
(The TQCC of Heliyon is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
A novel VEGFR inhibitor ZLF-095 with potent antitumor activity and low toxicity479
Raman study of colloidal Cu2ZnSnS4 nanocrystals obtained by “green” synthesis modified by seed nanocrystals or extra cations in the solution434
Different effects of vaccine on VST in critical and non-critical COVID-19 patients: A retrospective study of 363 cases271
Integrative analysis of gene expression and DNA methylation to identify biomarkers of non-genital warts induced by low-risk human papillomaviruses infection221
Supply chain dynamics beyond optimization: Metabolism of regional inter-firm networks219
An Innovative model of magnetically intercalated expanded graphite for calculating radar attenuation performance at 2–18 GHz215
Spatial relationship between COVID-19 and previous infectious disease outbreaks: Evidence from South Korea205
The topoisomerase inhibitor CPT-11 prevents the growth and metastasis of lung cancer cells in nude mice by inhibiting EGFR/MAPK signaling pathway198
Optimized method for polarization-based image dehazing189
Preventing and countering insider threats and radicalism in an Indonesian research reactor: Development of a human reliability program (HRP)184
Parent perceptions of cycle training for children with special education needs and disabilities: What drives intention to cycle?184
Assessing plant diversity change in logged and unlogged dense semi-deciduous production forest of eastern Cameroon179
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the hotel Industry’s economic performance: Evidence from Portugal163
Utilization of calcium-rich groundwater desalination concentrate in aquaculture160
Risk assessment and green chemistry applied to waste generated in university laboratories160
Performance of a prediabetes risk prediction model: A systematic review147
Amelioration of autophagy and inflammatory signaling pathways via α-lipoic acid, burdock and bee pollen versus lipopolysaccharide-induced insulin resistance in murine model136
Quantifying vocabulary learning belief and strategy - A validation study of the Vietnamese version of Gu's (2018) vocabulary learning questionnaire133
Association between provincial sunshine duration and mortality rates in China: Panel data study130
Comparative study of the antioxidant capability of EDTA and Irganox123
Intracranial hypertension due to bilateral internal jugular venous occlusion in eagle syndrome: a case report122
Intentional maintenance of antiphase bimanual pattern at transition frequency: Is it associated with inhibition processes?120
Green-synthesized nanoparticles of the polyherbal extract attenuate the necrosis of pancreatic β-cell in a streptozotocin-induced diabetic model119
A new way of repairing special wounds114
Differences in clinical manifestations between cases stung by single-tentacle and multiple-tentacle box jellyfish over two decades112
Curvularia lung infection mimics malignancy112
Blends of nitrophenylmaleimide isomers with carboxymethylcellulose for the preparation of supramolecular polymers110
Remote magnetic navigation compared to contemporary manual techniques for the catheter ablation of ventricular arrhythmias in structural heart disease109
Optimal manpower recruitment and promotion policies for the finitely graded systems using dynamic programming108
Integrated analysis of ovarian cancer patients from prospective transcription factor activity reveals subtypes of prognostic significance106
Energy efficiency design index baselines for ships of Bangladesh based on verified ship data101
Ecotoxicological implications of leachates from concrete demolition debris on oligochaetes: survival and oxidative stress status101
The relationship between presenteeism among nurses and patients’ experience in tertiary hospitals in China100
Cerebellar nuclei neurons display aberrant oscillations during harmaline-induced tremor100
Enhanced magnetic ordering by impurity Fe substitution on electron-doped superconductors Eu2-+Ce-Cu1-Fe O4+α-δ99
Novel approach to solve singularly perturbed boundary value problems with negative shift parameter99
The impact of internal and external green supply chain management activities on performance improvement: evidence from the automobile industry97
An approach to epistemic emotions in physics’ teaching-learning. The case of pre-service teachers96
A review of higher-order mode pass filtering techniques95
Population dynamics of Acentrogobius viridipunctatus (Actinopteri: Gobiidae) in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta94
Advantageous comparison: using Twitter responses to understand similarities between cybercriminals (“Yahoo Boys”) and politicians (“Yahoo men”)93
Closed form solution of nonlinear oscillation of a cantilever beam using λ-symmetry linearization criteria93
The involvement of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) in anti-inflammatory activity of N-stearoylethanolamine93
