Physical Review Physics Education Research

(The median citation count of Physical Review Physics Education Research is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Studying physics during the COVID-19 pandemic: Student assessments of learning achievement, perceived effectiveness of online recitations, and online laboratories87
Could an artificial-intelligence agent pass an introductory physics course?51
Effect of gender, self-efficacy, and interest on perception of the learning environment and outcomes in calculus-based introductory physics courses39
Effect of integrating physics education technology simulations on students’ conceptual understanding in physics: A review of literature35
Investigating the landscape of physics laboratory instruction across North America31
Students’ sense of belonging in introductory physics course for bioscience majors predicts their grade28
Effect of culture on women physicists’ career choice: A comparison of Muslim majority countries and the West27
Effects of emergency remote instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic on university physics students in Italy27
Investigating society’s educational debts due to racism and sexism in student attitudes about physics using quantitative critical race theory27
Lab instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic: Effects on student views about experimental physics in comparison with previous years27
Damage caused by societal stereotypes: Women have lower physics self-efficacy controlling for grade even in courses in which they outnumber men25
Not feeling recognized as a physics person by instructors and teaching assistants is correlated with female students’ lower grades25
Teaching and learning special relativity theory in secondary and lower undergraduate education: A literature review25
Impact of a course transformation on students’ reasoning about measurement uncertainty24
How perception of learning environment predicts male and female students’ grades and motivational outcomes in algebra-based introductory physics courses23
Implementing an epistemologically authentic approach to student-centered inquiry learning23
Eye tracking in physics education research: A systematic literature review22
Critical race and feminist standpoint theories in physics education research: A historical review and potential applications21
Effect of an introductory quantum physics course using experiments with heralded photons on preuniversity students’ conceptions about quantum physics21
Restructuring physics labs to cultivate sense of student agency20
Design-based research as a model for systematic curriculum development: The example of a curriculum for introductory optics19
Educational data augmentation in physics education research using ChatGPT19
Future quantum workforce: Competences, requirements, and forecasts19
Can ChatGPT support prospective teachers in physics task development?18
Eye-movement study of high- and low-prior-knowledge students’ scientific argumentations with multiple representations18
Impacts on student learning, confidence, and affect in a remote, large-enrollment, course-based undergraduate research experience in physics17
Analyzing admissions metrics as predictors of graduate GPA and whether graduate GPA mediates Ph.D. completion17
How do physics students evaluate artificial intelligence responses on comprehension questions? A study on the perceived scientific accuracy and linguistic quality of ChatGPT17
Characterizing active learning environments in physics using network analysis and classroom observations17
Gendered performance differences in introductory physics: A study from a large land-grant university17
Student recognition of interference and diffraction patterns: An eye-tracking study16
Teaching electric circuits with a focus on potential differences16
Examining the relationship between informal science experiences and physics identity: Unrealized possibilities16
Classification of open-ended responses to a research-based assessment using natural language processing16
Student knowledge integration in learning mechanical wave propagation16
Knowledge integration in student learning of Newton’s third law: Addressing the action-reaction language and the implied causality16
Insights from the Physics and Astronomy New Faculty Workshop: How do new physics faculty teach?15
LGBT+physicists: Harassment, persistence, and uneven support15
Skills-focused lab instruction improves critical thinking skills and experimentation views for all students15
Mediational effect of prior preparation on performance differences of students underrepresented in physics15
Development of a two-tier instrument on simple electric circuits15
Observing whiteness in introductory physics: A case study14
Intersectional analysis of Advanced Placement Physics participation and performance by gender and ethnicity14
Designing and implementing materials on quantum computing for secondary school students: The case of teleportation14
Undergraduate student experiences in remote lab courses during the COVID-19 pandemic14
