BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health

(The median citation count of BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-12-01 to 2024-12-01.)
Telemedicine medical abortion at home under 12 weeks’ gestation: a prospective observational cohort study during the COVID-19 pandemic59
Disrupted prevention: condom and contraception access and use among young adults during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic. An online survey53
Contraceptive dynamics during COVID-19 in sub-Saharan Africa: longitudinal evidence from Burkina Faso and Kenya43
Demand for self-managed online telemedicine abortion in eight European countries during the COVID-19 pandemic: a regression discontinuity analysis41
Acceptability of no-test medical abortion provided via telemedicine during Covid-19: analysis of patient-reported outcomes30
Abortion attempts without clinical supervision among transgender, nonbinary and gender-expansive people in the United States24
Impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on access to contraception and pregnancy intentions: a national prospective cohort study of the UK population24
Factors associated with female genital mutilation: a systematic review and synthesis of national, regional and community-based studies20
Sexual and reproductive health and attitudes towards sex of young adults in China19
‘Scrambling to figure out what to do’: a mixed method analysis of COVID-19’s impact on sexual and reproductive health and rights in the United States18
Why women choose at-home abortion via teleconsultation in France: drivers of telemedicine abortion during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic14
Defining counselling in contraceptive information and services: outcomes from an expert think tank14
Towards individualised contraceptive counselling: clinical and reproductive factors associated with self-reported hormonal contraceptive-induced adverse mood symptoms12
A qualitative study of abortion care providers’ perspectives on telemedicine medical abortion provision in the context of COVID-1912
Client perspectives on choice of abortion method in England and Wales12
Access to and quality of sexual and reproductive health services in Britain during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative interview study of patient experiences12
Time trends in contraceptive prescribing in UK primary care 2000–2018: a repeated cross-sectional study11
The state of global abortion data: an overview and call to action11
Red blood cell capacity of modern menstrual products: considerations for assessing heavy menstrual bleeding10
Access to sexual healthcare during New Zealand’s COVID-19 lockdown: cross-sectional online survey of 15–24-year-olds in a high deprivation region10
Women’s attitudes towards a human papillomavirus-based cervical cancer screening strategy: a systematic review9
Strengthening contraceptive counselling: gaps in knowledge and implementation research9
Adherence to treatment and prevalence of side effects when medical abortion is delivered via telemedicine: a prospective observational cohort study during COVID-199
Telemedicine as an alternative way to access abortion in Italy and characteristics of requests during the COVID-19 pandemic9
Should COVID-specific arrangements for abortion continue? The views of women experiencing abortion in Britain during the pandemic8
Making the case for advance provision of mifepristone and misoprostol for abortion in the United States8
Delivering cervical cancer screening during the COVID-19 emergency8
‘Our COVID-19 cloud silver lining’: the initiation and progress of postnatal contraception services during the COVID-19 pandemic in a UK maternity hospital7
Miles and days until medical abortion via TelAbortion versus clinic in Oregon and Washington, USA7
Can an online educational video broaden young women’s contraceptive choice? Outcomes of the PREFER pre-post intervention study7
Physician perspectives of abortion advocacy: findings from a mixed-methods study7
FSRH Guideline (March 2023) Intrauterine contraception7
Induced abortion and access to contraception in Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic6
Contraceptive use and pregnancy planning in Britain during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic: findings from a large, quasi-representative survey (Natsal-COVID)6
Abortion education in UK medical schools: a survey of medical educators6
Disability, sexual and reproductive health: a scoping review of healthcare professionals’ views on their confidence and competence in care provision6
Novel use of menstrual blood for monitoring glycaemic control in patients with diabetes: a proof-of-concept study6
Potential candidate for oral pericoital contraception: evaluating ulipristal acetate plus cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitor for ovulation disruption6
Experiences using a progestin-only pill in an over-the-counter environment in the United States: a cross-sectional survey5
Long-acting reversible contraception and satisfaction with structured contraceptive counselling among non-migrant, foreign-born migrant and second-generation migrant women: evidence from a cluster ran5
Training abortion doulas in Northern Ireland: lessons from a COVID-19 context5
Introduction of the National Health Service early medical abortion service in Northern Ireland – an emergency response to the COVID-19 pandemic5
Challenges of accessing emergency contraceptive pills in Japan5
Short interpregnancy interval: circumstance or choice?5
