Plant Diversity

(The median citation count of Plant Diversity is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
V.PhyloMaker2: An updated and enlarged R package that can generate very large phylogenies for vascular plants171
Are phylogenies resolved at the genus level appropriate for studies on phylogenetic structure of species assemblages?88
Spatial phylogenetics of two topographic extremes of the Hengduan Mountains in southwestern China and its implications for biodiversity conservation53
U.Taxonstand: An R package for standardizing scientific names of plants and animals52
U.PhyloMaker: An R package that can generate large phylogenetic trees for plants and animals52
Recent advances on phylogenomics of gymnosperms and a new classification44
Pollinator diversity benefits natural and agricultural ecosystems, environmental health, and human welfare41
SSR markers development and their application in genetic diversity evaluation of garlic (Allium sativum) germplasm39
Orchid conservation in China from 2000 to 2020: Achievements and perspectives38
Modeling impacts of climate change on the potential distribution of six endemic baobab species in Madagascar31
AtWRKY75 positively regulates age-triggered leaf senescence through gibberellin pathway28
Genetic diversity and population structure of Camellia huana (Theaceae), a limestone species with narrow geographic range, based on chloroplast DNA sequence and microsatellite markers28
Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants traded in herbal markets of Kahramanmaraş25
Phylogenetic relatedness of woody angiosperm assemblages and its environmental determinants along a subtropical elevational gradient in China25
Twenty years of Chinese vascular plant novelties, 2000 through 201924
Topography and soil content contribute to plant community composition and structure in subtropical evergreen-deciduous broadleaved mixed forests24
Global patterns of taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity of flowering plants: Biodiversity hotspots and coldspots24
An ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants in Güce district, north-eastern Turkey23
Non-host plants: Are they mycorrhizal networks players?23
Potential distributional shifts in North America of allelopathic invasive plant species under climate change models23
Genetic diversity and structure of Rhododendron meddianum, a plant species with extremely small populations22
Different environmental factors drive tree species diversity along elevation gradients in three climatic zones in Yunnan, southern China22
Chloroplast genomic diversity in Bulbophyllum section Macrocaulia (Orchidaceae, Epidendroideae, Malaxideae): Insights into species divergence and adaptive evolution22
Inter-species mRNA transfer among green peach aphids, dodder parasites, and cucumber host plants21
Vital roles for ethnobotany in conservation and sustainable development21
Phylogenomics of Allium section Cepa (Amaryllidaceae) provides new insights on domestication of onion21
Invasive alien plants in China: An update20
Global patterns of fern species diversity: An evaluation of fern data in GBIF20
Comparative chloroplast genome analysis of medicinally important Veratrum (Melanthiaceae) in China: Insights into genomic characterization and phylogenetic relationships19
Allelochemicals of Panax notoginseng and their effects on various plants and rhizosphere microorganisms19
Repellent, larvicidal and adulticidal activities of essential oil from Dai medicinal plant Zingiber cassumunar against Aedes albopictus19
Plant diversity of Hyrcanian relict forests: An annotated checklist, chorology and threat categories of endemic and near endemic vascular plant species19
Ethnobotany and diversity of medicinal plants used by the Buyi in eastern Yunnan, China18
Comparative plastomic analysis and insights into the phylogeny of Salvia (Lamiaceae)18
Plastid phylogenomic insights into the evolution of subfamily Dialioideae (Leguminosae)18
Plastid genome evolution of a monophyletic group in the subtribe Lauriineae (Laureae, Lauraceae)18
Selecting flagship species to solve a biodiversity conservation conundrum17
Leaf hydraulics coordinated with leaf economics and leaf size in mangrove species along a salinity gradient17
Genetic diversity and structure of the endemic and endangered species Aristolochia delavayi growing along the Jinsha River16
Distribution patterns and industry planning of commonly used traditional Chinese medicinal plants in China16
