Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation

(The median citation count of Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-12-01 to 2024-12-01.)
Understanding Brazil’s catastrophic fires: Causes, consequences and policy needed to prevent future tragedies104
Opportunities and challenges of other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) for biodiversity conservation37
The lost road: Do transportation networks imperil wildlife population persistence?36
Enhancing climate change resilience of ecological restoration — A framework for action33
Biological invasions are as costly as natural hazards32
Land-use changes lead to functional loss of terrestrial mammals in a Neotropical rainforest28
Long-term contamination of the Rio Doce estuary as a result of Brazil’s largest environmental disaster21
Landscape ecology in the Anthropocene: an overview for integrating agroecosystems and biodiversity conservation21
Climate change threatens the woody plant taxonomic and functional diversities of the Restinga vegetation in Brazil19
Challenges and perspectives for the Brazilian semi-arid coast under global environmental changes18
The importance of Indigenous Territories for conserving bat diversity across the Amazon biome16
The emergence of a new deforestation hotspot in Amazonia16
Global South leadership towards inclusive tropical ecology and conservation15
Are narrow-ranging species doomed to extinction? Projected dramatic decline in future climate suitability of two highly threatened species14
Species distribution model reveals only highly fragmented suitable patches remaining for giant armadillo in the Brazilian Cerrado13
To graze or not to graze: A core question for conservation and sustainable use of grassy ecosystems in Brazil13
Climate change will reduce the potential distribution ranges of Colombia’s most valuable pollinators13
EcoLand: A multiscale niche modelling framework to improve predictions on biodiversity and conservation12
Combined impacts of climate and land use change and the future restructuring of Neotropical bat biodiversity12
Differential effects of fire on the occupancy of small mammals in neotropical savanna-gallery forests12
Cerrado wetlands: multiple ecosystems deserving legal protection as a unique and irreplaceable treasure11
Environmental sound as a mirror of landscape ecological integrity in monitoring programs11
Collaborative management as a way to enhance Araucaria Forest resilience11
Expected impacts of climate change on tree ferns distribution and diversity patterns in subtropical Atlantic Forest10
Bird Conservation in Brazil: Challenges and practical solutions for a key megadiverse country10
Most Mexican hummingbirds lose under climate and land-use change: Long-term conservation implications9
Conservation biology: four decades of problem- and solution-based research9
The underestimated role of small fragments for carnivore dispersal in the Atlantic Forest9
Deforestation projections imply range-wide population decline for critically endangered Bornean orangutan9
Drivers of change in tropical protected areas: Long-term monitoring of a Brazilian biodiversity hotspot8
Female ecologists are falling from the academic ladder: A call for action8
Optimal references for ecological restoration: the need to protect references in the tropics8
Large herbivore-palm interactions modulate the spatial structure of seedling communities and productivity in Neotropical forests8
Climate and land-use changes coupled with low coverage of protected areas threaten palm species in South Brazilian grasslands8
Does patch quality drive arboreal mammal assemblages in fragmented rainforests?8
Network science: Applications for sustainable agroecosystems and food security8
Environmental heterogeneity and sampling relevance areas in an Atlantic forest endemism region7
Divergent herb communities in drier and chronically disturbed areas of the Brazilian Caatinga7
Functional trait perspective on suitable habitat distribution of invasive plant species at a global scale6
How habitat loss and fragmentation are reducing conservation opportunities for vertebrates in the most threatened savanna of the World6
A framework for identifying and integrating sociocultural and environmental elements of indigenous peoples’ and local communities’ landscape transformations6
Integrating farmers’ decisions on the assessment of forest regeneration drivers in a rural landscape of Southeastern Brazil6
Legislation and pollination: Recommendations for policymakers and scientists6
Combining DNA and people power for healthy rivers: Implementing the STREAM community-based approach for global freshwater monitoring6
Landscape forest loss decreases bird diversity with strong negative impacts on forest species in a mountain region6
Effects of habitat loss on Brazilian primates: assessing extinction thresholds in the Amazon and Atlantic Forest5
Sailing into the past: Nautical charts reveal changes over 160 years in the largest reef complex in the South Atlantic Ocean5
Projected responses of Cerrado anurans to climate change are mediated by biogeographic character5
How effective are conservation areas to preserve biodiversity in Mexico?5
Jaguar (Panthera onca) population density and landscape connectivity in a deforestation hotspot: The Paraguayan Dry Chaco as a case study5
Macroscale climate change predictions have little influence on landscape-scale habitat suitability5
Global biogeographical patterns of ants and their abiotic determinants5
Assessing the impact of roadkill on the persistence of wildlife populations: A case study on the giant anteater5
Predicting the invasion of the acoustic niche: Potential distribution and call transmission efficiency of a newly introduced frog in Cuba5
Landscape composition regulates the spillover of beneficial insects between forest remnants and adjacent coffee plantations5
Fire and flood: How the Pantanal ant communities respond to multiple disturbances?4
Top-down local management, perceived contribution to people, and actual detriments influence a rampant human‒top predator conflict in the Neotropics4
