ACS Earth and Space Chemistry

(The median citation count of ACS Earth and Space Chemistry is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-12-01 to 2024-12-01.)
Aging of Atmospheric Brown Carbon Aerosol116
Thermal Desorption of Interstellar Ices: A Review on the Controlling Parameters and Their Implications from Snowlines to Chemical Complexity89
Characteristics of Source Rocks and Genetic Origins of Natural Gas in Deep Formations, Gudian Depression, Songliao Basin, NE China87
Arsenic-Imposed Effects on Schwertmannite and Jarosite Formation in Acid Mine Drainage and Coupled Impacts on Arsenic Mobility45
Evidence for Strong HONO Emission from Fertilized Agricultural Fields and its Remarkable Impact on Regional O3 Pollution in the Summer North China Plain43
Humidity-Dependent Viscosity of Secondary Organic Aerosol from Ozonolysis of β-Caryophyllene: Measurements, Predictions, and Implications38
Environmentally Persistent Free Radicals, Reactive Oxygen Species Generation, and Oxidative Potential of Highway PM2.537
Sensitive Drone Mapping of Methane Emissions without the Need for Supplementary Ground-Based Measurements32
Bioaccumulation of Lithium Isotopes in Mussel Soft Tissues and Implications for Coastal Environments32
Unraveling the Genesis of Highly Fractionated Rare-Metal Granites in the Nubian Shield via the Rare-Earth Elements Tetrad Effect, Sr–Nd Isotope Systematics, and Mineral Chemistry31
Photoreductive Dissolution of Iron (Hydr)oxides and Its Geochemical Significance30
Overview of the Adsorption and Transport Properties of Water, Ions, Carbon Dioxide, and Methane in Swelling Clays30
Consider the Anoxic Microsite: Acknowledging and Appreciating Spatiotemporal Redox Heterogeneity in Soils and Sediments29
Investigation of the Production of Trifluoroacetic Acid from Two Halocarbons, HFC-134a and HFO-1234yf and Its Fates Using a Global Three-Dimensional Chemical Transport Model28
Ozonolysis of Oleic Acid Aerosol Revisited: Multiphase Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Mechanisms27
Sources and Dynamics of Submicron Aerosol during the Autumn Onset of the Air Pollution Season in Delhi, India27
Non-energetic Formation of Ethanol via CCH Reaction with Interstellar H2O Ices. A Computational Chemistry Study27
Theoretical Distribution of the Ammonia Binding Energy at Interstellar Icy Grains: A New Computational Framework26
Provenance Characterization of Campanian Lacustrine Organic-Rich Mudstones on the Southern Tethyan Margin, Egypt24
Application of Gaussian Mixture Regression for the Correction of Low Cost PM2.5 Monitoring Data in Accra, Ghana24
A Network of Field-Calibrated Low-Cost Sensor Measurements of PM2.5 in Lomé, Togo, Over One to Two Years24
Orthocarbonates of Ca, Sr, and Ba—The Appearance of sp3-Hybridized Carbon at a Low Pressure of 5 GPa and Dynamic Stability at Ambient Pressure24
Quantifying Atmospheric Parameter Ranges for Ambient Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation23
Evolution of the Dissolved Organic Matter Composition along the Upper Mekong (Lancang) River23
Molecular-Level Study of the Photo-Oxidation of Aqueous-Phase Guaiacyl Acetone in the Presence of 3C*: Formation of Brown Carbon Products23
Aerosol Composition, Mixing State, and Phase State of Free Tropospheric Particles and Their Role in Ice Cloud Formation23
Clues from Ab Initio Calculations on Titanium Isotopic Fractionation in Tholeiitic and Calc-Alkaline Magma Series22
Isotope Fractionation from In Vivo Methylmercury Detoxification in Waterbirds22
Competitive Arsenate and Phosphate Adsorption on Ferrihydrite as Described by the CD-MUSIC Model22