Extreme plastid RNA editing may confound phylogenetic reconstruction: A case study of Selaginella (lycophytes)15
Geographic patterns of taxonomic and phylogenetic β-diversity of aquatic angiosperms in China15
Involvement of NAC transcription factor NaNAC29 in Alternaria alternata resistance and leaf senescence in Nicotiana attenuata14
Genetic analysis of walnut cultivars from southwest China: Implications for germplasm improvement14
Development of genomic resources for the genus Celtis (Cannabaceae) based on genome skimming data14
Genome size evolution of the extant lycophytes and ferns14
Comparative analysis of plastomes in Oxalidaceae: Phylogenetic relationships and potential molecular markers14
Characterisation of manganese toxicity tolerance in Arabis paniculata14
Phytochrome B regulates jasmonic acid-mediated defense response against Botrytis cinerea in Arabidopsis13
A preliminary phylogenetic study of Paraphlomis (Lamiaceae) based on molecular and morphological evidence13
Patterns of phylogenetic relatedness of non-native plants across the introduction–naturalization–invasion continuum in China13
Genomic characterization and expression profiles of stress-associated proteins (SAPs) in castor bean (Ricinus communis)13
The first mitogenome of Lauraceae (Cinnamomum chekiangense)13
Nutrient value of wild fodder species and the implications for improving the diet of mithun (Bos frontalis) in Dulongjiang area, Yunnan Province, China12
The complete plastome sequences of five Aponogeton species (Aponogetonaceae): Insights into the structural organization and mutational hotspots12
Temporal regulation of alternative splicing events in rice memory under drought stress12
Mapping the habitat suitability of Ottelia species in Africa12
Molecular phylogenetic analyses based on the complete plastid genomes and nuclear sequences reveal Daphne (Thymelaeaceae) to be non-monophyletic as current circumscription12
Traditional knowledge, use and conservation of plants by the communities of Tharaka-Nithi County, Kenya12
Preliminary study on Cd accumulation characteristics in Sansevieria trifasciata Prain12
Testing complete plastomes and nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences for species identification in a taxonomically difficult bamboo genus Fargesia12
Diversity patterns of cushion plants on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau: A basic study for future conservation efforts on alpine ecosystems11
Phylogenetic incongruence in Cymbidium orchids11
Taxonomy notes on Vandeae (Orchidaceae) from China: Five new species and two new records11
Distribution patterns of clonal plants in the subnival belt of the Hengduan Mountains, SW China11
Accession-specific flowering time variation in response to nitrate fluctuation in Arabidopsis thaliana11
Ethnobotanical study on medicinal plants from the Dragon Boat Festival herbal markets of Qianxinan, southwestern Guizhou, China11
Diversity in seed oil content and fatty acid composition in Acer species with potential as sources of nervonic acid11
Phylogenetic estimation and morphological evolution of Alsineae (Caryophyllaceae) shed new insight into the taxonomic status of the genus Pseudocerastium11
Species richness patterns and the determinants of larch forests in China10
Molecular phylogeny and inflorescence evolution of Prunus (Rosaceae) based on RAD-seq and genome skimming analyses10
Three new species of Liparis s.l. (Orchidaceae: Malaxideae) from Southwest China based on morphological characters and phylogenetic evidence10
Plant diversity in herbal tea and its traditional knowledge in Qingtian County, Zhejiang Province, China10
Similar mycorrhizal fungal communities associated with epiphytic and lithophytic orchids of Coelogyne corymbosa10
Two new species from Sulawesi and Borneo facilitate phylogeny and taxonomic revision of Engelhardia (Juglandaceae)10
Phylogeny, character evolution, and classification of Selaginellaceae (lycophytes)9
Folk nomenclature of plants in Cistanche deserticola-associated community in South Gobi, Mongolia9
Phylogenomics and integrative taxonomy reveal two new species of Amana (Liliaceae)9
Transcriptome and carotenoid profiling of different varieties of Coffea arabica provides insights into fruit color formation9
Quantitative classification of Camellia japonica and Camellia rusticana (Theaceae) based on leaf and flower morphology9
