ICT Express

(The H4-Index of ICT Express is 31. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Double threshold based optimal device selection scheme for D2D or Sidelink network230
Enabling low-latency digital twins for large-scale UAV networks using MQTT-based communication framework152
RIS-carried UAV communication: Current research, challenges, and future trends124
Intrusion detection for network based cloud computing by custom RC-NN and optimization110
Blockchain consensus mechanisms comparison in fog computing: A systematic review107
Open-set learning context recognizing in mobile learning: Problem and methodology99
An efficient location-based pilot assignment in Cell-Free Massive MIMO99
Editorial Board98
Nearest neighbour methods and their applications in design of 5G & beyond wireless networks80
Machine learning-based adaptive CSI feedback interval79
Editorial Board76
Predicting river water height using deep learning-based features72
Contextual analysis of pedestrian mobility in transport terminals69
Linear-regression based performance approximation for millimeter-wave multicell networks with 59
Deep neural network and trust management approach to secure smart transportation data in sustainable smart cities56
Categorization of actions in soccer videos using a combination of transfer learning and Gated Recurrent Unit53
An optimal location strategy for multiple drone base stations in massive MIMO46
Enhanced whale optimization based traffic forecasting for SDMN based traffic46
Meta-learning approaches for indoor path loss modeling of 5G communications in smart factories46
Two-side pricing in the content distributed network under traffic dynamics45
Research on Password Detection Technology of IoT Equipment Based on Wide Area Network44
Adaptive speckle filtering for real-time computing in low earth orbit satellite synthetic aperture radar40
Pavan: A privacy-preserving system for DB-as-a-Service39
Error analysis of selection combining over α38
Performance evaluation of the effect of traffic decentralization with mobile edge computing35
Ergodic performance analysis of intelligent reflecting surface network with phase errors33
Fast acquisition method using modified PCA with a sparse factor for burst DS spread-spectrum transmission33
De-identifying transmission system using wireless channel as differential privacy noise and deep neural networks32
Scalability improvement and analysis of permissioned-blockchain31
Deep learning-based hybrid feature selection for the semantic segmentation of crops and weeds31
Machine learning-based scheme for multi-class fault detection in turbine engine disks31
Signal design and analysis for cell identification in Sub-THz OFDM systems31