Anthropogenic Gadolinium Accumulation and Rare Earth Element Anomalies of River Water from the Middle Reach of Yangtze River Basin, China22
Nitrous Acid (HONO) Formation from the Irradiation of Aqueous Nitrate Solutions in the Presence of Marine Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter: Comparison to Other Organic Photosensitizers22
Large Discrepancy in the Formation of Secondary Organic Aerosols from Structurally Similar Monoterpenes22
Comparison of Short- and Long-Term Toxicity of Microplastics with Different Chemical Constituents on Button Polyps. (Protopalythoa sp.)21
Organic Sulfur Products and Peroxy Radical Isomerization in the OH Oxidation of Dimethyl Sulfide21
Depositional Environment Variation and Organic Matter Accumulation Mechanism of Marine–Continental Transitional Shale in the Upper Permian Longtan Formation, Sichuan Basin, SW China21
Seasonal Contribution of Isoprene-Derived Organosulfates to Total Water-Soluble Fine Particulate Organic Sulfur in the United States21
Fluorescence Aerosol Flow Tube Spectroscopy to Detect Liquid–Liquid Phase Separation21
Competitive Adsorption Processes at Clay Mineral Surfaces: A Coupled Experimental and Modeling Approach21
Evaluation of a New Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitor (ACSM) System at an Urban Site in Atlanta, GA: The Use of Capture Vaporizer and PM2.5 Inlet20
Uranium Biomineralization with Phosphate—Biogeochemical Process and Its Application20
Land-Use Change and Environmental Properties Alter the Quantity and Molecular Composition of Soil-Derived Dissolved Organic Matter20
Exploring the Global Importance of Atmospheric Ammonia Oxidation20
Anaerobic As(III) Oxidation Coupled with Nitrate Reduction and Attenuation of Dissolved Arsenic by Noviherbaspirillum Species20
Simulation of Monoterpene SOA Formation by Multiphase Reactions Using Explicit Mechanisms20
Aerosol Marine Primary Carbohydrates and Atmospheric Transformation in the Western Antarctic Peninsula19
Observations and Modeling of NOx Photochemistry and Fate in Fresh Wildfire Plumes19
Calculating Photoabsorption Cross-Sections for Atmospheric Volatile Organic Compounds19
Extreme Molecular Complexity Resulting in a Continuum of Carbonaceous Species in Biomass Burning Tar Balls from Wildfire Smoke19
Guaiacol Nitration in a Simulated Atmospheric Aerosol with an Emphasis on Atmospheric Nitrophenol Formation Mechanisms18
Pyridinic- and Pyrrolic Nitrogen in Pyrogenic Carbon Improves Electron Shuttling during Microbial Fe(III) Reduction18
Quantifying NOx Emissions from U.S. Oil and Gas Production Regions Using TROPOMI NO218
New Particle Formation and Growth from Dimethyl Sulfide Oxidation by Hydroxyl Radicals18
Size-Dependent Morphology, Composition, Phase State, and Water Uptake of Nascent Submicrometer Sea Spray Aerosols during a Phytoplankton Bloom18
Arsenic Partitioning during Schwertmannite Dissolution and Recrystallization in the Presence of Fe(II) and Oxalic Acid18
The Dolomite Problem: A Matter of Time18
Distribution and Fractionation of Uranium in Weapon Tested Range Soils18
Loss and Isotopic Fractionation of Alkali Elements during Diffusion-Limited Evaporation from Molten Silicate: Theory and Experiments18
Gas-Particle Partitioning and SOA Yields of Organonitrate Products from NO3-Initiated Oxidation of Isoprene under Varied Chemical Regimes18
Remarkably High Oxidative Potential of Atmospheric PM2.5Coming from a Large-Scale Paddy-Residue Burning over the Northwestern Indo-Gangetic Plain17
Chemical Characteristics, Size Distributions, and Aerosol Liquid Water in Size-Resolved Coastal Urban Aerosols Allied with Distinct Air Masses over Tropical Peninsular India17