Oral contraception over the counter at last: a momentous occasion5
An observational study of patient experiences with a direct-to-patient telehealth abortion model in Australia5
Three Delays Model applied to prevention of unsafe abortion in Ghana: a qualitative study5
Effect of a narrative intervention on individual-level abortion stigma: a randomised controlled trial5
Travelling for abortion services in Mexico 2016–2019: community-level contexts of Mexico City public abortion clients5
Maintaining sexual and reproductive health services in the UK during COVID-195
Preventing first births among adolescents in Mexico City’s public abortion programme5
Understanding barriers to using long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) in primary care: a qualitative evidence synthesis4
Accessing abortion outside jurisdiction following legalisation of abortion in the Republic of Ireland4
Integrating pre-exposure prophylaxis of HIV infection into family planning services: a scoping review4
Improving access to quality contraceptive counselling in community pharmacy: examining the knowledge, attitudes and practices of community pharmacists in Australia4
Dysmenorrhoea as a risk factor for pain with intrauterine device insertion4
Blood clots, COVID-19 vaccines and the contraceptive pill: are we heading for a repeat of the 1995 pill scare?4
Provision of cervical screening for transmasculine patients: a review of clinical and programmatic guidelines4
Making the case for supported self-managed medical abortion as an option for the future4
Reducing the harms of unsafe abortion: a systematic review of the safety, effectiveness and acceptability of harm reduction counselling for pregnant persons seeking induced abortion4
Evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Reproductive Autonomy Scale for use in the UK4
Immediate versus delayed insertion of the copper intrauterine device after medical abortion at 17–20 gestational weeks: a randomised controlled trial4
Rhesus isoimmunisation in unsensitised RhD-negative individuals seeking abortion at less than 12 weeks’ gestation: a systematic review4
More than just contraception: the impact of the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system on public health over 30 years4
A trans-national examination of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on abortion requests through a telemedicine service3
Which psychosocial interventions improve sex worker well-being? A systematic review of evidence from resource-rich countries3
Perspectives of obstetricians and midwives on the provision of immediate postpartum intrauterine devices: a qualitative service evaluation3
Self-reported contraceptive use and satisfaction among women accessing telemedicine medical abortion at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic at 3–6-month follow-up3
(Not) talking about fertility: the role of digital technologies and health services in helping plan pregnancy. A qualitative study3
Desire to Avoid Pregnancy scale: clinical considerations and comparison with other questions about pregnancy preferences3
Assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Sexual Assault Treatment Unit activity3
Comparison of postal and non-postal post-vasectomy semen sample submission strategies on compliance and failures: an 11-year analysis of the audit database of the Association of Surgeons in Primary Ca3
Telemedicine for medical abortion in France: a difficult challenge3
Views of clinicians towards providing contraceptive advice and contraception to women following early pregnancy loss: a qualitative study3
Client-reported quality of facility-managed medication abortion compared with pharmacy-sourced self-managed abortion in Bangladesh3
Analysing MyOptions: experiences of Ireland’s abortion information and support service3
Involving young people in sexual health research and service improvement: conceptual analysis of patient and public involvement (PPI) in three projects3
Could routine pregnancy self-testing facilitate earlier recognition of unintended pregnancy? A feasibility study among South African women3
Safeguarding and telemedical abortion services3
Interest in advance provision of abortion pills: a national survey of potential users in the USA3
A qualitative analysis of medical students’ attitudes to abortion education in UK medical schools3
Over-the-counter oral contraceptive use among women in Mexico: results from a national survey3
A prospective, comparative study of clinical outcomes following clinic-based versus self-use of medical abortion3
Utilisation, effectiveness, and safety of immediate postpartum intrauterine device insertion: a systematic literature review3
Understanding women’s views of and preferences for accessing postpartum contraception: a qualitative evidence synthesis3
Contraception prescribing in England during the COVID-19 pandemic3
Introduction of the London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancy at the booking visit and the midwives’ perspective2
Understanding the experiences and needs of LGBTIQA+ individuals when accessing abortion care and pregnancy options counselling: a scoping review2
Why women choose self-managed telemedicine abortion in the Netherlands during the COVID-19 pandemic: a national mixed methods study2
Termination of pregnancy services: a year in review in a tertiary maternity hospital2
Patterns in the provision of government-subsidised hormonal postpartum contraception in Queensland, Australia between 2012 and 2018: a population-based cohort study2