Phylogenetic structure and diversity among herpetofaunal communities along a successional gradient of a tropical dry forest in Mexico4
Integrating socio-ecological information to address human–top predator conflicts: the case of an endangered eagle in the eastern Andes of Colombia4
Implications of unreliable species identification methods for Neotropical deer conservation planning4
A call for improving the Key Biodiversity Areas framework4
The effects of natural forest and eucalyptus plantations on seven water-related ecosystem services in Cerrado landscapes4
Assessing the conservation of eastern Ecuadorian cloud forests in climate change scenarios4
Selective logging in a chronosequence of Atlantic Forest: drivers and impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services4
Identifying areas for multidimensional biodiversity conservation, with a case study in Oaxaca, Mexico4
Legal reserves ensure alpha and beta ant diversity in highly modified agricultural landscapes4
Matrix quality and habitat type drive the diversity pattern of forest steppe fragments4
Avian assemblages associated with different grasslands managements in cattle production systems in the pampas of Argentina4
Effectiveness of community-based monitoring projects of terrestrial game fauna in the tropics: a global review4
Free-roaming domestic cats near conservation areas in Chile: Spatial movements, human care and risks for wildlife4
Ecosystem services delivered by Brazilian mammals: spatial and taxonomic patterns and comprehensive list of species4
Management of vampire bats and rabies: a precaution for rewilding projects in the Neotropics4
Neglected diversity of crop pollinators: Lessons from the world’s largest tropical country4
Cat and dog predation on birds: The importance of indirect predation after bird-window collisions4
Are invasive marmosets harmful to Atlantic Forest birds?4
COVID-19 pandemic as a learning path for grounding conservation policies in science4
Intraspecific variation of invaded pollination networks – the role of pollen-transport, pollen-transfer and different levels of biological organization4
Long-term persistence of the large mammal lowland tapir is at risk in the largest Atlantic forest corridor4
Trait shifts in bird communities from primary forest to human settlements in Mexican seasonal forests. Are there ruderal birds?3
Insufficient protection and intense human pressure threaten islands worldwide3
Beyond patch size: The impact of regional context and habitat quality on three endangered primates3
Environmental diversity as a reliable surrogacy strategy of marine biodiversity: A case study of marine mammals3
Habitat protection and restoration: Win–win opportunities for migratory birds in the Northern Andes3
Plant diversity conservation in highly deforested landscapes of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest3
Does spring bring colors? Seasonal bird plumage color variation along urban-rural gradients3
Minimum costs to conserve 80% of the Brazilian Amazon3
Vegetation cover restricts habitat suitability predictions of endemic Brazilian Atlantic Forest birds3
Governance lessons from the Atlantic Forest to the conservation of the Amazon3
Neotropical understory birds and mammals show divergent behaviour responses to human pressure3
Determining the location of protected areas in France: Does “scientific interest” matter?3
Natural grassland remnants in dynamic agricultural landscapes: identifying drivers of fragmentation3
No relationship between biodiversity and forest carbon sink across the subtropical Brazilian Atlantic Forest3
Climate change and biological invasion as additional threats to an imperiled palm3
Neutral processes and reduced dispersal across Amazonian rivers may explain how rivers maintain species diversity after secondary contact2
Human impact modulates chytrid fungus occurrence in amphibians in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest2
Optimizing survey effort for Euglossine bees in tropical forests2
Connectivity and policy confluences: a multi-scalar conservation approach for protecting Amazon riverine ecosystems2
Out of sight, out of mind: Phylogenetic and taxonomic gaps imply great underestimations of the species’ vulnerability to global climate change2
Considering counterfactual scenarios in conservation planning: Perspectives from a biodiverse mining area in the Atlantic Forest2
Genetics and community-based restoration can guide conservation of forest fragments for endangered primates2
Scale affects the understanding of biases on the spatial knowledge of Atlantic Forest primates2
Key Biodiversity Areas are proving useful for spatial planning if the criteria are applied correctly2
Low contribution of Caribbean-based researchers to academic publications on biodiversity conservation in the insular Caribbean2
AMACRO: the newer Amazonia deforestation hotspot and a potential setback for Brazilian agriculture2
Global change explains the neotropical rattlesnake Crotalus durissus (Serpentes: Viperidae) range expansion in South America2
Brazil’s Belo Monte license renewal and the need to recognize the immense impacts of dams in Amazonia2
A participatory approach to map strategic areas for conservation and restoration at a regional scale2
Conservation of forest cover in Mesoamerican biosphere reserves is associated with the increase of local non-farm occupation2
Business, biodiversity, and innovation in Brazil2
Nature's Contributions to People (NCPs) and biodiversity hotspots: a step towards multifunctionality of conservation areas in Peru2
From whom and for what? Deforestation in Dry Chaco from local-urban inhabitants’ perception2
Predicting the range expansion of invasive alien grasses under climate change in the Neotropics2
Environmental DNA and biodiversity patterns: a call for a community phylogenetics approach2
Taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional responses of plant communities in different life-stages to forest cover loss2
Mapping the way: identifying priority potential corridors for protected areas connectivity in Colombia2