BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine

(The median citation count of BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-12-01 to 2024-12-01.)
Inactivated trivalent influenza vaccination is associated with lower mortality among patients with COVID-19 in Brazil90
Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) as proof of treatment efficacy64
Framework for the synthesis of non-randomised studies and randomised controlled trials: a guidance on conducting a systematic review and meta-analysis for healthcare decision making55
Adapt or die: how the pandemic made the shift from EBM to EBM+ more urgent53
Summarising good practice guidelines for data extraction for systematic reviews and meta-analysis47
Shared decision-making as a method of care47
Good or best practice statements: proposal for the operationalisation and implementation of GRADE guidance40
Estimates of the minimal important difference to evaluate the clinical significance of antidepressants in the acute treatment of moderate-to-severe depression38
Characteristics, quality and volume of the first 5 months of the COVID-19 evidence synthesis infodemic: a meta-research study34
Using Risk of Bias 2 to assess results from randomised controlled trials: guidance from Cochrane34
Misleading clinical evidence and systematic reviews on ivermectin for COVID-1933
Rapid reviews methods series: Guidance on literature search31
Transparency of COVID-19 vaccine trials: decisions without data31
Factors influencing estimated effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines in non-randomised studies29
Theory and practice of Bayesian and frequentist frameworks for network meta-analysis29
Making care fit manifesto28
The limits of shared decision making28
Understanding of research results, evidence summaries and their applicability—not critical appraisal—are core skills of medical curriculum24
How to create PICO questions about diagnostic tests23
Diagnostic accuracy of rapid point-of-care tests for diagnosis of current SARS-CoV-2 infections in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis22
Using individual participant data to improve network meta-analysis projects20
Randomized trials on non-pharmaceutical interventions for COVID-19: a scoping review20
Data-dredging bias19
Replacing PICO in non-interventional studies18
Deaths attributed to the use of medications purchased online18
Alcohol-based hand sanitisers: a warning to mitigate future poisonings and deaths17
Risperidone and aripiprazole for autism spectrum disorder in children: an overview of systematic reviews17
How methodological pitfalls have created widespread misunderstanding about long COVID17
Rapid reviews methods series: Guidance on team considerations, study selection, data extraction and risk of bias assessment16
Rapid access to innovative medicinal products while ensuring relevant health technology assessment. Position of the French National Authority for Health15
Coroners’ concerns to prevent harms: a series of coroners’ case reports to serve patient safety and educate the public, clinicians and policy-makers13
Assessing the magnitude of reporting bias in trials of homeopathy: a cross-sectional study and meta-analysis13
Combination fixed-dose β agonist and steroid inhaler as required for adults or children with mild asthma: a Cochrane systematic review13
Diclofenac in adolescents: diagnosing and treating gastrointestinal adverse drug reactions can prevent future deaths12
Rapid Reviews Methods Series: Involving patient and public partners, healthcare providers and policymakers as knowledge users12
Catalogue of bias: selective outcome reporting bias12
Registration of health and medical research11
Risks of infection, hospital and ICU admission, and death from COVID-19 in people with asthma: systematic review and meta-analyses11
Economic evaluation of direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) versus vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) for stroke prevention in patients with atrial fibrillation: a systematic review and meta-analysis11
School closures during COVID-19: an overview of systematic reviews11
Rapid reviews methods series: Guidance on assessing the certainty of evidence11
How to humanise the COVID-19 intensive care units11
Can shared decision making address COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy?10
Enhancing title and abstract screening for systematic reviews with GPT-3.5 turbo10
Should COVID-19 vaccination be mandatory?9
Interventions for Menière’s disease: an umbrella systematic review9
Publication by association: how the COVID-19 pandemic has shown relationships between authors and editorial board members in the field of infectious diseases8
Guest authorship as research misconduct: definitions and possible solutions8
Correlation between the use of statins and COVID-19: what do we know?8
Overdiagnosis in malignant melanoma: a scoping review8
Tramadol: repeated prescriptions and repeated warnings8
Component network meta-analysis in a nutshell8
