Open Mathematics

(The median citation count of Open Mathematics is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Robust estimation for varying coefficient partially functional linear regression models based on exponential squared loss function35
Class fields generated by coordinates of elliptic curves31
On split twisted inner derivation triple systems with no restrictions on their 0-root spaces17
Extensions of Gronwall-Bellman type integral inequalities with two independent variables13
Existence and multiplicity of solutions for second-order Dirichlet problems with nonlinear impulses10
The equivalent condition of G-asymptotic tracking property and G-Lipschitz tracking property9
Non-homogeneous BVPs for second-order symmetric Hamiltonian systems8
Matrix stretching8
Regularity of models associated with Markov jump processes8
Corrigendum to “Matrix stretching”7
Singular moduli of rth Roots of modular functions7
Existence and nonexistence of solutions for elliptic problems with multiple critical exponents6
On certain functional equation in prime rings5
Weak measure expansivity of C 2 dynamics5
On the uniqueness of limit cycles for generalized Liénard systems5
Construction of analytical solutions to systems of two stochastic differential equations5
A Billingsley type theorem for Bowen topological entropy of nonautonomous dynamical systems5
Research of cooperation strategy of government-enterprise digital transformation based on differential game5
Solitons for the coupled matrix nonlinear Schrödinger-type equations and the related Schrödinger flow5
Weak solution of non-Newtonian polytropic variational inequality in fresh agricultural product supply chain problem4
A characterization of a ∼ admissible congruence on a weakly type B semigroup4
On the p-integrable trajectories of the nonlinear control system described by the Urysohn-type integral equation4
Khasminskii-type theorem for a class of stochastic functional differential equations4
Delta waves of the isentropic relativistic Euler system coupled with an advection equation for Chaplygin gas4
Isoperimetric and Brunn-Minkowski inequalities for the (p, q)-mixed geominimal surface areas4
On the connection between S p -almost periodic functions defined on time scales and ℝ4
Purity and hybridness of two tensors on a real hypersurface in complex projective space4
Data transmission mechanism of vehicle networking based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation3
Solvability for a nonlocal dispersal model governed by time and space integrals3
On Graham partitions twisted by the Legendre symbol3
Total Roman domination on the digraphs3
Displacement structure of the DMP inverse3
On modules related to McCoy modules3
Symmetric results of a Hénon-type elliptic system with coupled linear part3
Extension of Fejér's inequality to the class of sub-biharmonic functions3
Estimates for certain class of rough generalized Marcinkiewicz functions along submanifolds2
On the distribution of powered numbers2
The fibering method approach for a Schrödinger-Poisson system with p-Laplacian in bounded domains2
A comprehensive review of the recent numerical methods for solving FPDEs2
New properties for the Ramanujan R-function2
Pullback attractors for fractional lattice systems with delays in weighted space2
On the maximum atom-bond sum-connectivity index of graphs2
The dual index and dual core generalized inverse2
Enochs conjecture for cotorsion pairs over recollements of exact categories2
Strong convergence of a self-adaptive inertial Tseng's extragradient method for pseudomonotone variational inequalities and fixed point problems2
The uniqueness of expression for generalized quadratic matrices2
A preconditioned iterative method for coupled fractional partial differential equation in European option pricing2
An efficient Legendre-Galerkin approximation for the fourth-order equation with singular potential and SSP boundary condition2
Jensen-type inequalities for m-convex functions2
Analysis of solutions for the fractional differential equation with Hadamard-type2
Some new Hermite-Hadamard-type inequalities for strongly h-convex functions on co-ordinates2
On Laguerre-Sobolev matrix orthogonal polynomials2
Analysis of two-grid method for second-order hyperbolic equation by expanded mixed finite element methods2
Combined system of additive functional equations in Banach algebras2
Coding of hypersurfaces in Euclidean spaces by a constant vector2
On the general position number of two classes of graphs2
Remarks on the generalized interpolative contractions and some fixed-point theorems with application2
Hyers-Ulam stability of a nonlinear partial integro-differential equation of order three2
On the existence of tripartite graphs and n-partite graphs2
The minimum matching energy of unicyclic graphs with fixed number of vertices of degree two2
Positive periodic solutions for discrete time-delay hematopoiesis model with impulses2
Silting modules over a class of Morita rings1
On the reciprocal sum of the fourth power of Fibonacci numbers1
