Environmental Research Communications

(The TQCC of Environmental Research Communications is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Understanding the cause of sea level rise along coastal zone for 2005–202155
Study on the mechanism of water-induced degradation of slip zone soils and FDEM coupled simulation of slopes based on multi-scale characteristic39
Explaining the decline of US wind output power density36
Effects of irrigation and fertilization on the emission factors and emission intensities of nitrous oxide in alkaline soil32
Ability to Forecast standardized precipitation index in Vietnamese Mekong Delta for dry season months based on sea surface temperature28
Increasing spring dust storms in the future over the Taklimakan Desert, Northwest China: implications from changes in circulation pattern frequency in CMIP624
Marine-cloud brightening: an airborne concept24
On the role of local and large-scale atmospheric variability in snow cover duration: a case study of Montevergine Observatory (Southern Italy)23
Calibration of CAMS PM2.5 data over Hungary: a machine learning approach22
Remote effect of tropical south Atlantic sea surface temperature anomalies on April–June accumulated cyclone energy over the western North Pacific20
Concentrations and emissions of trichlorotrifluoroethane (CFC-113) from eastern china inferred from atmospheric observations20
Assessment of impacts of flood and coping strategies among rural households in Gicumbi district, Rwanda20
A tug of war between centralization and decentralization: the co-evolution of urban governance and water risks in Guwahati, India18
Emission of water soluble brown carbon from different combustion sources: optical properties and functional group characterisation18
A new global coupled atmosphere-ocean wavenumber-4 pattern in Southern mid–latitudes during austral summer and its climate linkage18
Impact of green finance on poverty reduction: evidence from China17
Hydrological drivers of flooding in Niamey (Niger): the role of the Sirba River17
Rice residue burning in Northern India: an assessment of environmental concerns and potential solutions – a review16
The Impact of Environmental Fees to Taxes on Total Factor Productivity of Manufacturing Enterprises: Empirical Evidence from China16
The impact of spatial resolution on inland water quality monitoring from space16
Exploring the relationship between cultural ecosystem services and human well-being of Qiandao Lake in China: insights from tourists and residents16
Immobilization of Pb, Cd, and Cr in contaminated soil around mining areas using Mg/Al LDH-zeolite and evaluation of maize growth16
Delayed ENSO impact on phytoplankton variability over the Western-North Pacific Ocean15
Enhancing phosphorus removal: the impact of alkaline environment in eutrophic water systems15
Major point and nonpoint sources of nutrient pollution to surface water have declined throughout the Chesapeake Bay watershed15
Water quality assessment using national Water Quality Index (WQI): a case study of the Song Be River, Bing Duong Province, Vietnam14
Spatial consumption-based carbon footprints: two definitions, two different outcomes14
Effect of cooling roofs on gust wind speed over an urban agglomeration in Southern China14
The water-carbon constraints’ impact on the development of coal power industry in the Yellow River Basin14
Has tree density increased at alpine treelines on the eastern Tibetan Plateau?14
Spatiotemporal monsoon characteristics and maize yields in West Africa13
A comparative analysis of accelerating humid and dry heat stress in India13
Seasonal predictability of summer north african subtropical high in operational climate prediction models13
Patterns and trends in the spatial heterogeneity of land surface phenology of global forests13
Space matters: reducing energy disparity in Nepal through spatially equitable renewable energy subsidies13
Research tendency of microplastics and nanoplastics based on bibliometric analysis and perspective of the influence of human health13
Pesticide overuse in vegetable production: a case study of urban agriculture in city x, China12
The Rise and Volatility of Russian Winter Wheat Production12
Land use effects of biofuel production in the US12
Household water price and income elasticities under increasing-block pricing policy in China: an estimation using nationwide large-scale survey data12
Capacity at risk: a metric for robust planning decisions under uncertainty in the electric sector12
Comparative evaluation of alternatives for management of wood wastes by using multi-criteria decision tools12
Two distinct declining trend of autumn Arctic sea ice concentration before and after 200212
