npj Quantum Materials

(The median citation count of npj Quantum Materials is 5. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Cascade of transitions in twisted and non-twisted graphene layers within the van Hove scenario71
Critical enhancement of the spin Hall effect by spin fluctuations71
Periodically modulated skyrmion strings in Cu2OSeO369
Vacancy defect control of colossal thermopower in FeSb267
Observation of the sliding phason mode of the incommensurate magnetic texture in Fe/Ir(111)63
Nonreciprocal charge transport in topological superconductor candidate Bi2Te3/PdTe2 heterostructure56
Gate-tunable pairing channels in superconducting non-centrosymmetric oxides nanowires41
Parallel InAs nanowires for Cooper pair splitters with Coulomb repulsion38
Optical anomalous Hall effect enhanced by flat bands in ferromagnetic van der Waals semimetal35
Stabilizing electromagnons in CuO under pressure35
Unconventional dual 1D–2D quantum spin liquid revealed by ab initio studies on organic solids family34
Giant nonlinear Hall effect in twisted bilayer WTe234
Dynamical ground state in the XY pyrochlore Yb2GaSbO734
Atomic-scale magnetic doping of monolayer stanene by revealing Kondo effect from self-assembled Fe spin entities33
Interaction-driven spontaneous ferromagnetic insulating states with odd Chern numbers32
Formation of magnetic biskyrmions mediated by an intrinsic emergent monopole-antimonopole pair32
Topological frequency shift of quantum oscillation in CaFeAsF32
Nb3Cl8: a prototypical layered Mott-Hubbard insulator31
Experimental evidence of plasmarons and effective fine structure constant in electron-doped graphene/h-BN heterostructure31
Crystal-chirality-dependent control of magnetic domains in a time-reversal-broken antiferromagnet31
Hybrid spin-orbit exciton-magnon excitations in FePS329
Universal behavior of the bosonic metallic ground state in a two-dimensional superconductor29
Symmetry-enforced nodal chain phonons27
Experimental electronic structure of the electrically switchable antiferromagnet CuMnAs27
Large anomalous Hall effect in spin fluctuating devil’s staircase26
Lifetime of coexisting sub-10 nm zero-field skyrmions and antiskyrmions26
Periodicity staircase in a centrosymmetric Fe/Gd magnetic thin film system25
Quasi-one-dimensional superconductivity in the pressurized charge-density-wave conductor HfTe325
Interfacial phase frustration stabilizes unconventional skyrmion crystals25
Anisotropic positive linear and sub-linear magnetoresistivity in the cubic type-II Dirac metal Pd3In725
Does filling-dependent band renormalization aid pairing in twisted bilayer graphene?25
Anomalous and anisotropic nonlinear susceptibility in the proximate Kitaev magnet α-RuCl324
Real-space anisotropy of the superconducting gap in the charge-density wave material 2H-NbSe223
Giant Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, strong XXZ-type biquadratic coupling, and bimeronic excitations in the two-dimensional CrMnI6 magnet23
Topological response of the anomalous Hall effect in MnBi2Te4 due to magnetic canting22
Anomalous Josephson coupling and high-harmonics in non-centrosymmetric superconductors with S-wave spin-triplet pairing22
Realization of practical eightfold fermions and fourfold van Hove singularity in TaCo2Te222
Phonons, electrons and thermal transport in Planckian high Tc materials21
Nonsymmorphic symmetry-protected band crossings in a square-net metal PtPb421
Unconventional charge order and superconductivity in kagome-lattice systems as seen by muon-spin rotation21
Low-energy gap emerging from confined nematic states in extremely underdoped cuprate superconductors20
Unconventional resistivity scaling in topological semimetal CoSi20
Generalized Wilson loop method for nonlinear light-matter interaction20
Magnetism and fermiology of kagome magnet YMn6Sn4Ge220
Hybrid-order topological superconductivity in a topological metal 1T’-MoTe220
Pseudospins revealed through the giant dynamical Franz-Keldysh effect in massless Dirac materials20
