Nature Reviews Physics

(The median citation count of Nature Reviews Physics is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Precise measurement of neutron lifetime2828
Nonlocality with massive particles and mesoscopic systems1415
Phonon-limited electronic transport through first principles326
How to set up your first machine learning project in astronomy262
The scientific article as a master finding system243
Ab initio methods for superconductivity236
Nobel 2004: freedom for quarks!212
70 years of CERN209
First-principles calculations for Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction204
Thermal conductivity of materials under pressure198
Generation of large strains in 2D van der Waals materials at cryogenic temperatures164
Ultrafast magneto-optical measurements for probing magnon–phonon interactions in nanomagnets162
Bringing together science and fiction148
Peer review in a changing world147
How redundancy and distributed control are helping make robots autonomous144
Blowing bubbles from a reservoir138
Shapes of ice and rock133
Fighting stereotypes133
The physics of breakfast131
Then and now130
Tracking a long-duration gravitational-wave signal with a hidden Markov model128
Challenges and opportunities in quantum machine learning for high-energy physics127
Ultrathin waveguides for 2D photonic integrated circuits123
How detection and imaging technologies could make us better humans121
Light–matter interaction at atomic scales117
Quantum Zeno effect at 45114
When scientists disagree114
Nature Reviews Physics turns five113
Hares and hounds112
Boxfish keels98
How you can change gender stereotypes about physicists97
Networks get more cliquey as they grow91
Ten years of IceCube85
Hydraulic spider legs81
Why we ask for synopses77
The long and winding road77
Quantum rotations of nanoparticles76
Materials discovery screening with pymatgen75
Dual topological insulator found in superlattice74
A 10 kg mechanical oscillator close to its motional ground state74
Review of performance metrics of spin qubits in gated semiconducting nanostructures72
Laser power stabilization via radiation pressure72
Weaving smooth 3D shapes with curved ribbons71
A century of Compton scattering70
60 years of Landauer’s principle70
Anomalies in particle physics and their implications for physics beyond the standard model69
Machine learning as a tool in theoretical science66
10 years of the quantum anomalous Hall effect66
Engineering symmetry breaking in 2D layered materials65
90 years of the Wigner crystal65
Visual anemometry for physics-informed inference of wind64
A brief history of nonlinear excitations64
Tip-enhanced Raman scattering for atomic-scale spectroscopy and imaging63
New physics from the polarized light of the cosmic microwave background63
Liquid-metal experiments on geophysical and astrophysical phenomena63
Characterization and control of non-Markovian quantum noise62
Time irreversibility in active matter, from micro to macro62
Exascale image processing for next-generation beamlines in advanced light sources61
The Stern–Gerlach experiment at 10061
Machine-and-data intelligence for synchrotron science59
Controlling water waves with artificial structures59
30 years of orbital angular momentum of light58
Author Correction: High-energy neutrino transients and the future of multi-messenger astronomy57
Graph neural networks at the Large Hadron Collider57
Learning quantum systems57
Physical insights into non-fullerene organic photovoltaics57
Dequantizing algorithms to understand quantum advantage in machine learning57
The thorium-229 low-energy isomer and the nuclear clock57
Machine learning and density functional theory55
Forty years of the Ellis–Baldwin test55
Magnetic resonance elastography from fundamental soft-tissue mechanics to diagnostic imaging54
High-energy neutrino transients and the future of multi-messenger astronomy51
Hydride superconductivity is here to stay51
Photocurrent as a multiphysics diagnostic of quantum materials50
Experimental signatures of the chiral anomaly in Dirac–Weyl semimetals46
The superfluid-to-Mott insulator transition and the birth of experimental quantum simulation45
Magnetic reconnection in the era of exascale computing and multiscale experiments44
A new frontier for Hopfield networks44
Controlling complex networks with complex nodes41
Making clean electrical contacts on 2D transition metal dichalcogenides41
Amyloid formation as a protein phase transition39
A concise guide to modelling the physics of embodied intelligence in soft robotics38
Graphene nanoribbons for quantum electronics38
Topological quantum materials for energy conversion and storage38
Publisher Correction: Resonant anomalous X-ray reflectivity for revealing ion distributions near electrodes36
Too much efficiency leads to delays35
Author Correction: Optimizing the dynamic pair distribution function method for inelastic neutron spectrometry35
On scientific understanding with artificial intelligence33
Science in the age of large language models33
A snapshot of 202331
Big science in India30
Physics words with surprising origins29
From physics to art and back28
Economics lessons28
Dipolar many-body complexes and their interactions in stacked 2D heterobilayers28
Learning quantum states from their classical shadows27
Rigor with machine learning from field theory to the Poincaré conjecture27
A fully connected Ising machine using standard technology26
A model for changing land use26
In fusion, collaboration is both a necessity and an opportunity25
High-accuracy electronic structure calculations with QMCPACK24
The difficult but necessary role of political engagement for scientists24
An AI pipeline to investigate the binding properties of poorly annotated molecules23
Tree of light23
Physicists and the first computing revolution22
Forging personal connections with science through storytelling22
100 Years of the International Union for Pure and Applied Physics22
Bird nest packing22
How multiscale curvature couples forces to cellular functions22
Twenty-five years of analogue quantum simulation20
What we’ve learned about flying less for conferences20
Diffusion metamaterials20
How to teach climate change in a physics classroom20
Meet the Nature Reviews Physics 2023 team19
The early days of Monte Carlo methods19
Probing surface motion above ambient temperature with helium spin-echo spectroscopy19
Navigating an incomplete network using a map19
The spectrum of early career physics18
Why review Reviews18
Discovery of the odderon17