Relationships between economic development and resident environmental behavior and participation in areas with different economic and similar natural and cultural conditions12
Comparing surface wind stress and sea surface temperature biases over the tropical and subtropical oceans in subsets of CMIP6 models categorized by frozen hydrometeors-radiation interactions12
Barcelona intense urban activity greatly limited the role of the atmosphere in driving NO2 concentration in 201812
Equity impacts of the built environment in urban rail transit station areas from a transit-oriented development perspective: a systematic review11
Sediment ballast accelerates sinking of Alaska North Slope crude oil measured ex situ with surface water from Cook Inlet11
Research on the coupling coordination of digital economy and urban green development in the Yangtze River Delta of China11
Bibliometric analysis of traffic-related air pollution: using CiteSpace to explore the knowledge structure and trends11
Downhill skiing & climate change adaptation in Wisconsin: perspectives from key stakeholders11
Seasonal forecasts of Eurasian summer heat wave frequency11
Flood risk mapping for the area with mixed floods and human impact: a case study of Yarkant River Basin in Xinjiang, China11
What are the main challenges facing the sustainable development of China’s Yangtze economic belt in the future? An integrated view11
An innovative environmental regulation tool for regional air pollution based on DEA-RFR11
Atmospheric trace gas trends obtained from FTIR column measurements in Toronto, Canada from 2002-201911
Precursor boundary layer conditions for shallow and deep convection: inferences from CAIPEEX field measurements over the Indian Peninsula10
Risk and self-optimization analysis of the carbon tax policy based on scenario simulation10
Renewable energy planning in Africa: robustness of mean and extreme multi-model climate change patterns in solar PV and wind energy potentials10
AO-SVM: a machine learning model for predicting water quality in the cauvery river10
Methylmercury in lake bed soils during re-flooding of an Appalachian reservoir in the northeastern USA10
Forest canopy cover affects microclimate buffering during an extreme heat event10
Evolution of ecosystem services under the impact of urbanization using the InVEST model in the xiongan new area, China10
Implication of blanket NPK application on nutrient balance of maize based on soil and tissue diagnosis approaches in the savannas of northern Nigeria10
Hydrogeochemical characteristic and water quality index of groundwater and streamwater at Nam Mu River basin, Lai Chau province in northwest Vietnam10
Role of temporary thermostat adjustments as a fast, low-cost measure in reducing energy imports10
Developmental effects on Daphnia magna induced by titanium dioxide and iron oxide mixtures10
Evaluation and optimization of ecological compensation fairness in prefecture-level cities of Anhui province10
Contribution of anthropogenic and hydroclimatic factors on the variation of surface water extent across the contiguous United States10
State policy and environmental management: examining the intermediate mechanisms of ecological modernization9
Crop production in Türkiye: trends and driving variables9
Phytoremediation potential and vegetation assessment of plant species growing on multi-metals contaminated coal mining site9
SMOS captures variations in SSS fronts during El Niño and La Niña9
A bibliometric and visualized analysis of research on air pollution and cardiovascular diseases9
The politics of red meat consumption and climate change9
Valuing community awareness and willingness to pay for marine environment management: empirical analysis in coastal central region of Vietnam9
Improving acid-stressed anaerobic digestion processes with biochar - towards a combined biomass and carbon management system9
On the definition of the marginal ice zone: a case study with SAR and passive microwave data9
Awareness and product knowledge of service stakeholders involved in the importation and distribution of HCFC-22 in Botswana9
Optimisation of decision-making on risk management strategy for the hydromelioration systems in biosphere reserves9
Study on spatiotemporal changes and influencing factors of frozen soil moisture during freeze-thaw period under different ecological construction measures in the loess plateau of China9
Where will the next oil spill incident in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria occur?9
Impact of the central-Pacific ENSO on the Tibetan Plateau precipitation in boreal spring9
Gap-filling of land surface temperature in arid regions by combining Landsat 8 and 9 imageries9
Oil and gas wastewater as road treatment: radioactive material exposure implications at the residential lot and block scale9
