Integrative Organismal Biology

(The TQCC of Integrative Organismal Biology is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Dermal Denticle Diversity in Sharks: Novel Patterns on the Interbranchial Skin22
The Effect of Locomotion Mode on Body Shape Evolution in Teleost Fishes21
Exceptional Changes in Skeletal Anatomy under Domestication: The Case of Brachycephaly18
Serial Homology and Segment Identity in the Arthropod Head15
Wing Musculature Reconstruction in Extinct Flightless Auks (PinguinusandMancalla) Reveals Incomplete Convergence with Penguins (Spheniscidae) Due to Differing Ancestral States14
A Global Synthesis of the Correspondence Between Epizoic Barnacles and Their Sea Turtle Hosts14
Designing a Seasonal Acclimation Study Presents Challenges and Opportunities13
SegmentGeometry: A Tool for Measuring Second Moment of Area in 3D Slicer13
Environmental Thermal Stress Induces Neuronal Cell Death and Developmental Malformations in Reptiles12
Rorqual Lunge-Feeding Energetics Near and Away from the Kinematic Threshold of Optimal Efficiency11
AutoBend: An Automated Approach for Estimating Intervertebral Joint Function from Bone-Only Digital Models11
Cranial Musculoskeletal Description of Black-Throated Finch (Aves: Passeriformes: Estrildidae) with DiceCT11
Crayfish Eating in Snakes: Testing How Anatomy and Behavior Affect Prey Size and Feeding Performance11
Wing Shape in Waterbirds: Morphometric Patterns Associated with Behavior, Habitat, Migration, and Phylogenetic Convergence10
Scaling Relationships of Maximal Gape in Two Species of Large Invasive Snakes, Brown Treesnakes and Burmese Pythons, and Implications for Maximal Prey Size10
Fast and Furious: Energetic Tradeoffs and Scaling of High-Speed Foraging in Rorqual Whales9
A New Era of Morphological Investigations: Reviewing Methods for Comparative Anatomical Studies8
A Shrewd Inspection of Vertebral Regionalization in Large Shrews (Soricidae: Crocidurinae)8
Increasing Viscosity Helps Explain Locomotor Control in Swimming Polypterus senegalus8
Reconstructing Articular Cartilage in the Australopithecus afarensis Hip Joint and the Need for Modeling Six Degrees of Freedom8
Predictive Simulations of Musculoskeletal Function and Jumping Performance in a Generalized Bird8
More Challenging Diets Sustain Feeding Performance: Applications Toward the Captive Rearing of Wildlife8
Regional tongue deformations during chewing and drinking in the pig7
Size And Locomotor Ecology Have Differing Effects on the External and Internal Morphologies of Squirrel (Rodentia: Sciuridae) Limb Bones7
A Roadmap to Reconstructing Muscle Architecture from CT Data7
Predator–Prey Interactions Examined Using Lionfish Spine Puncture Performance7
Abdominal Movements in Insect Flight Reshape the Role of Non-Aerodynamic Structures for Flight Maneuverability I: Model Predictive Control for Flower Tracking6
No Guts About It: Captivity, But Not Neophobia Phenotype, Influences the Cloacal Microbiome of House Sparrows (Passer domesticus)6
Flexibility in the Critical Period of Nutrient Sequestration in Bumble Bee Queens6
Defibrillate You Later, Alligator: Q10 Scaling and Refractoriness Keeps Alligators from Fibrillation5
Flight and Dietary Antioxidants Influence Antioxidant Expression and Activity in a Migratory Bird5
Conserved and Taxon-Specific Patterns of Phenotypic Modularity in the Mammalian Dentition5
Male Bowhead Whale Reproductive Histories Inferred from Baleen Testosterone and Stable Isotopes5
Heat-Induced Hatching of Red-Eyed Treefrog Embryos: Hydration and Clutch Structure Increase Behavioral Thermal Tolerance5
Beyond Janzen's Hypothesis: How Amphibians That Climb Tropical Mountains Respond to Climate Variation5
Only the Good Die Old? Ontogenetic Determinants of Locomotor Performance in Eastern Cottontail Rabbits (Sylvilagus floridanus)5
Phylogenetics of Archerfishes (Toxotidae) and Evolution of the Toxotid Shooting Apparatus5
Elevated Salinity Rapidly Confers Cross-Tolerance to High Temperature in a Splash-Pool Copepod5
Language Barriers in Organismal Biology: What Can Journals Do Better?5
Lipopolysaccharide Regulates Pro- and Anti-Inflammatory Cytokines, Corticosterone, and Melatonin in Toads5
Regional Variation in Contractile Patterns and Muscle Activity in Infant Pig Feeding5