ACS Energy Letters

(The TQCC of ACS Energy Letters is 33. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Tailoring the Quantum Well Structure and Distribution of Reduced-Dimensional Perovskites for Charge Dynamics Optimization523
A Versatile Li0.5FePO4 Reference Electrode for Nonaqueous Electrochemical Conversion Technologies435
Enhanced Photon Utilization in Single Cavity Mode Air-Bridge Thermophotovoltaic Cells427
Side-Chain-Promoted Polymer Architecture Enabling Stable Mixed-Halide Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes384
High-Tap-Density Sulfur Cathodes Made Beyond 400 °C for Lithium–Sulfur Cells with Balanced Gravimetric/Volumetric Energy Densities369
Correction to “Criterion for Identifying Anodes for Practically Accessible High-Energy-Density Lithium-Ion Batteries”352
Package Development for Reliability Testing of Perovskites339
Amino Acid-Passivated Pure Red CsPbI3 Quantum Dot LEDs319
Inorganic Framework Composition Engineering for Scalable Fabrication of Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells291
Overcoming Degradation Pathways to Achieve Stable Blue Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes264
In Situ Confined Growth of Bismuth Nanoribbons with Active and Robust Edge Sites for Boosted CO2 Electroreduction254
Synergetic Modulation of Interlayer–Intralayer Spacings for P2-Type Layered Oxide Cathode with Superior Rate Performance242
Resolving the Hydrophobicity of the Me-4PACz Hole Transport Layer for Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells with Efficiency >20%230
A 2.6 V Flexible Supercapacitor Based on Al-MnO2-Na2SO4//AC-KOH with High Specific Energy221
Coherent-Twinning-Enhanced Solar Water Splitting in Thin-Film Cu2ZnSnS4 Photocathodes217
UV Encapsulated Monolithic Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells for Hundred-Watt Power System216
Nanostructured Tantalum Nitride for Enhanced Solar Water Splitting215
Are Three-Dimensional Batteries Beneficial? Analyzing Historical Data to Elucidate Performance Advantages208
Dissociative Host-Dopant Bonding Facilitates Molecular Doping in Halide Perovskites207
Energy Spotlight207
Issue Publication Information199
Uncovering and Retrieving the Internal Vanadium Migration Caused Voltage Fade in Vanadyl Phosphate Cathode for Aqueous Zinc Batteries196
Reasoning the Photoluminescence Blinking in CdSe–CdS Heteronanostructures as Stacking Fault-Based Trap States191
Toward Stable Monolithic Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Photovoltaics: A Six-Month Outdoor Performance Study in a Hot and Humid Climate178
A Highly Reversible Lithium–Carbon Dioxide Battery Based on Soluble Oxalate177
Tailoring Rigid Segments in Dopant-Free Polymeric Hole Transport Materials for Perovskite Quantum Dot Solar Cells175
Understanding the Effect of Lead Iodide Excess on the Performance of Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite Solar Cells175
High-Power Hybrid Solid-State Lithium–Metal Batteries Enabled by Preferred Directional Lithium Growth Mechanism173
Safety and Quality Issues of Counterfeit Lithium-Ion Cells169
Highly Luminescent and Phase-Stable Red/NIR-Emitting All-Inorganic and Hybrid Perovskite Nanocrystals168
How Low Can You Go? Nanoscale Membranes for Efficient Water Electrolysis168
Issue Publication Information167
Realizing a Mildly Acidic Proton Battery via Surface Functionalization165
How to Compose Your Research Findings in a Letter Format164
Issue Editorial Masthead164
Women Scientists at the Forefront of Energy Research: A Virtual Issue, Part 5160
Correction to “A Templating Approach to Controlling the Growth of Coevaporated Halide Perovskites”159
An Experimental Checklist for Reporting Battery Performances158
Energy Spotlight156
Issue Editorial Masthead154
Issue Editorial Masthead152
Direct Thermal Charging Cell Using Nickel Hexacyanoferrate (ΙΙ) Anode for Green Recycling of Low-Grade Heat151
Polythiocyanogen as Cathode Materials for High Temperature All-Solid-State Lithium–Sulfur Batteries149