A modified Tikhonov regularization for unknown source in space fractional diffusion equation1
On the critical fractional Schrödinger-Kirchhoff-Poisson equations with electromagnetic fields1
A new reverse half-discrete Hilbert-type inequality with one partial sum involving one derivative function of higher order1
A conjecture of Mallows and Sloane with the universal denominator of Hilbert series1
A derivative-Hilbert operator acting on Dirichlet spaces1
The construction of nuclei for normal constituents of Bπ -characters1
Stability of an additive-quadratic functional equation in modular spaces1
Existence and multiplicity of solutions for a new p(x)-Kirchhoff problem with variable exponents1
Eigenvalues of transition weight matrix for a family of weighted networks1
Dependence of eigenvalues of Sturm-Liouville problems on time scales with eigenparameter-dependent boundary conditions1
Compression with wildcards: All exact or all minimal hitting sets1
Hessian equations of Krylov type on compact Hermitian manifolds1
Global existence and blow up of the solution for nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation with variable coefficient nonlinear source term1
On the convergence, stability and data dependence results of the JK iteration process in Banach spaces1
Variational approach to Kirchhoff-type second-order impulsive differential systems1
A numerical solution of problem for essentially loaded differential equations with an integro-multipoint condition1
Stability estimation of some Markov controlled processes1
Strong limit of processes constructed from a renewal process1
The transitivity of primary conjugacy in regular ω-semigroups1
New fractional integral inequalities via Euler's beta function1
Certain properties and characterizations of a novel family of bivariate 2D-q Hermite polynomials1
Scattering properties of Sturm-Liouville equations with sign-alternating weight and transmission condition at turning point1
Approximations related to the complete p-elliptic integrals1
System of degenerate parabolic p-Laplacian1
Explicit construction of mock modular forms from weakly holomorphic Hecke eigenforms1
Some identities of degenerate harmonic and degenerate hyperharmonic numbers arising from umbral calculus1
On a class of Harada rings1
An application of Hayashi's inequality in numerical integration1
Almost periodic dynamics for a delayed differential neoclassical growth model with discontinuous control strategy1
Minimal-time problems for linear control systems on homogeneous spaces of low-dimensional solvable nonnilpotent Lie groups1
The ????-WG° inverse in the Minkowski space1
Orbital stability and Zhukovskiǐ quasi-stability in impulsive dynamical systems1
On the number of perfect matchings in random polygonal chains1
A comparison of some confidence intervals for a binomial proportion based on a shrinkage estimator1
Strong laws for weighted sums of widely orthant dependent random variables and applications1
Global analysis and control for a vector-borne epidemic model with multi-edge infection on complex networks1
The intersection graph of graded submodules of a graded module1
Non-solid cone b-metric spaces over Banach algebras and fixed point results of contractions with vector-valued coefficients1
Discussion of foundation of mathematics and quantum theory1
Connectivity with respect to α-discrete closure operators1
Control of multi-agent systems: Results, open problems, and applications1
Global well-posedness of initial-boundary value problem of fifth-order KdV equation posed on finite interval1
Regularity and abundance on semigroups of partial transformations with invariant set1
A human error risk priority number calculation methodology using fuzzy and TOPSIS grey0
Classification of self-adjoint domains of odd-order differential operators with matrix theory0
Stochastic stability and instability of rumor model0
Luenberger compensator theory for heat-Kelvin-Voigt-damped-structure interaction models with interface/boundary feedback controls0
A non-smooth Brezis-Oswald uniqueness result0
On the relation between one-sided duoness and commutators0
Well-posedness and stability analysis for Timoshenko beam system with Coleman-Gurtin's and Gurtin-Pipkin's thermal laws0
On the δ-chromatic numbers of the Cartesian products of graphs0
On Hahn-Banach theorem and some of its applications0
Non-binary quantum codes from constacyclic codes over ???? q [u 1, u 2,0
A singular perturbation result for a class of periodic-parabolic BVPs0
Interpolation inequalities in generalized Orlicz-Sobolev spaces and applications0
On average theta functions of certain quadratic forms as sums of Eisenstein series0
Double domination in maximal outerplanar graphs0
Commutators of multilinear fractional maximal operators with Lipschitz functions on Morrey spaces0
On the inverse Collatz-Sinogowitz irregularity problem0
On the multiplicative sum Zagreb index of molecular graphs0
Generalized 4-connectivity of hierarchical star networks0
Global existence and extinction for a fast diffusion p-Laplace equation with logarithmic nonlinearity and special medium void0