Test of understanding graphs in kinematics: Item objectives confirmed by clustering eye movement transitions14
Optimizing the length of computerized adaptive testing for the Force Concept Inventory14
Communities of practice as a curriculum design theory in an introductory physics class for engineers14
Difficulties in understanding mechanical waves: Remediated by problem-based instruction13
Inventory for the assessment of representational competence of vector fields13
Today’s interdisciplinary quantum information classroom: Themes from a survey of quantum information science instructors13
Importance of math prerequisites for performance in introductory physics13
Introductory physics lab instructors’ perspectives on measurement uncertainty13
Working together or alone, near, or far: Social connections and communities of practice in in-person and remote physics laboratories13
Evaluating the role of student preference in physics lab group equity13
Phenomenographic analysis and comparison of students’ conceptual understanding of electric and magnetic fields and the principle of superposition13
Impact of informal physics programs on university student development: Creating a physicist12
Designing research-based instructional materials that leverage dual-process theories of reasoning: Insights from testing one specific, theory-driven intervention12
Examining the effect of counternarratives about physics on women’s physics career intentions12
Not engaging with problems in the lab: Students’ navigation of conflicting data and models12
Examining the effects of lab instruction and gender composition on intergroup interaction networks in introductory physics labs12
Impact of broad categorization on statistical results: How underrepresented minority designation can mask the struggles of both Asian American and African American students12
Development and validation of a conceptual survey instrument to evaluate students’ understanding of thermodynamics12
Why and how teachers use nature of science in teaching quantum physics: Research on the use of an ecological teaching intervention in upper secondary schools12
Informal physics programs as communities of practice: How can programs support university students’ identities?12
Effect of students’ investigative experiments on students’ recognition of interference and diffraction patterns: An eye-tracking study12
Inclusive learning environments can improve student learning and motivational beliefs11
Toward AI grading of student problem solutions in introductory physics: A feasibility study11
Remote advanced lab course: A case study analysis of open-ended projects11
Physics Inventory of Quantitative Literacy: A tool for assessing mathematical reasoning in introductory physics11
Impact of virtual research experience for undergraduates experiences on students’ psychosocial gains during the COVID-19 pandemic11
Assessment of knowledge integration in student learning of simple electric circuits11
Students’ perspectives on computational challenges in physics class11
Concept of a transductive link11
Investigating students’ views of experimental physics in German laboratory classes11
Transitioning to online instruction: Strong ties and anxiety11
Defining and assessing understandings of evidence with the assessment rubric for physics inquiry: Towards integration of argumentation and inquiry11
Effects of metacognitive scaffolding on students’ performance and confidence judgments in simulation-based inquiry10
Improving test security and efficiency of computerized adaptive testing for the Force Concept Inventory10
Framework for unpacking students’ mindsets in physics by gender10
Incorporating writing in advanced lab projects: A multiple case-study analysis10
Integrating artificial intelligence-based methods into qualitative research in physics education research: A case for computational grounded theory10
Research-based quantum instruction: Paradigms and Tutorials10
Do female and male students’ physics motivational beliefs change in a two-semester introductory physics course sequence?10
Sequential and simultaneous synthesis problem solving: A comparison of students’ gaze transitions10
Exploring and supporting student reasoning in physics by leveraging dual-process theories of reasoning and decision making10
Comparison of labatorials and traditional labs: The impacts of instructional scaffolding on the student experience and conceptual understanding10
Framework for evaluating statistical models in physics education research10
Harnessing active engagement in educational videos: Enhanced visuals and embedded questions10
Examining the relation of correct knowledge and misconceptions using the nominal response model10
Applying module analysis to the Conceptual Survey of Electricity and Magnetism10
Long-term collaboration with strong friendship ties improves academic performance in remote and hybrid teaching modalities in high school physics9
Social positioning in small group interactions in an investigative science learning environment physics class9
Sketching to support visual learning with interactive tutorials9
Analyzing high school students’ reasoning about polarization of light9
