ICT Express

(The median citation count of ICT Express is 3. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
The effect of batch size on the generalizability of the convolutional neural networks on a histopathology dataset306
A comparison of machine learning algorithms for diabetes prediction199
Breast cancer detection by leveraging Machine Learning143
A survey of IoT malware and detection methods based on static features141
A Review on Fog Computing: Architecture, Fog with IoT, Algorithms and Research Challenges133
The role of 5G for digital healthcare against COVID-19 pandemic: Opportunities and challenges124
Feature selection for intrusion detection system in Internet-of-Things (IoT)103
Permissioned blockchain frameworks in the industry: A comparison102
An optimized technique for copy–move forgery localization using statistical features98
Digitization of healthcare sector: A study on privacy and security concerns94
A hybrid algorithm for lung cancer classification using SVM and Neural Networks93
Towards 6G Internet of Things: Recent advances, use cases, and open challenges76
Unsupervised log message anomaly detection74
Improving Data Quality of Low-cost IoT Sensors in Environmental Monitoring Networks Using Data Fusion and Machine Learning Approach74
Blockchain and central bank digital currency74
Key management for blockchain technology72
A comparative study of classification and prediction of Cardio-Vascular Diseases (CVD) using Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques72
Driving forces for Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) IoT integration in 5G69
An algorithm and method for sentiment analysis using the text and emoticon65
Identifying machine learning techniques for classification of target advertising60
Detection of fake news using deep learning CNN–RNN based methods59
Edge computational task offloading scheme using reinforcement learning for IIoT scenario59
The Xception model: A potential feature extractor in breast cancer histology images classification55
Ransomware Detection using Random Forest Technique55
Uniting cyber security and machine learning: Advantages, challenges and future research48
Environment indoor air quality assessment using fuzzy inference system48
Sentiment analysis of malayalam tweets using machine learning techniques46
Distributed deep reinforcement learning for autonomous aerial eVTOL mobility in drone taxi applications45
Intrusion detection for network based cloud computing by custom RC-NN and optimization44
A vision on the artificial intelligence for 6G communication43
DFU_SPNet: A stacked parallel convolution layers based CNN to improve Diabetic Foot Ulcer classification43
Real-time license plate detection for non-helmeted motorcyclist using YOLO43
Utilization of mobile edge computing on the Internet of Medical Things: A survey36
A sensor fusion system with thermal infrared camera and LiDAR for autonomous vehicles and deep learning based object detection35
BLOSOM: BLOckchain technology for Security Of Medical records35
An efficient feature reduction method for the detection of DoS attack33
Deep transductive transfer learning framework for zero-day attack detection32
Deep learning based detection and localization of road accidents from traffic surveillance videos32
Implementing action mask in proximal policy optimization (PPO) algorithm31
Utilizing machine learning on freight transportation and logistics applications: A review31
Disturbed-entropy: A simple data quality assessment approach31
AgriOnBlock: Secured data harvesting for agriculture sector using blockchain technology30
Enabling technologies for AI empowered 6G massive radio access networks30
A Novel Fuzzy C-Means based Chameleon Swarm Algorithm for Segmentation and Progressive Neural Architecture Search for Plant Disease Classification30
A deep learning based HTTP slow DoS classification approach using flow data29
Hockey activity recognition using pre-trained deep learning model29
Developmental dyslexia detection using machine learning techniques : A survey29
Perspectives on 6G wireless communications29
Retinal disease identification using upgraded CLAHE filter and transfer convolution neural network28
Artificial Intelligence outflanks all other machine learning classifiers in Network Intrusion Detection System on the realistic cyber dataset CSE-CIC-IDS2018 using cloud computing28
Supervised ECG wave segmentation using convolutional LSTM28
A Bayesian probability model for Android malware detection27
Cross validation methods: Analysis based on diagnostics of thyroid cancer metastasis27
Accurate detecting concept drift in evolving data streams25
Deep learning for radio propagation: Using image-driven regression to estimate path loss in urban areas25
Cloud task scheduling using enhanced sunflower optimization algorithm24
A survey on UAV placement and trajectory optimization in communication networks: From the perspective of air-to-ground channel models24
Real-time Bhutanese Sign Language digits recognition system using Convolutional Neural Network23
Securing biometric authentication system using blockchain23
The classification of EEG-based wink signals: A CWT-Transfer Learning pipeline22
Big data analytics in health care by data mining and classification techniques21
A machine learning approach for detecting and tracking road boundary lanes21
Evaluation of the machine learning classifier in wafer defects classification21
Surgical instrument posture estimation and tracking based on LSTM20
