Environment and Planning B-Urban Analytics and City Science

(The median citation count of Environment and Planning B-Urban Analytics and City Science is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Modeling the relationships between historical redlining, urban heat, and heat-related emergency department visits: An examination of 11 Texas cities38
Will coronavirus cause a big city exodus?34
Urban function recognition by integrating social media and street-level imagery33
The interplay of spatial spread of COVID-19 and human mobility in the urban system of China during the Chinese New Year26
Associations between the quality of street space and the attributes of the built environment using large volumes of street view pictures26
Examining the spatial distribution and temporal change of the green view index in New York City using Google Street View images and deep learning26
Sidewalk extraction using aerial and street view images25
Polycentric urban development and urban amenities: Evidence from Chinese cities21
When COVID-19 came to town: Measuring the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on footfall on six high streets in England20
Sustainable and inclusive – Evaluating urban sustainability indicators’ suitability for measuring progress towards SDG-1118
The private rental housing market before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A submarket analysis in Cracow, Poland17
Regional differences in resilience of social and physical systems: Case study of Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria16
There will be no Post-COVID city16
Methodological foundation of a numerical taxonomy of urban form16
Towards a 15-minute city: A network-based evaluation framework16
Cumulative (and self-reinforcing) spatial inequalities: Interactions between accessibility and segregation in four Brazilian metropolises15
Measuring urban nighttime vitality and its relationship with urban spatial structure: A data-driven approach15
Mapping China’s regional economic activity by integrating points-of-interest and remote sensing data with random forest15
Human mobility data and analysis for urban resilience: A systematic review15
Stimulating urban walking environments – Can we measure the effect?15
Spatial clustering: Influence of urban street networks on retail sales volumes14
Route planning for blind pedestrians using OpenStreetMap14
Creation of a rough runnability index using an affordance-based framework14
A data-driven complex network approach for planning sustainable and inclusive urban mobility hubs and services14
A city-scale assessment of emergency response accessibility to vulnerable populations and facilities under normal and pluvial flood conditions for Shanghai, China13
Policy challenges for the post-pandemic city13
Walkability scoring: Why and how does a three-dimensional pedestrian network matter?12
Evaluating pedestrian perceptions of street design with a 3D stated preference survey12
The geography of online shopping in China and its key drivers12
Evaluating the impact mechanism of citizen participation on citizen satisfaction in a smart city12
Using multi-source data to understand the factors affecting mini-park visitation in Yancheng12
Travel mode recognition of urban residents using mobile phone data and MapAPI11
Spatio-temporal dynamics of flood exposure in Shenzhen from present to future11
Experimental analysis of walkability evaluation using virtual reality application11
Predicting vibrancy of metro station areas considering spatial relationships through graph convolutional neural networks: The case of Shenzhen, China11
Data-driven micromobility network planning for demand and safety11
Multimodal urban mobility and multilayer transport networks11
Disadvantaged communities have lower access to urban infrastructure11
Identifying subcenters with a nonparametric method and ubiquitous point-of-interest data: A case study of 284 Chinese cities11
Proposing an integrated accessibility-based measure to evaluate spatial equity among different social classes10
The Social Digital Twin:The Social Turn in the Field of Smart Cities 10
Assessing collaborative planning and the added value of planning support apps in The Netherlands10
Planning for tourist urban evacuation routes: A framework for improving the data collection and evacuation processes10
Patterns amidst the turmoil: COVID-19 and cities10
Towards the collaborative development of machine learning techniques in planning support systems – a Sydney example10
On the taxonomy of smart city indicators and their alignment with sustainability and resilience10
Analyzing the dynamics of urbanization in Delhi National Capital Region in India using satellite image time-series analysis10
Embodied 3D isovists: A method to model the visual perception of space10
Urban form study for wind potential development10
Urban form, traffic volume, and air quality: A spatiotemporal stratified approach9
