SciPost Physics

(The H4-Index of SciPost Physics is 40. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Information transfer with a gravitating bath153
More axions from strings132
Exotic $U(1)$ symmetries, duality, and fractons in 3+1-dimensional quantum field theory106
Exotic symmetries, duality, and fractons in 2+1-dimensional quantum field theory99
The Cosmological Bootstrap: Spinning correlators from symmetries and factorization94
$T\bar T$ and the mirage of a bulk cutoff80
The Holographic Nature of Null Infinity78
Non-invertible higher-categorical symmetries77
Hydrodynamics of spin currents77
Whispers from the dark side: Confronting light new physics with NANOGrav data73
Symmetry decomposition of negativity of massless free fermions68
Exotic $\mathbb{Z}_N$ symmetries, duality, and fractons in 3+1-dimensional quantum field theory67
Fractons, dipole symmetries and curved spacetime66
Invertible networks or partons to detector and back again62
Matchmakereft: automated tree-level and one-loop matching61
Symmetry-resolved dynamical purification in synthetic quantum matter57
Geometry of variational methods: dynamics of closed quantum systems56
The effect of atom losses on the distribution of rapidities in the one-dimensional Bose gas55
The Dark Machines Anomaly Score Challenge: Benchmark Data and Model Independent Event Classification for the Large Hadron Collider55
Discrete theta angles, symmetries and anomalies55
Reconstructing the graviton53
Late time physics of holographic quantum chaos52
Finite-size corrections in critical symmetry-resolved entanglement51
Entanglement measures in a nonequilibrium steady state: Exact results in one dimension50
More exotic field theories in 3+1 dimensions49
2-Group symmetries and their classification in 6d49
Neural network-based approach to phase space integration47
GANplifying event samples46
A constructive theory of the numerically accessible many-body localized to thermal crossover45
Carroll Expansion of General Relativity45
Learning the ground state of a non-stoquastic quantum Hamiltonian in a rugged neural network landscape43
Algebraic theory of quantum synchronization and limit cycles under dissipation42
1-form symmetries of 4d N=2 class S theories42
The Global Form of Flavor Symmetries and 2-Group Symmetries in 5d SCFTs41
Fractons in curved space41
Anomalous mobility edges in one-dimensional quasiperiodic models41
Casting a graph net to catch dark showers41
Emergence of PT-symmetry breaking in open quantum systems40
The extraordinary boundary transition in the 3d O(N) model via conformal bootstrap40
Volume-to-area law entanglement transition in a non-Hermitian free fermionic chain40
Phase space sampling and inference from weighted events with autoregressive flows40
Dynamical phases in a ``multifractal'' Rosenzweig-Porter model40
Better latent spaces for better autoencoders40