Characterizing Dissolved Organic Matter Across a Riparian Soil–Water Interface: Preliminary Insights from a Molecular Level Perspective17
Tight Coupling of Surface and In-Plant Biochemistry and Convection Governs Key Fine Particulate Components over the Amazon Rainforest17
Sea Spray Aerosol Chamber Study on Selective Transfer and Enrichment of Free and Combined Amino Acids17
The Beginning of HCN Polymerization: Iminoacetonitrile Formation and Its Implications in Astrochemical Environments17
Probing the Fate of Different Structures of Beta-Lactam Antibiotics: Hydrolysis, Mineral Capture, and Influence of Organic Matter17
T- and pH-Dependent Kinetics of the Reactions of ·OH(aq) with Glutaric and Adipic Acid for Atmospheric Aqueous-Phase Chemistry17
Studies of Mineral Nucleation and Growth Across Multiple Scales: Review of the Current State of Research Using the Example of Barite (BaSO4)17
Binding Properties of Fulvic Acid Before and After Fractionation on Ferrihydrite: Effects of Phosphate17
Effects of Inorganic Acids and Organic Solutes on the Ice Nucleating Ability and Surface Properties of Potassium-Rich Feldspar17
Dynamic Oxidative Potential of Organic Aerosol from Heated Cooking Oil17
Metallic and Crustal Elements in Biomass-Burning Aerosol and Ash: Prevalence, Significance, and Similarity to Soil Particles16
Rhizosphere Drives Biotite-Like Mineral Weathering and Secondary Fe–Si Mineral Formation in Fe Ore Tailings16
Aeolian Dust and Sea Salt in Marine Aerosols over the Arabian Sea during the Southwest Monsoon: Sources and Spatial Variability16
Novel Calcium sp3 Carbonate CaC2O5-I4̅2d May Be a Carbon Host in Earth’s Lower Mantle16
Crystal Chemistry and Thermodynamics of HREE (Er, Yb) Mixing in a Xenotime Solid Solution16
Ferrihydrite Transformation Impacted by Adsorption and Structural Incorporation of Rare Earth Elements16
Global Distribution of the Phase State and Mixing Times within Secondary Organic Aerosol Particles in the Troposphere Based on Room-Temperature Viscosity Measurements16
Importance of Oxidants and Temperature in the Formation of Biogenic Organosulfates and Nitrooxy Organosulfates16
Molecular Characterization of Water-Soluble Aerosol Particle Extracts by Ultrahigh-Resolution Mass Spectrometry: Observation of Industrial Emissions and an Atmospherically Aged Wildfire Plume at Lake 16
Stability of Ca2CO4-Pnma against the Main Mantle Minerals from Ab Initio Computations16
New Mechanistic Pathways for the Reactions of Formaldehyde with Formic Acid Catalyzed by Sulfuric Acid and Formaldehyde with Sulfuric Acid Catalyzed by Formic Acid: Formation of Potential Secondary Or16
Rare-Earth Elements and Heavy Metals in Atmospheric Particulate Matter in an Urban Area16
Molecular Simulations of Feldspar Surfaces Interacting with Aqueous Inorganic Solutions: Interfacial Water/Ion Structure and Implications for Ice Nucleation16
Sorption of Hexafluoropropylene Oxide Dimer Acid to Sediments: Biogeochemical Implications and Analytical Considerations15
New Kinetic Monte Carlo Model to Study the Dissolution of Quartz15
Major and Trace Element Characteristics of the Average Indian Post-Archean Shale: Implications for Provenance, Weathering, and Depositional Environment15
Successive Hydrogenation of SO and SO2 in Solid para-H2: Formation of Elusive Small Oxoacids of Sulfur15
New High-Pressure and High-Temperature CaCO3 Polymorph15
HCOOH in the Remote Atmosphere: Constraints from Atmospheric Tomography (ATom) Airborne Observations15
Measurement of Atmospheric Mercury over Volcanic and Fumarolic Regions on the North Island of New Zealand Using Passive Air Samplers15
Evolution of Sea Spray Aerosol Particle Phase State Across a Phytoplankton Bloom15