Coryphoid palms from the K-Pg boundary of central India and their biogeographical implications: Evidence from megafossil remains9
2,3-Butanediol from the leachates of pine needles induces the resistance of Panax notoginseng to the leaf pathogen Alternaria panax9
Plastome and phylogenetic relationship of the woody buckwheat Fagopyrum tibeticum in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau9
RAD-sequencing improves the genetic characterization of a threatened tree peony (Paeonia ludlowii) endemic to China: Implications for conservation9
The worldwide allometric relationship in anatomical structures for plant roots9
Expansion and expression diversity of FAR1/FRS-like genes provides insights into flowering time regulation in roses9
Forest gaps regulate seed germination rate and radicle growth of an endangered plant species in a subtropical natural forest8
Plant invasions facilitated by suppression of root nutrient acquisition rather than by disruption of mycorrhizal association in the native plant8
Cavitation resistance of peduncle, petiole and stem is correlated with bordered pit dimensions in Magnolia grandiflora8
Orchid diversity in China: Recent discoveries8
Lycophyte transcriptomes reveal two whole-genome duplications in Lycopodiaceae: Insights into the polyploidization of Phlegmariurus8
Genome-wide analysis of the B3 transcription factors reveals that RcABI3/VP1 subfamily plays important roles in seed development and oil storage in castor bean (Ricinus communis)8
Wind-dispersed seeds blur phylogeographic breaks: The complex evolutionary history of Populus lasiocarpa around the Sichuan Basin8
New contributions to Goodyerinae and Dendrobiinae (Orchidaceae) in the flora of China8
Why is the beautyberry so colourful? Evolution, biogeography, and diversification of fruit colours in Callicarpa (Lamiaceae)8
Native useful vascular plants of China: A checklist and use patterns8
Two new species of Yushania (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) from South China, with a taxonomic revision of related species7
Borana rangeland of southern Ethiopia: Estimating biomass production and carrying capacity using field and remote sensing data7
Molecular cytogenetic study on the plants of Elymus nutans with varying fertility on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau7
Seed dormancy, germination and storage behavior of Magnolia sinica, a plant species with extremely small populations of Magnoliaceae7
Mojiangia oreophila (Crepidinae, Cichorieae, Asteraceae), a new species and genus from Mojiang County, SW Yunnan, China, and putative successor of the maternal Faberia ancestor7
Flavonoid scutellarin positively regulates root length through NUTCRACKER7
Leaf fossils of Sabalites (Arecaceae) from the Oligocene of northern Vietnam and their paleoclimatic implications7
DNA barcoding and molecular phylogeny of Dumasia (Fabaceae: Phaseoleae) reveals a cryptic lineage7
Four new species and a new record of Orchidinae (Orchidaceae: Orchideae) from China7
Molecular phylogeny, biogeography and character evolution of the montane genus Incarvillea Juss. (Bignoniaceae)7
Adaptive responses drive the success of polyploid yellowcresses (Rorippa, Brassicaceae) in the Hengduan Mountains, a temperate biodiversity hotspot7
Fossil fruits of Firmiana and Tilia from the middle Miocene of South Korea and the efficacy of the Bering land bridge for the migration of mesothermal plants6
Adaptive genetic diversity of dominant species contributes to species co-existence and community assembly6
Are allometric model parameters of aboveground biomass for trees phylogenetically constrained?6
Rhododendron kuomeianum (Ericaceae), a new species from northeastern Yunnan (China), based on morphological and genomic data6
Climate change impacts the distribution of Quercus section Cyclobalanopsis (Fagaceae), a keystone lineage in East Asian evergreen broadleaved forests6
New taxa of tribe Gastrodieae (Epidendroideae, Orchidaceae) from Yunnan, China and its conservation implication6
Phylogeny of Trigonotis in China—with a special reference to its nutlet morphology and plastid genome6
How to fill the biodiversity data gap: Is it better to invest in fieldwork or curation?6
Plastome phylogenomics of the East Asian endemic genus Dobinea6
Functional characterization of the Arabidopsis SERRATE under salt stress6
Global patterns and ecological drivers of taxonomic and phylogenetic endemism in angiosperm genera6