Observation of floating surface state in obstructed atomic insulator candidate NiP220
Quantum dynamics of topological strings in a frustrated Ising antiferromagnet19
Heuristic bounds on superconductivity and how to exceed them19
Towards understanding the magnetic properties of the breathing pyrochlore compound Ba3Yb2Zn5O11through single-crystal studies19
Optical detection of the density-wave instability in the kagome metal KV3Sb519
Author Correction: Long-ranged Cu-based order with $$d_{z^2}$$ orbital character at a YBa2Cu3O7/manganite interface19
Spin supersolidity in nearly ideal easy-axis triangular quantum antiferromagnet Na2BaCo(PO4)219
Electronic spin susceptibility in metallic strontium titanate19
Author Correction: Spectral stability of V2 centres in sub-micron 4H-SiC membranes18
Z2 flux binding to higher-spin impurities in the Kitaev spin liquid18
Publisher Correction: Giant Berry curvature dipole density in a ferroelectric Weyl semimetal18
Unconventional broadening of Rashba spin splitting in a Au2Sb surface alloy with periodic structural defects18
Author Correction: Coexistence of ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism, and superconductivity in magnetically anisotropic (Eu,La)FeAs218
Tunable Berry curvature and transport crossover in topological Dirac semimetal KZnBi17
Tunable non-Lifshitz–Kosevich temperature dependence of Shubnikov–de Haas oscillation amplitudes in SmSb17
Thermal evolution of spin excitations in honeycomb Ising antiferromagnetic FePSe317
Slow dynamics of disordered zigzag chain molecules in layered LiVS2 under electron irradiation17
New insight into tuning magnetic phases of RMn6Sn6 kagome metals17
Atomic-scale visualization of a cascade of magnetic orders in the layered antiferromagnet GdTe317
Squeezing the periodicity of Néel-type magnetic modulations by enhanced Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction of 4d electrons16
Multiferroic quantum material Ba2Cu1−xMnxGe2O7 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) as a potential candidate for frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet16
Metal–insulator-like transition, superconducting dome and topological electronic structure in Ga-doped Re3Ge716
Emergent ferromagnetism and insulator-metal transition in δ-doped ultrathin ruthenates16
Enhancement of superconductivity on the verge of a structural instability in isovalently doped β-ThRh1−xIrxGe15
Npj Quantum Materials as a symbol of international scientific cooperation15
Quantum phases and spin liquid properties of 1T-TaS215
Unveiling multipole physics and frustration of icosahedral magnetic quasicrystals15
Intertwined Weyl phases emergent from higher-order topology and unconventional Weyl fermions via crystalline symmetry15
Electric polarization near vortices in the extended Kitaev model15
Superconductivity in the doped quantum spin liquid on the triangular lattice15
Exploration of two surfaces observed in Weyl semimetal BaMnSb215
Dislocation-position fluctuations in solid 4He as collective variables in a quantum crystal15
High-field immiscibility of electrons belonging to adjacent twinned bismuth crystals15
d-wave charge-4e superconductivity from fluctuating pair density waves15
The thickness dependence of quantum oscillations in ferromagnetic Weyl metal SrRuO315
Anomalous superconducting proximity effect of planar Pb–RhPb2 heterojunctions in the clean limit15
Dichotomy in temporal and thermal spin correlations observed in the breathing pyrochlore LiGa1−xInxCr4O814
Lattice-commensurate skyrmion texture in a centrosymmetric breathing kagome magnet14
Theory of superconductivity in doped quantum paraelectrics14
Anomalous high-field magnetotransport in CaFeAsF due to the quantum Hall effect14
Superconductivity enhancement in polar metal regions of Sr0.95Ba0.05TiO3 and Sr0.985Ca0.015TiO3 revealed by systematic Nb doping14
Robust anomalous metallic states and vestiges of self-duality in two-dimensional granular In-InOx composites13