Ion Migration in Tin-Halide Perovskites147
Trends in Electrocatalysis: The Microenvironment Moves to Center Stage147
Improved Li+ Transport in Polyacetal Electrolytes: Conductivity and Current Fraction in a Series of Polymers147
Fluorine-Substituted Lithium Chloride Solid Electrolytes for High-Voltage All-Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batteries146
Correction to “Inelastic Deformation in Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite and Mitigation by Additives during Thermal Cycling”141
Deformation Mechanism Maps of Pure Lithium: Their Application in Determining Stack Pressure for All-Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batteries140
Reducing the Initial Capacity Loss in High-Nickel Cathodes with a Higher Upper Cut-off Voltage Formation Cycle Protocol139
Decoupling Inherent Corrosion from Water Oxidation by Coating Bilayer Ionomers on Photoanodes139
Four-Terminal Perovskite/Perovskite/Silicon Triple-Junction Tandem Solar Cells with over 30% Power Conversion Efficiency138
Issue Editorial Masthead138
A High-Performance Gas-Fed Direct Ammonia Hydroxide Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell137
Carbazole-Based Hole Transport Polymer for Methylammonium-Free Tin–Lead Perovskite Solar Cells with Enhanced Efficiency and Stability137
High-Capacity and Long-Cycling F-Ion Pouch Cells Enabled by Green Electrolytes136
Oxidative Stabilization of Dilute Ether Electrolytes via Anion Modification136
Caustic Soda Production, Energy Efficiency, and Electrolyzers134
Photoinduced Segregation Behavior in 2D Mixed Halide Perovskite: Effects of Light and Heat134
Issue Editorial Masthead132
Nickel-Doped Graphite and Fusible Alloy Bilayer Back Electrode for Vacuum-Free Perovskite Solar Cells130
Nanoporous Solid-State Sensitization of Triplet Fusion Upconversion130
Water-Assisted Ion Conduction in Solid-State Charge-Transfer Complex Electrolytes for Lithium Batteries130
High-Efficiency X-ray Sensing with Recyclable Perovskite–Graphene Heterostructured Transistors129
Deciphering How Anion Clusters Govern Lithium Conduction in Glassy Thiophosphate Electrolytes through Machine Learning129
Organic Photovoltaic Performance Resiliency: Role of Molecular Weight in a PM7 Derivative128
Single-Step Production of Alcohols and Paraffins from CO2 and H2 at Metric Ton Scale128
Distinguishing Models for Mixed Halide Lead Perovskite Photosegregation via Terminal Halide Stoichiometry127
Energy Spotlight126
14th International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics123
Issue Editorial Masthead122
Perspectives and Reviews in ACS Energy Letters122
Issue Publication Information120
Issue Publication Information118
Electrochemical Screening of Contact Layers for Metal Halide Perovskites118
Overcoming the Energy vs Power Dilemma in Commercial Li-Ion Batteries via Sparse Channel Engineering117
Design Strategies for Epitaxial Metal(0)–Halide Perovskite Nanocrystal Heterostructures117
Ultra-High 1.27 V VOC of Pure CsPbI3 Perovskite Solar Cells with an Efficiency of 21.8%116
Importance of High Valence Element Nb in Ni-Rich Layered Cathodes for High-Voltage Lithium-Metal Batteries116
Effects of Solvation and Temperature on the Energetics of BiVO4 Surfaces with Varying Composition for Solar Water Splitting116
Rescrutinizing the Iron Effect on Oxygen Evolution Reaction Catalysts under Industrially Relevant Working Conditions: Overlooked Mass Transfer Limitation Driven by the Iron Incorporation116
Chemo-electrochemical Evolution of Cathode–Solid Electrolyte Interface in All-Solid-State Batteries116
Effect of the Formation Rate on the Stability of Anode-Free Lithium Metal Batteries115
Unifying Efficiency Metrics for Solar Evaporation and Thermal Desalination115
Insights on Na3PS4 Solid-State Electrolyte Dry Films: Interfacial Stability and Dry Room Compatibility114
Gas Diffusion Electrodes for CO2 and N2 Reduction: A Virtual Issue113
