npj Climate and Atmospheric Science

(The TQCC of npj Climate and Atmospheric Science is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
PDO influenced interdecadal summer precipitation change over East China in mid-18th century109
Anthropogenic effects on tropical cyclones near Western Europe92
Contrasting response of hydrological cycle over land and ocean to a changing CO2 pathway87
The subseasonal predictability of the western North Pacific subtropical high and the 2020 record-breaking event85
Projected Antarctic sea ice change contributes to increased occurrence of strong El Niño83
Impact of Tibetan plateau warming amplification on the interannual variations in East Asia Summer precipitation83
Spatially compounding flood-nocturnal heat events over adjacent regions in the Northern Hemisphere58
A diurnal story of Δ17O($$\rm{NO}_{3}^{-}$$) in urban Nanjing and its implication for nitrate aerosol formation57
Stratospheric influences on surface ozone increase during the COVID-19 lockdown over northern China57
Soil moisture signature in global weather balloon soundings56
Enhanced Arctic moisture transport toward Siberia in autumn revealed by tagged moisture transport model experiment55
Bioaerosols and dust are the dominant sources of organic P in atmospheric particles54
Zonally asymmetric component of summer surface temperature trends caused by intraseasonal time-scale processes53
Thunderstorm total lightning activity behavior associated with transmission line trip events of power system52
Kilometer-scale global warming simulations and active sensors reveal changes in tropical deep convection52
Future changes in the wintertime ENSO-NAO teleconnection under greenhouse warming51
Intensified gradient La Niña and extra-tropical thermal patterns drive the 2022 East and South Asian “Seesaw” extremes49
Global-scale constraints on light-absorbing anthropogenic iron oxide aerosols49
Occurrence and hotspots of multivariate and temporally compounding events in China from 1961 to 202049
Identification and quantification of giant bioaerosol particles over the Amazon rainforest48
The significant influence of the Atlantic multidecadal variability to the abrupt warming in Northeast Asia in the 1990s45
Intensification of heatwaves in China in recent decades: Roles of climate modes45
High-elevation snowpack loss during the 2021 Pacific Northwest heat dome amplified by successive spring heatwaves44
Siberian vegetation growth intensifies monsoon precipitation in southern East Asia in late spring and early summer40
Skillful prediction of length of day one year ahead in multiple decadal prediction systems37
Faint yet widespread glories reflect microphysics of marine clouds35
2022 ECMWF-ESA workshop report: current status, progress and opportunities in machine learning for Earth System observation and prediction32
Elucidating key factors in regulating budgets of ozone and its precursors in atmospheric boundary layer31
Mortality burden attributed to anthropogenic warming during Europe’s 2022 record-breaking summer31
Escalating tropical cyclone precipitation extremes and landslide hazards in South China under global warming29
2024 ESA-ECMWF workshop report: current status, progress and opportunities in machine learning for Earth system observation and prediction29
Observed increase in the peak rain rates of monsoon depressions29
Impact of Solar Radiation Management on Andean glacier-wide surface mass balance29
Effects of multi-observations uncertainty and models similarity on climate change projections28
Strengthening cold wakes lead to decreasing trend of tropical cyclone rainfall rates relative to background environmental rainfall rates28
Impact of satellite thickness data assimilation on bias reduction in Arctic sea ice concentration28
Retrieval of hourly aerosol single scattering albedo over land using geostationary satellite data28
Interannual fires as a source for subarctic summer decadal climate variability mediated by permafrost thawing27
Challenges with interpreting the impact of Atlantic Multidecadal Variability using SST-restoring experiments27
Urban irrigation reduces moist heat stress in Beijing, China26
Observed changes in the climate and snow dynamics of the Third Pole26
Investigating the impact of cloud-radiative feedbacks on tropical precipitation extremes25
Atmospheric modes fiddling the simulated ENSO impact on tropical cyclone genesis over the Northwest Pacific25
Winter heavy precipitation events over Northern Europe modulated by a weaker NAO variability by the end of the 21st century24
Late Pleistocene island weathering and precipitation in the Western Pacific Warm Pool24
Interannual variation in the East Asian summer monsoon-tropical Atlantic SST relationship modulated by the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation23
Impacts of Atlantic multidecadal variability on the tropical Pacific: a multi-model study23
