Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy

(The median citation count of Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Comparison of normalized and non-normalized block caving comminution models10
Treatment of chromium (VI) waste solutions with clay-based adsorbents after reduction with acid mine drainage9
Preliminary assessment of coal blend quality combining gamma-ray spectrometry and magnetic susceptibility: A case study of the Sabinas Basin, Mexico9
The effect of decarburization on the fatigue life of overhead line hardware9
Numerical simulation of the electromagnetic field in the secondary cooling zone of arc-shaped slabs7
Production of Al(HI)-K(I)-Ti(IV)-sulphate-containing leach liquor from metakaolinite-containing ash derived from South African coal fines7
Effect of electrode flux composition on impact toughness of austenitic stainless-steel weld metal6
The future of Ni-Cu smelting in Botswana: the choice between flash-smelting and top-submerged lance furnaces6
Correlations of geotechnical monitoring data in open pit slope back-analysis -A mine case study6
The influence of solution treatment on the phase evolution and tensile properties of binary Ti-Mo alloys6
Application of MR and ANN in the prediction of the shovel cycle time, thereby improving the performance of the shovel-dumper operation - A case study5
Integration of strategic open-pit mine planning into hierarchical artificial intelligence5
A study of backfill confinement to reinforce pillars in bord-and-pillar layouts5
Where is all the gold?5
Effects of Searsia lancea hydrochar inclusion on the mechanical properties of hydrochar/discard coal pellets5
Carbothermic reduction of a willemite concentrate for use in the Waelz process5
A study of the effect of pillar shape on pillar strength5
Economic analysis of rare earth element processing methods for Mountain Pass ore5
Calibration of the limit equilibrium pillar failure model using physical models5
Risks and challenges affecting opencast pillar mining in previously mined underground bord and pillar workings4
Geological setting and concentration of scandium in the Flatreef and eastern limb chromitites of the Bushveld Complex4
Decoupling the effects of alteration on the mineralogy and flotation performance of Great Dyke PGE ores4
Employee engagement among women in technical positions in the South Africa mining industry4
Presidential Address: Metallurgical slags: A drive to circularity and search for new research agenda3
Determination of the optimal transition point between a truck and shovel system and a semi-mobile in-pit crushing and conveying system3
Electrical resistivity of heat-treated charcoal3
Optimization of shape factor by the response surface method, and the effect on sphalerite flotation recovery3
The geometric axial surface profiles of granular flows in rotating drums3
Impact of steel properties on the susceptibility to corrosion of weld mesh and mesh straps3
The crack growth resistance behaviour of aluminium alloy 2024-T3 at slow strain rates after exposure to standard corrosive environments3
Evaluation of pre-treatment methods for gold recovery from refractory calcine tailings3
The use of seawater in copper hydrometallurgical processing in Chile: A review3
Investigation of the mixing characteristics of industrial flotation columns using computational fluid dynamics3
Effects of tailings disposal on the environment: A case study of Nampundwe Mine3
Contact sorption drying of chromite concentrates3
Purification of titanium sponge produced by lithiothermic reduction of titanium tetrachloride: Effect of leaching conditions3
Enhancement of shear flocculation of a galena suspension by ultrasonic treatment3
Accretion formation on the refractory lining during the melting of ferrosilicon3
Rare Earth Extraction with lonquest® 801 initial modelling development2
Clustering-based iterative approach to stope layout optimization for sublevel stoping2
Field and laboratory research into the undrained behaviour of tailings at the University of Pretoria2
A pragmatical physics-based model for predicting ladle lifetime2
Flyrock in surface mining Part II - Causes, sources, and mechanisms of rock projection2
Energy efficiency in the South African mining sector: A case study at a coal mine in Mpumalanga2
Evaluation of solar thermal pretreatment of carbonate-rich manganese ores in high-carbon ferromanganese production through dynamic process modelling2
Simulation of production processes and associated costs in mining using the Monte Carlo method2
Leaching characteristics of cerium and yttrium from non-magnetic coal fly ash after silicate digestion using acetic acid2