Characterizing gravitational-wave sources with likelihood reweighting17
Should artificial intelligence be interpretable to humans?17
Neutrino physics over the two decades since the first SNO result17
A new century of quantum physics17
Dynamics of electricity exchange markets16
Nobel 1983: chemistry and evolution of stars16
Nobel 1943: magnetic moment of the proton15
Nobel 1923: determining the charge of the electron15
Automated reproducible workflows and data provenance with AiiDA15
Physics does not exist in a vacuum14
How technology made condensed matter physics boring14
Controlling light with air14
Engagement opportunities on the continuum between science and policy14
To reform peer review, we need to understand its past14
50 years of Penrose tilings14
Semiconductor qubits in practice13
A festival of cosmic fireworks13
Thouless pumping and topology13
How to verify the precision of density-functional-theory implementations via reproducible and universal workflows13
How to assess the carbon footprint of a large-scale physics project13
The potential and global outlook of integrated photonics for quantum technologies13
Making the International Year of Quantum Science and Technology happen12
Wigner’s friend and relational objectivity11
Physics of exotic nuclei11
How can we make science more rigorous?11
Precision isotope-shift spectroscopy for new physics searches and nuclear insights11
The physics of optical computing11
The rise of data-driven modelling11
A year to celebrate quantum physics11
Probing topological quantum matter with scanning tunnelling microscopy11
Topological defects in biological matter10
Nobel 1924: the physics of precision10
Single-molecule FRET for probing nanoscale biomolecular dynamics10
Anyons in quantum Hall interferometry9
Non-equilibrium Bose–Einstein condensation in photonic systems9
The climate emergency demands scientists take action and here’s how9
How a one-off public engagement event turned into an international science festival9
The hidden sustainability cost of the reproducibility crisis9
Engineered dissipation for quantum information science8
Proliferating active matter8
Morphogenesis beyond in vivo8
Probing charge density in materials with atomic resolution in real space8
Topological thermal transport8
How promoting domestic electricity became physics outreach7
Science should inspire, but visions need nuance7
The mechanics of emus’ unusual gait7
A milestone in fusion research is reached7
Nanoscale diamond quantum sensors for many-body physics7
The superconducting diode effect7
The physics of 3D printing with light7
Author Correction: Scanning near-field infrared microscopy6
A century of matter waves6
Cycling Fermi arc electrons with Weyl orbits6
Author Correction: Hot carrier photovoltaics in van der Waals heterostructures6
Drying droplets at a printhead nozzle6
Looking back at 20246
Manipulating polaritons at the extreme scale in van der Waals materials6
75 years of the path integral formulation6
Superconductivity, superfluidity and quantum geometry in twisted multilayer systems6
Nanoscale laser writing of 3D ferroelectric domains in lithium niobate5
Gravitational-wave physics and astronomy in the 2020s and 2030s5
Fire ant rafts5
Fractionalized electrons in moiré materials5
Physics should acknowledge its environmental impact and act on it5
Did you check for ravens?5
Delivering fusion energy needs bold decisions and sustained commitment5
Acoustic resonances in non-Hermitian open systems5
RF dressing with two-component fermions in optical lattices5
Black scientists at Bell Labs4
Learning the flow4
Worming their way into a blob4
Freezing droplets that de-ice themselves4
Five books that put physics in context4
No sign of sterile neutrinos but anomalies remain4
Hidden in plain sight4
Entanglement between a pair of top quarks4
Neural operators for accelerating scientific simulations and design4
Fantastic titles and where to find them4
Elongated cells in 3D clusters are more motile4
Quantum enhancement in generative models4
Nanoscale magnetic field imaging for 2D materials4
AI is no substitute for having something to say4
Starting a conversation about social issues in optics and photonics3
50 years of quantum spin liquids3
From swarms to films3
Droplets in cell nuclei are controlled by chromatin3
Light-induced emergent phenomena in 2D materials and topological materials3
Concept, implementations and applications of Fourier ptychography3
First-principles calculations for topological quantum materials3
Ten books for ten years of Higgs3
Why a culture of brilliance is bad for physics3
How spin-off companies can play a role in science communication3
Non-Hermitian topology and exceptional-point geometries3
Intervening in networks to make minorities more visible3
A fresh understanding of the Mpemba effect3
High-temperature superconductivity3
The importance of documenting failure3
Seventy-five years of quantum electrodynamics3
Spinning a strong yarn3
Strategic control of atomic-scale defects for tuning properties in metals3
What human mobility data tell us about COVID-19 spread3
40 years of quantum computing3
Simulation-based inference in particle physics3
Strong evidence for the discovery of a gravitational wave background2
Fresh perspectives on the foundations of quantum physics2
How to incorporate climate change into high-school physics2
Optical superlattices in quantum gas microscopy2
A series of fast-paced advances in Quantum Error Correction2
Orbital angular momentum lasers2
A meeting point for art and science2
Farewells and hellos at Nature Reviews Physics2
Chiral spintronics2
Controlling covalent chemistry on graphene oxide2
Entropy, irreversibility and inference at the foundations of statistical physics2
A look at the full stack2
New directions in hypernuclear physics2
How the Bell tests changed quantum physics2
Imaging with metamaterials2
Laser trapping and manipulation of exciton–polariton quantum fluids2
Harnessing the power of chemically active sheets in solution2
Ionic gate spectroscopy of 2D semiconductors2
How to optimize high-order harmonic generation in gases2
Advances in machine-learning-based sampling motivated by lattice quantum chromodynamics2
30 years of exoplanet detections2
25 years of small-world network theory2
Quantum photonics with layered 2D materials2
Directed percolation and the transition to turbulence2
Learning many-electron wavefunctions with deep neural networks1
Exploring billion-atom-scale quantum materials using linear scaling quantum transport1
More and different at the interface1