Glossa-A Journal of General Linguistics

(The median citation count of Glossa-A Journal of General Linguistics is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Size sound symbolism in the English lexicon31
Growing trees: The acquisition of the left periphery22
The subject advantage in relative clauses: A review20
Laughter as language19
The greater the contrast, the greater the potential: On the effects of focus in syntax16
Anti-locality and subject extraction16
Deconstructing information structure15
The effect of three basic task features on the sensitivity of acceptability judgment tasks12
<i>Me, mi, my</i>: Innovation and variability in heritage speakers’ knowledge of inalienable possession12
The NP vs. DP debate. Why previous arguments are inconclusive and what a good argument could look like. Evidence from agreement with hybrid nouns11
Variation in the use and interpretation of null subjects: A view from Greek and Italian10
The polarity asymmetry of negative strengthening: dissociating adjectival polarity from facethreatening potential10
Some interactional functions of finger pointing in signed language conversations10
Formal variation in the Kata Kolok lexicon10
The Anaphor Agreement Effect is not about featural deficiency: Evidence from Avar9
Typometrics: From Implicational to Quantitative Universals in Word Order Typology9
German concessives as TPs, JPs and ActPs8
Asymmetries in relative clause comprehension in three European sign languages8
Greek and English passives, and the role of <i>by</i>-phrases8
Microparametric variation in the syntax of Spanish and Greek pronominal subjects8
The initiation and incrementation of sound change: Community-oriented momentum-sensitive learning7
Experimental evidence for the influence of structure and meaning on linear order in the noun phrase7
A sentence mood account for Spanish verum7
Word order preferences and the effect of phrasal length in SOV languages: evidence from sentence production in Persian7
Predicate formation and verb-stranding ellipsis in Uzbek7
Gender attraction in sentence comprehension7
Triggering Presuppositions7
Learning Island-insensitivity from the input: A corpus analysis of child- and youth-directed text in Norwegian6
Updating the typology of definiteness: Evidence from bare nouns in Shan6
Phrasal Spellout and Partial Overwrite: On an alternative to backtracking6
Overabundance and inflectional classification: Quantitative evidence from Czech6
How children attend to events before speaking: crosslinguistic evidence from the motion domain6
Object focus marking in Spanish: An investigation using three tasks6
Processing ambiguities in attachment and pronominal reference6
Anaphora resolution and word-order across adulthood: Ageing effects on online listening comprehension6
Obviation in Hungarian: what is its scope, and is it due to competition?5
Factivity from pre-existence: Evidence from Barguzin Buryat5
Adding the microdimension to the study of language change in contact. Three case studies5
Adjectival polarity and the processing of scalar inferences5
Singular <i>they</i> in context5
An apparent case of outwardly-sensitive allomorphy in the Armenian definite5
The at-issue status of ideophones in German: An experimental approach5
Comparing MaxEnt and Noisy Harmonic Grammar5
Mood variation with belief predicates: Modal comparison and the raisability of questions5
On the syntax of addressee in imperatives: insights from allocutivity5
What differentiates Serbo-Croatian verbal theme vowels: content or markedness?4
The morpho-syntactic encoding of discourse-linked topics: an agreement alternation in inversion in North-Eastern Italian varieties4
Spanish is <i>not</i> different: On the universality of minimal structure and locality principles4
The representation and processing of distributivity and collectivity: ambiguity vs. underspecification4
Lexical overlap in young sign languages from Guatemala4
Functional structure in the noun phrase: revisiting Hebrew nominals4
Headedness and modification in Functional Discourse Grammar4
Partially ordered case hierarchies4
Long-distance phonological processes as tier-based strictly local functions4
Minimal sufficiency with covert <i>even</i>4
Gender and interpretation in Greek: Comments on Merchant (2014)4
Non-binary language in Spanish? Comprehension of non-binary morphological forms: a psycholinguistic study4
The phonology of vowel VISC-osity – acoustic evidence and representational implications4
Varying Abstractions: a conceptual vs. distributional view on prepositional polysemy4
Licensing and anaphora in Tenyidie4
Expletiveness in grammar and beyond4
Cumulative markedness effects and (non-)linearity in phonotactics4
Processing adjunct control: Evidence on the use of structural information and prediction in reference resolution4