Possible misconceptions about solid friction9
Maintaining item banks with the Rasch model: An example from wave optics9
Exploring the effects of omitted variable bias in physics education research9
Gender differences in classroom experiences impacting self-efficacy in an AP Physics 1 classroom8
Deeper look at question categories, concepts, and context covered: Modified module analysis of quantum mechanics concept assessment8
Challenges and opportunities for informal physics learning in the COVID era8
Learning assistants as student partners in introductory physics8
Patterns in assignment submission times: Procrastination, gender, grades, and grade components8
Performance of ChatGPT on the test of understanding graphs in kinematics8
Fostering appropriation through designing for multiple access points to a multidimensional understanding of physics8
Evaluating instructional labs’ use of deliberate practice to teach critical thinking skills8
Refining a model for understanding and characterizing instructor pedagogy in informal physics learning environments8
Cosmos visualized: Development of a qualitative framework for analyzing representations in cosmology education7
Isolation and connectedness among Black and Latinx physics graduate students7
Examining the dynamics of decision making when designing curriculum in partnership with students: How should we proceed?7
University student conceptual resources for understanding forces7
Development and validation of an astronomy self-efficacy instrument for understanding and doing7
Investigating how university students collaborate to compose physics problems through structured tasks7
Taking on a manager role can support women’s physics lab identity development7
Equitable approach to introductory calculus-based physics courses focused on problem solving7
Understanding interaction network formation across instructional contexts in remote physics courses7
How mixed reality shifts visual attention and success in experimental problem solving7
Evidence of measurement invariance across gender for the Force Concept Inventory7
Instructor perspectives on the emergency transition to remote instruction of physics labs7
Phenomenographic analysis of students’ conceptual understanding of electric and magnetic interactions7
Students’ difficulties with partial differential equations in quantum mechanics6
Towards mapping the landscape of informal physics educational activities6
Impact of perceived recognition by physics instructors on women’s self-efficacy and interest6
Sense of belonging is an important predictor of introductory physics students’ academic performance6
Departmental support structures for physics graduate students: Development and psychometric evaluation of a self-report instrument6
Disciplinary significance of social caring in postsecondary science, technology, engineering, and mathematics6
Percent grade scale amplifies racial or ethnic inequities in introductory physics6
Development and illustration of a framework for computational thinking practices in introductory physics6
Physics Graduate Record Exam does not help applicants “stand out”6
Positive attitudinal shifts and a narrowing gender gap: Do expertlike attitudes correlate to higher learning gains for women in the physics classroom?6
Graduate program reform in one department of physics and astronomy: From tragedy to more progressive policies and an evolving culture6
Reasoning with evidence while modeling: Successes at the middle school level6
Investigating institutional influence on graduate program admissions by modeling physics Graduate Record Examination cutoff scores6
Critical issues in statistical causal inference for observational physics education research6
Analysis and comparison of students’ conceptual understanding of symmetry arguments in Gauss’s and Ampere’s laws6
Development and validation of the Conceptual Survey on Wave Optics6
Race-evasive frames in physics and physics education: Results from an interview study6
Increasing the effectiveness of active learning using deliberate practice: A homework transformation6
Gender differences in grades versus grade penalties: Are grade anomalies more detrimental for female physics majors?6
Shifting the learning gears: Redesigning a project-based course on soft matter through the perspective of constructionism6
How the introduction of self-assessment rubrics helped students and teachers in a project laboratory course6
Rubric-based holistic review: A promising route to equitable graduate admissions in physics5
Investigating graduate student reasoning on a conceptual entropy questionnaire5
Characterizations of student, instructor, and textbook discourse related to basis and change of basis in quantum mechanics5
How women physics teacher candidates utilize their double outsider identities to productively learn physics5
Development and validation of the ray optics in converging lenses concept inventory5
Validation of a coupled, multiple response assessment for upper-division thermal physics5
Examining the relation of high school preparation and college achievement to conceptual understanding5