Observationally constrained mass balance box model analysis of aerosol mitigation potential using fan powered filters9
Outcome of environmental change from historical sediment discharge in a Mediterranean fluvial basin, 1500–2019 CE9
Review of possible very high-altitude platforms for stratospheric aerosol injection9
Land use patterns influence in the soil microbial composition9
Impact of global warming on labor productivity in the Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle, China8
Electric or gasoline: a simple model to decide when buying a new vehicle8
Bridging the gap: the influence of information and education on acceptance of environmental taxes in Switzerland8
Impact of digital economy on urban land green use efficiency: evidence from Chinese cities8
Indicators of climate risk in the UK at different levels of warming8
Role of small wetlands on the regime shift of ecological network in a wetlandscape8
The influence of tourist values on environmental responsibility behavior—a multi-case study from Guilin8
Contrasting scaling relationships of extreme precipitation and streamflow to temperature across the United States8
Research on the impact of public environmental participation on foreign direct investment: evidence from China8
Understanding broadsheet newspaper attention to climate change objective facts in South Africa8
The utilization and contribution of timber and non-timber forest products to livelihoods under a changing climate in the Limpopo River Basin8
How do actions to decarbonise the energy and mobility sectors affect consumption-based carbon footprints? A case of historic and predicted actions in a suburb in Finland8
Heterogeneous warming impacts of desert wind farms on land surface temperature and their potential drivers in Northern China8
Can we save GHG emissions by working from home?8
Do perception factors affect adaptation behaviours against air pollution among vulnerable occupation groups? evidence from chittagong and dehradun8
Determination of tungsten’s toxicity coefficient for potential ecological risk assessment8
Farmers’ first rain: investigating dry season rainfall characteristics in the Peruvian Andes8
Use of a forced convection solar dryer for the reduction of post-harvest losses: case of the ‘akikon’ tomato variety in benin (West Africa)8
Energy system changes in the agricultural sector: testing a value-congruent communication approach to foster positive attitudes8
Spatiotemporal changes of poverty based on the perspective of ecological poverty reduction: evidence from guangdong province, China7
Urban sprawl and thermal response in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, 2000–20207
Estimating reservoir evaporation using numerical weather prediction: Omo Gibe III reservoir in Ethiopia7
Climate change mitigation from increased paper recycling in Sweden: conserving forests or utilizing substitution?7
Heterogenous climate impacts on crop yields: evidence from Ukraine7
Role of tidal mixing on ocean exchange through the Strait of Hormuz7
Future projections of storm surge in Hurricane Katrina and sensitivity to meteorological forcing resolution7
Global modeling of SDG indicators related to small-scale farmers: testing in a changing climate7
Assessment of bioaerosol composition and public health implications in high-traffic urban areas of Southwest, Nigeria7
Analyzing the impacts of land use policies on selected ecosystem services in the upper Chattahoochee Watershed, Georgia, United States7
Using random forests to explore the feasibility of groundwater knowledge transfer between the contiguous US and Denmark7
Statistical and machine learning methods applied to the prediction of different tropical rainfall types7
Plant and soil microbial responses to irrigation retirement in semiarid cropping systems7
Socio-demographic patterning of urinary mono-ethyl phthalate levels among children and adults in the U.S. (1999–2018)7
A systematic review of studies investigating the link between greenspaces and human health reveals a paucity of interest in the topic in Africa7
Evaluation of rural ecological resilience from the perspective of communities and farmers: a study on Laochehe ethnic minority village in China7
Stress tolerance activity and diversification of endophytic fungi from the medicinal plant Abutilon indicum7
Dynamics of water-energy-food nexus interactions with climate change and policy options7
Temporal and spatial assessment of gaseous elemental mercury concentrations and emissions at contaminated sites using active and passive measurements7
Assessment of public and private land cover change in the United States from 1985–20187
What’s not trending on Weibo: China’s missing climate change discourse7
Fitting the solutions to the problems in managing extreme wildfire in California7