Null and overt subject pronouns in topic continuity and topic shift: An investigation of the narrative productions of Italian Natives, Greek Natives and near-native second language speakers of Italian4
Investigating the relationship between individual differences and island sensitivity4
On not-at-issueness in pictures4
(In)felicitous use of subjects in Greek and Spanish in monolingual and contact settings4
Individuals, communities, and sound change: an introduction4
Quantifier scope and information structure in Greek4
On the locus and licensing of edge features4
Grammars for placeholders: The dynamic turn4
Initial person reference in Providence Island Sign Language4
Failures of Gricean reasoning and the role of stereotypes in the production of gender marking in French4
Case-sensitive plural suppletion in Barguzin Buryat: On case containment, suppletion typology, and competition in morphology4
Lexical competition influences coarticulatory variation in French: comparing competition from nasal and oral vowel minimal pairs3
Indexed definiteness3
On non-conservativity of Korean floating quantifiers3
The morpho-syntax of phrasal proper names in German3
Deconstructing Voice. The syntax and semantics of <i>u</i>-syncretism in Spanish3
Dialectal variation in the expression of <i>que</i> in <i>sí-que</i> ‘yes that’ contexts across Spanish: The case of some Latin American Spanish varieties3
Freedom in the Dutch middle-field: Deriving discourse structure at the syntax-pragmatics interface3
Big accents in Stockholm Swedish: Nuclear accents, prenuclear accents, and initiality accents3
Faded copies: Reduplication as distribution of activity3
Language emergence can take multiple paths: Using motion capture to track axis use in Nicaraguan Sign Language3
Explaining variance in writers’ use of demonstratives: A corpus study demonstrating the importance of discourse genre3
When pragmatics matters more for truth-value judgments: An investigation of quantifier scope ambiguity3
Stages rather than ages in the acquisition of movement structures: Data from sentence repetition and 27696 spontaneous clauses3
A multivariate approach to English Clippings3
Agreement, disagreement and the NP vs. DP debate3
A syntactic approach to gender assignment in Spanish–English bilingual speech3
Demonstratives as bundlers of conceptual structure3
Individual variation and the coarticulatory path to sound change: agent-based modeling of /str/ in English and Italian3
Approximation derived from a scalar exclusive particle associating with covert focus: The case of Hebrew <italic>be-sax ha-kol</italic>3
Degree achievements and maximalization: a cross-linguistic perspective3
Dialect variation in Scottish Gaelic nominal morphology: A quantitative study3
When missing NPs make double center-embedding sentences acceptable3
Discourse anaphoricity vs. perspective sensitivity in emoji semantics3
Emergence of a subordinate construction in a sign language: Intonation ploughs the field for morphosyntax3
Agentivity and non-culminating causation in the psych domain: Cross-linguistic evidence from Spanish and Korean3
The influence of informativeness on the prosody of sentence topics3
Morphological marking of contrast in Tima3
An alternatives account of 'most’ and 'more than half’3
On the interpretation of expressive adjectives: pragmatics or syntax?3
Lowest theme vowels or highest roots? An ‘unaccusative’ theme-vowel class in Slovenian3
The strength of morphophonological schemas: Consonant mutations in Polish3
De-constructing small clauses: The case of Mandarin Chinese2
Many systems, one strategy: Acquiring ordinals in Dutch and English2
Verb-second in spoken and written Estonian2
Mica preposing as focus fronting2
Span–conditioned allomorphy and late linearization: Evidence from the Classical Greek perfect2
Transitive Unergatives in Pazar Laz2
Differential Object Marking in Modern Hebrew: Definiteness and partitivity2
Deconstructing North Sámi sensive verbs2
Frequency, acceptability, and selection: A case study of clause-embedding2
Bilingual phonology in dichotic perception: A case study of Malayalam and English voicing2
Conjunction saves multiple sluicing: How *(and) why?2
Cyclic scope and processing difficulty in a Minimalist parser2
A MaxEnt learner for super-additive counting cumulativity2
Possessor raising and structural variations within the <em>v</em>P domain2
Vulnerability and stability of Differential Object Marking in Romanian heritage speakers2
Bilinguals have a single computational system but two compartmentalized phonological grammars: Evidence from code-switching2
Acoustic evidence for affix classes: A case study of Brazilian Portuguese2
Interface Legibility and Nominal Classification: A Nanosyntactic Account of Kipsigis Singulatives2