A grammar-based optimization approach for walkable urban fabrics considering pedestrian accessibility and infrastructure cost9
Assessing the impacts of Airbnb listings on London house prices9
Modeling the impacts of park access on health outcomes: A utility-based accessibility approach9
Re-examining Jane Jacobs’ doctrine using new urban data in Hong Kong9
Urban form and productivity: What shapes are Latin-American cities?9
A regional spatial planning model for multifunctional green infrastructure9
The enabling conditions of post-pandemic city government9
Tabulating Home Owners’ Loan Corporation area description sheet data9
The effects of activity-related contexts on individual sound exposures: A time–geographic approach to soundscape studies9
Walk this way: Visualizing accessibility and mobility in metro station areas on a 3D pedestrian network9
Random walks in urban graphs: A minimal model of movement9
An integrated framework for assessment of smart city resilience8
A framework for delineating the scale, extent and characteristics of American retail centre agglomerations8
Modelling and simulating ‘informal urbanization’: An integrated agent-based and cellular automata model of urban residential growth in Ghana8
An open-source tool to extract natural continuity and hierarchy of urban street networks8
The impact of bike network indicators on bike kilometers traveled and bike safety: A network theory approach8
Subdividing the sprawl: Endogenous segmentation of housing submarkets in expansion areas of Santiago, Chile8
A Spatial Livability Index for dense urban centers8
Monitoring the well-being of vulnerable transit riders using machine learning based sentiment analysis and social media: Lessons from COVID-198
Measuring polycentric structures of megaregions in China: Linking morphological and functional dimensions8
Analyze the usage of urban greenways through social media images and computer vision8
Noise exposure of the residential areas close to urban expressways in a high-rise mountainous city8
Exploring the relationship between spatial morphology characteristics and scenic beauty preference of landscape open space unit by using point cloud data8
MasterplanGAN: Facilitating the smart rendering of urban master plans via generative adversarial networks8
Impact of COVID-19 policies on pedestrian traffic and walking patterns8
Assessing polycentric urban development in Shanghai, China, with detailed passive mobile phone data8
Relationship between neighborhood land use structure and the spatiotemporal pattern of PM2.5 at the microscale: Evidence from the central area of Guangzhou, China7
Spatial accessibility to kindergartens using a spectrum combinational approach: Case study of Shanghai using cellphone data7
Characterisation of elderly daily travel behaviour in Tianjin using a space–time cube7
Charting the past and possible futures of planning support systems: Results of a citation network analysis7
Characterizing the complex influence of the urban built environment on the dynamic population distribution of Shenzhen, China, using geographically and temporally weighted regression7
Do land policies make a difference? A data-driven approach to trace effects on urban form in France and Germany7
What does urban informatics add to planning support technology?7
The digital transformation of planning7
Predictive multi-watershed flood monitoring using deep learning on integrated physical and social sensors data7
CityThings: An integration of the dynamic sensor data to the 3D city model7
The impact of Airbnb on housing affordability: Evidence from Hong Kong7
Urban data/code: A new EP-B section7
TOPOI – A method for analysing settlement units and their linkages in an urban–rural fabric7
Using data mining to explore the spatial and temporal dynamics of perceptions of metro services in China: The case of Shenzhen7
Are patterns of vacant lots random? Evidence from empirical spatiotemporal analysis in Chiba prefecture, east of Tokyo7
Building height distribution under zoning regulations: Theoretical derivation based on allometric scaling analysis and application to harmonise building heights7
Measuring McCities: Landscapes of chain and independent restaurants in the United States7
When plans are used to no effect: Considering implementation performance of greater Brisbane’s compact activity centre policies7
Modelling the interdependence of spatial scales in urban systems7
Marked crosswalks in US transit-oriented station areas, 2007–2020: A computer vision approach using street view imagery7
Urban-GAN: An artificial intelligence-aided computation system for plural urban design7
Cellular automata for simulating land-use change with a constrained irregular space representation: A case study in Nanjing city, China6
Effects of Gehl’s urban design guidelines on walkability: A virtual reality experiment in Singaporean public housing estates6
Urban decline and residential preference: The effect of vacant lots on housing premiums6