Evolution characteristics of rural carbon emissions in Northwest China from 2006 to 20197
Agroforestry mapping using multi temporal hybrid CNN+LSTM framework with landsat 8 satellite imagery and google earth engine7
Application of random forest algorithm in the study of microscopic features and visitor experience evaluation in gardens6
Where ideology meets private interest: the three-part composition of climate obstruction in the United States6
Feedbacks of CaCO3 dissolution effect on ocean carbon sink and seawater acidification: a model study6
Coupling coordination mechanism between ecological protection and high quality development in the Yellow River Basin6
Modeling spatiotemporal land use/land cover dynamics by coupling multilayer perceptron neural network and cellular automata markov chain algorithms in the Wabe river catchment, Omo Gibe River Basin, E6
Responses of vegetation growth to climate change over the Tibetan Plateau from 1982 to 20186
Spatial priorities for biodiversity and ecosystem services considering theoretical decision-makers’ attitudes to risk6
Dams, dams and more dams: issues in evaluating business cases for dam expansion in Australia6
Producer services agglomeration and low-carbon economic transition: the role of economic growth target constraint6
Gender differences regarding forming the intent to participate in carbon neutral practices: a nationwide sample study of South Korea6
Land use change and its impact on ecosystem service value in Xinjiang6
Evidence of decreasing diurnal temperature range in eastern Northern Hemisphere6
The nexus of carbon dioxide emissions, economic growth, and urbanization in Saudi Arabia6
Temporal change and spatial heterogeneity of the association between ambient temperature and transport accident mortality in Japan from 1972 to 2019: a nationwide time-stratified case-crossover study6
A method for evaluating the visual quality of wetland park landscapes: a case study of qianlu lake wetland park in Wuping, China6
Cloud condensation nuclei characteristics at the Southern Great Plains site: role of particle size distribution and aerosol hygroscopicity6
Remote sensing for monitoring tropical dryland forests: a review of current research, knowledge gaps and future directions for Southern Africa6
The changing characteristics of torrential rainfall in the Huaihe River Basin from 1961 to 20206
Stakeholders’ perceptions of urban regeneration: the case of Kis-Pongrác in Budapest6
Effects of nutrient omission on grain and biomass yield of irrigated wheat (triticum aestivum) in Sekota district, Amhara region, Ethiopia6
Local goal-based governance: a novel approach to environmental sustainability in China?6
Occurrence of antibiotic resistance genes and potentially pathogenic bacteria in the Yangtze River tributary (Nanjing section) and their correlation with environmental factors6
Future sea-level rise projections for tide gauge locations in South Asia6
Estimating afforestation related forest cover change using data fusion and machine learning6
Quantifying risk of a noise-induced AMOC collapse from northern and tropical Atlantic Ocean variability6
The green mindset: how consumers’ attitudes, intentions, and concerns shape their purchase decisions6
How pollinator dependence may mediate farmer adoption of pollinator supporting practices and perceptions: a case study from western France6
Distribution and contamination of trace elements in surface sediments of the Yellow River Estuary and Laizhou Bay, China6
Building adaptive capacity of smallholder agriculture to climate change: evidence synthesis on learning outcomes5
Mangrove biomass productivity and sediment carbon storage assessment at selected sites in Mauritius: the effect of tidal inundation, forest age and mineral availability5
Emissions trading system: bridging the gap between environmental targets and fair competition5
Escalating threat of human-perceived heatwaves in Brazil5
Effects of freeze-thaw cycles on the size distribution and stability of soil aggregate in the permafrost regions of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau5
Effectiveness of emissions standards on automotive evaporative emissions in Europe under normal and extreme temperature conditions5
Crop yield prediction with environmental and chemical variables using optimized ensemble predictive model in machine learning5
Assessing potential coastal flood exposure along the Port-Bouët Bay in Côte d’Ivoire using the enhanced bathtub model5
Nonlinear response of Equatorial Western Pacific phytoplankton blooms to ‘double-dip’ La Niña events5
Monitoring and predicting marine heatwaves in Vanuatu5
Evaluating the environmental effects of Japan's tourism: insights into pandemic-induced changes and driving forces5