How redundant is language really? Agent-recipient disambiguation across time and space2
Using social-media data to investigate morphosyntactic variation and dialect syntax in a lesser-used language: Two case studies from Welsh2
Dancing monkeys in Serbian and Korean – exhaustivity requirements on distributive share markers2
Remarks on Rule H2
Regular and polyregular theories of reduplication2
Towards a non-arbitrary account of affricates and affrication2
The clitic string as a Pair Merge sequence2
Directionality in cross-categorial derivations2
On the position of subjects in Spanish: Evidence from code-switching2
On the interpretation and distribution of embedded main clause syntax: new perspectives on complex discourse moves2
Pseudo Incorporation and Anaphoricity: Evidence from Persian2
Production benefits recall of novel words with frequent, but not infrequent sound patterns2
Language is for thought and communication2
The third person gap in adnominal pronoun constructions2
Intervention effects in clefts: a study in quantitative computational syntax2
Not as you R: Adapting the French rhotic into Berber2
Word-initial rhotic avoidance: a typological survey2
Analyzing opacity with contextual faithfulness constraints2
Overt speakers in syntax2
Toward an individual-difference perspective on phonologization2
A cross-linguistic view on the obligatory insertion of additive particles — Maximize Presupposition vs. Obligatory Implicatures2
An analysis of <i>all</i>-clefts2
Clitics are not enough: on agreement and null subjects in Brazilian Venetan2
Pseudo-incorporation and its movement patterns2
Chain Reduction via Substitution: Evidence from Mayan2
Focus and Intensification in the Semantics of Brow Raise2
Morphosyntax of specific and non-specific indefinite markers2
Unpacking the blocking effect: Syntactic prominence and perspective-taking in antecedent retrieval in Mandarin Chinese1
The formal heterogeneity of allocutivity1
Substantive bias and the positional extension of major place contrasts1
Vocatives as parenthetical adjuncts: Evidence from Arabic1
Gender flip and person marking in Benchnon (North Omotic)1
Intervention effects in Catalan agrammatism1
What 1sg forms tell us about Spanish theme vowels1
Constructional analogy and reanalysis in possessive applicatives1
Rendaku is not blocked by two nasal consonants: A reply to Kim (2022)1
If they must, they will: Children overcommit to likeliness inferences from deontic modals1
Locality in the acquisition of object A’-dependencies: insights from French1
Hebrew nominals do not require functional structure above the NP1
Asymmetry and Contrast: Coordination in Sign Language of the Netherlands1
Perspectival factors and pro-drop: A corpus study of speaker/addressee pronouns with creer ‘think/ believe’ and saber ‘know’ in spoken Spanish1
Lexical comprehension within and across sign languages of Belgium, China and the Netherlands1
The acquisition of adverbs in child L3 French in Canada1
The lexical and formal semantics of distributivity1
(a-)Topics and animacy1
Exceptionality in Assamese vowel harmony: A phonological account1
The syntax and semantics of Japanese internally- and doubly-headed relatives1
Local context is calculated domain by domain, for each maximal projection1
Accent Strength in Lithuanian: Evidence from the Saussurean Accent Shift1
Effect of evaluative expressions on two types of demonstrative pronouns in German1
Iconicity as the motivation for the signification and locality of deictic grammatical tones in Tal1
Being polite and subordinate: Morphosyntax determines the embeddability of Utterance Honorifics in Japanese1
Person and honorification: Features and interactions in Magahi1
Prominence as an anchor for a clitic: prosody-sensitive placement of the conditional subordinator <em>ki</em> 'if' in Kazym Khanty1
Word order in French: the role of animacy1
Root-adjacent exponence in the Sanskrit, Ancient Greek, and Latin verbal systems1
Oblique DOM in enriched case hierarchies1
Honorific (mis)matches in allocutive languages with a focus on Japanese1
Inductive general grammar1
Concessive scalar particles: Symmetric vs. non-symmetric alternatives. The case of Spanish <em>siquiera</em>1
Representing the moraic nasal in Japanese: evidence from Tōkyō, Ōsaka and Kagoshima1
Polar response particles in French as remnants of ellipsis1
Adverbial reinforcement of demonstratives in dialectal German1
Two ways to agree in D[N1&N2] constructions – Romance left-conjunct agreement and Germanic morphologically resolved agreement1
Nuclear accent placement in broad focus intransitives in native and non-native English: an investigation of syntactic and pragmatic factors1
Modelling the acquisition of the Portuguese tap by L1-Mandarin learners: A BiPhon-HG account for individual differences, syllable-position effects and orthographic influences in L2 speech1