Chirped-Pulse Fourier Transform Millimeter-Wave Spectroscopy of Furan, Isotopologues, and Vibrational Excited States15
Products and Mechanisms of Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from the NO3 Radical-Initiated Oxidation of Cyclic and Acyclic Monoterpenes14
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Measurements of Volatile Organic Compounds over a Subtropical Forest in China and Implications for Emission Heterogeneity14
Integrating Fixed Monitoring Systems with Low-Cost Sensors to Create High-Resolution Air Quality Maps for the Northern China Plain Region14
Importance of Hydroxyl Radical Chemistry in Isoprene Suppression of Particle Formation from α-Pinene Ozonolysis14
Isoprene versus Monoterpenes as Gas-Phase Organic Acid Precursors in the Atmosphere14
Hydrogen Abstraction of Acetic Acid by Hydrogen Atom to Form Carboxymethyl Radical •CH2C(O)OH in Solid para-Hydrogen and Its Implication in Astrochemistry14
The Role of Manganese Carbonate Precipitation in Controlling Fluoride and Uranium Mobilization in Groundwater14
Diurnal and Seasonal Variations in the Phase State of Secondary Organic Aerosol Material over the Contiguous US Simulated in CMAQ14
Nature of High- and Low-Affinity Metal Surface Sites on Birnessite Nanosheets14
Hydronium Ion Acidity Above and Below the Interface of Aqueous Microdroplets14
Chemical Characterization and Source Apportionment of Organic Aerosols in the Coastal City of Chennai, India: Impact of Marine Air Masses on Aerosol Chemical Composition and Potential for Secondary Or14
Synthesis of Amino Acids from Aldehydes and Ammonia: Implications for Organic Reactions in Carbonaceous Chondrite Parent Bodies14
Photochemical Aging of Levitated Aqueous Brown Carbon Droplets14
Mass Spectrometric Fingerprints of Organic Compounds in NaCl-Rich Ice Grains from Europa and Enceladus14
Air Pollution Over India: Causal Factors for the High Pollution with Implications for Mitigation14
Computer Generated Realistic Interstellar Icy Grain Models: Physicochemical Properties and Interaction with NH314
Carbonaceous Aerosols over Lachung in the Eastern Himalayas: Primary Sources and Secondary Formation of Organic Aerosols in a Remote High-Altitude Environment14
The Prebiotic Molecular Inventory of Serpens SMM1: II. The Building Blocks of Peptide Chains14
Impact of Tetrabutylammonium on the Oxidation of Bromide by Ozone14
Stability of α-Pinene and d-Limonene Ozonolysis Secondary Organic Aerosol Compounds Toward Hydrolysis and Hydration14
Shielding from UV Photodamage: Implications for Surficial Origins of Life Chemistry on the Early Earth14
Distinguishing Air Pollution Due to Stagnation, Local Emissions, and Long-Range Transport Using a Generalized Additive Model to Analyze Hourly Monitoring Data14
Sources of Gas-Phase Species in an Art Museum from Comprehensive Real-Time Measurements14
Water Adsorption on Hydroxyapatite and Struvite as a Function of Relative Humidity: Application of BET and Freundlich Adsorption Models13
Exploring Nanogeochemical Environments: New Insights from Single Particle ICP-TOFMS and AF4-ICPMS13
Oxidation of Dipropyl Thiosulfinate Initiated by Cl Radicals in the Gas Phase: Implications for Atmospheric Chemistry13
Impacts of Hydroperoxymethyl Thioformate on the Global Marine Sulfur Budget13
Kinetic Study of the Reactions of AlO with H2O and H2; Precursors to Stellar Dust Formation13
Chlorine-Initiated Oxidation of α-Pinene: Formation of Secondary Organic Aerosol and Highly Oxygenated Organic Molecules13
Electron-Induced Processing of Methanol Ice13