Teaching research skills for experimental physics in an undergraduate electronics lab5
Transforming the preparation of physics graduate teaching assistants: Curriculum development5
Multidimensional item response theory and the Brief Electricity and Magnetism Assessment5
Analyzing identity trajectories within the physics community5
Gender inequity in individual participation within physics and science, technology, engineering, and math courses5
Theoretical model and quantitative assessment of scientific thinking and reasoning5
Development and validation of a conceptual multiple-choice survey instrument to assess student understanding of introductory thermodynamics5
Network analysis approach to Likert-style surveys5
Exploring generative AI assisted feedback writing for students’ written responses to a physics conceptual question with prompt engineering and few-shot learning5
Survey of physics reasoning on uncertainty concepts in experiments: An assessment of measurement uncertainty for introductory physics labs5
Intuition in quantum mechanics: Student perspectives and expectations5
Validity of Force Concept Inventory evaluated by students’ explanations and confirmation using modified item response curve5
Mediating role of personality in the relation of gender to self-efficacy in physics and mathematics5
Absence of a COVID-induced academic drop in high-school physics learning5
Student behavior in undergraduate physics laboratories: Designing experiments5
Contribution of self-directed, naked-eye observations to students’ conceptual understanding and attitudes towards astronomy5
Introductory physics students’ recognition of strong peers: Gender and racial or ethnic bias differ by course level and context5
Towards a research program in designing and evaluating teaching materials: An example from dc resistive circuits in introductory physics5
Exploring student ideas on change of basis in quantum mechanics5
Physicality, modeling, and agency in a computational physics class5
Assessing student engagement with teamwork in an online, large-enrollment course-based undergraduate research experience in physics5
Attributing equity gaps to course structure in introductory physics5
Productive faculty resources activated by curricular materials: An example of epistemological beliefs in University Modeling Instruction5
Workplace climate forLGBT+physicists: A view from students a5
Improving accuracy in measuring the impact of online instruction on students’ ability to transfer physics problem-solving skills5
Students’ context-sensitive use of conceptual resources: A pattern across different styles of question about mechanical waves5
Frequent small group interactions improve student learning gains in physics: Results from a nationally representative pre-post study of four-year colleges5
Rubric for assessing thinking skills in free-response exam problems4
Values affirmation replication at the University of Illinois4
Sensemaking and scientific modeling: Intertwined processes analyzed in the context of physics problem solving4
Evaluating the impact of a classroom simulator training on graduate teaching assistants’ instructional practices and undergraduate student learning4
Context affects student thinking about sources of uncertainty in classical and quantum mechanics4
Measuring the level of homework answer copying during COVID-19 induced remote instruction4
Longitudinal analysis of women and men’s motivational beliefs in a two-semester introductory physics course sequence for students on the bioscience track4
Students’ views about experimental physics in a large-enrollment introductory lab focused on experimental scientific practices4
Assessment of student knowledge integration in learning work and mechanical energy4
Relating students’ social belonging and course performance across multiple assessment types in a calculus-based introductory physics 1 course4
Gender differences in students’ self-efficacy in introductory physics courses in which women outnumber men predict their grade4
Implementation and goals of quantum optics experiments in undergraduate instructional labs4
New perspectives on student reasoning about measurement uncertainty: More or better data4
Studying physics during the COVID-19 pandemic: Student perceptions on synchronous and asynchronous course formats and implications for the future4
History of science based dialogues on sound waves: From sound atoms to phonons4
Assessing the impact of metacognitive postreflection exercises on problem-solving skillfulness4
Integrating effective learning strategies in basic physics lectures: A thematic analysis4
Policy recommendations from causal inference in physics education research4
Characterizing the mathematical problem-solving strategies of transitioning novice physics students4
Ongoing effects of pandemic-imposed learning environment disruption on student attitudes4
Participatory approach to introduce computational modeling at the undergraduate level, extending existing curricula and practices: Augmenting derivations4
Validated diagnostic test for introductory physics course placement4