Self-care for abortion activists and providers: lessons of law and risk from Argentina2
Seeking online telemedicine abortion outside the jurisdiction from Ireland following implementation of telemedicine provision locally2
FSRH Guideline (February 2021) Progestogen-only Implant2
Essential services? Operating status of crisis pregnancy centres in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic2
Safeguarding for reproductive coercion and abuse2
Time to rethink miscarriage bereavement leave in the UK2
Utility of a routine ultrasound for detection of ectopic pregnancies among women requesting abortion: a retrospective review2
A place of safety? Protecting the sexual and reproductive health and rights of Ukrainian sanctuary-seeking women and young people2
Drug sellers’ knowledge and practices, and client perspectives after an intervention to improve the quality of safe abortion care outside of formal clinics in Nigeria2
The immediate post-Roe landscape2
A systematic review of randomised controlled trials of the effects of digital health interventions on postpartum contraception use2
New FSRH guideline on the progestogen-only implant2
Use of contraceptives, empowerment and agency of adolescent girls and young women: a systematic review and meta-analysis2
Preconception alcohol consumption and risk of miscarriage in over 4.5 million Chinese women aged 20–49 years2
Supporting blood pressure measurement prior to online prescription of the combined oral contraceptive1
Missing strings following immediate postpartum IUD placement1
French women’s experiences and opinions with in-country versus cross-border abortion travel: a mixed-methods paper1
Provision of care to diverse populations: results from the 2019 Canadian Abortion Provider Survey1
Women’s experiences of the consenting process for pregnancy remains disposal following early miscarriage1
Developing an accessible audiovisual animation to provide information about postpartum contraception1
A systematic review and critical appraisal of menopause guidelines1
Accessing abortion in a highly restrictive legal regime: characteristics of women and pregnant people in Malta self-managing their abortion through online telemedicine1
Vasectomy interest and awareness among patients and their partners in prenatal clinics in the United States1
Association between COVID-19 vaccination and menstruation: a state of the science review1
Reversal of medication abortion with progesterone: a systematic review1
Transabdominal lidocaine to induce fetal demise: a cohort study1
Acceptability of different mechanisms of action of contraception in women: a questionnaire survey1
Abortion provision in Northern Ireland: the views of health professionals working in obstetrics and gynaecology units1
Women’s experiences of postpartum contraceptive services when elective caesarean section is the method of birth: a qualitative study1
New position for subdermal implant1
Acceptability of home-based medical abortion among Hong Kong women undergoing an abortion: a cross-sectional study1
Contraception after childbirth in the UK: beyond the COVID-19 pandemic1
Very early medical abortion: treatment with mifepristone and misoprostol before ultrasonographic visualisation of an intrauterine pregnancy1
Pharmacy dispensing of abortion pills in Ghana: experiences of pharmacy workers and users1
FSRH Guideline (August 2022) Progestogen-only Pills1
Contraception in Person-Contraception Online (CiP-CO) cohort study1
Why we need a validated tool for measuring knowledge and attitudes regarding long-acting reversible contraception and early medical abortion in women from culturally and linguistically diverse backgro1
Improving postpregnancy contraceptive method choice and long-acting reversible contraception provision in Botswana: a quality improvement pilot1
Is contragestion the future?1
Pain experiences during intrauterine device procedures: a thematic analysis of tweets1
Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) in abortion research: an exploratory survey1
Addressing the urgent global need for later abortion care during COVID-19 and beyond1
Exploring and promoting the role of health visitors in postnatal contraception: a ‘test and learn’ project1
Preconception health risk factors documented in general practice electronic medical records1
Double dosing ulipristal acetate emergency contraception for individuals with obesity: a randomised crossover trial1
Scaling-up post-pregnancy family planning services: experiences and challenges from Afghanistan1
Feasibility of e-commerce pharmacy provision and acceptability of levonorgestrel 1.5 mg for pericoital use in urban and peri-urban settings in Kenya: a prospective cohort study1
Improving access to medicines for early medical abortion: learning from experiences of medicines licensing and service delivery1
Sexual and reproductive health clinical consultations: emergency contraception1
Intrauterine devices: a summary of new guidance1
Period product insecurity in higher education: a call for change1
‘Excellence in adversity: abortion care in the coronavirus pandemic’1
Are we prepared for change? The need for evidence on healthcare practitioner readiness for current and future trends in abortion provision in the UK1
Early telemedical abortion, safeguarding, and under 18s: a qualitative study with care providers in England and Wales1
Understanding pre-residency abortion training pathways and career choices in the United States: a qualitative study1