Open Physics

(The TQCC of Open Physics is 2. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Magnetohydrodynamic water-based hybrid nanofluid flow comprising diamond and copper nanoparticles on a stretching sheet with slips constraints68
Some transforms, Riemann–Liouville fractional operators, and applications of newly extended M–L (p, s, k) function52
Double diffusion convection of Maxwell–Cattaneo fluids in a vertical slot29
Mononuclear nanofluids undergoing convective heating across a stretching sheet and undergoing MHD flow in three dimensions: Potential industrial applications28
Vibration sensitivity minimization of an ultra-stable optical reference cavity based on orthogonal experimental design27
Possible explanation for the neutron lifetime puzzle21
Study on dynamic and static tensile and puncture-resistant mechanical properties of impregnated STF multi-dimensional structure Kevlar fiber reinforced composites19
Analysis of the working mechanism and detection sensitivity of a flash detector18
Fractional view analytical analysis of generalized regularized long wave equation15
Flat and bent branes with inner structure in two-field mimetic gravity15
Numerical study of static pressure on the sonochemistry characteristics of the gas bubble under acoustic excitation15
Heat transfer performance of magnetohydrodynamic multiphase nanofluid flow of Cu–Al2O3/H2O over a stretching cylinder14
Propagation of some new traveling wave patterns of the double dispersive equation13
Estimation of monotone α-quantile of past lifetime function with application12
Numerical investigation of heat transfer in the nanofluids under the impact of length and radius of carbon nanotubes12
Optimal block replacement policy for two-dimensional products considering imperfect maintenance with improved Salp swarm algorithm12
Pulsed excitation of a quantum oscillator: A model accounting for damping11
Weak beat frequency extraction method for photon Doppler signal with low signal-to-noise ratio10
Behaviour and onset of low-dimensional chaos with a periodically varying loss in single-mode homogeneously broadened laser9
Impact of COVID 19 on the demand for an inventory model under preservation technology and advance payment facility9
Bifurcation, chaotic behavior, and traveling wave solution of stochastic coupled Konno–Oono equation with multiplicative noise in the Stratonovich sense9
Electroosmotic flow for Eyring fluid with Navier slip boundary condition under high zeta potential in a parallel microchannel9
Angle error control model of laser profilometer contact measurement8
Nonlinear fractional-order differential equations: New closed-form traveling-wave solutions7
Performance evaluation of a high-performance offshore cementing wastes accelerating agent7
Extracting solitary solutions of the nonlinear Kaup–Kupershmidt (KK) equation by analytical method7
Fractal-fractional advection–diffusion–reaction equations by Ritz approximation approach7
Analysis of Cu and Zn contents in aluminum alloys by femtosecond laser-ablation spark-induced breakdown spectroscopy7
A study on soliton, lump solutions to a generalized (3+1)-dimensional Hirota--Satsuma--Ito equation7
On the localized and periodic solutions to the time-fractional Klein-Gordan equations: Optimal additive function method and new iterative method6
ΛCDM and the principle of equivalence6
Smart mathematically filtered UV spectroscopic methods for quality assurance of rosuvastatin and valsartan from formulation6
Modeling analysis of microenvironment of 3D cell mechanics based on machine vision6
Abundant exact solutions of higher-order dispersion variable coefficient KdV equation6
Tangential electrostatic field at metal surfaces6
Determination of luminescent characteristics of organometallic complex in land and coal mining6
Effect of electron temperature and concentration on production of hydroxyl radical and nitric oxide in atmospheric pressure low-temperature helium plasma jet: Swarm analysis and global model investiga5
A new benchmark for camouflaged object detection: RGB-D camouflaged object detection dataset5
A new modified technique to study the dynamics of fractional hyperbolic-telegraph equations5
Investigation of tripled sine-Gordon equation: Localized modes in multi-stacked long Josephson junctions5
Influence of variable viscosity on existing sheet thickness in the calendering of non-isothermal viscoelastic materials5