Decomposition of physical processes controlling EASM precipitation changes during the mid-Piacenzian: new insights into data–model integration23
Slow and soft passage through tipping point of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in a changing climate23
ENSO skewness hysteresis and associated changes in strong El Niño under a CO2 removal scenario22
Assessment of the global ocean heat content and North Atlantic heat transport over 1993–202022
Dynamics of PM2.5 and network activity during extreme pollution events22
Assessing predictive attribution in NMME forecasts of summer precipitation in eastern china using deep learning22
Redefined background state in the tropical Pacific resolves the entanglement between the background state and ENSO22
Exploring causes of distinct regional and subseasonal Indian summer monsoon precipitation responses to CO2 removal22
Unraveling the roles of jet streams on the unprecedented hot July in Western Europe in 202221
Sustained dominance of South Asia’s black carbon pollution impacting the Tibetan plateau in the 21st century21
The parametric hurricane rainfall model with moisture and its application to climate change projections21
Ensembles of climate simulations to anticipate worst case heatwaves during the Paris 2024 Olympics20
Fast reduction of Atlantic SST threatens Europe-wide gross primary productivity under positive and negative CO2 emissions20
Remotely sensed BC columns over rapidly changing Western China show significant decreases in mass and inconsistent changes in number, size, and mixing properties due to policy actions20
Leveraging global climate models to assess multi-year hydrologic drought20
Tracing the formation of exceptional fronts driving historical fires in Southeast Australia20
Staggered-peak production is a mixed blessing in the control of particulate matter pollution19
Climate change impact on hurricane storm surge hazards in New York/New Jersey Coastlines using machine-learning19
Possible impacts of vegetation cover increment on the relationship between winter snow cover anomalies over the Third Pole and summer precipitation in East Asia19
Recent frontiers of climate changes in East Asia at global warming of 1.5°C and 2°C19
Rethinking water security in a warming climate: rainfall enhancement as an innovative augmentation technique19
Urbanization alters atmospheric dryness through land evapotranspiration18
Importance of humidity for characterization and communication of dangerous heatwave conditions18
Local mechanisms for global daytime, nighttime, and compound heatwaves18
Convection-permitting climate models offer more certain extreme rainfall projections17
Recent heatwaves as a prelude to climate extremes in the western Mediterranean region17
A multiscale model for El Niño complexity17
Causes of 2022 Pakistan flooding and its linkage with China and Europe heatwaves17
Underestimated role of sea surface temperature in sea spray aerosol formation and climate effects16
Implications for ozone control by understanding the survivor bias in observed ozone-volatile organic compounds system16
Hybrid physics-AI outperforms numerical weather prediction for extreme precipitation nowcasting16
Western North Pacific tropical cyclones suppress Maritime Continent rainfall15
The role of future anthropogenic methane emissions in air quality and climate15
Tropical eastern Pacific cooling trend reinforced by human activity15
Human-induced intensification of terrestrial water cycle in dry regions of the globe15
Atmospheric NOx oxidation as major sources for nitrous acid (HONO)15
Importance of internal variability for climate model assessment15
Microphysical properties of atmospheric soot and organic particles: measurements, modeling, and impacts15
Human-caused long-term changes in global aridity14
South Asian Summer Monsoon under stratospheric aerosol intervention14
The critical role of dimethylamine in the rapid formation of iodic acid particles in marine areas14
Ongoing intensification of anomalous Western North Pacific anticyclone during post-El Niño summer with achieved carbon neutrality14
The jump in global temperatures in September 2023 is extremely unlikely due to internal climate variability alone14
How do North American weather regimes drive wind energy at the sub-seasonal to seasonal timescales?14
Urbanization-induced warming amplifies population exposure to compound heatwaves but narrows exposure inequality between global North and South cities13
Ocean fertilization by pyrogenic aerosol iron13
Sea ice loss of the Barents-Kara Sea enhances the winter warming over the Tibetan Plateau13
The uneven impact of climate change on drought with elevation in the Canary Islands13
Unveiling the dynamics of sequential extreme precipitation-heatwave compounds in China13
Lightning nowcasting with aerosol-informed machine learning and satellite-enriched dataset13
Causes of accelerated High-Tide Flooding in the U.S. since 195013