High-Rate and Stable LLZO-Based Lithium–Metal Batteries Enabled via a Tin Interlayer113
Simultaneous Solid Electrolyte Deposition and Cathode Lithiation for Thin Film Batteries and Lithium Iontronic Devices113
Facet-Dependent Lattice Oxygen Activation on Oxygen-Defective Co3O4 for Electrocatalytic Oxygen Evolution Reaction112
A Neutral Zinc–Iron Flow Battery with Long Lifespan and High Power Density111
Real-Time Observation of Chemomechanical Breakdown in a Layered Nickel-Rich Oxide Cathode Realized by In Situ Scanning Electron Microscopy111
Engineering Surface Orientations for Efficient and Stable Hybrid Perovskite Single-Crystal Solar Cells110
Spatial Cross-Linking Strategy for Realizing Stable and Efficient Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes toward Microscale Displays110
Impurity Tolerance of Unsaturated Ni-N-C Active Sites for Practical Electrochemical CO2 Reduction108
Issue Publication Information108
Voltage-Based Strategies for Preventing Battery Degradation under Diverse Fast-Charging Conditions108
Issue Editorial Masthead108
Are Mixed-Halide Ruddlesden–Popper Perovskites Really Mixed?108
Linear Free Energy Relationships in Hydrogen Evolution Catalysis by a Cobalt Tripeptide in Water107
Detrimental Effects of Monoethanolamine and Other Amine-Based Capture Agents on the Electrochemical Reduction of CO2106
Gate Field Induced Extraordinary Energy Storage in MoS2-Graphene-Based Ultramicro-Electrochemical Capacitor106
What Would Battery Manufacturing Look Like on the Moon and Mars?105
Cation Influence on Hot-Carrier Relaxation in Tin Triiodide Perovskite Thin Films105
How Not to Be the Dreaded Reviewer #2104
Performance-Limiting Factors in Ultralow-Bandgap PTB7-Th:COTIC-4F-Based Organic Solar Cells103
Impact of Co–Fe Overlayers on Charge Carrier Dynamics at WO3/BiVO4 Heterojunctions: A Picosecond-to-Second Spectroscopic Analysis103
Conversation with George Schatz103
Complete Single-Pass Conversion of Dilute Nitrate to Ammonia Using Cu/Co(OH)2 Tandem Electrocatalyst102
Quadrilateral-Patterned Perforated Gas Diffusion Layers Boost the Performance of Fuel Cells102
High-Performance Annealing-Free Polythiophene-Based Organic Solar Cells Enabled by Volatile Solid Additive102
Operando Focused Ion Beam–Scanning Electron Microscope (FIB-SEM) Revealing Microstructural and Morphological Evolution in a Solid-State Battery102
Regulating Surface Heterogeneity Maximizes Photovoltage and Operational Stability in Tin–Lead Perovskite Solar Cells101
Tuning Co/O Redox Chemistry via Fermi Level Regulation for Stable High-Voltage LiCoO2101
Designing the Solid Oxide Electrochemical Cell for Superior Thermal Shock Resistance101
High-Throughput Multi-Scale Experiments to Probe the Stability of Metal Halide Perovskites100
Organic Semiconducting Ligands Passivated CsPbBr3 Nanoplatelets for Blue Light-Emitting Diodes100
Over 1000 V DC Voltage from Organic Solar Mini-Modules99
Shining a Hot Light on Emerging Photoabsorber Materials: The Power of Rapid Radiative Heating in Developing Oxide Thin-Film Photoelectrodes98
Phase-Pure 2D/3D Tin-Based Perovskite Films for Solar Cells96
Surface Magnesium Substitution at Spinel Lithium Manganate 8a Tetrahedral Sites for Suppressed Manganese Dissolution and Enhanced Cycle Stability96
Intermolecular Interactions of A-Site Cations Modulate Stability of 2D Metal Halide Perovskites95
Issue Publication Information95
Insights into the Degradation Mechanism of Nanoporous Alloy-Type Li-Ion Battery Anodes95
Energy vs Charge Transfer in Manganese-Doped Lead Halide Perovskites95
Defect Chemistry and Doping of Lead Phosphate Oxo Apatite Pb10(PO4)6O95
Modulating Catalytic Properties of Targeted Metal Cationic Centers in Nonstochiometric Mixed Metal Oxides for Electrochemical Oxygen Reduction95
“Faraday Cage” Induced Anion-Confined Interface Enables Industrially Compatible Microsized Silicon Anodes95
Hierarchical Micro/Nanostructured Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cells with Fully Textured Solution-Processed Conformal Perovskite Absorbers93