Applying a mathematical sense-making framework to student work and its potential for curriculum design4
Hybrid teaching: A tale of two populations4
Data sharing model for physics education research using the 70 000 response Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey for Experimental Physics dataset4
Causal reasoning in understanding Newton’s third law4
Instructor interactions in traditional and nontraditional labs4
Comparing introductory and beyond-introductory students’ reasoning about uncertainty3
Probing high school students’ understanding of interference and diffraction of light using standard wave optics experiments3
Tools for identifying courses that support development of expertlike physics attitudes3
Improving high school physics outcomes for young women3
Gaze patterns enhance response prediction: More than correct or incorrect3
German university students’ views of nature of science in the introductory phase3
Fields in middle school energy instruction to support continued learning of energy3
Motivations for using the item response theory nominal response model to rank responses to multiple-choice items3
Students’ difficulties with solving bound and scattering state problems in quantum mechanics3
Impact of introductory physics for the life sciences in a senior biology capstone course3
Cheat sites and artificial intelligence usage in online introductory physics courses: What is the extent and what effect does it have on assessments?3
Making context explicit in equation construction and interpretation: Symbolic blending3
Student sensemaking about inconsistencies in a reform-based introductory physics lab3
Student experiences with authentic research in a remote, introductory course-based undergraduate research experience in physics3
Identifying students’ mental models of the apparent motion of the Sun and stars3
Preliminary development of a simple statistical tool for estimating mental model states from a diagnostic test3
Cross-disciplinary learning index: A quantitative measure of cross-disciplinary learning about energy3
From Cartesian coordinates to Hilbert space: Supporting student understanding of basis in quantum mechanics3
Physics Ph.D. student perspectives on the importance and difficulty of finding a research group3
Development and validation of an instrument to assess students’ science, technology, engineering, and mathematics identity3
Assessment designs of instructional labs: A literature review and a design model3
Female physics students gain from facilitating informal physics programs3
Increased learning in a college physics course with timely use of short multimedia summaries3
Investigating learning assistants’ use of questioning in online courses about introductory physics3
Validity of the physics affective characteristics scale for Flemish pharmacy and biology majors3
Problem solving in basic physics: Effective self-explanations based on four elements with support from retrieval practice3
Does confidence in a wrong answer imply a misconception?3
Exploring the introductory physics classroom through the lens of intellectual humility: Handling what you do not know2
Integrating argumentation in physics inquiry: A design and evaluation study2
Investigating student ability to follow reasoning chains: The role of conceptual understanding2
How curriculum developers’ cognitive theories influence curriculum development2
Measurement invariance across race and gender for the Force Concept Inventory2
Context interactions and physics faculty’s professional development: Case study2
Other spaces for young women’s identity work in physics: Resources accessed through university-adjacent informal physics learning contexts in Sweden2
Instructional model for teaching blended math-science sensemaking in undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and math courses using computer simulations2
Disparities in access to U.S. quantum information education2
Comparing conceptual understanding across institutions with module analysis2
Factors related to girls’ choice of physics for university entrance exams in Japan2
Statistically equivalent models with different causal structures: An example from physics identity2
Peer interaction facilitates co-construction of knowledge in quantum mechanics2
How instructors can view knowledge to implement culturally relevant pedagogy2
Impact of problem context on students’ concept definition of an expectation value2
Identifying student conceptual resources for understanding physics: A practical guide for researchers2
Testing quantum reasoning: Developing, validating, and application of a questionnaire2
Rethinking the division of labor between tutorial writers and instructors with respect to fostering equitable team dynamics2
Conceptual framework assessment of knowledge integration in student learning of measurement uncertainty2
Rethinking doctoral qualifying exams and candidacy in the physical sciences: Learning toward scientific legitimacy2
Development and assessment of a course-based undergraduate research experience for online astronomy majors2