Agreement with disjoined subjects in German1
Alternating arguments of Polish psych verbs1
Agent entailments and the division of labor between functional structure and roots1
On the historical source of <i>a ~ u</i> alternations in Dëne Sųłıné optative paradigms1
The Agreement Hierarchy and (generalized) semantic agreement1
How focus particles and accents affect attachment1
Modelling German Word Stress1
Deriving preverbal position in a verb-final language: the case of Hittite1
Verbal plural allomorphy in Hunzib and its implications for the cyclicity of the morphosyntax-phonology interface1
Grammatical encoding of agency in Asturian middle constructions1
A star is drawn: Testing the culmination inferences of Russian perfective accomplishments1
Impossible Presuppositions. On factivity, focus, and triviality1
An experimental reassessment of complex NP islands with NP-scrambling in Japanese1
Developing the feature inventory of the inherent cases1
Semantic-role prominence is contingent on referent prominence in discourse: Experimental evidence from impersonals and passives in Polish1
The expression of contrast in Catalan Sign Language (LSC)1
Functional gestures as morphemes: Some evidence from the languages of Southern Italy1
Thematic role assignment in non-default verb classes: A cross-linguistic comparison of English and German1
Exclaiming non-sententially: exclamative sluices and the (non-elliptical) nature of ellipsis constructions1
Mechanisms of sub-phonemic change in prescriptive bilingualism: The case of Mexican Plautdietsch1
English middles and implicit arguments1
Postsyntactic Lowering and linear relations in Dagur noun phrases1
Structural and phonological cues for gender assignment in monolingual and bilingual children acquiring German. Experiments with real and nonce words1
Unlocking the verbal spine in Malayalam: Past tense is key1
A phonological solution to allomorphy in Georgian nominal inflection1
On the interpretation of tense in temporal adverbial clauses1
Definiteness without determiners in German1
A direct analysis of Lithuanian phrasal comparatives1
Failed gender agreement in L1 English L2 Spanish: Syntactic or lexical problem?1
Above and below verbal roots: A case study of English adverbs of results1
On the distribution of scope ambiguities in Polish1
On word order and non-conservative percentage quantification in Slavic and German1
Talmy’s typology in serializing languages: Variations on a VP1
On agreement-drop in Singlish: topics never agree1
First Conjunct Clitic Doubling, the Person Case Constraint, and First Conjunct Agreement: Insights from Modern Greek1
Syntactic analyses of discourse particles through the microvariation of Basque <italic>ote</italic>1
Children’s subjects in Clitic Left Dislocations in Italian1
Encoding different types of topics and foci in German Sign Language. A cartographic approach to sign language syntax1
Prosodic salience in Anal Naga: where non-arbitrariness, phaticity and engagement meet1
Familiar vs. unique in a diachronic perspective. Case study of the rise of the definite article in North Germanic1
Affrication as the cause of /s/-retraction: Evidence from Manchester English1
When acquisition and aphasia converge: the case of copula omission1
Micro-variation in subject realization and interpretation: an introduction1
Hittite correlatives are paratactic1
Resolving ambiguous polarity stripping ellipsis structures in Persian1
On the resilience of obligatory control in inflected infinitives under object control verbs1
Context-dependent phonetic enhancement of a phonation contrast in San Pablo Macuiltianguis Zapotec1
Prominence marking in an edge-prominent language - the case of Drehu1
Future time reference and viewpoint aspect: Evidence from Gitksan1
Predicting ineffability: Grammatical gender and noun pluralization in Icelandic1
Clitic climbing and restructuring in the history of French1
Revisiting the clause periphery in Polynesian languages0
A reanalysis of abstract contrasts and opacity in Bondu-so tongue root harmony0
Positional debuccalisation of /s/ in Spanish dialects: the variable cyclicity of prefixes0
Not only size matters: limits to the Law of Three Consonants in French phonology0
Revisiting subjunctive obviation in French: a formal acceptability judgment study0
French missing object constructions0
On the prosody of French ambiguous multiple negative sentences.0
Hybrid subjects in Spanish and Catalan: Halfway between Agents and Patients0
A review of The Open Handbook of Linguistic Data Management. 2021. Edited by Andrea L. Beres-Kroeker, Bradley McDonnell, Eve Coller, and Lauren B. Collister. Cambridge: MIT Press. ISBN 97802262045261.0
When phonology outranks syntax: Postponed relative pronouns in Pindar0