A Coordinated-Anion-Enriched Electrolyte for Lean-Electrolyte Li–S Batteries93
Enhanced Electron Transport in Heterojunction Sn-Perovskite Solar Cells Assisted by [6,6]-Phenyl-C61-butyric Acid Methyl Ester as a Dopant92
Making Na-Ion Batteries Solid92
LiI-Coated Li-Sn Alloy Composite Anode for Lithium Metal Batteries with Solid Polymer Electrolyte92
Quantification of Lithium Battery Fires in Internal Short Circuit92
Issue Editorial Masthead92
Emerging Superionic Sulfide and Halide Glass–Ceramic Solid Electrolytes: Recent Progress and Future Perspectives92
Natural Wood Structure Inspires Practical Lithium–Metal Batteries91
Ni/Mn and Al Dual Concentration-Gradients To Mitigate Voltage Decay and Capacity Fading of Li-Rich Layered Cathodes91
Correction to “Hydrogen from Sunlight and Water: A Side-by-Side Comparison between Photoelectrochemical and Solar Thermochemical Water-Splitting”91
Cross-Linked Chains of Metal–Organic Framework Afford Continuous Ion Transport in Solid Batteries91
Transparent Organic and Metal Halide Tandem Scintillators for High-Resolution Dual-Energy X-ray Imaging90
Correction to “The Path to Perovskite Commercialization: A Perspective from the United States Solar Energy Technologies Office”89
Electrochemical In Situ Na Doping to Construct High-Performance Lithium-Rich Cathode89
Tutorials in Electrochemistry: Electrocatalysis89
Carrier Cooling in Lead Halide Perovskites: A Perspective on Hot Carrier Solar Cells89
A Redox-Mediated Zinc–Air Fuel Cell89
Benchmarking the Safety Performance of Organic Electrolytes for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries: A Thermochemical Perspective88
Design of High-Voltage Stable Hybrid Electrolyte with an Ultrahigh Li Transference Number88
Additive Manufacturing of Thermoelectrics: Emerging Trends and Outlook88
High-Mobility and Bias-Stable Field-Effect Transistors Based on Lead-Free Formamidinium Tin Iodide Perovskites88
Activation Energy Assessing Potential-Dependent Activities and Site Reconstruction for Oxygen Evolution88
Issue Editorial Masthead87
Liquid Metal-Skinned Zn Powder Anodes Enabled by Capillary Suspension87
Tandem Electrocatalytic–Thermocatalytic Conversion of CO2 to Aromatic Hydrocarbons86
Physics-Guided Continual Learning for Predicting Emerging Aqueous Organic Redox Flow Battery Material Performance86
Halide Perovskite Cluster Precursors: A Paradigm for Obtaining Structure- and Color-Tunable Light-Emitting Nanocrystals85
Issue Publication Information85
Spin-Coated CZTS Film with a Gradient Cu-Deficient Interfacial Layer for Solar Hydrogen Evolution84
Electrochemical Bi/BiPO4 Cells for a Sustainable Phosphate Cycle84
Vertical-Phase-Locking Effect in Efficient and Stable All-Polymer-Hosted Solar Cells84
Temperature-Dependent Discharge of Li-O2 and Na-O2 Batteries84
Two Steps Back, One Leap Forward: Synergistic Energy Conversion in Plasmonic and Plasma Catalysis84
Fluorinated Superionic Oxychloride Solid Electrolytes for High-Voltage All-Solid-State Lithium Batteries83
Cobalt Chloride Hexahydrate Assisted in Reducing Energy Loss in Perovskite Solar Cells with Record Open-Circuit Voltage of 1.20 V83
Luminescent Nanomaterials for Energy-Efficient Display and Healthcare83
One-Dimensional CsCu2I3 Single-Crystal X-ray Detectors83
Removing the Two-Phase Transition in Spinel LiMn2O4 through Cation Disorder83
Fluorine-Free Lithium Metal Batteries with a Stable LiF-Free Solid Electrolyte Interphase83
High-Yield Atmospheric Water Harvesting Device with Integrated Heating/Cooling Enabled by Thermally Tailored Hydrogel Sorbent83
Direct Synthesis of Isoparaffin-rich Gasoline from Syngas82
Gentle Haulers of Lithium-Ion–Nanomolybdenum Carbide Fillers in Solid Polymer Electrolyte82
Probing the Role of Atomic Defects in Photocatalytic Systems through Photoinduced Enhanced Raman Scattering82
High-Efficiency Semitransparent Perovskite Solar Cells Enabled by Controlling the Crystallization of Ultrathin Films81