Sustainability effect of geogrid reinforced tire-shred sand mixtures on the load pressure-settlement response of shallow footing91
An account of noncovalent interactions in homoleptic palladium(II) and platinum(II) complexes within the DFT framework: A correlation between geometries, energy components of symmetry-adapted perturba91
Application of K-means algorithm to Werner deconvolution solutions for depth and image estimations91
Plasma exosomal miR-122 regulates the efficacy of metformin via AMPK in type 2 diabetes and hepatocellular carcinoma89
Executive pay bandwagon and corporate innovation89
Selection of optimal SINR threshold in fractional frequency reuse by comparing Otsu's and entropy method87
A study on meta-parenting: Yemeni parental cognition86
Use of graphical and multivariate statistical methods to show a marine intrusion and salinization of a coastal water table: case study of the township of Abomey-Calavi, Benin85
Inertization of metals and hydrogen production as a byproduct from water hyacinth and water lettuce via plasma pyrolysis85
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the Ethiopian cohort of adult hypertensive people's adherence to healthy behaviors85
Early thermal aging detection in tin based perovskite solar cell85
A systematic review and meta-analysis of immediate postpartal intrauterine contraceptive device use in Ethiopia84
Long-term social isolation increases visceral pain in rats83
Slow hydrolysis of amylose in soluble starch and amylopectin in suspendable starch liberated from non-glutinous rice flour heated with a sorghum extract83
Network analysis of long non-coding RNA expression profiles in common warts83
Closing gaps in medication taking for secondary prevention of coronary heart disease patients among US adults83
An economic analysis of scrap tire pyrolysis, potential and new opportunities79
Analysis and improvement of the efficiency of NH3-NaSCN single effect absorption cooling system79
Risk factors for pulmonary infection in elderly patients with acute stroke: A meta-analysis78
Real exchange rate misalignment and economic growth in East African least developed countries77
Randić energy of digraphs77
Assessing the level of application of physical asset management core practices at water boards in Malawi77
Improving sunflower growth and arsenic bioremediation in polluted environments: Insights from ecotoxicology and sustainable mitigation approaches76
A multiple detection method for distinguishing gene mutations based on melting curves of extended quenching probes76
Analysis of a lung cancer case with transient pseudo hypoglycemia after PEG-rhG-CSF treatment76
Investigation of the effect of different process variables on color and physical properties of viscose and cotton knitted fabrics76
Metabolomics analysis reveals metabolite diversity of the rare cliff plant Oresitrophe rupifraga Bunge76
Revolutionizing diabetes care with innovative decision-making using cubic intuitionistic fuzzy Schweizer and Sklar power aggregation operators75
Smart cities software applications for sustainability and resilience75
Performance of power generation: A dynamic productivity and efficiency analysis75
Enhancing museum experience through deep learning and multimedia technology74
Role of bronchoscopy in the management of patients with suspected or suffering from ventilator-associated pneumonia: A meta-analysis73
Bioassay-guided fractionation of Verbascum thapsus extract and its combination with polyvinyl alcohol in the form electrospun nanofibrous membrane for efficient wound dressing application73
Interferon-α could induce liver steatosis to promote HBsAg loss by increasing triglyceride level73
NFκB signalling in colorectal cancer: Examining the central dogma of IKKα and IKKβ signalling72
Primary renal mucormycosis in a type 2 diabetic patient: A case report from Syria71
Onion husk-derived high surface area graphene-like carbon for supercapacitor electrode material application71
Identification and prediction of the degree of multidimensional returning to poverty risk for the household in China through the novel hybrid model: Based on the survey data of China Family Panel Stud70
Research on the characteristics of partial discharge gas generation in typical defects of oil immersed current transformers70
Visualization analysis of research hotspots and trends in MRI-based artificial intelligence in rectal cancer70
Research trends of acupressure from 2004 to 2024: A bibliometric and visualization analysis70
The relationship between corporate entrepreneurship and its competitiveness in China: The moderating effect of employee stock ownership plan70
Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder with ultra-longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis: A case report and literature review69
Shengqiyichang decoction regulates antitumor immunity in colorectal cancer by downregulating lymphocyte antigen 6 family member G6D via the protein kinase B/p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase signal69