Maximum height estimation for mine waste dumps2
Reducing mining tailings and operational dilution: a new application of the room-and-pillar mining method2
Worker inclusion in equipment development processes in the modernizing minerals sector in South Africa2
Copper slag as a potential source of critical elements - A case study from Tsumeb, Namibia2
The effect of overburden and confined stress state on cave mining propagation2
Incompressible versus compressible fluid flow models: A case study on furnace tap-hole lancing2
Local procurement in the mining sector: Is Ghana swimming with the tide?2
A study of different grinding aids for low-energy cement clinker production2
A Bayesian network approach for geotechnical risk assessment in underground mines2
The effect of petrographically determined parameters on reductant reactivity in the production of high-carbon ferromanganese2
Identifying the prone zones to initiation of unstable failure by numerical simulation of mining pillars under compression2
Assessing coal mine closures and mining community profiles for the just transition' in South Africa2
Supplementary Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves Reports: Readability and textual choice2
Stochastic analysis of dig limit optimization using simulated annealing2
Behaviour of Cu, Fe, Ni, and PGMs during leaching of Ni-Fe-Cu-S converter matte2
A finite-element method model for a ferromanganese and silicomanganese pilot furnace2
Effect of zinc process water recycling on galena flotation from a complex sulphide ore2
Mineralogical and chemical characterization of an oolitic iron ore, and sustainable phosphorus removal2
Use of a biocompatible polymer to enhance tailings transportation and reduce water consumption at a coper-cobalt-zinc plant2
Density - A contentious issue in the evaluation and determination of Resources and Reserves in coal deposits2
Managing geotechnical uncertainty and risk in mining2
Extraction of Rare Earth Elements from Phalaborwa phosphogypsum2
Impact of Competent Persons' judgements in Mineral Resources classification2
Sulphate removal technologies for the treatment of mine-impacted water1
Framework for ergonomic design of control centres in underground coal mines - A Serbian experience1
Valorization potentials of phosphate tailings at Minjingu mines in Northern Tanzania1
Full-waveform automatic location of small seismic events in an underground mine using synthetic strain Greens tensors1
Stability analysis of a free-standing backfill wall and a predictive equation for estimating the required strength of a backfill material - a numerical modelling approach1
A conceptual technique to mathematically quantify the trajectory of flyrock1
Determination of strength of UG2 chromitite pillars at Impala Platinum from laboratory tests and FLAC3D1
Evaluating the potential drilling success of exploration programmes using a three-dimensional geological model - A case study1
A mathematical mould model for transient infiltration and lubrication behaviour of slag in a steel continuous casting process1
Flotation of weathered coal discards using a HIP W/O emulsion binder and kerosene1
UG2 pillar strength: Verification of the PlatMine formula1
A simulation model to study truck-allocation options1
Hand-held XRF sorting of spent refractory bricks to aid recycling1
Forecasting open-pit slope runout distances1
Truck dispatching in surface mines -Application of fuzzy linear programming1
Investigation of a conveyor belt fire in an underground coal mine: Experimental studies and CFD analysis1
Optimization of chromium precipitation from ferrochrome leach solutions1
Analysis of rope load sharing on multi-rope friction winders1
Cave mine pillar stability analysis using machine learning1
Open-pit post-blast dust cloud lightning1
Optimizing cut-off grade considering grade estimation uncertainty - A case study of Witwatersrand gold-producing areas1
Elastic damage characterization of an ilmenite smelter freeze lining1
Flyrock in surface mining - Limitations of current predictive models and a better alterative through modelling the aerodynamics of flyrock trajectory1
Kinetic study of reaction formation of phosphate products from thermal dissolution of wolframite using fusion technique1
Petrographic and geochemical characteristics of beneficiated metallurgical coal from the No. 6 Seam, Tshipise sub-basin, Soutpansberg coalfield, South Africa1
Compositing and regularization of drillhole data for geostatistical resource estimation1
The necessity of 3D analysis for open-pit rock slope stability studies: Theory and practice1