Self-Stabilized Quasi-2D Perovskite with an Ion-Migration-Inhibition Ligand for Pure Green LEDs81
Resonant Molecular Modification for Energy Level Alignment in Perovskite Solar Cells81
Computational Discovery of Optimal Dopants for Nickel Iron Oxyhydroxide to Enhance OER Activity and Saline Water Compatibility81
Decoupled Ionic and Electronic Pathways for Enhanced Osmotic Energy Harvesting80
Achieving Effective Self-Driven X-ray Detection Sensitivity via Pyroelectric–Photovoltaic Coupling in a Layered Perovskite Pyroelectric80
Highly Concentrated, Zwitterionic Ligand-Capped Mn2+:CsPb(BrxCl1–x)3 Nanocrystals as Bright Scintillators for Fast Neutron Imaging80
Operando X-ray Reflectivity Reveals the Dynamical Response of Ti3C2 MXene Film Structure during Electrochemical Cycling80
Realizing Wide-Temperature Reversible Ca Metal Anodes through a Ca2+-Conducting Artificial Layer80
Decreasing the Energy Consumption of the CO2 Electrolysis Process Using a Magnetic Field80
Solvation Structures in Electrolyte and the Interfacial Chemistry for Na-Ion Batteries79
Suppressed Energy Transfer Loss of Dion–Jacobson Perovskite Enabled by DMSO Vapor Treatment for Efficient Sky-Blue Light-Emitting Diodes79
Reaction Mechanism of Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production at Water/Tin Halide Perovskite Interfaces79
Spacer Cations Dictate Photoinduced Phase Segregation in 2D Mixed Halide Perovskites78
Oxide-Based Nanoporous Interlayer for Durable Anodic Interface in All-Solid-State Lithium Metal Batteries78
Na+-Enriched Quinoid Polymer Layer with Fast Ion Transport for Dendrite-Free Sodium Metal Batteries with High Cyclic Stability78
Lead Halide Perovskite Cube Coupled Star Nanocrystal Photocatalysts78
Chemical Reaction Kinetics of the Decomposition of Low-Bandgap Tin–Lead Halide Perovskite Films and the Effect on the Ambipolar Diffusion Length78
Engineering Electrode/Electrolyte Interphase Chemistry toward High-Rate and Long-Life Potassium Ion Full-Cell77
Doping-Induced Pre-Transformation to Extend Solid-Solution Regimes in Li-Ion Batteries77
Dual-Function ZnO-Li3TaO4 Surface Modification of Single-Crystalline Ni-Rich Cathodes for All-Solid-State Batteries76
Marcus Hole Transfer Governs Charge Generation and Device Operation in Nonfullerene Organic Solar Cells76
Material Challenges Facing Scalable Dry-Processable Battery Electrodes76
Design Principle of a Water-Dispersed Photocatalytic Perovskite through Ligand Deconstruction76
Lead-Free Halide Light-Emitting Diodes with External Quantum Efficiency Exceeding 7% Using Host–Dopant Strategy76
Choosing Impactful Perspectives for Energy Research: A Case Study of CO2 Electroreduction75
Practical Fill Factor Limits for Perovskite Solar Cells75
Reconstruction of Electron-Selective Interface via Multifunctional Chemical Bridging Enables High-Performance Rigid and Flexible Perovskite Solar Cells75
Solving the Residual Lithium Problem by Substoichiometric Synthesis of Layered Ni-Rich Oxide Cathodes75
Issue Editorial Masthead75
Harnessing Vibrationally Assisted Delayed Fluorescence for Enhanced Energy Transfer in Mn-Doped CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals75
Correlation of Dimer-Linker-Induced Conformational Lock with Nonradiative Energy Loss in Organic Solar Cells75
Consequences of Annealing on Metal–Insulator–Semiconductor Water Splitting Photoelectrocatalysts74
A Synergistic Three-Phase, Triple-Conducting Air Electrode for Reversible Proton-Conducting Solid Oxide Cells74
Charge Carrier Recombination at Perovskite/Hole Transport Layer Interfaces Monitored by Time-Resolved Spectroscopy74
Recyclable and Ultrafast Fabrication of Zinc Oxide Interface Layer Enabling Highly Reversible Dendrite-Free Zn Anode74
Strain-less Perovskite Film Engineered by Interfacial Molecule for Stable Perovskite Solar Cells73
Spatially Resolved Potential and Li-Ion Distributions Reveal Performance-Limiting Regions in Solid-State Batteries72
