Physical Review Fluids

(The H4-Index of Physical Review Fluids is 26. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Editorial: The 2021 François Naftali Frenkiel Award for Fluid Mechanics156
Role of caking in optimizing the performance of a concertinaed ceramic filtration membrane111
Polymer stretching in laminar and random flows: Entropic characterization74
Vortical cleaning of oil-impregnated porous surfaces51
Instabilities of the buoyancy layer for the Carreau fluid in thermally stratified medium49
Three-dimensional flow structure in an axisymmetric separated/reattaching supersonic flow48
Triple line destabilization: Tuning film thickness through meniscus curvature46
Turbulence structure and scales in canopy-wake reattachment45
Parabolic resolvent modes for streaky structures in transitional and turbulent boundary layers44
Thickness profiles of giant soap films41
Spectral landscapes of flow instabilities in brain aneurysms39
Numerical dispersion effects on the energy cascade in large-eddy simulation35
Local-flux vectors of conserved quantities in wavenumber space: Anisotropic structures in Charney–Hasegawa–Mima turbulence34
Dynamics of phase separation of sheared binary mixtures after a nonisothermal quenching34
Purcell's swimmer in a shear-thinning fluid33
Angular momentum and moment of total enthalpy integral equations for high-speed boundary layers32
Photoisomeric molecular tagging velocimetry with CCVJ30
Mechanisms leading to the formation of double-diffusive layers during unidirectional solidification of aqueous NH<30
Direct numerical simulations of a supersonic turbulent boundary layer subject to velocity-temperature coupled control30
Erratum: Quantifying mixing of Rayleigh-Taylor turbulence [Phys. Rev. Fluids 5, 104501 (2020)]29
Rayleigh-number dependence of the critical vibration frequency in vibrating thermal turbulence29
Achieving heat transfer enhancement via manipulation of bulk flow structures in turbulent thermal convection29
Developing horizontal convection against stable temperature stratification in a rectangular container27
Nonsteady discharge of granular media from a silo driven by a pressurized gas27
Interfacial flows past arrays of elastic fibers26
Bounding temperature dissipation in time-modulated Rayleigh-Bénard convection26
Systematic parameterizations of minimal models of microswimming26