations with data uncertainty in the $l_1$ and $l_\infty$ norm balls0
Iterative methods for solving split common fixed-point problems with a weakened condition on step sizes0
The two-guard problem on curvininear polygons0
Bregman ADMM: A new algorithm for nonconvex optimization with linear constraints0
Convergence of the solution sets for set optimization problems0
Existence of solutions to a new class of coupled variational-hemivariational inequalities0