Electronic landscape of kagome superconductors AV3Sb5 (A = K, Rb, Cs) from angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy13
Anomalous Nernst effect in the topological and magnetic material MnBi4Te713
CrRhAs: a member of a large family of metallic kagome antiferromagnets13
From hidden metal-insulator transition to Planckian-like dissipation by tuning the oxygen content in a nickelate13
Robust three-dimensional type-II Dirac semimetal state in SrAgBi13
Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering as a probe of Jeff = 1/2 state in 3d transition-metal oxide13
Topological surface magnetism and Néel vector control in a magnetoelectric antiferromagnet13
Spin and lattice dynamics of the two-dimensional van der Waals ferromagnet CrI313
A jeff = 1/2 Kitaev material on the triangular lattice: the case of NaRuO213
Unconventional superconductivity in magic-angle twisted trilayer graphene13
Flat-band hybridization between f and d states near the Fermi energy of SmCoIn513
Pressure evolution of electron dynamics in the superconducting kagome metal CsV3Sb513
Signature of Kondo hybridisation with an orbital-selective Mott phase in 4d Ca2−xSrxRuO413
Probing the interplay between lattice dynamics and short-range magnetic correlations in CuGeO3 with femtosecond RIXS13
Quantum phase transition in a clean superconductor with repulsive dynamical interaction13
Expansion of the high field-boosted superconductivity in UTe2 under pressure13
Emergent topological quantum orbits in the charge density wave phase of kagome metal CsV3Sb513
Pressure-induced concomitant topological and metal-insulator quantum phase transitions in Ce3Pd3Bi412
Field-tunable toroidal moment and anomalous Hall effect in noncollinear antiferromagnetic Weyl semimetal Co1/3TaS212
Driving ultrafast spin and energy modulation in quantum well states via photo-induced electric fields12
Transport behaviors of topological band conduction in KTaO3’s two-dimensional electron gases12
Multiflavor Mott insulators in quantum materials and ultracold atoms12
Informing quantum materials discovery and synthesis using X-ray micro-computed tomography12
Critical charge fluctuations and emergent coherence in a strongly correlated excitonic insulator12
Orbital selective Kondo effect in heavy fermion superconductor UTe212
Multiple quantum phase transitions of different nature in the topological kagome magnet Co3Sn2−xInxS212
Comprehensive investigation of quantum oscillations in semimetal using an ac composite magnetoelectric technique with ultrahigh sensitivity12
Gapless quantum spin liquid in a honeycomb Γ magnet12
Tunable chirality of noncentrosymmetric magnetic Weyl semimetals in rare-earth carbides11
Frustration-driven magnetic fluctuations as the origin of the low-temperature skyrmion phase in Co7Zn7Mn611
One-dimensional topological phase and tunable soliton states in atomic nanolines on Si(001) surface11
Pseudogap behavior in charge density wave kagome material ScV6Sn6 revealed by magnetotransport measurements11
Electronic stripe patterns near the fermi level of tetragonal Fe(Se,S)11
Ubiquitous enhancement of nematic fluctuations across the phase diagram of iron based superconductors probed by the Nernst effect11
Charge order near the antiferromagnetic quantum critical point in the trilayer high Tc cuprate HgBa2Ca2Cu3O8+δ11
Emergent long-range magnetic order in ultrathin (111)-oriented LaNiO3 films11
Orbital-selective charge-density wave in TaTe411
Photoinduced anisotropic lattice dynamic response and domain formation in thermoelectric SnSe11
Majorana zero modes in Y-shape interacting Kitaev wires11
Trompe L’oeil Ferromagnetism—magnetic point group analysis11
Majorana modes in striped two-dimensional inhomogeneous topological superconductors11
Altermagnetism with non-collinear spins11
Exploring possible magnetic monopoles-induced magneto-electricity in spin ices11
Two-dimensional ferromagnetism detected by proximity-coupled quantum Hall effect of graphene11