Research trends and hotspots in fundus image segmentation from 2007 to 2023: A bibliometric analysis69
Hypoglycemic and antioxidant activities of Jasminum officinale L. with identification and characterization of phytocompounds69
Examining the personal growth of college teacher educators through the lens of human development ecology: An approach utilizing artificial neural networks (ANNs) modeling69
Enhancing drug-target interaction predictions in context of neurodegenerative diseases using bidirectional long short-term memory in male Swiss albino mice pharmaco-EEG analysis69
Capecitabine enhances sensitivity to oxaliplatin in advanced gastric cancer and the effects on patients' FOXP1 and GGT levels69
Reversal of dabigatran and apixaban-induced coagulopathy using idarucizumab, fibrinogen, and prothrombin complex concentrate: A case report68
Evaluation system of vocational education construction in China based on linked TOPSIS analysis68
CD56briCD38+ as a novel neutrophil-specific marker in chronic myeloid leukemia68
MobVGG: Ensemble technique for birds and drones prediction67
Attitudes of Jordanian school students toward dictionaries67
A calibrated scale to measure heritage learning in digital environments. A network analysis approach67
Artificial intelligence, financial services knowledge, government support, and user innovativeness: Exploring the moderated-mediated path to fintech adoption67
Study of pragmatic analysis of literature on the development of ELT students’ receptive and productive skills: A case of North Cyprus67
Agricultural trade liberalization, governance quality, and technical efficiency in the agricultural sector of Southeast Asia67
Synthesis and characterization of nano iron oxide biochar composite for efficient removal of crystal violet from water67
Innovative eco-friendly methyl orange removal: Mechanism, kinetic, and thermodynamic study using starch cryogel-integrated mesoporous silica nanoparticles66
Enhancing physico-chemical water quality in recycled dairy effluent through microbial consortium treatment66
Improve power quality and stability of grid - Connected PV system by using series filter65
Predictive modelling of the effectiveness of vaccines against COVID-19 in Bogotá: Methodological innovation involving different variants and computational optimisation efficiency65
Photovoltaic pumping tests: A novel supervision method for photovoltaic water pumping systems65
SPICT tool among intubated elderly patients at emergency department65
Beneficial effect of Caesalpinia pulcherrima linn., on diabetic neuropathy, cognitive dysfunction and cardiac complications in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats64
Enhanced heat transfer in two-phase closed thermosyphons with external liquid-vapor separation64
Predictors of mayoral reelection in Romanian local elections. Long-term analysis 1996–201664
Volvariella volvacea (paddy straw mushroom): A mushroom with exceptional medicinal and nutritional properties64
Distribution dynamics and urbanization-related factors of Hantaan and Seoul virus infections in China between 2001 and 2020: A machine learning modelling analysis63
Multidimensional energy poverty and its effects on household consumption and savings: Evidence from Nepal63
Bio-based polylactic acid labware as a sustainable alternative for microbial cultivation in life science laboratories63
Exploring emotional dynamics: Word count effects in Facebook posts by sports shoe brands63
A study on the relationship between flood safety awareness and vulnerability/resilience63
Techno-economic and sustainability assessment of the power to MeOH processes: The present and future perspective62
A mixed media approach using locally available neutralizing materials for the passive treatment of acid mine drainage62
Farmers’ perceptions and awareness of cattle feedlots as a climate-smart approach to enteric methane emissions62
Bibliometric analysis of scholarly publications related to family medicine in Thailand62
Assessment of malaria transmission in Kenya using multilevel logistic regression62
Hexagonal boron nitride fibers as ideal catalytic support to experimentally measure the distinct activity of Pt nanoparticles in CO2 hydrogenation62
Nuclear epidermal growth factor receptor (nEGFR) in clinical treatment61
Endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition in the tumor microenvironment: Roles of transforming growth factor-β and matrix metalloproteins61
Trends in null hypothesis significance testing: Still going strong61
Methodological framework for supporting phytochemical bioprospecting re-search: A case study on carrot (Daucus carota L.) crop by-products60
Impact of the Marangoni phenomenon on the different Enhanced Oil Recovery methods60
African sovereign risk premia and international market assets: A relook under the COVID-19 outbreak60