Uniqueness theorems of the Hahn difference operator of entire function with a Picard exceptional value0
(pq)-Compactness in spaces of holomorphic mappings0
Some new fixed point theorems for nonexpansive-type mappings in geodesic spaces0
Cycle integrals and rational period functions for Γ0 +(2) and Γ0 +(3)0
The stability with general decay rate of hybrid stochastic fractional differential equations driven by Lévy noise with impulsive effects0
A multigrid discretization scheme based on the shifted inverse iteration for the Steklov eigenvalue problem in inverse scattering0
Relational representations of algebraic lattices and their applications0
Multiple periodic solutions for discrete boundary value problem involving the mean curvature operator0
Trigonometric integrals evaluated in terms of Riemann zeta and Dirichlet beta functions0
Singularities of spherical surface in R40
On Bohr's inequality for special subclasses of stable starlike harmonic mappings0
Local and global solvability for the Boussinesq system in Besov spaces0
On discrete inequalities for some classes of sequences0
General complex Lp projection bodies and complex Lp mixed projection bodies0
Pullback and uniform exponential attractors for non-autonomous Oregonator systems0
Generic uniqueness of saddle point for two-person zero-sum differential games0
Admissible congruences on type B semigroups0
On the common zeros of quasi-modular forms for Γ+ 0(N) of level N = 1, 2, 30
Complete decomposition of the generalized quaternion groups0
The dimension-free estimate for the truncated maximal operator0
Small values and functional laws of the iterated logarithm for operator fractional Brownian motion0
Liouville theorems for Kirchhoff-type parabolic equations and system on the Heisenberg group0
Homotopy cartesian squares in extriangulated categories0
A study of minimax shrinkage estimators dominating the James-Stein estimator under the balanced loss function0
N-Tuples of weighted noncommutative Orlicz space and some geometrical properties0
Solving multi-point problem for Volterra-Fredholm integro-differential equations using Dzhumabaev parameterization method0
Entire solutions of two certain Fermat-type ordinary differential equations0
Geometry of conformal η-Ricci solitons and conformal η-Ricci almost solitons on paracontact geometry0
Notes on pseudodifferential operators commutators and Lipschitz functions0
Approximate solvability method for nonlocal impulsive evolution equation0
A quasi-reversibility method for solving nonhomogeneous sideways heat equation0
Stein-Weiss inequality for local mixed radial-angular Morrey spaces0
Commutator of fractional integral with Lipschitz functions related to Schrödinger operator on local generalized mixed Morrey spaces0
Data smoothing with applications to edge detection0
On the quadratic residues and their distribution properties0
On sup- and inf-attaining functionals0
Euler-α equations in a three-dimensional bounded domain with Dirichlet boundary conditions0
Finite groups whose maximal subgroups of even order are MSN-groups0
Global weak solution of 3D-NSE with exponential damping0
On prime spaces of neutrosophic extended triplet groups0
Higher-order nonlocal multipoint q-integral boundary value problems for fractional q-difference equations with dual hybrid terms0
Positive solutions for boundary value problems of a class of second-order differential equation system0
Upper bounds for the global cyclicity index0
Averaging principle for two-time-scale stochastic differential equations with correlated noise0
Classification of positive solutions for a weighted integral system on the half-space0
Study on Birkhoff orthogonality and symmetry of matrix operators0
Generalized Munn rings0
Existence and uniqueness of solutions to the norm minimum problem on digraphs0
Generalized quadratic Gauss sums and their 2mth power mean0
Refined ratio monotonicity of the coordinator polynomials of the root lattice of type B n 0
Solutions to a modified gauged Schrödinger equation with Choquard type nonlinearity0
Finite groups with gcd(χ(1), χc (1)) a prime0
A new distributionally robust reward-risk model for portfolio optimization0
Generalized fractional Hermite-Hadamard type inclusions for co-ordinated convex interval-valued functions0
Existence and properties of soliton solution for the quasilinear Schrödinger system0
Characterizations of *-antiderivable mappings on operator algebras0
An ℋ-tensor-based criteria for testing the positive definiteness of multivariate homogeneous forms0
On deferred f-statistical convergence for double sequences0
Existence of positive solutions of discrete third-order three-point BVP with sign-changing Green's function0
Some results for a p(x)-Kirchhoff type variation-inequality problems in non-divergence form0
Existence and multiplicity of solutions for a fourth-order differential system with instantaneous and non-instantaneous impulses0
Infinitely many solutions for Schrödinger equations with Hardy potential and Berestycki-Lions conditions0