Correction to “Lithium-Ion Battery Recycling─Overview of Techniques and Trends”72
Buried Interface Passivation of Perovskite Solar Cells by Atomic Layer Deposition of Al2O372
Stacking Fault Slows Down Ionic Transport Kinetics in Lithium-Rich Layered Oxides72
The Effect of Air Ionization in Testing Perovskite-Based Direct Conversion X-ray Detectors72
Interface Regulation via an Organometallic Ferrocene-Based Molecule toward Inverted Perovskite Solar Cells71
Bifunctional Device for Osmotic Energy Conversion and Photothermal Water Evaporation Enabled by Synergy of Salinity and Pressure Gradients with Thermal Assistance71
The Potential of Zero Total Charge Predicts Cation Effects for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction71
Microstructure Design of Electrolytes for High-Energy-Density Aqueous Batteries71
Carboxylic Acid-Assisted Synthesis of Tin(II) Iodide: Key for Stable Large-Area Lead-Free Perovskite Solar Cells71
Realistic Efficiency Limits for Singlet-Fission Silicon Solar Cells70
Thermal Management Enables More Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells70
Molecular Triplet Sensitization and Photon Upconversion Using Colloidal Semiconductor Nanocrystals70
Catalyst Stability Considerations for Electrochemical Energy Conversion with Non-Noble Metals: Do We Measure on What We Synthesized?70
Solar Cell Efficiency Exceeding 25% through Rb-Based Perovskitoid Scaffold Stabilizing the Buried Perovskite Surface69
Surface Iodide Defects Control the Kinetics of the CsPbI3 Perovskite Phase Transformation69
Enabling “Sodium–Metal-Free” Manufacturing of Solid-State Batteries69
Improving Cycling Performance of Anode-Free Lithium Batteries by Pressure and Voltage Control69
Atomic-Layer-Deposition-Free Monolithic Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cell Reaching 29.91% Power Conversion on Industrial PERX/TOPCon-like Silicon Bottom Cells69
Spontaneous Oxidation of Organic Matter and Ammonium Uptake from Manure Wastewater by Redox-Active Materials69
Empowering Tomorrow’s Leaders69
The Debate over Hard Carbon and Alloy Anodes Continues for Solid-State Sodium Batteries69
Ternary Electrolyte Enables High-Voltage and High-Temperature Na-Ion Batteries69
Pb/Sn-Based Perovskite Heterojunction for Hole Transport Layer-Free Carbon-Based Perovskite Solar Cells68
Preferred Orientation of TiN Coatings Enables Stable Zinc Anodes68
AI et al.: Machines Are About to Change Scientific Publishing Forever68
Proton-Conducting Hydrogen-Bonded Organic Frameworks68
Roadmap of Solid-State Lithium-Organic Batteries toward 500 Wh kg–168
Narrow-Bandgap Halide Perovskite Cs4CuSb2Cl12 with Full-Spectrum Photothermal Conversion67
Design Criteria for Silicon Solar Cells with Fill Factors Approaching the Auger Limit67
Doping Strategy in Developing Ni-Rich Cathodes for High-Performance Lithium-Ion Batteries67
A Long Cycle Stability and High Rate Performance Organic Anode for Rechargeable Aqueous Ammonium-Ion Battery67
Local Background Hole Density Drives Nonradiative Recombination in Tin Halide Perovskites66
Low-Temperature Removal of Residual Dimethylammonium via Surface Molecular Oligomerization for CsPbI3 Perovskite Solar Cells66
Alloy Alleviating Galvanic Corrosion Enables Uniform Mg Deposition with Long Cycle Life66
Layered Double Hydroxide-Derived Nanomaterials for Efficient Electrocatalytic Water Splitting: Recent Progress and Future Perspective66
Unraveling Urbach Tail Effects in High-Performance Organic Photovoltaics: Dynamic vs Static Disorder66
SnOx as Bottom Hole Extraction Layer and Top In Situ Protection Layer Yields over 14% Efficiency in Sn-Based Perovskite Solar Cells65
Redox Flow Battery for Continuous and Energy-Effective Lithium Recovery from Aqueous Solution65
Design of Localized High-Concentration Electrolytes via Donor Number65
Unravelling the Mechanism of Lithium Nucleation and Growth and the Interaction with the Solid Electrolyte Interface65
Multicolor Display Fabricated via Stacking CW Laser-Patterned Perovskite Films65