Algal-Microbial Community, Paleoenvironment, and Shale Oil Potential of Lacustrine Organic-Rich Shale in the Upper Cretaceous Nenjiang Formation of the Southern Central Depression, Songliao Basin (NE 13
Ice Nucleating Activity and Residual Particle Morphology of Bulk Seawater and Sea Surface Microlayer13
Tracing Fe Sources in Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) in the Mun River: Application of Fe-Stable Isotopes Based on a Binary Mixing Model13
Radiogenic 40Ca in Seawater: Implications for Modern and Ancient Ca Cycles13
Production and Impact Characterization of Enceladus Ice Grain Analogues13
Morphology and Viscosity Changes after Reactive Uptake of Isoprene Epoxydiols in Submicrometer Phase Separated Particles with Secondary Organic Aerosol Formed from Different Volatile Organic Compounds13
Aqueous Photochemistry of 2-Methyltetrol and Erythritol as Sources of Formic Acid and Acetic Acid in the Atmosphere13
Computational Insights into Mg2+ Dehydration in the Presence of Carbonate13
Sources and Cycling of Phosphorus in the Sediment of Rivers along a Eutrophic Lake in China Indicated by Phosphate Oxygen Isotopes12
The Impacts of Peroxyacetyl Nitrate in the Atmosphere of Megacities and Large Urban Areas: A Historical Perspective12
Decay Kinetics and Absorption Changes of Methoxyphenols and Nitrophenols during Nitrate-Mediated Aqueous Photochemical Oxidation at 254 and 313 nm12
Probing the Water Uptake and Phase State of Individual Sucrose Nanoparticles Using Atomic Force Microscopy12
Evolution of Ephemeral Phosphate Minerals on Planetary Environments12
Attenuated Total Reflection-Fourier Transform Infrared and Atomic Force Microscopy-Infrared Spectroscopic Investigation of Suwannee River Fulvic Acid and Its Interactions with α-FeOOH12
Effects of Atmospheric Aging Processes on Nascent Sea Spray Aerosol Physicochemical Properties12
Quantifying Nitrate Formation Pathways in the Equatorial Pacific Atmosphere from the GEOTRACES Peru-Tahiti Transect12
Mixed Quantum/Classical Theory for Collisional Quenching of PAHs in the Interstellar Media12
Meteorological Influence and Chemical Compositions of Atmospheric Particulate Matters in an Indian Urban Area12
Replacement of Calcium Carbonate Polymorphs by Cerussite12
The Ocean’s Elevator: Evolution of the Air–Seawater Interface during a Small-Scale Algal Bloom12
Intercalation of Water in Kaolinite (Al2Si2O5(OH)4) at Subduction Zone Conditions: Insights from Raman Spectroscopy12
Thiosulfate Reduction Coupled with Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation by Ralstonia sp. GX3-BWBA12
Interfacial Reactivity and Speciation Emerging from Na-Montmorillonite Interactions with Water and Formic Acid at 200 °C: Insights from Reactive Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Infrared Spectroscopy, 12
Wintertime Air Quality in Lumbini, Nepal: Sources of Fine Particle Organic Carbon12
Gas-Particle Uptake and Hygroscopic Growth by Organosulfate Particles11
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Interstellar Ices: A Computational Study into How the Ice Matrix Influences the Ionic State of PAH Photoproducts11
Dynamic Responses of Trace Metal Bioaccessibility to Fluctuating Redox Conditions in Wetland Soils and Stream Sediments11
Radical-Initiated Brown Carbon Formation in Sunlit Carbonyl–Amine–Ammonium Sulfate Mixtures and Aqueous Aerosol Particles11
Atomistic Insights into the Interlayer Cation and Water Structures of Na-, K-, and Cs-Birnessite11
Differences in Photosensitized Release of VOCs from Illuminated Seawater versus Freshwater Surfaces11
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Energy Dissipation on Amorphous Solid Water: Testing the Validity of Equipartition11