Pre-existing IgG antibodies to HCoVs NL63 and OC43 Spike increased during the pandemic and after COVID-19 vaccination60
Optimization of energy output from PVT-PCM systems with emerging metal-organic frameworks phase change materials60
Drivers and magnitude of food insecurity among rural households in southern Democratic Republic of Congo60
Risk of infective endocarditis in patients with mitral valve prolapse: Systematic review with meta-analysis60
Analyzing the influence of electric vehicle charging scheduling on distribution transformer lifespan59
Influence of annealing temperature on Fe₂O₃ nanoparticles: Synthesis optimization and structural, optical, morphological, and magnetic properties characterization for advanced technological applicatio59
Mechanistic insights and therapeutic potential of astilbin and apigenin in diabetic cardiomyopathy59
Ecosystem service value in the context of urbanization: Comparison among economic-social regions of Vietnam59
A study of the optimum injection rate of carbonic acid during matrix acidizing of carbonate reservoirs: Implications for reducing CO2 emissions59
Reducing drought vulnerability of forest soils using Xanthan gum-based soil conditioners59
Protective effects of Shexiang-Tongxin dropping pill against acute myocardial infarction in rats through inhibition of apoptosis and ERK/MAPK signaling pathways59
Nurses' perception of threats to human dignity in caring for patients with COVID-19: A qualitative study59
Age estimation by evaluation of pulp chamber to crown volume of central incisor and first molar of maxilla, using Cone-Beam CT59
Effect of warehouse storage on the alteration, cooking and organoleptic characteristics of Kponan yam (Dioscorea cayenensis-rotundata) of Côte d'Ivoire58
Insurance market development and economic growth in Africa: Contingencies and thresholds of structural transformation58
Deciphering the conformational changes induced by high-risk nsSNPs in β-lactoglobulin58
In vitro and in vivo evaluation of the nutritional value of various hydrolyzed feather meals and comparison of their effect on performance and carcass characteristics of broilers57
The interaction of a self-assembled nanoparticle and a lipid membrane: Binding, disassembly and re-distribution57
Removal of Methylene Blue dye from aqueous solution using Fenton-modified submerged aquatic plant Schoenoplectus species (Bulrush)57
Two horizontal root fractures of a permanent central incisor tooth: A case report57
In-silico and in-vitro studies to identify potential inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein from Omani medicinal plants57
Recent progress in additive inorganic flame retardants polymer composites: Degradation mechanisms, modeling and applications57
Investigating the incidence and severity of field diseases impacting tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.) cultivation: A case study in the Jashore district, Bangladesh56
The effects of acetylated cordycepin derivatives on promoting vascular angiogenesis and attenuating myocardial ischemic injury56
Small ruminant farmers’ feeding strategies to cope with climate change across five agroecological zones of Benin, West Africa56
An interpretable hybrid framework combining convolution latent vectors with transformer based attention mechanism for rolling element fault detection and classification55
hUC-MSCs mitigate atherosclerosis induced by a high-fat diet in ApoE−/− mice by regulating the intestinal microbiota55
Auricular Acupressure for Minimizing Adverse Reactions to Colonoscopic Bowel Preparation in Hospitalized Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial55
Digital technology and Chinese-style industrial modernization: Dynamic threshold effect based on R&D Human resources55
The effects of Lepidium meyenii on MSG-induced subfertility in male Wistar rats: Targeting oxidative stress, pro-inflammatory cytokines, steroidogenic enzymes, and reproductive hormones regulation55
Leveraging public awareness and behavioural change for entrepreneurial waste management55
An adaptive load shedding methodology for renewable integrated power systems55
Water pollution generated by tourism: Review of system dynamics models54
Biological functions and molecular mechanisms of LINC01116 in cancer54
Design and numerical simulation of lead-free inorganic perovskites (Cs2BiAgI6) solar cell through computation method54
Dexpanthenol ameliorates lipopolysaccharide-induced cardiovascular toxicity by regulating the IL-6/HIF1α/VEGF pathway54
Association between neighbourhood food environment and dietary quality among adolescents in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia54
Short-term wind farm cluster power point-interval prediction based on graph spatio-temporal features and S-Stacking combined reconstruction54
Evaluating a computerized CCS model against current technologies to optimize environmental conservation for the Patuakhali power plant in Bangladesh54