The rebirth of urban subcenters: How subway expansion impacts the spatial structure and mix of amenities in European cities6
Roughness and intermittency within metropolitan regions - Application in three French conurbations6
Understanding Chinese tourist mobility and consumption-related behaviours in London using Sina Weibo check-ins6
Using weighted multilayer networks to uncover scaling of public transport system6
The effects of street environment features on road running: An analysis using crowdsourced fitness tracker data and machine learning6
Locating creativity in the city using Twitter data6
Time, the other dimension of urban form: Measuring the relationship between urban density and accessibility to grocery shops in the 10-minute city6
Anomalous human activity fluctuations from digital trace data signal flood inundation status6
Leveraging Street Level Imagery for Urban Planning6
Spatial-temporal patterns of self-organization: A dynamic 4D model for redeveloping the post-zoning city6
Spatiotemporal patterns of alcohol outlets and violence: A spatially heterogeneous Markov chain analysis6
COVID-19 impacts on non-work travel patterns: A place-based investigation using smartphone mobility data6
Unveiling spatial patterns of disaster impacts and recovery using credit card transaction fluctuations5
Access structure5
The nonlinear relationships between built environment features and urban street vitality: A data-driven exploration5
A tale of two cities: Jobs–housing balance and urban spatial structures from the perspective of transit commuters5
A hybrid modeling approach considering spatial heterogeneity and nonlinearity to discover the transition rules of urban cellular automata models5
Using betweenness metrics to investigate the geographical distribution of retailers5
Co-developing evidence-informed adaptation actions for resilient citywide sanitation: Local government response to climate change in Indonesia5
Monitoring streets through tweets: Using user-generated geographic information to predict gentrification and displacement5
Trend shifts in road traffic collisions: An application of Hidden Markov Models and Generalised Additive Models to assess the impact of the 20 mph speed limit policy in Edinburgh5
A two-dimensional propensity score matching method for longitudinal quasi-experimental studies: A focus on travel behavior and the built environment5
Investigating functional mix in Europe's dispersed urban areas5
Road network vulnerability and city-level characteristics: A nationwide comparative analysis of Japanese cities5
Strategies and inequities in balancing recreation and COVID exposure when visiting green spaces5
Street edge subdivision: Structuring ground floor interfaces to stimulate pedestrian visual engagement5
Evaluation of pedestrian navigation in Smart Cities5
Walking in the cities without ground, how 3d complex network volumetrics improve analysis5
What’s your angle? Analyzing angled parking via satellite imagery to aid bike-network planning5
Urban form in Canada at a small-area level: Quantifying “compactness” and “sprawl” with bayesian multivariate spatial factor analysis5
Analyzing the topology characteristic and effectiveness of the China city network5
Urban commons in the techno-economic paradigm shift: An information and communication technology-enabled climate-resilient solutions review5
Quantifying the environmental characteristics influencing the attractiveness of commercial agglomerations with big geo-data5
Hierarchical siting of macro fire station and micro fire station5
Evaluating the effects of heat vulnerability on heat-related emergency medical service incidents: Lessons from Austin, Texas5
Incorporating networks in semantic understanding of streetscapes: Contextualising active mobility decisions5
A spatiotemporal disparity of transit and automobile access gap and its impact on transit use5
Detecting industry clusters from the bottom up based on co-location patterns mining: A case study in Dongguan, China5
The impact of geometric and land use elements on the perceived pleasantness of urban layouts5
Visualizing green space accessibility for more than 4,000 cities across the globe5
Shedding new light on residential property price variation in England: A multi-scale exploration5
Interplay between auditory and visual environments in historic districts: A big data approach based on social media5
Using mobile phone big data to discover the spatial patterns of rural migrant workers’ return to work in China’s three urban agglomerations in the post-COVID-19 era5
Spatial autoregressive analysis of nationwide street network patterns with global open data5
Comparison of precise and approximated building height: Estimation from number of building storeys and spatial variations in the Tokyo metropolitan region4
Are neighbourhood amenities associated with more walking and less driving? Yes, but predominantly for the wealthy4
