CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology

(The TQCC of CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology is 10. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Guest editorial: Machine Learning in Wireless Networks167
An object detection algorithm based on deep learning and salient feature fusion for roadside surveillance camera127
An embedded vertical‐federated feature selection algorithm based on particle swarm optimisation118
A multiple sensitive attributes data publishing method with guaranteed information utility84
An EfficientNet integrated ResNet deep network and explainable AI for breast lesion classification from ultrasound images81
Application of improved virtual sample and sparse representation in face recognition80
Enhancing direct‐path relative transfer function using deep neural network for robust sound source localization75
Internet of Things‐based healthcare system on patient demographic data in Health 4.066
Guest Editorial: Special issue on recent developments in advanced mechatronics systems65
A privacy‐preserving method for publishing data with multiple sensitive attributes63
Review on enhancing clinical decision support system using machine learning62
Car‐following strategy of intelligent connected vehicle using extended disturbance observer adjusted by reinforcement learning57
A multi‐feature‐based intelligent redundancy elimination scheme for cloud‐assisted health systems57
Traceability model based on improved witness mechanism56
Performance releaser with smart anchor learning for arbitrary‐oriented object detection53
Guest Editorial: Special issue on explainable AI empowered for indoor positioning and indoor navigation48
SDDNet: Infrared small and dim target detection network45
Differential fault location identification by machine learning44
Fuzzy coloured petri nets‐based method to analyse and verify the functionality of software38
Fast and flexible stack‐based inverse tone mapping38
Topological search and gradient descent boosted Runge–Kutta optimiser with application to engineering design and feature selection35
Lexicon‐based fine‐tuning of multilingual language models for low‐resource language sentiment analysis31
Elite‐guided equilibrium optimiser based on information enhancement: Algorithm and mobile edge computing applications31
Pre‐trained SAM as data augmentation for image segmentation31
Multi‐objective interval type‐2 fuzzy linear programming problem with vagueness in coefficient31
Implicit policy constraint for offline reinforcement learning30
DeepGCN based on variable multi‐graph and multimodal data for ASD diagnosis30
Explainable human‐in‐the‐loop healthcare image information quality assessment and selection29
Model adaptation via credible local context representation29
Tjong: A transformer‐based Mahjong AI via hierarchical decision‐making and fan backward29
Semantic segmentation via pixel‐to‐center similarity calculation28
Noise‐tolerate and adaptive coefficient zeroing neural network for solving dynamic matrix square root28
Lumbar spine localisation method based on feature fusion27
Acoustic detection of unknown bird species and individuals27
Content‐based image retrieval using Gaussian–Hermite moments and firefly and grey wolf optimization27
An activated variable parameter gradient‐based neural network for time‐variant constrained quadratic programming and its applications26
Deep learning for time series forecasting: The electric load case25
A zeroing neurodynamics‐based location method for nodes in underwater acoustic sensor network25
Scale‐wise interaction fusion and knowledge distillation network for aerial scene recognition24
Research on trend prediction of component stock in fuzzy time series based on deep forest24
An efficient deep learning model for brain tumour detection with privacy preservation24
Numerical‐discrete‐scheme‐incorporated recurrent neural network for tasks in natural language processing23
WaveSeg‐UNet model for overlapped nuclei segmentation from multi‐organ histopathology images23
Survey on vehicle map matching techniques21
Considering spatiotemporal evolutionary information in dynamic multi‐objective optimisation21
Research on scheduling strategy for automated storage and retrieval system21
Different hybrid machine intelligence techniques for handling IoT‐based imbalanced data21
Visible and near‐infrared image fusion based on information complementarity21
Iteration dependent interval based open‐closed‐loop iterative learning control for time varying systems with vector relative degree21
Weakly supervised point cloud segmentation via deep morphological semantic information embedding20
Rethinking multi‐spatial information for transferable adversarial attacks on speaker recognition systems20