Thermal analysis of generalized Cattaneo–Christov theories in Burgers nanofluid in the presence of thermo-diffusion effects and variable thermal conductivity5
Optical properties and thermal stability of the H+-implanted Dy3+/Tm3+-codoped GeS2–Ga2S3–PbI2 chalcohalide glass waveguide5
Numerical analysis of the MHD Williamson nanofluid flow over a nonlinear stretching sheet through a Darcy porous medium: Modeling and simulation5
Numerical study on bionic airfoil fins used in printed circuit plate heat exchanger5
Studying nonlinear vibration analysis of nanoelectro-mechanical resonators via analytical computational method5
The nonlinear vibration and dispersive wave systems with extended homoclinic breather wave solutions4
The soliton solutions for stochastic Calogero–Bogoyavlenskii Schiff equation in plasma physics/fluid mechanics4
Comparative study of couple stress fluid flow using OHAM and NIM4
Rapid productivity prediction method for frac hits affected wells based on gas reservoir numerical simulation and probability method4
Construction of M-shaped solitons for a modified regularized long-wave equation via Hirota's bilinear method4
Reliability of two-dimensional steady magnetized Jeffery fluid over shrinking sheet with chemical effect4
Improving heat transfer efficiency via optimization and sensitivity assessment in hybrid nanofluid flow with variable magnetism using the Yamada–Ota model4
Does the Mott problem extend to Geiger counters?4
Influence of chemical reaction on MHD Newtonian fluid flow on vertical plate in porous medium in conjunction with thermal radiation4
Study of ultrasonic influence on heat transfer and resistance performance of round tube with twisted belt4
Chaotic characteristics and mixing performance of pseudoplastic fluids in a stirred tank4
Numerical simulation and analysis of Airy's-type equation4
Multiple velocity composition in the standard synchronization4
Numerical solutions of generalized Atangana–Baleanu time-fractional FitzHugh–Nagumo equation using cubic B-spline functions4
Slip effects on magnetized radiatively hybridized ferrofluid flow with acute magnetic force over shrinking/stretching surface4
Sixth-kind Chebyshev polynomials technique to numerically treat the dissipative viscoelastic fluid flow in the rheology of Cattaneo–Christov model4
A case study on the environmental and economic impact of photovoltaic systems in wastewater treatment plants4
Chaotic control problem of BEC system based on Hartree–Fock mean field theory4
CFD analysis of particle shape and Reynolds number on heat transfer characteristics of nanofluid in heated tube3
New soliton solutions of the conformable time fractional Drinfel'd–Sokolov–Wilson equation based on the complete discriminant system method3
Nonlocal magneto-thermoelastic infinite half-space due to a periodically varying heat flow under Caputo–Fabrizio fractional derivative heat equation3
Homotopic dynamic solution of hydrodynamic nonlinear natural convection containing superhydrophobicity and isothermally heated parallel plate with hybrid nanoparticles3
Analysis of magnetized micropolar fluid subjected to generalized heat-mass transfer theories3
Synthesis, structure, IV characteristics, and optical properties of chromium oxide thin films for optoelectronic applications3
Numerical analysis of thermophoretic particle deposition on 3D Casson nanofluid: Artificial neural networks-based Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm3
Analyzing fuzzy fractional Degasperis–Procesi and Camassa–Holm equations with the Atangana–Baleanu operator3
Homogeneous–heterogeneous reactions in the colloidal investigation of Casson fluid3
Irradiation of hydrophilic acrylic intraocular lenses by a 365 nm UV lamp3
Bayesian and E-Bayesian estimation based on constant-stress partially accelerated life testing for inverted Topp–Leone distribution3
Impact of the convergent geometric profile on boundary layer separation in the supersonic over-expanded nozzle3
NTIM solution of the fractional order parabolic partial differential equations3
Physical aspects of quantile residual lifetime sequence3
Robustness and dynamical features of fractional difference spacecraft model with Mittag–Leffler stability3
Interstellar radiation as a Maxwell field: Improved numerical scheme and application to the spectral energy density3