Group correlation analysis of socio-economic indicators and the volume of collected e-waste in European countries5
Understanding the sensitivity of hourly precipitation extremes to the warming climate over Eastern China5
Are local climate assemblies politically representative of the macro-public they represent, and does this matter?5
Climatically induced anomalies in tree-ring structure of Abies pindrow (Royal ex D. Don) and Taxus baccata (L.) growing in Hindu-Kush mountainous region of Pakistan5
Spatial distributions of stranded fossil asset costs and benefits from climate change mitigation5
Spatiotemporal patterns in precipitation whiplash over China during 1901–2100 based on CMIP6 simulations5
Improved land monitoring to assess large-scale tree plantation expansion and trajectories in Northern Mozambique5
Isolation and Identification of bacteria from the agricultural soil samples to tolerate pesticides dimethoate, thiamethoxam and Imidacloprid5
Study on the characteristics and scenario simulation of land use change in the Chaohu Lake Basin, China5
The spatiotemporal changes and trade-off synergistic effects of ecosystem services in the Jianghan Plain of China under different scenarios5
Comparative environmental assessment of limestone calcined clay cements and typical blended cements5
Utilizing MODIS remote sensing and integrated data for forest fire spread modeling in the southwest region of Canada5
Assessing the fiscal implications of flood disasters in India: insights for general and special category states5
Mobilizing through dialogue: building interdisciplinary partnerships among forest health, wildland fire, and public health sectors to find solutions to address the impact of wildland fire smoke on com5
Trends in urban edible landscapes: a comprehensive bibliometric analysis5
Potential impacts of rapidly changing european use of fossil fuels on global warming5
Spatial-temporal analysis of carbon benefit and land use for low-carbon development strategies in Shandong Province, China5
Rural development drives temporal turnover in plant diversity in a China’s scenic area5
Assessing rainfall erosivity changes over China through a Bayesian averaged ensemble of high-resolution climate models4
Preliminary insight into the relationship between bioaerosols and urban environment obtained from the COVID-19 self-quarantine period in the Tokyo metropolitan area4
Understanding the pyrolysis kinetics, thermodynamic, and environmental sustainability parameters of Sesamum indicum crop residue4
Assessing transboundary air pollution and joint prevention control policies: evidence from China4
Study of a calibration system for soil respiration measurement chambers4
Understanding carbon storage dynamics in Ayeyarwady delta's mangrove ecosystem in Myanmar: insights for restoration efforts4
Climate change adaptation by smallholder farmers in Southern Africa: a bibliometric analysis and systematic review4
An integrative analytical framework and evaluation system of water environment security in the context of agricultural non-point source perspective4
Agriculture is the primary driver of tree cover loss across the Forestière region of the Republic of Guinea, Africa4
Reconstruction of sea ice variability in the Chukchi Sea during the last three centuries based on biomarker proxies4
Exploratory examination of environmental protection behaviors in a hospital setting using the theory of planned behavior and ethical leadership4
Climate change and extremes in the Mediterranean island of Cyprus: from historical trends to future projections4
Too much consumption or too high emissions intensities? Explaining the high consumption-based carbon footprints in the Nordic countries4
Determinants of electric motorbike purchasing intention among consumers in Hanoi City, Vietnam4
Evaluation of the drought resilience of indigenous irrigation water systems: a case study of dry zone Sri Lanka4
An extensive qualitative and quantitative multi criteria analysis for a hybrid renewable energy system applied to tribal zone - based primary health centres, and maximizing the societal parameters4
Potential impacts of land use change on streamflow and groundwater resources under changing climate in the Flint River Basin, Georgia, United States4
How user behaviour affects emissions and costs in residential energy systems—The impacts of clothing and thermal comfort4
The association between air pollutants and depression in children and adolescents: a systematic review4
Purification effect of aquatic plant communities in constructed wetland park: a comparative experiment of Tianhe wetland park in China4
People and infrastructure: multi-scale assessment of coastal and fluvial flood exposure in India4
