IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine

(The TQCC of IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-12-01 to 2024-12-01.)
Feature Extraction for Hyperspectral Imagery: The Evolution From Shallow to Deep: Overview and Toolbox422
Artificial Intelligence for Remote Sensing Data Analysis: A review of challenges and opportunities265
Linking Points With Labels in 3D: A Review of Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation264
A New Benchmark Based on Recent Advances in Multispectral Pansharpening: Revisiting Pansharpening With Classical and Emerging Pansharpening Methods202
Deep Learning Meets SAR: Concepts, models, pitfalls, and perspectives186
Interpretable Hyperspectral Artificial Intelligence: When nonconvex modeling meets hyperspectral remote sensing182
High-Throughput Estimation of Crop Traits: A Review of Ground and Aerial Phenotyping Platforms170
Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection: A survey163
Deep Learning for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Object Detection and Tracking: A survey145
Low-Rank and Sparse Representation for Hyperspectral Image Processing: A review140
Spectral Variability in Hyperspectral Data Unmixing: A comprehensive review132
Change Detection From Very-High-Spatial-Resolution Optical Remote Sensing Images: Methods, applications, and future directions125
Self-Supervised Learning in Remote Sensing: A review112
Land Cover Change Detection Techniques: Very-high-resolution optical images: A review110
A Large-Scale Benchmark Data Set for Evaluating Pansharpening Performance: Overview and Implementation106
Single-Frame Infrared Small-Target Detection: A survey102
Sparse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging From Compressed Sensing and Machine Learning: Theories, applications, and trends94
BigEarthNet-MM: A Large-Scale, Multimodal, Multilabel Benchmark Archive for Remote Sensing Image Classification and Retrieval [Software and Data Sets]91
Motion Compensation/Autofocus in Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar: A Review90
Machine Learning in Pansharpening: A benchmark, from shallow to deep networks85
OpenStreetMap: Challenges and Opportunities in Machine Learning and Remote Sensing83
Spatially Continuous and High-Resolution Land Surface Temperature Product Generation: A review of reconstruction and spatiotemporal fusion techniques80
Lidar Boosts 3D Ecological Observations and Modelings: A Review and Perspective79
Image Restoration for Remote Sensing: Overview and toolbox69
Deep Learning and Earth Observation to Support the Sustainable Development Goals: Current approaches, open challenges, and future opportunities68
Artificial Intelligence In Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Phase Unwrapping: A Review63
Hyperspectral Image Clustering: Current achievements and future lines62
Advances and Opportunities in Remote Sensing Image Geometric Registration: A systematic review of state-of-the-art approaches and future research directions57
Correlation Filters for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Aerial Tracking: A Review and Experimental Evaluation56
Deep Learning Methods For Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Despeckling: An Overview Of Trends And Perspectives49
Methods for Small, Weak Object Detection in Optical High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images: A survey of advances and challenges49
Toward a Collective Agenda on AI for Earth Science Data Analysis46
Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Statistical Modeling: Part One-Single-Pixel Statistical Models45
Close-Range Remote Sensing of Forests: The state of the art, challenges, and opportunities for systems and data acquisitions44
Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging Algorithms: An overview40
Full-Resolution Quality Assessment of Pansharpening: Theoretical and hands-on approaches39
Remote Sensing Data Fusion With Generative Adversarial Networks: State-of-the-art methods and future research directions39
Contactless Ground Penetrating Radar Imaging: State of the art, challenges, and microwave tomography-based data processing38
Tensor Decompositions for Hyperspectral Data Processing in Remote Sensing: A comprehensive review36
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Photogrammetric 3D Mapping: A survey of techniques, applications, and challenges36
A Review of Satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry Applications in Permafrost Regions: Current status, challenges, and trends31
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Ground-Penetrating Radar Systems: A review31
Optical Remote Sensing Image Understanding With Weak Supervision: Concepts, methods, and perspectives31
AI Security for Geoscience and Remote Sensing: Challenges and future trends29
Active Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification: A comparative review29
A Review of Unsupervised Band Selection Techniques: Land Cover Classification for Hyperspectral Earth Observation Data29
Crowdsourcing in Remote Sensing: A Review of Applications and Future Directions29
Explainable, Physics-Aware, Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence: A paradigm shift for synthetic aperture radar28
Deep Learning for Downscaling Remote Sensing Images: Fusion and super-resolution27
ERA: A Data Set and Deep Learning Benchmark for Event Recognition in Aerial Videos [Software and Data Sets]26
Toward Fine Surveillance: A review of multitemporal interferometric synthetic aperture radar for infrastructure health monitoring26
