ICT Express

(The H4-Index of ICT Express is 35. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
The effect of batch size on the generalizability of the convolutional neural networks on a histopathology dataset306
A comparison of machine learning algorithms for diabetes prediction199
Breast cancer detection by leveraging Machine Learning143
A survey of IoT malware and detection methods based on static features141
A Review on Fog Computing: Architecture, Fog with IoT, Algorithms and Research Challenges133
The role of 5G for digital healthcare against COVID-19 pandemic: Opportunities and challenges124
Feature selection for intrusion detection system in Internet-of-Things (IoT)103
Permissioned blockchain frameworks in the industry: A comparison102
An optimized technique for copy–move forgery localization using statistical features98
Digitization of healthcare sector: A study on privacy and security concerns94
A hybrid algorithm for lung cancer classification using SVM and Neural Networks93
Towards 6G Internet of Things: Recent advances, use cases, and open challenges76
Blockchain and central bank digital currency74
Unsupervised log message anomaly detection74
Improving Data Quality of Low-cost IoT Sensors in Environmental Monitoring Networks Using Data Fusion and Machine Learning Approach74
Key management for blockchain technology72
A comparative study of classification and prediction of Cardio-Vascular Diseases (CVD) using Machine Learning and Deep Learning techniques72
Driving forces for Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) IoT integration in 5G69
An algorithm and method for sentiment analysis using the text and emoticon65
Identifying machine learning techniques for classification of target advertising60
Edge computational task offloading scheme using reinforcement learning for IIoT scenario59
Detection of fake news using deep learning CNN–RNN based methods59
Ransomware Detection using Random Forest Technique55
The Xception model: A potential feature extractor in breast cancer histology images classification55
Environment indoor air quality assessment using fuzzy inference system48
Uniting cyber security and machine learning: Advantages, challenges and future research48
Sentiment analysis of malayalam tweets using machine learning techniques46
Distributed deep reinforcement learning for autonomous aerial eVTOL mobility in drone taxi applications45
Intrusion detection for network based cloud computing by custom RC-NN and optimization44
Real-time license plate detection for non-helmeted motorcyclist using YOLO43
A vision on the artificial intelligence for 6G communication43
DFU_SPNet: A stacked parallel convolution layers based CNN to improve Diabetic Foot Ulcer classification43
Utilization of mobile edge computing on the Internet of Medical Things: A survey36
BLOSOM: BLOckchain technology for Security Of Medical records35
A sensor fusion system with thermal infrared camera and LiDAR for autonomous vehicles and deep learning based object detection35