Spontaneous combustion of carbonaceous shale at an iron ore mine, South Africa1
Local magnitude calibration of seismic events in the West Rand, Far West Rand, and Klerksdorp-Orkney-Stilfontein-Hartebeesfontein gold mining areas1
Implications of credit constraint on the formalization of artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) in sub-Saharan Africa1
A critical review of initial Resource and Reserve tonnage estimation and reporting1
The spillover effect of industrial action on the profitability of platinum mining companies1
Evaluation of spheroidized tungsten carbide powder produced by induction plasma melting1
Ground support guidelines for squeezing ground conditions1
Tracking the degradation of carbon steel mechanical properties due to high-temperature hydrogen attack through strain gauge monitoring1
Bord-and-pillar design for the UG2 Reef containing weak alteration layers1
Triboelectric characteristics and separation of magnesite and quartz1
Characterization of additively manufactured AlSilOMg cubes with different porosities1
Drawpoint loading optimization strategies in block caving: A case study of Palabora Mining Company1
Determination of the stress state prior to excavation in an underground slate mine using flat jack and numerical methods1
The status of extended reality technology in South Africa's mining industry1
Applicability of the risk ranking methodology designed for water reservoirs to tailings storage facilities1
Review of machine learning-based Mineral Resource estimation1
Development status of coal industries in the worlds major coal-producing countries1
Increasing the efficiency of secondary resources in the mining and metallurgical industry1
Real-time material tracking: Testing the suitability of microdot technology for ore tracking1
Zimbabwe's coloured gemstone endowments - A regional geological overview1
A semi-empirical solution for estimating the elastic stresses around inclined mine stopes for the Mathews-Potvin stability analysis1
Safety aspects of large dragline-operated opencast mines - An overview1
Prediction of silicon content of alloy in ferrochrome smelting using data-driven models1
Behaviour of paddled energy-absorbing rockbolts under complex loading laboratory conditions1
Resistance of yielding rockbolts to multiple impact loads1
Dependence of solar reflector soiling on location relative to a ferromanganese smelter1
Water production as an option for utilizing closed underground mines1
Re-evaluation of the PlatMine chromitite pillar strength database1
Cost modelling for dimension stone quarry operations1
Estimation of coal density using a 3D imaging system: RhoVol1
Mechanism and control of deformation in gob-side entry with thick and hard roof strata0
A discrete event simulation approach for mine development planning at Codelco's New Mine Level0
Resistance spot welding of a thin 0.7 mm EN10130: DC04 material onto a thicker 2.4 mm 817M40 engineering steel0
Development status of coal mining in China0
Fully automated coal quality control using digital twin material tracking and statistical model predictive control for yield optimization during production of semi soft coking- and power station coal0
Comparing the recovery of rare earth elements from ion-adsorption clay leach solutions using various precipitants0
Modelling and analysis of a hydraulic support prop under impact load0
Influence of blasting charge distribution on the energy required for communition of rock0
A case study of geotechnical conditions affecting mining-induced seismicity in a deep tabular mine0
Silicomanganese alloy from rich manganese slag produced from Egyptian low-grade manganese ore0
Mineral resource modelling using an unequal sampling pattern: An improved practice based on factorization techniques0
A review of readiness assessments for mining projects0
Predicting rock fragmentation based on drill monitoring: A case study from Malmberget mine, Sweden0
Optimization of shift cycles in the South African mining sector0
Development of a physical separation pre-concentration process for the extraction of Rare Earth bearing ore0
Determination of the erosion level of a porphyry copper deposit using soil geochemistry0
Comparison of the mechanical properties of Grade 5 and Grade 23 Ti6Al4V for wire-arc additive manufacturing0
Heat-constrained modelling of calcium sulphate reduction0
Instability of topsoil benches of a pit caused by dumping of waste rock outside an opencast coal mine0
Development and beneficiation technology of rare earth ores in China0
Appointment of women to mining boards - Evidence of tokenism0
Beneficiation of recycled process water at DRDGOLD's ERGO plant, and its effect on gold recovery0