Using geographical random forest models to explore spatial patterns in the neighborhood determinants of hypertension prevalence across chicago, illinois, USA4
Toward comparative polycentricity scores: Assessing variations in regional delineation and subcenter identification4
A data-driven mobility–energy typology framework for New York State4
Revisiting Jane Jacobs: Quantifying urban diversity4
Pathways to creating differentiated grids: Types, benefits and costs4
Uncovering spatial heterogeneity in real estate prices via combined hierarchical linear model and geographically weighted regression4
The local structures of human mobility in Chicago4
Urban form character and Airbnb in Amsterdam (NL): A morphometric approach4
Algorithmic justice and groundtruthing the remote mapping of informal settlements: The example of Ho Chi Minh City’s periphery4
Multiscale accessibility and urban performance4
Integrating multiple data to identify building functions in China’s urban villages4
Science and design in the age of COVID-194
Travel flow aggregation: Nationally scalable methods for interactive and online visualisation of transport behaviour at the road network level4
Geographies of grocery shopping in major Canadian cities: Evidence from large-scale mobile app data4
Exploring the potential of urban (re)form: Modifying gated communities to shorten school travel distance in Nanjing, China4
COVID-19 pandemic and minority health disparities in New York City: A spatial and temporal perspective4
Applications of machine learning and deep learning methods for climate change mitigation and adaptation4
The effects of vacant lot greening and the impact of land use and business presence on crime4
Modelled impacts of a potential light emitting diode lighting system conversion and the influence of an extremely polluted atmosphere in Mexico City4
A new approach to develop large-scale land-use models using publicly available data4
Evaluation of tree shade effectiveness and its renewal strategy in typical historic districts: A case study in Harbin, China4
Household choices of sanitation infrastructure and impact on disease in India4
Smart cities and climate-resilient urban planning4
Digital plans and plan data in planning support science4
Resilience assessment tool for port planning4
Evaluation of urban planning methods toward bioclimatic and resilient urban spaces4
Integrating conformance and performance for the evaluation of urban planning implementation from a goal-oriented perspective4
Evaluating building color harmoniousness in a historic district intelligently: An algorithm-driven approach using street-view images4
The Spanish spatial city size distribution4
Digital twins: The current “Krays” of urban analytics?4
Exploring changes in residential preference during COVID-19: Implications to contemporary urban planning3
Understanding the compactness of employment activities in high-density cities through cellphone location data3
Modeling and prediction of expected informal growth in the Greater Cairo Region, Egypt3
A systematic review of municipal smart water for climate adaptation and mitigation3
Agglomeration effects as spatially embedded social interactions: identifying urban scaling beyond metropolitan areas3
A machine learning approach to modelling the spatial variations in the daily fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) of Shanghai, China3
Modeling regional impacts and resilience to water service disruptions in urban economies3
Urban form and COVID-19 cases and deaths in Greater London: An urban morphometric approach3
Investigating rural public spaces with cultural significance using morphological, cognitive and behavioural data3
How do urban services facilities affect social segregation among people of different economic levels? A case study of Shenzhen city3
Social distancing at scale3
Social interaction in public space: Spatial edges, moveable furniture, and visual landmarks3
Planning decentralized urban renewable energy systems using algal cultivation for closed-loop and resilient communities3
Urban form planning and tsunami risk vulnerability: Analysis of 12 Chilean coastal cities3
A “Smart Lifestyle” for the re-design of the “After Corona” urban form3
The cityseer Python package for pedestrian-scale network-based urban analysis3
Multilayer network structure and city size: A cross-sectional analysis of global cities to detect the correlation between street and terrain3
Towards a new image archive for the built environment3
A computer-assisted expert algorithm for real estate valuation in Spanish cities3
Deploying geospatial visualization dashboards to combat the socioeconomic impacts of COVID-193
Financing resilience efforts to confront future urban and sea-level rise flooding: Are coastal megacities in Association of Southeast Asian Nations doing enough?3
Identifying urban form typologies in Seoul using a new Gaussian mixture model-based clustering framework3