Urban anthropization: community vulnerability and resilience to flood hazards in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo4
Exploring environmental condition of silvofishery pond to support the sustainability of mangrove management in Berau Regency, Indonesia4
Observational evaluation of global climate model simulations of arctic sea ice and adjacent land pertaining to the radiative effects of frozen hydrometeors4
Classified validation of Aeolus wind observations using IGRA over China4
Political trust and public support for climate policy in Europe: the role of perceptions about politicians’ competence and integrity4
The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on surface passenger transport and related CO2 emissions during different waves4
Possible influence of the large-scale environment on extreme waves over the Yellow Sea in boreal spring4
Mapping potential surface contributions to reflected solar radiation4
Micrometeorological effects and thermal-environmental benefits of cool pavements: findings from a detailed observational field study in Pacoima, California4
Real-time feedback improves multi-stakeholder design for complex environmental systems4
Comparisons of simulated radiation, surface wind stress and SST fields over tropical pacific by the GISS CMIP6 versions of global climate models with observations4
Influence of multi-timescale precipitation indices on primary tea production in Baoshan, Yunnan, China4
A high-resolution record of coastal clouds and fog and their role in plant distributions over San Clemente Island, California4
Allowed and forbidden zones in a Lightning-strokes spatio-temporal differential space4
How many hot days and heavy precipitation days will grandchildren experience that break the records set in their grandparents’ lives?4
SeedAI: a novel seed germination predictionsystem using dual stage deep learning framework4
Impact of ethanol-gasoline implementation on vehicle emission based on remote sensing test4
Elucidating local pollution and site representativeness at the Jungfraujoch, Switzerland through parallel aerosol measurements at an adjacent mountain ridge4
The influence of public awareness on public participation in environmental governance: empirical evidence in China4
Research on green development measurement and regional differences in the China's Yellow River Basin based on the ecological function orientation4
An insight into potential phosphate bioremediation and renewable energy from agricultural waste via integrated wastewater treatment systems in Indonesia4
Hydrologic risk from consecutive dry and wet extremes at the global scale4
Driving factors and trend prediction for annual runoff in the upper and middle reaches of the yellow river from 1990 to 20204
How is the relationship between rainfall and water vapor in the Indian monsoon influenced by changes in lapse rate during global warming?4
GPM-based analysis of vertical structure of typical precipitation during 2020 extra-long meiyu season in North Zhejiang3
Evaluating regional sustainable energy potential through hierarchical clustering and machine learning3
Examining the impacts of input factor application, production efficiency, and inefficiency model on maize yield: employing the stochastic frontier model in search of more efficient ways in managing ma3
The association between agricultural conditions and multiple dimensions of undernutrition in children 6-23 months of age in Burkina Faso3
Two high-impact extreme precipitation events during the Meiyu season: simulations and their sensitivity to a scale-aware convective parameterization scheme3
Spatial-temporal analysis of urban climate dynamics in major Hungarian cities3
Post-planting management enhanced the survival and growth of Acacia decurrens in the northern Ethiopia drylands3
Effects of soil bund and landscape positions on selected soil physico-chemical properties at Anole watershed, Rift Valley Basin, Ethiopia3
Role of morphology in improving the catalytic performance of ZnCo2O4 for soot oxidation3
A hotspot and mechanism of enhanced bottom intrusion on the southern New England shelf3
The benefits of the water diversion on a densely populated fragmented lake area — A remote sensing view3
Monsoonal climate and asymmetric heating facilitate the slope-aspect to influence landscape-scale tree structure in the Western Ghats, India3
Edge-of-field runoff prediction by a hybrid modeling approach using causal inference3
Social media and volunteer rescue requests prediction with random forest and algorithm bias detection: a case of Hurricane Harvey3
The effect of flood experience on public preferences for land preservation: evidence from referendum votes3
Deep learning-based water quality index classification using stacked ensemble variational mode decomposition3