Modeling extreme value data with an upside down bathtub-shaped failure rate model3
Photon balance in the fiber laser model3
Inclined magnetized infinite shear rate viscosity of non-Newtonian tetra hybrid nanofluid in stenosed artery with non-uniform heat sink/source3
Analytical solutions of the extended Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation in nonlinear media3
Effects of stretching on phase transformation of PVDF and its copolymers: A review3
Abundant new interaction solutions and nonlinear dynamics for the (3+1)-dimensional Hirota–Satsuma–Ito-like equation3
A study of generalized hypergeometric Matrix functions via two-parameter Mittag–Leffler matrix function3
Numerical analysis of dengue transmission model using Caputo–Fabrizio fractional derivative3
Analysis of sweeping jet and film composite cooling using the decoupled model2
Thermal transport energy performance on tangent hyperbolic hybrid nanofluids and their implementation in concentrated solar aircraft wings2
Heavy mesons mass spectroscopy under a spin-dependent Cornell potential within the framework of the spinless Salpeter equation2
Tripartite entanglement and entanglement transfer in a hybrid cavity magnomechanical system2
Bayesian estimation of equipment reliability with normal-type life distribution based on multiple batch tests2
The chaotic behavior and traveling wave solutions of the conformable extended Korteweg–de-Vries model2
Application of low-altitude wind shear recognition algorithm and laser wind radar in aviation meteorological services2
Fourier spectral method for the fractional-in-space coupled Whitham–Broer–Kaup equations on unbounded domain2
Computer-aided measurement technology for Cu2ZnSnS4 thin-film solar cell characteristics2
Structure of analytical ion-acoustic solitary wave solutions for the dynamical system of nonlinear wave propagation2
Significance of heat and mass transport in peristaltic flow of Jeffrey material subject to chemical reaction and radiation phenomenon through a tapered channel2
An analytical model for solute transport from blood to tissue2
Study on the impulse mechanism of optical films formed by laser plasma shock waves2
Experimental investigation and numerical analysis of stress concentration distribution at the typical slots for stiffeners2
Microscopic seepage simulation of gas and water in shale pores and slits based on VOF2
Optimizing heat transport in a permeable cavity with an isothermal solid block: Influence of nanoparticles volume fraction and wall velocity ratio2
Theoretical investigation and sensitivity analysis of non-Newtonian fluid during roll coating process by response surface methodology2
Spectral uncertainty analysis of grassland and its camouflage materials based on land-based hyperspectral images2
Review of recent analytical advances in the spectroscopy of hydrogenic lines in plasmas2
Abundant optical soliton structures to the Fokas system arising in monomode optical fibers2
Finite-size effects in one-dimensional Bose–Einstein condensation of photons2
Micropolar flow and heat transfer within a permeable channel using the successive linearization method2
Optimal interatomic potentials using modified method of least squares: Optimal form of interatomic potentials2
Characterization of damage morphology of structural SiO2 film induced by nanosecond pulsed laser2
Study of fractional telegraph equation via Shehu homotopy perturbation method2
Numerical study on flue gas–liquid flow with side-entering mixing2
In silico modified UV spectrophotometric approaches to resolve overlapped spectra for quality control of rosuvastatin and teneligliptin formulation2
Research on optimization of combustor liner structure based on arc-shaped slot hole2
Numerical simulation of nanofluid flow between two parallel disks using 3-stage Lobatto III-A formula2
3D thin-film nanofluid flow with heat transfer on an inclined disc by using HWCM2
Utilization of OHAM to investigate entropy generation with a temperature-dependent thermal conductivity model in hybrid nanofluid using the radiation phenomenon2
The seasonal variation in the polarization (E x /E y 2
Analysis of the partially ionized kerosene oil-based ternary nanofluid flow over a convectively heated rotating surface2
First-principle calculation of electronic structure and optical properties of (P, Ga, P–Ga) doped graphene2