A structural developmental neural network with information saturation for continual unsupervised learning19
ECG‐TransCovNet: A hybrid transformer model for accurate arrhythmia detection using Electrocardiogram signals19
Learning‐based tracking control of AUV: Mixed policy improvement and game‐based disturbance rejection19
A robust deformed convolutional neural network (CNN) for image denoising18
Random Strip Peeling: A novel lightweight image encryption for IoT devices based on colour planes permutation18
Privacy‐preserving remote sensing images recognition based on limited visual cryptography18
Resource scheduling approach in cloud Testing as a Service using deep reinforcement learning algorithms18
CHFS: Complex hesitant fuzzy sets‐their applications to decision making with different and innovative distance measures18
Associative learning mechanism for drug‐target interaction prediction18
Rough set model based on variable universe17
Machine learning and human‐machine trust in healthcare: A systematic survey16
3D medical image segmentation using the serial–parallel convolutional neural network and transformer based on cross‐window self‐attention16
ST‐SIGMA: Spatio‐temporal semantics and interaction graph aggregation for multi‐agent perception and trajectory forecasting16
Probabilistic time series forecasting with deep non‐linear state space models16
A ResNet‐based approach for accurate radiographic diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis16
Research on stock trend prediction method based on optimized random forest16
Correction to DeepCNN: Spectro‐temporal feature representation for speech emotion recognition16
Construction of the rat brain spatial cell firing model on a quadruped robot15
Leveraging hierarchical semantic‐emotional memory in emotional conversation generation15
Domain‐adapted driving scene understanding with uncertainty‐aware and diversified generative adversarial networks15
A hierarchical optimisation framework for pigmented lesion diagnosis15
Intelligent fitting global real‐time task scheduling strategy for high‐performance multi‐core systems14
An experimental study on fire characteristics of urban complex underground space based on BIM14
Guest Editorial: Knowledge‐based deep learning system in bio‐medicine14
GP‐FMLNet: A feature matrix learning network enhanced by glyph and phonetic information for Chinese sentiment analysis14
Consistent image processing based on co‐saliency14
Modified branch‐and‐bound algorithm for unravelling optimal PMU placement problem for power grid observability: A comparative analysis14
Constrained tolerance rough set in incomplete information systems14
Noise‐tolerant matched filter scheme supplemented with neural dynamics algorithm for sea island extraction14
Developing phoneme‐based lip‐reading sentences system for silent speech recognition13
A federated learning scheme meets dynamic differential privacy13
Guest Editorial: Special issue on recurrent dynamic neural networks: Theory and applications13
Deep learning: Applications, architectures, models, tools, and frameworks: A comprehensive survey13
Radar style transfer for metric robot localisation on lidar maps13
Which is more faithful, seeing or saying? Multimodal sarcasm detection exploiting contrasting sentiment knowledge13
Short‐term and long‐term memory self‐attention network for segmentation of tumours in 3D medical images12
Graph neural network‐based attack prediction for communication‐based train control systems12
Free form deformation and symmetry constraint‐based multi‐modal brain image registration using generative adversarial nets11
Optimisation of sparse deep autoencoders for dynamic network embedding11
A dynamic bidirectional heuristic trust path search algorithm11
DRRN: Differential rectification & refinement network for ischemic infarct segmentation11
Robust style injection for person image synthesis11
Steganography based on quotient value differencing and pixel value correlation10
Target tracking method of Siamese networks based on the broad learning system10
Cloud‐based video streaming services: Trends, challenges, and opportunities10
Cavitation recognition of axial piston pumps in noisy environment based on Grad‐CAM visualization technique10
Scope of machine learning applications for addressing the challenges in next‐generation wireless networks10
Side channel attacks for architecture extraction of neural networks10
SDN‐based intrusion detection system for IoT using deep learning classifier (IDSIoT‐SDL)10
A novel algorithm for distance measurement using stereo camera10
Automatic depression recognition by intelligent speech signal processing: A systematic survey10
An attention‐based cascade R‐CNN model for sternum fracture detection in X‐ray images10