Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

(The TQCC of Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-12-01 to 2024-12-01.)
Navigation and positioning technology in underground coal mines and tunnels: A review10
Development status of coal mining in China9
Evaluation of polymer binders in briquetting of coal fines for combustion applications9
Microstructure, microhardness, and tensile properties of hot-rolled Al6061/TiB2/CeO2 hybrid composites9
Prediction of rock fragmentation using the Kuznetsov-Cunningham-Ouchterlony model7
Characterization of additively manufactured AlSilOMg cubes with different porosities7
Maximum height estimation for mine waste dumps6
Copper slag as a potential source of critical elements - A case study from Tsumeb, Namibia6
Determination of the optimal transition point between a truck and shovel system and a semi-mobile in-pit crushing and conveying system6
Implications of credit constraint on the formalization of artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) in sub-Saharan Africa6
Effects of flotation operational parameters on froth stability and froth recovery6
The influence of stemming practice on ground vibration and air blast5
Quantified Value-created Process (QVP) - A value-based process for mine design and operating decisions5
Clustering-based iterative approach to stope layout optimization for sublevel stoping5
Feasibility of tailings retreatment to unlock value and create environmental sustainability of the Louis Moore tailings dump near Giyani, South Africa5
A semi-empirical solution for estimating the elastic stresses around inclined mine stopes for the Mathews-Potvin stability analysis5
Truck dispatching in surface mines -Application of fuzzy linear programming5
A review of remote-sensing unmanned aerial vehicles in the mining industry5
Stemming and best practice in the mining industry: A literature review5
Assessing coal mine closures and mining community profiles for the just transition' in South Africa5
Sulphate removal technologies for the treatment of mine-impacted water4
Climate impacts of fossil fuels in todays electricity systems4
A study of the effect of pillar shape on pillar strength4
The concentration of rare earth elements from coal fly ash4
Decoupling the effects of alteration on the mineralogy and flotation performance of Great Dyke PGE ores4
The use of 4-methylbenzenesulfonate ionic liquid derivatives as environmentally friendly corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in hydrochloric acid3
Hyperspectral core scanner: An effective mineral mapping tool for apatite in the Upper Zone, northern limb, Bushveld Complex3
Silicomanganese alloy from rich manganese slag produced from Egyptian low-grade manganese ore3
Improving the environmental and economic aspects of blasting in surface mining by using stemming plugs3
Integration of strategic open-pit mine planning into hierarchical artificial intelligence3
Correlations of geotechnical monitoring data in open pit slope back-analysis -A mine case study3
Development and beneficiation technology of rare earth ores in China3
A case study of geotechnical conditions affecting mining-induced seismicity in a deep tabular mine3
Stability evaluation of room-and-pillar rock salt mines by using a flat jack technique - A case study3
Investigation of the mechanism for fireside corrosion in coal-fired boilers in South Africa3
Where is all the gold?3
Overview of mine rescue approaches for underground coal fires: A South African perspective3
A new automated, safe, environmentally sustainable, and high extraction soft-rock underground mining method3
Predicting rock fragmentation based on drill monitoring: A case study from Malmberget mine, Sweden3
Ventilation optimization through digital transformation3
Economic analysis of rare earth element processing methods for Mountain Pass ore3
Effect of mineralogy on grindability -A case study of copper ores2
Optimization of shift cycles in the South African mining sector2
Investigation of the effects of SiC reinforcement ratio in iron-based composite materials on corrosion properties2
Improving productivity at an open-pit mine through enhanced short-term mine planning2
Identification of cost factors relating to mining incidents2
A review of the role of underground measurements in the historical development of rock engineering in South Africa2
Blasting and preconditioning modelling in underground cave mines under high stress conditions2
Novel ceramic composites produced from coal discards with potential application in the building and construction sectors2
Supplementary Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Reports: Readability and textual choice2
Evaluation of pre-treatment methods for gold recovery from refractory calcine tailings2
Comparison of normalized and non-normalized block caving comminution models2
Improving the lead flotation recovery at Lakan lead-zinc processing plant using high-intensity conditioning2
Comparison of the mechanical properties of Grade 5 and Grade 23 Ti6Al4V for wire-arc additive manufacturing2
Defining optimal drill-hole spacing: A novel integrated analysis from exploration to ore control2
Production of sodium-based zeolites and a potassium-containing leach liquor by alkaline leaching of South African coal fines ash2
The role of semiotics in health, safety, and environment communication in South African mining and its influence on organizational culture2
Are pit lakes an environmentally sustainable closure option for opencast coal mines?2
A critical investigation into spontaneous combustion in coal storage bunkers2
Stability analysis of a free-standing backfill wall and a predictive equation for estimating the required strength of a backfill material - a numerical modelling approach2
Water production as an option for utilizing closed underground mines2
The crack growth resistance behaviour of aluminium alloy 2024-T3 at slow strain rates after exposure to standard corrosive environments2
Practical steps to Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM) compliance for operational tailings storage facilities in South Africa2
Application of MR and ANN in the prediction of the shovel cycle time, thereby improving the performance of the shovel-dumper operation - A case study2
The South African mining royalty regime: Considerations for modifying the system to balance its competing objectives2
Deformation and fracture behaviour of the γ-TiAl based intermetallic alloys2
A new preconcentration technique for the determination of PGMs and gold by fire assay and ICP-OES2
Automatic closed-loop scheduling in underground mining using discrete event simulation2
Evaluation of the mechanical properties of wood-derived charcoal briquettes for use as a reductant2
A critical comparison of interpolation techniques for digital terrain modelling in mining2
Increasing the efficiency of secondary resources in the mining and metallurgical industry2
Evaluation of spheroidized tungsten carbide powder produced by induction plasma melting2
The necessity of 3D analysis for open-pit rock slope stability studies: Theory and practice2
The geometric axial surface profiles of granular flows in rotating drums2