Deep Learning-Based Object Tracking in Satellite Videos: A comprehensive survey with a new dataset26
The Potential of Spaceborne GNSS Reflectometry for Soil Moisture, Biomass, and Freeze–Thaw Monitoring: Summary of a European Space Agency-funded study25
Coupling Model- and Data-Driven Methods for Remote Sensing Image Restoration and Fusion: Improving physical interpretability25
Gas Flaring: A Review Focused On Its Analysis From Space23
The CCSDS 123.0-B-2 “Low-Complexity Lossless and Near-Lossless Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image Compression” Standard: A comprehensive review21
SSL4EO-S12: A large-scale multimodal, multitemporal dataset for self-supervised learning in Earth observation [Software and Data Sets]21
Digital Beamforming for Spaceborne Reflector-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar, Part 1: Basic imaging modes20
Taking Artificial Intelligence Into Space Through Objective Selection of Hyperspectral Earth Observation Applications: To bring the “brain” close to the “eyes” of satellite missions19
Forward-Looking Ground-Penetrating Radar: Subsurface target imaging and detection: A review19
Onboard Information Fusion for Multisatellite Collaborative Observation: Summary, challenges, and perspectives18
The Legacy of Scatterometers: Review of applications and perspective17
2023 IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest: Large-Scale Fine-Grained Building Classification for Semantic Urban Reconstruction [Technical Committees]16
Remote Sensing Object Detection Meets Deep Learning: A metareview of challenges and advances16
Classification of Remote Sensing Data With Morphological Attribute Profiles: A decade of advances15
Earth Observation and Artificial Intelligence: Understanding emerging ethical issues and opportunities14
DeepBlue: Advanced convolutional neural network applications for ocean remote sensing13
Satellite Remote Sensing Data for Decision Support in Emerging Agricultural Economies: How Satellite Data Can Transform Agricultural Decision Making [Perspectives]12
Synthetic Aperture Radar Image Statistical Modeling: Part Two-Spatial Correlation Models and Simulation12
2021 Data Fusion Contest: Geospatial Artificial Intelligence for Social Good [Technical Committees]12
Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Statistical Inference in Deformation Measurement and Geophysical Inversion: A review12
FSSCat: The Federated Satellite Systems 3Cat Mission: Demonstrating the capabilities of CubeSats to monitor essential climate variables of the water cycle [Instruments and Missions]12
The 2022 IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest: Semisupervised Learning [Technical Committees]12
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Remote Sensing for Antarctic Research: A review of progress, current applications, and future use cases12
Geoinformation Harvesting From Social Media Data: A community remote sensing approach11
Remote Sensing for Subsurface and Deeper Oceans: An overview and a future outlook10
The Earth-Observing Satellite Constellation: A review from a meteorological perspective of a complex, interconnected global system with extensive applications10
Integrating Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Regional-Scale Habitat Mapping: Advances and future challenges for desert locust monitoring9
Compact Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar for Target Detection: A review9
Interferometric Phase Linking: Algorithm, application, and perspective9
Wireless Sensor Networks Applied to Precision Agriculture: A worldwide literature review with emphasis on Latin America9
Keypoint-Based Local Descriptors for Target Recognition in SAR Images: A Comparative Analysis9
Phase Synchronization Techniques for Bistatic and Multistatic Synthetic Aperture Radar: Accounting for frequency offset7
High-Resolution Surveying With Small-Loop Frequency Domain Electromagnetic Systems: Efficient Survey Design and Adaptive Processing6
There Are No Data Like More Data: Datasets for deep learning in Earth observation6
Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry: Utilizing Radar Principles6
Report on the 2020 IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest-Global Land Cover Mapping With Weak Supervision [Technical Committees]6
Digital Beamforming for Spaceborne Reflector-Based Synthetic Aperture Radar, Part 2: Ultrawide-swath imaging mode5
Polarimetric Roll-Invariant Features and Applications for Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar Ship Detection: A comprehensive summary and investigation5
Image Registration for Meteorological Applications: Development of a Generalized Software for Sensor Data Registration at ISRO5
Gaussianizing the Earth: Multidimensional information measures for Earth data analysis5
High-Performance and Disruptive Computing in Remote Sensing: HDCRS—A new Working Group of the GRSS Earth Science Informatics Technical Committee [Technical Committees]5
MapInWild: A remote sensing dataset to address the question of what makes nature wild [Software and Data Sets]4
Digital Elevation Models: An Important Source of Data for Geoscientists [Education]4
Subsurface Propagation Velocity Estimation Methods in Ground-Penetrating Radar: A review4
Evolutionary Developments of Today’s Remote Sensing Radar Technology—Right From the Telemobiloscope: A review4
Airborne Transient Electromagnetic Simulation: Detecting geoelectric structures for HVdc monopole operation4