Discovery of superconductivity and electron-phonon drag in the non-centrosymmetric Weyl semimetal LaRhGe310
Optical properties and electronic correlations in La3Ni2O7 bilayer nickelates under high pressure10
Spin liquid and ferroelectricity close to a quantum critical point in PbCuTe2O610
Multinode quantum spin liquids in extended Kitaev honeycomb models10
3D Heisenberg universality in the van der Waals antiferromagnet NiPS310
Intrinsic constraint on Tc for unconventional superconductivity10
Confirming the trilinear form of the optical magnetoelectric effect in the polar honeycomb antiferromagnet Co2Mo3O810
Infinite-layer nickelates as Ni-eg Hund’s metals10
Author Correction: Cluster-assembled superatomic crystals for chirality-dependent charge-to-spin conversion10
Vertex dominated superconductivity in intercalated FeSe10
Publisher Correction: Electromagnetic signatures of a chiral quantum spin liquid10
High-performance HgCdTe avalanche photodetector enabled with suppression of band-to-band tunneling effect in mid-wavelength infrared9
Field-induced multiple metal-insulator crossovers of correlated Dirac electrons of perovskite CaIrO39
Straintronics with van der Waals materials9
Consecutive topological phase transitions and colossal magnetoresistance in a magnetic topological semimetal9
Vibrational fingerprints of ferroelectric HfO29
Waveguide bandgap engineering with an array of superconducting qubits9
Proximity to a critical point driven by electronic entropy in URu2Si29
Electronic reconstruction forming a C2-symmetric Dirac semimetal in Ca3Ru2O78
Berry curvature origin of the thickness-dependent anomalous Hall effect in a ferromagnetic Weyl semimetal8
Competitive and cooperative electronic states in Ba(Fe1−xTx)2As2 with T = Co, Ni, Cr8
Emergence of the spin polarized domains in the kagome lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet Zn-barlowite (Zn0.95Cu0.05)Cu3(OD)6FBr8
Collective magnetic Higgs excitation in a pyrochlore ruthenate8
f-electron hybridised Fermi surface in magnetic field-induced metallic YbB128
Gauge field dynamics in multilayer Kitaev spin liquids8
Field-induced Lifshitz transition in the magnetic Weyl semimetal candidate PrAlSi8
Unconventional superconductivity near a nematic instability in a multi-orbital system8
Strain derivative of thermoelectric properties as a sensitive probe for nematicity8
Test for BCS-BEC crossover in the cuprate superconductors8
The nematic susceptibility of the ferroquadrupolar metal TmAg2 measured via the elastocaloric effect8
Critical topology and pressure-induced superconductivity in the van der Waals compound AuTe2Br8
Photoinduced evolution of lattice orthorhombicity and conceivably enhanced ferromagnetism in LaMnO3 membranes8
Field-controlled multicritical behavior and emergent universality in fully frustrated quantum magnets8
Probing magnetic orbitals and Berry curvature with circular dichroism in resonant inelastic X-ray scattering8
Universal size-dependent nonlinear charge transport in single crystals of the Mott insulator Ca2RuO48
Controlling crystal-electric field levels through symmetry-breaking uniaxial pressure in a cubic super heavy fermion8
Flexomagnetic noncollinear state with a plumb line shape spin configuration in edged two-dimensional magnetic CrI37
Unveiling the quasiparticle behaviour in the pressure-induced high-Tc phase of an iron-chalcogenide superconductor7
Cr doping-induced ferromagnetism in SnTe thin films7
Microscopic evidence for anisotropic multigap superconductivity in the CsV3Sb5 kagome superconductor7
Coherent phonon and unconventional carriers in the magnetic kagome metal Fe3Sn27
Charge transfer and spin-valley locking in 4Hb-TaS27
Kinetic ferromagnetism and topological magnons of the hole-doped Kitaev spin liquid7
Dual topological states in the layered titanium-based oxypnictide superconductor BaTi2Sb2O7
Absence of a BCS-BEC crossover in the cuprate superconductors7