A Deep Gated Recurrent Unit based model for wireless intrusion detection system20
Intelligent coordinated self-optimizing handover scheme for 4G/5G heterogeneous networks20
Autocorrelation of gradients based violence detection in surveillance videos20
Novel hyper-tuned ensemble Random Forest algorithm for the detection of false basic safety messages in Internet of Vehicles19
A compression strategy to accelerate LSTM meta-learning on FPGA19
Deep reinforcement learning-based model-free path planning and collision avoidance for UAVs: A soft actor–critic with hindsight experience replay approach19
D-LIA: Dynamic congestion control algorithm for MPTCP19
An Enhanced Energy Efficient Lightweight Cryptography Method for various IoT devices18
Security of Internet of Things (IoT) using federated learning and deep learning — Recent advancements, issues and prospects18
Peer-to-peer trust management in intelligent transportation system: An Aumann’s agreement theorem based approach18
Design of a fingerprint template protection scheme using elliptical structures18
Quantum distributed deep learning architectures: Models, discussions, and applications18
Effective heterogeneous ensemble classification: An alternative approach for selecting base classifiers17
SAR ship detection based on improved YOLOv5 and BiFPN17
Fusion of visible and infrared image via compressive sensing using convolutional sparse representation17
Edge AI prospect using the NeuroEdge computing system: Introducing a novel neuromorphic technology17
HADR: A Hybrid Adaptive Data Rate in LoRaWAN for Internet of Things17
Self-gated rectified linear unit for performance improvement of deep neural networks16
A light-weight dynamic ontology for Internet of Things using machine learning technique16
Dysarthric-speech detection using transfer learning with convolutional neural networks15
A novel optimized routing algorithm for QoS traffic engineering in SDN-based mobile networks15
BlockHealth: Blockchain-based secure and peer-to-peer health information sharing with data protection and right to be forgotten15
Enhancing sentiment classification performance using hybrid Query Expansion Ranking and Binary Particle Swarm Optimization with Adaptive Inertia Weights15
Combining transformer and CNN for object detection in UAV imagery15
The role of vehicular applications in the design of future 6G infrastructures15
Human activity recognition based on wrist PPG via the ensemble method15
A Bio-inspired VM Migration using Re-initialization and Decomposition Based-Whale Optimization15
UAVs-assisted passive source localization using robust TDOA ranging for search and rescue14
An efficient parallel machine learning-based blockchain framework14
BrainyEdge: An AI-enabled framework for IoT edge computing14
A group preference-based privacy-preserving POI recommender system14
Electromagnetic machine learning for estimation and mitigation of mutual coupling in strongly coupled arrays14
LSTM-based throughput prediction for LTE networks14
Compressive sensing based PAPR reduction in OFDM systems: Modified orthogonal matching pursuit approach14
Integrating oversampling and ensemble-based machine learning techniques for an imbalanced dataset in dyslexia screening tests14
Categorization of actions in soccer videos using a combination of transfer learning and Gated Recurrent Unit14
DQ: Two approaches to measure the degree of decentralization of blockchain13
A high-precision feature extraction network of fatigue speech from air traffic controller radiotelephony based on improved deep learning13
Vehicles communications handover in 5G: A survey13
Mitigation of nonlinearities in analog radio over fiber links using machine learning approach13
SMSPROTECT: An automatic smishing detection mobile application13
Reinforcement learning for QoS-guaranteed intelligent routing in Wireless Mesh Networks with heavy traffic load13
MAT-AGCA: Multi Augmentation Technique on small dataset for Balinese character recognition using Convolutional Neural Network12
Quality of experience assessment of calling services in social network12
Temperature monitoring techniques of power cable joints in underground utility tunnels using a fiber Bragg grating12
Automatic Smart Contract generation for Internet of Media Things12
Adaptive rule: A novel framework for recommender system12
Information-theoretic privacy in federated submodel learning12
Users emulation attack management in the massive internet of things enabled environment11
Mathematical models of the information interaction process in 5G-IoT ecosystem: Different functional scenarios11
A novel study on subjective driver readiness in terms of non-driving related tasks and take-over performance11
Implementation of four kriging models for depth inpainting11
Dew-based offline computing architecture for healthcare IoT11
Particle Swarm Optimization-based dummy sub-carriers insertion for peak to average power ratio reduction in OFDM systems11
Single trace side-channel attack on key reconciliation in quantum key distribution system and its efficient countermeasures11
Blockchain side implementation of Pure Wallet (PW): An offline transaction architecture11
Effects of co-channel interference on RIS empowered wireless networks amid multiple eavesdropping attempts11
Edge computing based surveillance framework for real time activity recognition11
On the effect of shadowing correlation and pilot assignment on hybrid precoding performance for cell-free mmWave massive MIMO UDN system11
Integration of context awareness in Internet of Agricultural Things11