LINC01857 promotes cell proliferation and migration while dampening cell apoptosis in pancreatic cancer by upregulating CDC42EP3 via miR-450b-5p54
Prognostic and metabolic characteristics of a novel cuproptosis-related signature in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma53
Association between body roundness index and risk of ultrasound-defined non-alcoholic fatty liver disease53
Enhancement of antimicrobial properties by metals doping in nano-crystalline hydroxyapatite for efficient biomedical applications53
CardiOmics signatures reveal therapeutically actionable targets and drugs for cardiovascular diseases53
Thermal imaging of local skin temperature as part of quality and safety assessment of injectable drugs53
Raising awareness of the important role of engineering in sustainable development53
Transcriptome analysis of human macrophages upon chikungunya virus (CHIKV) infection reveals regulation of distinct signaling and metabolic pathways during the early and late stages of infection52
Modeling of an HPS for the electric power demand of the cattle farm using genetic algorithm52
Proteomic profiling identifies biomarkers of COVID-19 severity52
Mapping the field: A bibliometric literature review on technology mining52
Tunable luminescence and electrical properties of cerium doped strontium aluminate (SrAl2O4:Ce3+) phosphors for white LED applications52
What Impacts the strength of perceived barriers to and drivers of energy efficiency in manufacturing SMEs?52
Unexpected sudden death on arrival in a healthy middle-aged man associated with COVID-19-related diffuse cardiac injury: A case report51
Homeless people: Images and imaginaries51
Animal, human, and environmental perspectives on anthrax in Bangladesh51
Dishevelled-associated antagonist of β-catenin homolog 3 (DACT3) suppresses glioma progression though Notch1 signaling pathway in β-catenin-dependent manner51
Investigating the applicability and assumptions of the regression relationship between flow discharge and nitrogen concentrations for load estimation51
Characterization of sago tree parts from Sentani, Papua, Indonesia for biomass energy utilization51
Exploring trust determinants influencing the intention to use fintech via SEM approach: Evidence from Pakistan50
Characterization of novel solar based nitrogen doped titanium dioxide photocatalytic membrane for wastewater treatment50
A machine learning approach for identifying variables associated with risk of developing neutralizing antidrug antibodies to factor VIII50
Dual solutions of magnetized radiative flow of Casson Nanofluid over a stretching/shrinking cylinder: Stability analysis50
Prognostic models for immunotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer: A comprehensive review50
A bibliometric survey of research trends in vitrimer50
Identification of potential key ferroptosis- and autophagy-related genes in myelomeningocele through bioinformatics analysis50
Antidiabetic and hepatoprotection effect of butterfly pea flower (Clitoria ternatea L.) through antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, lower LDH, ACP, AST, and ALT on diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia rat50
Integration of UHPLC/Q-OrbitrapMS-based metabolomics and activities evaluation to rapidly explore the anti-inflammatory components from lasianthus50
Viral metagenomic analysis reveals diverse viruses and a novel bocaparvovirus in the enteric virome of snow leopard (Panthera uncia)49
Assessing the decarbonization of electricity generation in major emitting countries by 2030 and 2050: Transition to a high share renewable energy mix49
Buoyancy of underground structures and pore water pressure conduction law in silty clay strata49
Detection of clinical Serratia marcescens isolates carrying blaKPC-2 in a hospital in China49
Lipophilic bioactive compounds from thermophilic cyanobacterium Leptolyngbya sp. HNBGU-004: Implications for countering VRSA resistance49
Impact of 8-week cold-and warm water swimming training combined with cinnamon consumption on serum METRNL, HDAC5, and insulin resistance levels in diabetic male rats49
Degradation kinetics of vitamins in different enteral feeding formulas during storage at different temperatures49
Review and assessment of the potential restoration of ecosystem services through the implementation of the biodiversity management plans for SDG-15 localization49
The landscape of hot topics and research frontiers in Kawasaki disease: Scientometric analysis49
Association between urinary phthalates and phthalate metabolites and cancer risk: A systematic review and meta-analysis49
Gkongensin A, an HSP90β inhibitor, improves hyperlipidemia, hepatic steatosis, and insulin resistance48
Novel design and performance evaluation of an indirectly forced convection desiccant integrated solar dryer for drying tomatoes in Pakistan48
Identifying MS4A6A+ macrophages as potential contributors to the pathogenesis of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, periodontitis, and type 2 diabetes mellitus48