Emollients and smoking: a fire hazard that could be prevented to reduce future deaths8
Integrating large language models in systematic reviews: a framework and case study using ROBINS-I for risk of bias assessment8
Is a one-size-fits-all ‘12-month rule’ appropriate when it comes to the last search date in systematic reviews?8
Users' Guides to the Medical Literature series on social media (part 1): how to interpret healthcare information available on platforms8
Development of literature search strategies for evidence syntheses: pros and cons of incorporating text mining tools and objective approaches8
The Six Steps of SDM: linking theory to practice, measurement and implementation7
Preventable deaths from SARS-CoV-2 in England and Wales: a systematic case series of coroners’ reports during the COVID-19 pandemic7
Users' Guides to the Medical Literature series on social media (part 2): how to appraise studies using data from platforms7
Patient-reported effects of hospital-wide implementation of shared decision-making at a university medical centre in Germany: a pre–post trial7
Barriers to reporting guideline adherence in point-of-care ultrasound research: a cross-sectional survey of authors and journal editors7
Which actionable statements qualify as good practice statements In Covid-19 guidelines? A systematic appraisal7
Problem-based shared decision-making in diabetes care: a secondary analysis of video-recorded encounters7
Consensus on evidence-based medicine curriculum contents for healthcare schools in Brazil6
Thresholds for interpreting the fragility index derived from sample of randomised controlled trials in cardiology: a meta-epidemiologic study6
The complexity underlying treatment rankings: how to use them and what to look at6
Ivabradine added to usual care in patients with heart failure: a systematic review with meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis6
Decision Analysis in SHared decision making for Thromboprophylaxis during Pregnancy (DASH-TOP): a sequential explanatory mixed-methods pilot study6
Association of study design features and treatment effects in trials of chronic medical conditions: a meta-epidemiological study6
Swallowing outcomes in dysphagia interventions in Parkinson’s disease: a scoping review6
Perspectives on the production, and use, of rapid evidence in decision making during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study6
Proportion attributable to contextual effects in general medicine: a meta-epidemiological study based on Cochrane reviews6
Effect of spin in the abstract of a randomised controlled trial on physiotherapists’ perception of treatment benefit: a randomised controlled trial6
Accreditation drives teaching: evidence-based medicine and medical education standards5
When does the placebo effect have an impact on network meta-analysis results?5
Proposed triggers for retiring a living systematic review5
Likelihood ratio interpretation of the relative risk5
The Pandora’s Box of Evidence Synthesis and the case for a living Evidence Synthesis Taxonomy5
Open access journal publication in health and medical research and open science: benefits, challenges and limitations5
Knowledge user survey and Delphi process to inform development of a new risk of bias tool to assess systematic reviews with network meta-analysis (RoB NMA tool)5
EMA’s mishandling of an investigation into suspected serious neurological harms of HPV vaccines5
Digitally enabled decentralised research: opportunities to improve the efficiency of clinical trials and observational studies5
Kidney trajectory charts to assist general practitioners in the assessment of patients with reduced kidney function: a randomised vignette study5
Correlation between chest CT and RT-PCR testing in India’s second COVID-19 wave: a retrospective cohort study5
Metro Mapping: development of an innovative methodology to co-design care paths to support shared decision making in oncology5
Consistency between trials presented at conferences, their subsequent publications and press releases5
Combining and converting groups when extracting data for meta-analysis4
Controlled comparison of a flipped classroom evidence-based practice course delivered online or on-campus4
Living health technology assessments: how close to living reality?4
Extracting data from diagnostic test accuracy studies for meta-analysis4
Acupuncture for acute migraine attacks in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis4
Face-to-face versus online clinically integrated EBM teaching in an undergraduate medical school: a pilot study4
Ecological study estimating melanoma overdiagnosis in the USA using the lifetime risk method4
‘Diagnostic downshift’: clinical and system consequences of extrapolating secondary care testing tactics to primary care4
Effect size reporting among prominent health journals: a case study of odds ratios4
Pragmatic and open science-based solution to a current problem in the reporting of living systematic reviews4
Investigation into financial conflicts of interest and screening for atrial fibrillation in the UK: a cross-sectional study4
