Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association

(The TQCC of Journal of the Australian Library and Information Association is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Wikipedia @ 20: stories of an incomplete revolution37
Transforming print: collection development and management for our connected future30
Archivists’ Positionality; Australian-US Comparisons & the Series System’s Third Developer27
Retrospective Enhancement of Bibliographic Records with Tables of Contents and Summary Data and the Effect on Collection Usage16
Anime clubs for public libraries: a practical guide for librarians (practical guides for librarians, no. 70)13
Assessing academic library performance: a handbook (Medical Library Association Books)9
Strategic Monograph Publishing in the Humanities and Social Sciences in Australia8
Fostering student success: academic, social, and financial initiatives8
Working Together: How South Australian Libraries Shared Their COVID-19 Experiences through a Student-led Project7
The social future of academic libraries: new perspectives on communities, networks and engagement The social future of academic libraries: new perspectives on communities, networks and 6
A Holistic Exploration of the Collecting and Connecting Experiences of LGBTQ+ Communities, Their Independent Archives and the GLAMU Sector in New Zealand5
Data science in the library: tools and strategies for supporting data-driven research and instruction5
The Impact and Management of Mis/Disinformation at University Libraries in Australia5
Lost to Memory and Invisible Stories: Reflections on the Australian Library History Forums 1984–20194
Management basics for information professionals4
Psycho-oncology Bibliotherapy Program for Improving the Emotional Wellbeing of People Undergoing Cancer Treatment: Literature Review and Preliminary Findings4
Interacting with Librarians to Locate Australian Sociology PhDs in the Era of Constant University Restructuring4
25 ready-to-use sustainable living programs for libraries 25 ready-to-use sustainable living programs for libraries , by Elyssa Kroski, Chicago, ALA Editions, 2022, 208 4
The rise of AI: implications and applications of artificial intelligence in academic libraries (ACRL publications in librarianship, no. 78)4
Pivoting during the pandemic: ideas for serving your community anytime, anywhere4
June 2021 Editorial4
The Perceptions of Supervisors of Library Social Work Interns: Challenges and Recommendations3
Libraries and sanctuary: supporting refugees and other new arrivals3
Why Cataloguing Is Cool3
December 2024 Editorial3
Indigenising our Workforce: Recruiting for Cultural Change in Aotearoa New Zealand3
Anticipating and Overcoming Common Challenges for Library and Social Work Collaborations3
The readers’ advisory guide to genre blends for children and young adults3
Current Connections, Future Collections: Researchers and Information Professionals Working Together3
The book at war: libraries and readers in an age of conflict3
Co-creating Public Library Futures: An Emergent Manifesto and Participatory Research Agenda3
Hopeful visions, practical actions: cultural humility in library work3
Professional Paradigms and Revolutionary Relationships3
The librarian’s guide to learning theory: practical applications in library settings3
From cataloguing to metadata creation: a cultural and methodological introduction3
Visualising the Pandemic Pivot: Using Evidence-based Practice to Capture and Communicate an Academic Library’s COVID-19 Response2
Designing Future-Ready School Libraries: Empowering Stakeholders for Evidence-Based Change2
What are the Lived Experiences of Adult Sentenced Prisoners in Australia When Attempting to Satisfy Their Legal Information Needs?2
Artificial Intelligence and Filipino Academic Librarians: Perceptions, Challenges and Opportunities2
Creating adaptable digital preservation workflows (Library Technology Reports)2
Navigating Generative AI: The Teacher Librarian's Role in Cultivating Ethical and Critical Practices2
Open heritage data: an introduction to research, publishing and programming with open data in the heritage sector2
Filling the ‘Gaps’ in the Representation of Australia’s Cultural Diversity: The Multicultural Imaginary of the NLA’s Oral History Collection2
The complete guide to institutional repositories2
Libraries, Archives, and Records Placements from Four Perspectives: Placement Students, Higher Education Program Providers, Placement Host Institutions, and Accreditation Bodies2
Libraries, digital information, and COVID; practical applications and approaches to challenge and change2
Nancy Fay Nicholson, BA DipEd GDipLib MAdmin FALIA2
Advancing a culture of creativity in libraries: programming and engagement2