The legacy effects of rubber defoliation period on the refoliation phenology, leaf disease, and latex yield6
The identity of Dinochloa species and enumeration of Melocalamus (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) in China5
Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of NtbHLH gene family in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) and the role of NtbHLH86 in drought adaptation5
Evolutionary importance of the relationship between cytogeography and climate: New insights on creosote bushes from North and South America5
An ethnobotanical study of forage plants in Zhuxi County in the Qinba mountainous area of central China5
Historical biogeography and evolutionary diversification of Lilium (Liliaceae): New insights from plastome phylogenomics5
Does regional species diversity resist biotic invasions?5
New patterns of the tree beta diversity and its determinants in the largest savanna and wetland biomes of South America5
Ecological and habitat ranges of orchids in the northernmost regions of their distribution areas: A case study from Ural Mountains, Russia5
Leaf physiological and anatomical responses of two sympatric Paphiopedilum species to temperature5
Current patterns of plant diversity and phylogenetic structure on the Kunlun Mountains5
Endemic medicinal plant distribution correlated with stable climate, precipitation, and cultural diversity5
Siwalik plant megafossil diversity in the Eastern Himalayas: A review5
Multiple lines of evidence supports the two varieties of Halenia elliptica (Gentianaceae) as two species5
Asymmetric migration dynamics of the tropical Asian and Australasian floras5
Plastome characteristics and species identification of Chinese medicinal wintergreens (Gaultheria, Ericaceae)5
Ceratopteris chunii and Ceratopteris chingii (Pteridaceae), two new diploid species from China, based on morphological, cytological, and molecular data5
Plastid RNA editing reduction accompanied with genetic variations in Cymbidium, a genus with diverse lifestyle modes5
Species invasion and phylogenetic relatedness of vascular plants on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the roof of the world5
Does pollinator dependence decrease along elevational gradients?5
Characterization of an algal phosphomannose isomerase gene and its application as a selectable marker for genetic manipulation of tomato5
Early Oligocene Itea (Iteaceae) leaves from East Asia and their biogeographic implications4
Intraspecific trait variation of woody species reduced in a savanna community, southwest China4
Parahellenia, a new genus segregated from Hellenia (Costaceae) based on phylogenetic and morphological evidence4
Intercontinental comparison of phylogenetic relatedness in introduced plants at the transition from naturalization to invasion: A case study on the floras of South Africa and China4
Neottia wuyishanensis (Orchidaceae: Neottieae), a new species from Fujian, China4
Assessing the effectiveness of community managed forests for plant diversity conservation in Meghalaya, Northeast India4
A rapid transition from spruce-fir to pine-broadleaf forests in response to disturbances and climate warming on the southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau4
Metabolome profiling of stratified seeds provides insight into the regulation of dormancy in Davidia involucrata4
Patterns of floristic inventory and plant collections in Myanmar4
Dispersal and germination of winged seeds of Brandisia hancei, a shrub in karst regions of China4
Legumes from the Paleocene sediments of India and their ecological significance4
Pollination adaptations of group-by-group stamen movement in a meadow plant with temporal floral closure4
Conservation genomic investigation of an endangered conifer, Thuja sutchuenensis, reveals low genetic diversity but also low genetic load4
Geographic patterns of taxonomic and phylogenetic β-diversity of angiosperm genera in regional floras across the world4
Distribution and conservation of near threatened plants in China4
Oreocharis xieyongii, an unusual new species of Gesneriaceae from western Hunan, China4
A new infrageneric classification of Gastrochilus (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae) based on molecular and morphological data4
Metabolic and transcriptomic analyses elucidate a novel insight into the network for biosynthesis of carbohydrate and secondary metabolites in the stems of a medicinal orchid Dendrobium nobile4