The needle penetration index for estimating the physico-mechanical properties of pyroclastic rocks0
Evaluation of rockburst energy capacity for the design of rock support systems for different tunnel geometries at El Teniente copper mine0
A proposed method for optimizing coal pillar design using coalfield-specific uniaxial compressive strength0
Void filling and water sealing in a decline in the Kalahari Manganese Field0
Feasibility of tailings retreatment to unlock value and create environmental sustainability of the Louis Moore tailings dump near Giyani, South Africa0
Pillar design and the associated mining engineering constraints in hard rock bord-and-pillar mines0
Improving the lead flotation recovery at Lakan lead-zinc processing plant using high-intensity conditioning0
Are pit lakes an environmentally sustainable closure option for opencast coal mines?0
Technology and growth in the South African mining industry: An assessment of critical success factors and challenges0
Microstructure, microhardness, and tensile properties of hot-rolled Al6061/TiB2/CeO2 hybrid composites0
Flyrock in surface mining-Part 3: Shock wave, stress wave, blasthole expansion0
Assessment of coal washability data obtained via the RhoVol analyser0
Effect of chemical, mineralogical, and petrographic properties on the grindability of a South African Highveld coal0
Modelling unsaturated dual-phase flow through crushed ores for heap leaching0
The use of 4-methylbenzenesulfonate ionic liquid derivatives as environmentally friendly corrosion inhibitors for mild steel in hydrochloric acid0
A critical investigation into spontaneous combustion in coal storage bunkers0
The free ligand model to describe and design cobalt extraction and nickel scrubbing in a base metal refinery0
DEMATEL and ISM analysis of factors influencing coal spontaneous combustion in longwall gobs0
Climate impacts of fossil fuels in todays electricity systems0
Mechanical activation and physicochemical factors controlling pyrometallurgical, hydrometallurgical, and electrometallurgical processing of titanium ore: A review0
An improved pillar design methodology0
Investigating the effect of different loading scenarios on the performance of wheel loaders: A case study on Can Lignite Enterprises0
The South African mining royalty regime: Considerations for modifying the system to balance its competing objectives0
Characterization of firebricks used in copper smelting furnaces of the 19th century, Atacama, Chile0
Stakeholder inclusion in the design and development of equipment for the modernizing mining sector in South Africa0
Journal impact factors - The good, the bad, and the ugly0
Development of Best Practice Guideline for the management of hot holes in surface coal mines0
Quality control in tailings resource exploration at Havelock Mine, Eswatini0
Remnants and isolated blocks of ground in the Klerksdorp Goldfield0
A new automated, safe, environmentally sustainable, and high extraction soft-rock underground mining method0
Structural frame analysis of an electrically powered robotic subsea dredging crawler under static loading conditions0
Assessment of vibration exposure of mine machinery operators at three different open-pit coal mines0
Depositional environment - The original control on gold processing0
Co-firing of high-ash discard coal and refuse-derived fuel - ash and gaseous emissions0
Effect of titanium content on solidification structure of ferritic stainless steel gas-tungsten and gas-metal arc welds0
Deformation and fracture behaviour of the γ-TiAl based intermetallic alloys0
Near real-time interpolative algorithm for modelling air quality in underground mines0
A new method for determining muckpile fragmentation formed by blasting0
Stability evaluation of room-and-pillar rock salt mines by using a flat jack technique - A case study0
Simulating pillar reinforcement using a displacement discontinuity boundary element code0
Rainfall-induced groundwater ridging and the Lisse effect on tailings storage facilities: A literature review0
Projectification in the South African mining industry0
Density: Bulk in-situ or SG?0
Practical steps to Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM) compliance for operational tailings storage facilities in South Africa0
A critical comparison of interpolation techniques for digital terrain modelling in mining0
Effect of silica concentration on degree of sintering of chromite-silica ladle well filler sand based on South African raw materials0
Sensitivity of shotcrete Brazilian discs coated with thin spray-on liners to environmental conditions0