Reducing the residue of retractions in evidence synthesis: ways to minimise inappropriate citation and use of retracted data4
NICE rapid guidelines: exploring political influence on guidelines4
Reporting and methodological quality of studies that use Mendelian randomisation in UK Biobank: a meta-epidemiological study4
Responsible dissemination of health and medical research: some guidance points4
Differences in shared decision-making: the East-West divide3
Towards transparency: adoption of WHO best practices in clinical trial registration and reporting among top medical research funders in the USA3
Retrieval barriers in individual participant data reviews with network meta-analysis3
Applying the time needed to treat to NICE guidelines on lifestyle interventions3
Context matters! What is really tested in an RCT?3
Short and long-term psychosocial consequences of participating in a colorectal cancer screening programme: a matched longitudinal study3
Methylphenidate denied access to the WHO List of Essential Medicines for the second time3
Evidence-based medicine has already adapted and is very much alive3
Aducanumab for Alzheimer’s disease: expediting approval and delaying science3
Sharing study materials in health and medical research3
Education in evidence-based health care: never a greater need3
Dealing with categorical risk data when extracting data for meta-analysis3
All health is not equal: the use of modifiers in NICE technology appraisal3
Transparency of results reporting for depression treatment studies in a cross-sectional study3
In-person schooling is essential even during periods of high transmission of COVID-193
High-value care education can learn from the evidence-based medicine movement: moving beyond competencies and curricula to culture3
Decision architecture randomisation: extremely efficient clinical trials that preserve clinician and patient choice?2
Advocating for evidence-informed decisions to make healthcare fit for each person2
Choosing wisely 10 years later: reflection and looking ahead2
Distance practical course on systematic reviews to support decisions of Brazilian regulatory agency for supplementary healthcare system2
De-escalation of dual antiplatelet therapy for patients with acute coronary syndrome after percutaneous coronary intervention: a systematic review and network meta-analysis2
Innovating in healthcare: perspective from a dual role2
Preventing overdiagnosis and overuse: proposed guidance for guideline panels2
Deceptive shifts in cancer stage distribution2
The ‘double whammy’ of low prevalence in clinical risk prediction2
Smartphone apps for point-of-care information summaries: systematic assessment of the quality and content2
Expanding the measurement of overdiagnosis in the context of disease precursors and risk factors2
FDA’s dilemma with the aducanumab approval: public pressure and hope, surrogate markers and efficacy, and possible next steps2
How to interpret studies using Mendelian randomisation2
Caring without boundaries: delimiting shared decision-making2
Bayesian interpretation of p values in clinical trials2
Development of the Reporting Infographics and Visual Abstracts of Comparative studies (RIVA-C) checklist and guide2
Non-pharmacological interventions for autism spectrum disorder in children: an overview of systematic reviews2
Catalogue of bias: novelty bias2
Health technology assessment in India in the next decade: reflections on a vision for its path to maturity and impact2
Pilot study on large language models for risk-of-bias assessments in systematic reviews: A(I) new type of bias?2
SARS-CoV-2 myocarditis: what physicians need to know2
Balancing benefits and potential risks of vaccination: the precautionary principle and the law of unintended consequences2
Later is not necessarily better: limitations of survival analysis in studies of long-term drug treatment of psychiatric conditions2
From publication bias to lost in information: why we need a central public portal for clinical trial data2
Quality of reporting among systematic reviews underpinning the ESC/ACC guidelines on ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death2
Completeness of reporting for systematic reviews of point-of-care ultrasound: a meta-research study2
Mindfulness for academic performance in health professions students: a systematic review2
Curcumin and proton pump inhibitors for functional dyspepsia: a randomised, double blind controlled trial2
Potential impact of large language models on academic writing2
Successes, lessons and opportunities: 15-year follow-up of an integrated evidence-based medicine curriculum2
Setting new research in the context of previous research: some options2
Using absolute risk reduction to guide the equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines2
Inverse publication reporting bias favouring null, negative results2
Quality of systematic reviews supporting the 2017 ACC/AHA and 2018 ESC/ESH guidelines for the management of hypertension2