On the energy decay of a coupled nonlinear suspension bridge problem with nonlinear feedback0
A posteriorierror estimates of characteristic mixed finite elements for convection-diffusion control problems0
Zagreb connection indices on polyomino chains and random polyomino chains0
Well posedness of magnetohydrodynamic equations in 3D mixed-norm Lebesgue space0
Continued fractions related to a group of linear fractional transformations0
Monotonicity, convexity, and Maclaurin series expansion of Qi's normalized remainder of Maclaurin series expansion with relation to cosine0
Properties of meromorphic solutions of first-order differential-difference equations0
Positive solutions for discrete Minkowski curvature systems of the Lane-Emden type0
Modular forms of half-integral weight on Γ0(4) with few nonvanishing coefficients modulo 0
On a generalized Krasnoselskii fixed point theorem0
Evolutoids and pedaloids of frontals on timelike surfaces0
On Hermite-Hadamard-type inequalities for systems of partial differential inequalities in the plane0
On a more accurate half-discrete Hilbert-type inequality involving hyperbolic functions0
On regular subgroup functors of finite groups0
Spin(8,C)-Higgs pairs over a compact Riemann surface0
An extension of Schweitzer's inequality to Riemann-Liouville fractional integral0
Study on solutions of the systems of complex product-type PDEs with more general forms in ℂ20
Solutions of linear control systems on Lie groups0
Injective and coherent endomorphism rings relative to some matrices0
A matrix approach to determine optimal predictors in a constrained linear mixed model0
Mutually unbiased bases via complex projective trigonometry0
Generalized Lie n-derivations on arbitrary triangular algebras0
Bifurcation and chaos in a discrete predator-prey system of Leslie type with Michaelis-Menten prey harvesting0
Dynamics of particulate emissions in the presence of autonomous vehicles0
On pomonoid of partial transformations of a poset0
Extension of isometries in real Hilbert spaces0
Monotonicity of solutions for fractional p-equations with a gradient term0
Hopf bifurcation and Turing instability in a diffusive predator-prey model with hunting cooperation0
On generalized shifts of the Mellin transform of the Riemann zeta-function0
Relating the super domination and 2-domination numbers in cactus graphs0
Efficient fixed-point iteration for generalized nonexpansive mappings and its stability in Banach spaces0
On extremal cacti with respect to the first degree-based entropy0
The stability of high ring homomorphisms and derivations on fuzzy Banach algebras0
The lattice of (2, 1)-congruences on a left restriction semigroup0
Classical solutions to Cauchy problems for parabolic–elliptic systems of Keller-Segel type0
A posteriori regularization method for the two-dimensional inverse heat conduction problem0
The regularity of solutions to the L p Gauss image problem0
Construction of a functional by a given second-order Ito stochastic equation0
On the Waring-Goldbach problem for two squares and four cubes0
ℐ-sn-metrizable spaces and the images of semi-metric spaces0
Enhanced Young-type inequalities utilizing Kantorovich approach for semidefinite matrices0
Existence and multiplicity of solutions for a class of p-Kirchhoff-type equation R N 0
Dynamical analysis of a Lotka Volterra commensalism model with additive Allee effect0
Shooting method in the application of boundary value problems for differential equations with sign-changing weight function0
General Randić indices of a graph and its line graph0
Amitsur's theorem, semicentral idempotents, and additively idempotent semirings0
Study on r-truncated degenerate Stirling numbers of the second kind0
Finite spectrum of fourth-order boundary value problems with boundary and transmission conditions dependent on the spectral parameter0
Classifying pentavalent symmetric graphs of order 12pq0
On certain functional equation related to derivations0
Computing the determinant of a signed graph0
Remarks on hyponormal Toeplitz operators with nonharmonic symbols0
Arithmetic convolution sums derived from eta quotients related to divisors of 60
Zariski topology on the secondary-like spectrum of a module0
Erratum to “Infinitesimals via Cauchy sequences: Refining the classical equivalence”0
On a blow-up criterion for solution of 3D fractional Navier-Stokes-Coriolis equations in Lei-Lin-Gevrey spaces0
Some results on the value distribution of differential polynomials0
Analysis of a deteriorating system with delayed repair and unreliable repair equipment0
Boundary value problems for integro-differential and singular higher-order differential equations0
Positive solution for a nonlocal problem with strong singular nonlinearity0
Non-oscillation of linear differential equations with coefficients containing powers of natural logarithm0
A self-adaptive inertial extragradient method for a class of split pseudomonotone variational inequality problems0
F 4 and PSp (8, ℂ)-Higgs pairs understood as fixed points of the moduli space of E 6-Higgs bundles over a compact Riemann surfac0