Towards 6G: Key technological directions11
Deep Q-learning-based resource allocation for solar-powered users in cognitive radio networks10
Searching similar weather maps using convolutional autoencoder and satellite images10
Scalability improvement and analysis of permissioned-blockchain10
Cryptanalysis of a Pairing-free Certificateless Signcryption scheme10
Generative adversarial networks for unbalanced fetal heart rate signal classification10
Exploiting an Elitist Barnacles Mating Optimizer implementation for substitution box optimization10
CNN-32DC: An improved radar-based drone recognition system based on Convolutional Neural Network10
An optimal location strategy for multiple drone base stations in massive MIMO10
Internet of Things applications placement to minimize latency in multi-tier fog computing framework9
Trade-off queuing delay and link utilization for solving bufferbloat9
Load balancing in 5G heterogeneous networks based on automatic weight function9
MU-MIMO enabled uplink OFDMA MAC protocol in dense IEEE 802.11ax WLANs9
Cyberattack detection model using community detection and text analysis on social media9
Performance analysis of a NOMA-VLC system with random user location9
An improved backtracking search optimization algorithm for cubic metric reduction of OFDM signals9
RIS-carried UAV communication: Current research, challenges, and future trends9
IoT-based health and emotion care system9
Low complexity mode selection for H.266/VVC intra coding9
Performance of implantable antenna at ISM band characteristics for biomedical base9
The role of microservice approach in edge computing: Opportunities, challenges, and research directions9
Improving emergency response in the era of ADAS vehicles in the Smart City9
Securing IoT device communication against network flow attacks with Recursive Internetworking Architecture (RINA)9
GNSS jamming detection of UAV ground control station using random matrix theory8
Performance evaluation for low complexity cascaded Sphere Decoders using K8
BBR Advanced (BBR-A) — Reduced retransmissions with improved fairness8
The combination of gray level co-occurrence matrix and back propagation neural network for classifying stairs descent and floor8
Quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithms for NOMA user pairing8
Nearest neighbour methods and their applications in design of 5G & beyond wireless networks8
Low complexity hybrid SLM for PAPR mitigation for ACO OFDM8
Big social data analysis for impact of food quality on travelers’ satisfaction in eco-friendly hotels8
Online learning-based beam and blockage prediction for indoor millimeter-wave communications8
Edge-based individualized anomaly detection in large-scale distributed solar farms7
Resource allocation in wireless networks with federated learning: Network adaptability and learning acceleration7
An analysis and prediction model of outsiders percentage as a new popularity metric on Instagram7
Lightweight selective disclosure for verifiable documents on blockchain7
Design and performance of four port MIMO antenna for IOT applications7
Investigation of human trust by identifying stimulated brain regions using electroencephalogram7
CFLedger: Preventing chargeback fraud with blockchain7
Machine learning-based scheme for multi-class fault detection in turbine engine disks7
Deep neural network design with SLNR and SINR criterions for downlink power allocation in multi-cell multi-user massive MIMO systems7
On the secrecy performance of RIS-enabled wireless communications over Nakagami-m fading channels7
3GPP URLLC patent analysis7
Flood video segmentation on remotely sensed UAV using improved Efficient Neural Network7
Emotion-based analysis of programming languages on Stack Overflow6
Index for objective measurement of a research paper based on sentiment analysis6
Adaptive sensing-based semipersistent scheduling with channel-state-information-aided reselection probability for LTE-V2V6
Limited Discriminator GAN using explainable AI model for overfitting problem6
Null broadened–deepened array antenna beamforming for GNSS jamming mitigation in moving platforms6
FPoR: Fair proof-of-reputation consensus for blockchain6
Evolutionary dynamics of MEC’s organization in a 6G scenario through EGT and temporal multiplex social network6
Deep learning-based channel quality indicators prediction for vehicular communication6
Realizing contact-less applications with Multi-Access Edge Computing6
Outage analysis for multi-radio heterogeneous networks in the presence of aerial jammers6
A Survey and analysis on a troposcatter propagation model based on ITU-R recommendations5
Cooperative space-time line code for relay-assisted internet of things5
BGPChain: Constructing a secure, smart, and agile routing infrastructure based on blockchain5
Scour modeling using deep neural networks based on hyperparameter optimization5
A hybrid adaptive approach to improve position tracking measurements5
Meta-learning approaches for indoor path loss modeling of 5G communications in smart factories5
Multitask learning-based secure transmission for reconfigurable intelligent surface-aided wireless communications5
TABAS: Text augmentation based on attention score for text classification model5
Energy-efficient anchor activation protocol for non-cooperative localization of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)5
A tutorial on Federated Learning methodology for indoor localization with non-IID fingerprint databases5