Pore-Scale Microenvironments Control Anthropogenic Carbon Mineralization Outcomes in Basalt11
The Relationship between Molecular Size and Polarity of Atmospheric Organic Aerosol in Singapore and Its Implications for Volatility and Light Absorption Properties11
Molecular Distribution, Seasonal Variations, and Sources of Typical Polar Organics in PM2.5 from Jinzhong, China11
Reaction N(2D) + CH2CCH2 (Allene): An Experimental and Theoretical Investigation and Implications for the Photochemical Models of Titan11
Occurrence Patterns and Enrichment Influencing Factors of Trace Elements in Paleogene Coal in the Fushun Basin, China11
Atmospheric Oxidation of Propanesulfinic Acid Initiated by OH Radicals: Reaction Mechanism, Energetics, Rate Coefficients, and Atmospheric Implications11
Constraining the Capacity of Global Croplands to CO2 Drawdown via Mineral Weathering11
Evolution of Brown Carbon Aerosols during Atmospheric Long-Range Transport in the South Asian Outflow and Himalayan Cryosphere11
Heavy Metal Accumulation and Source Apportionment in Urban River under Ecological Restoration: Relationships with Land Use and Risk Assessment Based on Monte Carlo Simulation11
Crystal Structure of BaCa(CO3)2 Alstonite Carbonate and Its Phase Stability upon Compression11
Observation of N2O5 Deposition and ClNO2 Production on the Saline Snowpack11
Plausible Sources of Membrane-Forming Fatty Acids on the Early Earth: A Review of the Literature and an Estimation of Amounts11
Chemical Characterization of Emissions Arising from Solid Fuel Combustion—Contrasting Wood and Cow Dung Burning11
Strong Deviations from Thermodynamically Expected Phase Partitioning of Low-Molecular-Weight Organic Acids during One Year of Rural Measurements11
Mineral Dissolution Kinetics: Pathways to Equilibrium11
Comparison of the Yield and Chemical Composition of Secondary Organic Aerosol Generated from the OH and Cl Oxidation of Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane10
Chemical Forms of Mercury in Pilot Whales Determined from Species-Averaged Mercury Isotope Signatures10
Evaporation Processes in the Upper River Water of the Three Gorges Reservoir: Evidence from Triple Oxygen Isotopes10
Chemical and Light-Absorption Properties of Water-Soluble Organic Aerosols in Northern California and Photooxidant Production by Brown Carbon Components10
Persistence of Uranium in Old and Cold Subpermafrost Groundwater Indicated by Linking 234U-235U-238U, Groundwater Ages, and Hydrogeochemistry10
Influence of Stove, Fuel, and Oxidation Flow Reactor Conditions on Aging of Laboratory-Generated Cookstove Emissions10
Assessing the Uncertainties in Ozone and SOA Predictions due to Different Branching Ratios of the Cresol Pathway in the Toluene-OH Oxidation Mechanism10
Effects of Amino Acids on Phosphate Adsorption Onto Iron (Oxy)hydroxide Minerals under Early Earth Conditions10
Kinetics and Products of the Aqueous Phase Oxidation of Triethylamine by OH10
Tropospheric Oxidation of 1H-Heptafluorocyclopentene (cyc-CF2CF2CF2CF═CH−) with OH Radicals: Reaction Mechanism, Kinetics, and Global Warming Potentials10
How Particle Size Influences Oxidation of Ancient Organic Matter during Weathering of Black Shale10
Formation of Magnesium and Aluminum Oxides from Water and Metal Hydrides: Creation of the Smallest Ruby10
A Review of Bismuth(III)-Based Materials for Remediation of Contaminated Sites10
Reduction and Photoreduction of NO2 in Humic Acid Films as a Source of HONO, ClNO, N2O, NOX, and Organic Nitrogen10
Modeling Volatility-Based Aerosol Phase State Predictions in the Amazon Rainforest10
Mechanism of Arsenic Partitioning During Sulfidation of As-Sorbed Ferrihydrite Nanoparticles10