Multi-domain wavelet boundary element method for calculating two-dimensional stress intensity factors48
Analysis of hydraulic losses in the series from 1990 to 2022 at the Retiro small hydroelectric power plant48
Green transition in the hospitality industry: The influence of market forces and customer dynamics on sustainable performance in the digital era48
Design, synthesis, biological and computational screening of novel pyridine-based thiadiazole derivatives as prospective anti-inflammatory agents48
Wernicke encephalopathy induced by glucose infusion: A case report and literature review48
Developing and validating an implantable suture tension sensor47
New marketing strategy model of E-commerce enterprises in the era of digital economy47
Exploring Cold plasma technology: Enhancements in Carob seed germination, phytochemical Composition, and antioxidant activity47
Probiotic capacity of commensal lactic acid bacteria from the intestine of Guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus)47
Internet addiction of university students in the Covid-19 process47
Evaluation of core-shell Fe3O4@Au nanoparticles as radioenhancer in A549 cell lung cancer model47
POLE -related gene signature predicts prognosis, immune feature, and drug therapy in human endometrioid carcinoma47
Anticancer potential of grifolin in lung cancer treatment through PI3K/AKT pathway inhibition47
Students’ motivational trajectories in vocational education: Effects of a self-regulated learning environment47
Proteomics analysis of plasm exosomes in early pregnancy among normal pregnant women and those with antiphospholipid syndrome47
Antidepressant effect of teriflunomide via oligodendrocyte protection in a mouse model47
How do socio-economic characteristics of communities influence resource use and forest cover in the Cryptosepalum forest of North-western Zambia47
Synergies between digital construction technologies in smart buildings and smart city development to meet building users’ expectations47
Vitamin C variation in citrus in response to genotypes, storage temperatures, and storage times: A systematic review and meta-analysis47
Reply to: Letter to the editor of Heliyon re design and optimization of a high efficiency CdTe–FeSi2 based double-junction two-terminal tandem solar cell. Heliyon. 10 (2024) e2799446
Does contract farming arrangement improve smallholder tobacco productivity? Evidence from Zimbabwe46
Emerging trends in biomaterials for sustainable food packaging: A comprehensive review46
Retrospective computed tomography assessment of chemotherapy-related pneumonia with severity screening in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia by radiological imaging46
Antibacterial fibers impregnated with mycosynthetized AgNPs for control of Pectobacterium carotovorum46
Measuring BVOC emissions released by tomato plants grown in a soilless integrated rooftop greenhouse46
Telehealth interventions to support self-care of stroke survivors: An integrative review46
Theoretical and experimental studies on sulfasalazine interactions with poly (lactic acid): Impact of hydrogen bonding and charge transfer interactions on molecular structure, electronic and optical p46
Awareness of patients with impacted teeth about impacted teeth in Turkey: A questionnaire study46
Viral etiology of severe lower respiratory tract infections in SARS-CoV-2 negative hospitalized patients during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kuwait46
ANKRD2 expression combined with TNFRSF19 expression for evaluating the prognosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma patients46
Next generation meshes for hernia repair: Polypropylene meshes coated with antimicrobial benzalkonium chloride induced proliferative activity of fibroblasts46
Navigating new product development: Uncovering factors and overcoming challenges for success46
Vitamin D receptor induces oxidative stress to promote esophageal squamous cell carcinoma proliferation via the p53 signaling pathway46
Prognostic factors affecting long-term outcomes in patients with concurrent IgA nephropathy and membranous nephropathy46
Alcohol's impact on fine motor skills: Insights from minimally invasive surgical simulation46
PaCMAP-embedded convolutional neural network for multi-omics data integration45
Assessment of the solar energy–agriculture–water nexus in the expanding solar energy industry of India: An initiative for sustainable resource management45
Taurine supplementation alters gene expression profiles in white adipose tissue of obese C57BL/6J mice: Inflammation and lipid synthesis perspectives45
Research hotspots and emerging trends in the treatment of Sjogren's syndrome: A bibliometric analysis from 1900 to 202245
Gamma-valerolactone biorefinery: Catalyzed birch fractionation and valorization of pulping streams with solvent recovery45
Evolution of teaching in short-term courses: A systematic review45