Security-reliability tradeoff of MIMO TAS/SC networks using harvest-to-jam cooperative jamming methods with random jammer location5
Dilated spatial–temporal convolutional auto-encoders for human fall detection in surveillance videos5
Truthful electric vehicle charging via neural-architectural Myerson auction5
Optimal least square vector autoregressive moving average for battery state of charge estimation and forecasting5
Interval grey number of energy consumption helps task offloading in the mobile environment5
Cooperative encryption over backscatter: Secure green communication for two-way energy harvesting relay networks5
On sum-rate maximization in downlink UAV-aided RSMA systems5
Autonomic interoperability manager: A service-oriented architecture for full-stack interoperability in the Internet-of-Things5
Trustworthy handover in LEO satellite mobile networks4
Reward-based participant selection for improving federated reinforcement learning4
Neural network model approach for automated benthic animal identification4
DRL-based Resource Management in Network Slicing for Vehicular Applications4
Deep learning-based Direction-of-arrival estimation for far-field sources under correlated near-field interferences4
A social relationship-based energy efficient routing scheme for Opportunistic Internet of Things4
ADAS-RL: Safety learning approach for stable autonomous driving4
An experimental study of RyO Kit for Covid-19 information sharing in rural islands of Indonesia4
Android malware dataset construction methodology to minimize bias–variance​ tradeoff4
Explainable AI for cybersecurity automation, intelligence and trustworthiness in digital twin: Methods, taxonomy, challenges and prospects4
Active clustering data streams with affinity propagation4
Outage and capacity analysis of NOMA systems over dual-hop mixed powerline-wireless channels4
Massive MIMO NOMA with wavelet pulse shaping to minimize undesired channel interference4
Adaptive speckle filtering for real-time computing in low earth orbit satellite synthetic aperture radar4
Dynamic service function chain placement with instance reuse in Fog–Cloud​ Computing4
Parallel implementation of CRYSTALS-Dilithium for effective signing and verification in autonomous driving environment4
Adaptive LRFU replacement policy for named data network in industrial IoT4
Compact feature hashing for machine learning based malware detection4
Multi-agent Q-learning based cell breathing considering SBS collaboration for maximizing energy efficiency in B5G heterogeneous networks4
High-resolution multi-beam tracking with low overhead for mmWave beamforming system4
A novel person re-identification network to address low-resolution problem in smart city context4
An improved method of AODV routing protocol using reinforcement learning for ensuring QoS in 5G-based mobile ad-hoc networks4
Impact of STO and STO-estimation in DST-DCO-OFDM-based visible light communication systems4
On the performance of SIC-free spatial modulation aided uplink NOMA under imperfect CSI4
Drone-as-a-Service (DaaS) for COVID-19 self-testing kits delivery in smart healthcare setups: A technological perspective4
A professional-driven blockchain framework for sharing E-Portfolio in the context of Industry 4.04
Enhanced whale optimization based traffic forecasting for SDMN based traffic4
Quantum identity authentication for non-entanglement multiparty communication: A review, state of art and future directions4
Metaverse in advanced manufacturing: Background, applications, limitations, open issues & future directions4
Combined spatial temporal based In-loop filter for scalable extension of HEVC4
Deep learning based optimal energy management framework for community energy storage system4
DRL-based intersection traffic efficiency enhancement utilizing 5G-NR-V2I data4
A novel step detection technique for pedestrian dead reckoning based navigation4
Transmit power optimization over low-power Poisson channel in multiuser MISO indoor optical communications4
On the performance of all-optical RORIS dual hop UAV based FSO systems4
Facing to wireless network densification in 6G: Challenges and opportunities4
A new key protocol design for cryptocurrency wallet4
Adaptive robust FDI attack detection for cyber–physical​ systems with disturbance4
Security methods for AI based COVID-19 analysis system : A survey4
Robust spectrum sensing against malicious users using particle swarm optimization3
Camp2Vec: Embedding cyber campaign with ATT&CK framework for attack group analysis3
An efficient location-based pilot assignment in Cell-Free Massive MIMO3
Component based comparative analysis of each module in image captioning3
Research on Password Detection Technology of IoT Equipment Based on Wide Area Network3
DACODE: Distributed adaptive communication framework for energy efficient industrial IoT-based heterogeneous WSN3
Rethinking selfish mining under pooled mining3
Deployment of mmWave multi-UAV mounted RISs using budget constraint Thompson sampling with collision avoidance3
DRL-based Multi-UAV trajectory optimization for ultra-dense small cells3
Machine learning-based adaptive CSI feedback interval3
3D mesh transformation preprocessing system in the real space for augmented reality services3
Applying multi-agent deep reinforcement learning for contention window optimization to enhance wireless network performance3
A new fitness function for tuning parameters of Peripheral Integral Derivative Controllers3
Contextual analysis of pedestrian mobility in transport terminals3
Pavan: A privacy-preserving system for DB-as-a-Service3