Evaluation of polymer binders in briquetting of coal fines for combustion applications0
Mechanical properties and damage mode of cemented tailings backfill in an acidic environment0
The development of a linear cutting machine used to characterize FEM modelling parameters for cutting UG2 Reef0
A formulation for optimum risk in open-pit mining0
A new grade-capping approach based on coarse duplicate data correlation0
Blasting and preconditioning modelling in underground cave mines under high stress conditions0
Optimizing the cut-off grade for tabular gold deposits, considering the South African gold tax and mineral resource royalty regime0
Hyperspectral core scanner: An effective mineral mapping tool for apatite in the Upper Zone, northern limb, Bushveld Complex0
Investigation of glycine leaching for gold extraction from Witwatersrand gold mine tailings with permanganate pre-treatment0
Managing geotechnical uncertainty and risk in mining0
Novel ceramic composites produced from coal discards with potential application in the building and construction sectors0
An assessment of Rare Earth Elements in borehole cores from the Ermelo, Witbank and Waterberg Coalfields, South Africa: Focus on mode of occurrence0
Lean construction: Implementing the Last Planner System on mining projects0
The role of leadership in technology adoption in the South African mining industry0
Overview of mine rescue approaches for underground coal fires: A South African perspective0
A conceptual framework for reframing artisanal and small-scale mining: understanding characterization of artisanal and small-scale mining in South Africa0
Ventilation optimization through digital transformation0
Geochemical and mineralogical characterization and resource potential of the Namib Pb-Zn tailings (Erongo Region, Namibia)0
Optimizing of gas-shielded metal arc welding parameters for 10.5-12.5% chromium steel using 3o8L electrodes0
Copper solvent extraction on the African Copperbelt: From historic origins to world-leading status0
Management Gaps in the Implementation of Legislation Regulating Derelict and Ownerless Mines in South Africa0
Probability of failure and factor of safety in the design of interramp angles in a large open iron ore mine0
Study on the ideal location of a bottom drainage roadway0
Models for analysing the economic impact of ore sorting, using ROC curves0
Real-time gypsum quality estimation in an industrial calciner: A neural network-based approach0
Improving productivity at an open-pit mine through enhanced short-term mine planning0
Synthesis of Pt-based alloy nanostructures0
Predicting open stope performance at an octree resolution using multivariate models0
Back analysis of LG6/LG6A chromitite pillar strength using displacement discontinuity modelling0
A review of remote-sensing unmanned aerial vehicles in the mining industry0
Selected trace element concentrations in run-of-mine coal, discard, and coal product, and environmental implications0
A review of EN 16907 on earthworks (extractive waste) in the context of South African mine residues0
Collaboration and Diversity in STEM0
Baleni v Minister of Mineral Resources: A fait accompli0
Numerical simulation of large-scale pillar-layouts0
A limit equilibrium approach to the use of stability bunds in the design of HDPE-lined tailings storage facilities0
Predicting standard threshold shifts for occupational hearing loss among miners at a large-scale platinum mine in South Africa0
GISTM: Who are the responsible individuals?0
Effect of mineralogy on grindability -A case study of copper ores0
Investigation of the effects of SiC reinforcement ratio in iron-based composite materials on corrosion properties0
Leaching of gold ore using creatine monohydrate0
Effects processing parameters and building orientation on the microstructural and mechanical properties of AlSilOMg parts printed by selective laser melting0
Technological research on converting iron ore tailings into a marketable product0
Prediction of physico-mechanical rock characteristics from electrical resistivity tests0
Quantified Value-created Process (QVP) - A value-based process for mine design and operating decisions0
Can preconcentration of cassiterite from its pegmatite ore reduce processing costs and improve operational sustainability?0
Navigation and positioning technology in underground coal mines and tunnels: A review0
Stemming and best practice in the mining industry: A literature review0
Removal of iron from vanadium redox flow battery electrolyte using ion exchange0
Hydrogeology and groundwater control at Chambishi mine, Zambia0
Evaluation of surface tension of mold fluxes containing fluoride0