Extensive urban air pollution footprint evidenced by submicron organic aerosols molecular composition13
A frequent ice-free Arctic is likely to occur before the mid-21st century13
The new indices to describe temporal discontinuity of snow cover on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau13
Do AI models produce better weather forecasts than physics-based models? A quantitative evaluation case study of Storm Ciarán12
Positive feedback mechanism between biogenic volatile organic compounds and the methane lifetime in future climates12
Quantifying the role of ocean coupling in Arctic amplification and sea-ice loss over the 21st century12
Important role of stratosphere-troposphere coupling in the Arctic mid-to-upper tropospheric warming in response to sea-ice loss12
Business-as-usual will lead to super and ultra-extreme heatwaves in the Middle East and North Africa12
Health costs of wildfire smoke to rise under climate change12
A global perspective on western Mediterranean precipitation extremes12
Australia’s Black Summer pyrocumulonimbus super outbreak reveals potential for increasingly extreme stratospheric smoke events12
A comprehensive dataset of luminescence chronologies and environmental proxy indices of loess-paleosol deposits across Asia11
Response of winter climate and extreme weather to projected Arctic sea-ice loss in very large-ensemble climate model simulations11
The slowdown of increasing groundwater storage in response to climate warming in the Tibetan Plateau11
Impact of fuel sulfur regulations on carbonaceous particle emission from a marine engine11
Warming-induced hydrothermal anomaly over the Earth’s three Poles amplifies concurrent extremes in 202211
A climatology of stratospheric gravity waves induced by tropical cyclones on the northwest Pacific Ocean11
Drivers of future extratropical sea surface temperature variability changes in the North Pacific11
Late-arriving 2023 summer marine heatwave in the East China Sea and implications for global warming11
Author Correction: Can climate change signals be detected from the terrestrial water storage at daily timescale?11
Optimal control of polar sea-ice near its tipping points11
Role of Pacific Ocean climate in regulating runoff in the source areas of water transfer projects on the Pacific Rim11
Substantial increases in compound climate extremes and associated socio-economic exposure across China under future climate change10
Interdecadal shifts of ENSO influences on Spring Central Asian precipitation10
Delayed coastal inundations caused by ocean dynamics post-Hurricane Matthew10
Accelerated soil drying linked to increasing evaporative demand in wet regions10
Enhancement of Indian summer monsoon rainfall by cross-equatorial dry intrusions10
Author Correction: Contrasting sensitivity of air temperature trends to surface soil temperature trends between climate models and reanalyses10
The influence of natural variability on extreme monsoons in Pakistan10
Impact of land use changes and global warming on extreme precipitation patterns in the Maritime Continent10
Author Correction: Site selection of desert solar farms based on heterogeneous sand flux10
Divergent effectiveness of irrigation in enhancing food security in droughts under future climates with various emission scenarios10
A shift towards broader and less persistent Southern Hemisphere temperature anomalies10
Seasonal predictions of summer compound humid heat extremes in the southeastern United States driven by sea surface temperatures10
Mortality burden of diabetes attributable to high temperature and heatwave under climate change scenarios in China10
Linkages of unprecedented 2022 Yangtze River Valley heatwaves to Pakistan flood and triple-dip La Niña10
Publisher Correction: An oceanic pathway for Madden–Julian Oscillation influence on Maritime Continent Tropical Cyclones10
Identifying mechanisms of tropical cyclone generated orographic precipitation with Doppler radar and rain gauge observations10
Stronger decadal variability of the Kuroshio Extension under simulated future climate change10
Modeling the infection risk and emergency evacuation from bioaerosol leakage around an urban vaccine factory10
Change of the CP ENSO’s role in the occurrence frequency of Arctic daily warming events triggered by Atlantic storms10
Translation speed slowdown and poleward migration of western North Pacific tropical cyclones10
Extratropical storms induce carbon outgassing over the Southern Ocean10
Wasted efforts of elite Marathon runners under a warming climate primarily due to atmospheric oxygen reduction10
Continuous advance in the onset of vegetation green-up in the Northern Hemisphere, during hiatuses in spring warming9
Impacts of the North Atlantic biases on the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere over the extratropical North Pacific9
To what extent can the ozone valley over the Tibetan Plateau influence the East Asian summer precipitation?9