Possible chiral spin liquid state in the S = 1/2 kagome Heisenberg model7
Superconductor-to-metal transition in overdoped cuprates7
Quasi-particle interference of the van Hove singularity in Sr2RuO47
Phase-field simulations of vortex chirality manipulation in ferroelectric thin films7
Terahertz lattice and charge dynamics in ferroelectric semiconductor SnxPb1−xTe7
Electronic and magnetic properties of the RuX3 (X = Cl, Br, I) family: two siblings—and a cousin?7
Terahertz signatures of ultrafast Dirac fermion relaxation at the surface of topological insulators7
Josephson detection of time-reversal symmetry broken superconductivity in SnTe nanowires7
Orbital-selective band hybridisation at the charge density wave transition in monolayer TiTe27
Nonreciprocal nonlinear responses in moving charge density waves6
Competition between d-wave superconductivity and magnetism in uniaxially strained Sr2RuO46
Phonon mixing in the charge density wave state of ScV6Sn66
Distinct switching of chiral transport in the kagome metals KV3Sb5 and CsV3Sb56
Cluster-assembled superatomic crystals for chirality-dependent charge-to-spin conversion6
Intrinsic second-order topological insulators in two-dimensional polymorphic graphyne with sublattice approximation6
High-mobility two-dimensional carriers from surface Fermi arcs in magnetic Weyl semimetal films6
Raman-phonon-polariton condensation in a transversely pumped cavity6
Permutable SOS (symmetry operational similarity)6
Elastoresistivity in the incommensurate charge density wave phase of BaNi2(As1−xPx)26
Large anomalous Hall effect and unusual domain switching in an orthorhombic antiferromagnetic material NbMnP6
Linear and non-linear response of quadratic Lindbladians6
Realization of a classical Ruddlesden Popper type bilayer nickelate in Sr3Ni2−xAlxO7−δ with unusual Ni4+6
Spin-induced negative thermal expansion and spin–phonon coupling in van der Waals material CrBr36
Spin photogalvanic effect in two-dimensional collinear antiferromagnets6
Terahertz pulse-driven collective mode in the nematic superconducting state of Ba1−xKxFe2As26
Ultrafast coherent interlayer phonon dynamics in atomically thin layers of MnBi2Te46
Long-ranged Cu-based order with $$d_{z^2}$$ orbital character at a YBa2Cu3O7/ manganite interface6
Spin-orbit entangled moments and magnetic exchange interactions in cobalt-based honeycomb magnets BaCo2(XO4)2 (X = P, As, Sb)6
Absence of electron-phonon coupling superconductivity in the bilayer phase of La3Ni2O7 under pressure6
Reply to: “Topological and trivial domain wall states in engineered atomic chains”5
Tuning the Fermi liquid crossover in Sr2RuO4 with uniaxial stress5
Mott physics in the multiflavored age5
Author Correction: Higher order topological superconductivity in magnet-superconductor hybrid systems5
Correlation-driven electron-hole asymmetry in graphene field effect devices5
Evolution of electronic and magnetic properties of Sr2IrO4 under strain5
Superconductivity in a ferroelectric-like topological semimetal SrAuBi5
Gapless Dirac magnons in CrCl35
Weak-coupling to strong-coupling quantum criticality crossover in a Kitaev quantum spin liquid α-RuCl35
Using magnetic dynamics to measure the spin gap in a candidate Kitaev material5
Publisher Correction: Evolution of electronic and magnetic properties of Sr2IrO4 under strain5
Giant Berry curvature dipole density in a ferroelectric Weyl semimetal5
Precursor of pair-density wave in doping Kitaev spin liquid on the honeycomb lattice5
Intertwined electronic and magnetic structure of the van-der-Waals antiferromagnet Fe2P2S65
Topologically driven linear magnetoresistance in helimagnetic FeP5
Quantum order by disorder is a key to understanding the magnetic phases of BaCo2(AsO4)25
Vital role of magnetocrystalline anisotropy in cubic chiral skyrmion hosts5
Pressure-induced charge orders and their postulated coupling to magnetism in hexagonal multiferroic LuFe2O45
Pressure-induced superconductivity and structure phase transition in Pt2HgSe35