How changes in urban morphology translate into urban metabolisms of building stocks: A framework for spatiotemporal material flow analysis and a case study3
Examining the interplay between racial segregation patterns and access to hospital care3
Integrated environmental and human observations for smart cities3
A spatial autoregressive geographically weighted quantile regression to explore housing rent determinants in Amsterdam and Warsaw3
Water and sanitation for all: Citizen science, health equity, and urban climate justice3
Sustainability and urban climate: How Metaverse can influence urban planning?3
Adaptive and anti-adaptive neighbourhoods: Investigating the relationship between individual choice and systemic adaptability3
Urban planning and design with points of interest and visual perception3
Public transport availability inequalities and transport poverty risk across England3
Census-based urban building energy modeling to evaluate the effectiveness of retrofit programs3
Geo-tagged environmental noise measurement with smartphones: Accuracy and perspectives of crowdsourced mapping3
Enhancing the quality and social impacts of urban planning through community-engaged operations research3
Unfolding time, race and class inequalities to access leisure3
Planning participants’ preferential differences under immersive virtual reality and conventional representations: An experiment of street renewal3
Challenges of consultant-led planning in India’s smart cities mission3
A participatory e-planning model in the urban renewal of China: Implications of technologies in facilitating planning participation3
Quantitative evidence for leapfrogging in urban growth3
Identifying spatio-temporal hotspots of human activity that are popular non-work destinations3
Explaining a century of Swiss regional development by deep learning and SHAP values3
Unveiling the relationship between land use types and the temporal signals of crime: An empirical decomposition approach3
Measuring and mapping neighborhood opportunity: A comparison of opportunity indices in California3
Generative methods for Urban design and rapid solution space exploration3
A land-use clustering approach to capturing the level-of-service of large urban corridors: A case study in downtown Los Angeles3
Revealing the impact of storm surge on taxi operations: Evidence from taxi and typhoon trajectory data3
The Law of Population Concentration3
Post-colonial conservation of colonial built heritage in Hong Kong: A statistical analysis of historic building grading3
Where the Crosswalk Ends: Mapping Crosswalk Coverage via Satellite Imagery in San Francisco3
A game co-design method to elicit knowledge for the contextualization of spatial models3
A new kind of search3
A cost–benefit analysis of implementing urban heat island adaptation measures in small- and medium-sized cities in Austria3
Minimizing aggregation errors when measuring potential access to services for social groups at the city scale3
Spatial sensitivity analysis for urban hotspots using cell phone traces3
Why are convenience stores clustered? The reasons behind the clustering of similar shops and the effect of increased competition3
Exploring long-term urban cycles with multivariate time-series analysis2
A multi-dimensional spatial policy model for large-scale multi-municipal Swiss contexts2
Planning education in the digital age2
Cross-analysis for the assessment of urban environmental quality: An interdisciplinary and participative approach2
Modeling land-use change using partitioned vector cellular automata while considering urban spatial structure2
The COVID years: Predictable unpredictability2
Detecting shifts in metropolitan structure: A spatial network perspective2
Ownership diversity and fragmentation: A barrier to urban centre resilience2
Agent-based simulation of short-term peer-to-peer rentals: Evidence from the Amsterdam housing market2
Developing a TOD assessment model based on node–place–ecology for suburban areas of metropolitan cities: A case in Odawara2
Small-area moving ratios and the spatial connectivity of neighborhoods: Insights from consumer credit data2
Urban neighbourhood classification and multi-scale heterogeneity analysis of Greater London2
A longitudinal analysis of travel demand and its determinants in the Greater Toronto-Hamilton Area2
Functional visibility graph analysis: Quantifying visuofunctional space with social media check-in data2
Deserving poor in public sanitation: Tracing the policymaking processes of who gets what, when, how, and why in Delhi2
Using machine learning to identify spatial market segments. A reproducible study of major Spanish markets2
Exploring the role of accessibility in shaping retail location using space syntax measures: A panel-data analysis in Lisbon, 1995–20102
Examining heat inequity in a Brazilian metropolitan region2
BikeDNA: A tool for bicycle infrastructure data and network assessment2