High-Temperature Inter-Mineral Potassium Isotope Fractionation: Implications for K–Ca–Ar Chronology10
Gas-Phase Formation and Isomerization Reactions of Cyanoacetaldehyde, a Prebiotic Molecule of Astrochemical Interest10
Observations of Volatile Organic Compounds in the Los Angeles Basin during COVID-1910
Assessing the Nonlinear Effect of Atmospheric Variables on Primary and Oxygenated Organic Aerosol Concentration Using Machine Learning10
The Helicenes: Potential Carriers of Diffuse Interstellar Bands10
Reaction Mechanisms Underlying Unfunctionalized Alkyl Nitrate Hydrolysis in Aqueous Aerosols10
Long-Term 13C Uptake by 12C-Enriched Calcite10
Photic Biofilms Mediated Distant Nitrate Reduction at the Soil–Water Interface of Paddy Fields10
Cadmium(II) Removal by Mackinawite under Anoxic Conditions10
Crystal Chemistry of Thallium in Marine Ferromanganese Deposits10
Sensitivity and High-Precision Lead Isotopic Analysis by Multicollector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Based on Liquid Spray Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma-Induced Chemical Vapor Ge10
Possible Effects of Ozone Chemistry on the Phase Behavior of Skin Oil and Cooking Oil Films and Particles Indoors10
NOM-Induced Dissolution of CrxFe1–x(OH)3 Precipitates and Formation of Cr(III)-NOM-Fe Colloids under Oxic and Anoxic Conditions10
Numerical Study of Mineral Nucleation and Growth on a Substrate10
Quantifying Meltwater Sources and Contaminant Fluxes from the Athabasca Glacier, Canada10
Fossil Bioapatites with Extremely High Concentrations of Rare Earth Elements and Yttrium from Deep-Sea Pelagic Sediments9
Soluble Sulfur-Bearing Organic Compounds in Carbonaceous Meteorites: Implications for Chemical Evolution in Primitive Asteroids9
Characteristics of Dissolved Organic Matter and Dissolved Lignin Phenols in Tropical Forest Soil Solutions during Rainy Seasons and Their Responses to Nitrogen Deposition9
How Does Temperature Affect the Infrared Vibrational Spectra of Nanosized Silicate Dust?9
Chemistry in Acetonitrile–Water Films Induced by Slow (<15 eV) Electrons: Application to the Earth and Space Chemistry9
Synthesis and Characterization of Mixed-Valent Iron Layered Double Hydroxides (“Green Rust”)9
Vacuum-UV Photodesorption from Compact Amorphous Solid Water: Photon Energy Dependence, Isotopic and Temperature Effects9
Estimation of Skin and Ocular Damage Avoided in the United States through Implementation of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer9
Mass Spectrometric Fingerprints of Organic Compounds in Sulfate-Rich Ice Grains: Implications for Europa Clipper9
Influence of Monsoonal Driving Factors on the Secondary Inorganic Aerosol over Ambient Air in Dhaka9
Surface Complexation Modeling Approach for Aluminum-Substituted Ferrihydrites9
Rapid Attainment of Isotopic Equilibrium after Mercury Reduction by Ferrous Iron Minerals and Isotopic Exchange between Hg(II) and Hg(0)9
Acidity of Size-Resolved Sea-Salt Aerosol in a Coastal Urban Area: Comparison of Existing and New Approaches9
Photocatalytic Oxidation of Dissolved Mn2+ by TiO2 and the Formation of Tunnel Structured Manganese Oxides9
Biogeochemistry of the Antrim Shale Natural Gas Reservoir9
Isotopic Constraints on the Nature of Primary Precipitates in Archean–Early Paleoproterozoic Iron Formations from Determinations of the Iron Phonon Density of States of Greenalite and 2L- and 6L-Ferri9
Acyclic Terpenes Reduce Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Emissions of a Riparian Shrub9
Mobilization of As, Fe, and Mn from Contaminated Sediment in Aerobic and Anaerobic Conditions: Chemical or Microbiological Triggers?9