Resource discovery for the twenty-first century library: case studies and perspectives on the role of it in user engagement and empowerment2
Electronic legal deposit: shaping the library collections of the future2
The future of open data The future of open data , edited by Pamela Robinson and Teresa Scassa, Ottawa, University of Ottawa Press, 2022, xii, 246 pp., CAN$69.95(hard cov2
Piecing together systematic reviews and other evidence syntheses Piecing together systematic reviews and other evidence syntheses , edited by Margaret J. Foster and Sara2
Paradoxes of media and information literacy; the crisis of information2
Reference and access for archives and manuscripts (Archival Fundamentals Series III, Volume 4)2
Engaging your community through active strategic marketing: a practical guide for librarians and information professionals2
Web-scale discovery services: principles, applications, discovery tools and development hypotheses1
Librarian and Social Work Identity in an Online Interprofessional Community of Practice for Responsive Librarianship Training1
Library next: seven action steps for reinvention1
Supporting people to live well with dementia: a guide for library services1
Decolonial archival futures1
Communities of practice in the academic library: strategies for implementation Communities of practice in the academic library: strategies for implementation , by Michel1
Literacy and reading programmes for children and young people; case studies from around the globe: Volume I, USA and Europe; Volume 2, Asia, Africa, Australia and the Middle East1
Librarians as Teachers: A Reflection on Practice, Identity, and the TPACK Framework to Enhance Professional Practice1
The readers’ advisory guide to romance (ALA Readers’ Advisory Series)1
Marketing with social media1
Custodians and midwives: the library of the future1
Going virtual: programs and insights from a time of crisis1
Information services today: an introduction, 3rd edition Information services today: an introduction, 3rd edition , edited by Sandra Hirsh, Lanham, Rowman & Littlefi1
The Unparalleled Joy of the Silent Contributor: A Qualitative Study of Career Motivation, Challenges, and Fulfilment Amongst Opera Librarians Around the Globe1
Libraries & sustainability: programs and practices for community impact1
Users' Experiences in a Regional Academic Library Makerspace1
Resilient Libraries1
The Evolution of the Open Textbook Initiative1
The Evolution of a Mediated Systematic Review Search Service1
June 2023 Editorial1
Approaches to liaison librarianship: innovations in organization and engagement1
Media smart: lessons, tips and strategies for librarians, classroom instructors and other information professionals1
Technology, change and the academic library: case studies, trends and reflections1
December 2021 Editorial1
Leading dynamic information literacy programs: best practices and stories from instruction coordinators1
Information literacy through theory1
School libraries supporting literacy and wellbeing1
Placements through the Lens of Host-Supervisors and Librarianship Students: A Study of Monash University Library Experience1
Conversational Voice Assistants and a Case Study of Long-Term Users: A Human Information Behaviours Perspective1
Library Website Evaluation: How Do Australian States Compare?1
‘Steady Ships’ in the COVID-19 Crisis: Australian Public Library Responses to the Pandemic1
The future of enriched, linked, open and filtered metadata: making sense of IFLA LRM, RDA, linked data and BIB frame1
Libraries, archives, and museums in transition: changes, challenges, and convergence in a Scandinavian perspectiveLibraries, archives, and museums in transition: changes, challenges, and convergenc1
Research, writing, and creative process in open and distance education: tales from the field1
Managing crises in the academic library: past, present, and future1
The complete collection assessment manual: a holistic approach1
Changing How Libraries Respond to Patrons Experiencing Homelessness in Crisis: How Library Social Workers are Perceived to Reduce Reliance on Law Enforcement1
Foundations of information literacy1
Project-based learning for elementary grades (AASL Standards-Based Learning) Project-based learning for elementary grades (AASL Standards-Based Learning) , by Maura Madi1
Disaster planning for special libraries1
Web metrics for library and information professionals, 2nd edition1
Editorial March 20231
32 virtual, augmented, and mixed reality programs for libraries1
Public Library Building and Development: Understanding Community Consultation and the Design Process1
A Fashionable Librarian with Foresight and Flair: Pamela Ann Taylor 1933–20241
Rightsizing the academic library collection, 2nd edition1
Guest Editorial: Selected Papers from RAILS: Research Applications in Information and Library Studies 20221