The Latin America Early Career Earth System Scientist Network (LAECESS): addressing present and future challenges of the upcoming generations of scientists in the region9
Combined influences of sources and atmospheric bleaching on light absorption of water-soluble brown carbon aerosols9
New formation and fate of Isoprene SOA markers revealed by field data-constrained modeling9
Amplified temperature sensitivity of extreme precipitation events following heat stress9
Exploring multiyear-to-decadal North Atlantic sea level predictability and prediction using machine learning9
Quantifying sources of subseasonal prediction skill in CESM29
The impact of Atlantic Multidecadal Variability on Baltic Sea temperatures limited to winter9
Mechanism-based structure-activity relationship investigation on hydrolysis kinetics of atmospheric organic nitrates9
CMIP6 models project a shrinking precipitation area9
Enhanced North Pacific Victoria mode in a warming climate8
Novel perspectives on multiple-peak diurnal convection over a tropical mountainous island from idealized large-eddy simulations8
Basin-dependent response of Northern Hemisphere winter blocking frequency to CO2 removal8
Stronger Arctic amplification from anthropogenic aerosols than from greenhouse gases8
Increase in ocean-onto-land droughts and their drivers under anthropogenic climate change8
The influence of the Asian summer monsoon on volcanic aerosol transport in the UTLS region8
Real-time ENSO forecast skill evaluated over the last two decades, with focus on the onset of ENSO events8
Aerosol demasking enhances climate warming over South Asia8
Air quality—climate forcing double whammy from domestic firelighters8
An improved multiphase chemistry mechanism for methylamines: significant dimethylamine cloud production8
Understanding climate change impacts on drought in China over the 21st century: a multi-model assessment from CMIP68
Mechanism underlying the correlation between the warming-wetting of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and atmospheric energy changes in high-impact oceanic areas8
Unconventional cold vortex as precursor to historic early summer heatwaves in North China 20238
Seasonal forecasts of the world’s coastal waterline: what to expect from the coming El Niño?8
Extreme Tibetan Plateau cooling caused by tropical volcanism8
Intensification of Arabian Sea cyclone genesis potential and its association with Warm Arctic Cold Eurasia pattern7
Oscillations in deep-open-cells during winter Mediterranean cyclones7
The fast response of Sahel precipitation to climate change allows effective mitigation action7
Insight into wet scavenging effects on sulfur and nitrogen containing organic compounds in urban Beijing7
High-latitude vegetation changes will determine future plant volatile impacts on atmospheric organic aerosols7
Long range transport of South and East Asian anthropogenic aerosols counteracting Arctic warming7
Weak coupling of observed surface PM2.5 in Delhi-NCR with rice crop residue burning in Punjab and Haryana7
The impact of long-term memory on the climate response to greenhouse gas emissions7
Impact of industrial versus biomass burning aerosols on the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation7
Projecting changes in extreme rainfall from three tropical cyclones using the design-rainfall approach7
The dominant factor in extreme dust events over the Gobi Desert is shifting from extreme winds to extreme droughts7
More water-soluble brown carbon after the residential “coal-to-gas” conversion measure in urban Beijing7
Frequency of the winter temperature extremes over Siberia dominated by the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation7
An intercomparison of weather normalization of PM2.5 concentration using traditional statistical methods, machine learning, and chemistry transport models7
Global agricultural N2O emission reduction strategies deliver climate benefits with minimal impact on stratospheric O3 recovery7
Stratospheric transport and tropospheric sink of solar geoengineering aerosol: a Lagrangian analysis7
Poleward migration of tropical cyclones over the western North Pacific in the CMIP6-HighResMIP models constrained by observations7
Early-onset of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation weakening in response to atmospheric CO2 concentration7
Climate change linked to drought in Southern Madagascar7
Urban climate changes during the COVID-19 pandemic: integration of urban-building-energy model with social big data7
The South America Low-Level Jet: form, variability and large-scale forcings7
Integrated satellite observations unravel the relationship between urbanization and anthropogenic non-methane volatile organic compound emissions globally7
Weak Hadley cell intensity changes due to compensating effects of tropical and extratropical radiative forcing7
Real-time single particle characterization of oxidized organic aerosols in the East China Sea7