Distribution Coefficients of the REEs, Sr, Y, Ba, Th, and U between α-HIBA and AG50W-X8 Resin9
Pentavalent Uranium Enriched Mineral Surface under Electrochemically Controlled Reducing Environments9
Polarizability in Astrochemical Studies of Complex Carbon-Based Compounds9
Fate of Springtime Atmospheric Reactive Mercury: Concentrations and Deposition at Zeppelin, Svalbard9
Climatic Controls on a Holocene Mercury Stable Isotope Sediment Record of Lake Titicaca9
Modeling the Size Distribution and Chemical Composition of Secondary Organic Aerosols during the Reactive Uptake of Isoprene-Derived Epoxydiols under Low-Humidity Condition9
Carbon Monoxide in Optically Thick Wildfire Smoke: Evaluating TROPOMI Using CU Airborne SOF Column Observations9
Investigation of the Interactions Occurring Between Cr(VI) and Citric Acid-Schwertmannite Composites: A Macroscopic and In Situ ATR-FTIR Study9
Thermal and Vibrationally Activated Decomposition of the syn-CH3CHOO Criegee Intermediate9
Is Ice Formation by Sea Spray Particles at Cirrus Temperatures Controlled by Crystalline Salts?9
Quantifying Molybdenum Isotopic Speciation in Sulfidic Water: Implications for the Paleoredox Proxy9
Paleoenvironment, Provenance, and Hydrocarbon Potential of Lower Permian Coal-Bearing Source Rocks in the Southern North China Basin: A Case Study of the Pingdingshan Coalfield9
Optical Characterization of Mineral Dust from the EAIIST Project with Digital Holography9
The CU Airborne Solar Occultation Flux Instrument: Performance Evaluation during BB-FLUX9
Rapid Marcasite to Pyrite Transformation in Acidic Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Fluids and Saturation Index Control on FeS2 Precipitation Dynamics and Phase Selection9
Formation of Fe(III) (Hydr)oxides from Fe(II) Sulfides: Implications for Akaganeite Detection on Mars9
Theoretical Investigation on the Oligomerization of Methylglyoxal and Glyoxal in Aqueous Atmospheric Aerosol Particles9
UV/Vis and IRMPD Spectroscopic Analysis of the Absorption Properties of Methylglyoxal Brown Carbon9
Can Online Aerosol Mass Spectrometry Analysis Classify Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) and Oxidized Primary Organic Aerosol (OPOA)? A Case Study of Laboratory and Field Studies of Indonesian Biomass B9
Fractionation of Oxygen Isotopes in Uranium Oxides during Peroxide Precipitation and Dry Air Calcination9
Kinetic Study of the Gas-Phase C(3P) + CH3CN Reaction at Low Temperatures: Rate Constants, H-Atom Product Yields, and Astrochemical Implications9
Nanoscale Infrared Characterization of Dark Clasts and Fine-Grained Rims in CM2 Chondrites: Aguas Zarcas and Jbilet Winselwan8
Rotational Excitation of NCCN by p-H2(jc = 0) at Low Temperatures8
Novel Application of Machine Learning Techniques for Rapid Source Apportionment of Aerosol Mass Spectrometer Datasets8
Deciphering the Source of Primary Biological Aerosol Particles: A Pollen Case Study8
Freezing Enhances Leaching of Ferrous Ions but Hinders Reductive Dissolution of Ferric Ions from Iron Oxides8
Riverine Hydrochemical Characteristics of a Typical Karst Urban Watershed: Major Ion Compositions, Sources, Assessment, and Historical Evolution8
Exchange Reactions Alter Molecular Speciation of Gaseous Oxidized Mercury8
Functionalized Clays for Radionuclide Sequestration: A Review8
Origin of Chirality in the Molecules of Life8
Density Functional Theory Modeling of the Oxidation Mechanism of Co(II) by Birnessite8
Discovery of Elgoresyite, (Mg,Fe)5Si2O9: Implications for Novel Iron-Magnesium Silicates in Rocky Planetary Interiors8
Abiotic Reduction of Nitrate and Chlorate by Green Rust8