APL Photonics

(The median citation count of APL Photonics is 4. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-08-01 to 2024-08-01.)
Detecting telecom single photons with 99.5−2.07+0.5% system detection efficiency and high time resolution118
VO2 nanophotonics90
Methods to achieve ultra-high quality factor silicon nitride resonators79
Single-photon detection in the mid-infrared up to 10 μm wavelength using tungsten silicide superconducting nanowire detectors79
Hybrid and heterogeneous photonic integration77
Quantum SU(1,1) interferometers: Basic principles and applications73
Perspectives on advances in high-capacity, free-space communications using multiplexing of orbital-angular-momentum beams71
High performance thin-film lithium niobate modulator on a silicon substrate using periodic capacitively loaded traveling-wave electrode55
Reduced material loss in thin-film lithium niobate waveguides55
Observing distant objects with a multimode fiber-based holographic endoscope52
High-efficiency lithium niobate modulator for K band operation52
Scaling up silicon photonic-based accelerators: Challenges and opportunities50
Synthetic frequency dimensions in dynamically modulated ring resonators49
Polarization singularities: Progress, fundamental physics, and prospects48
Acousto-optic modulation in lithium niobate on sapphire47
MaxwellNet: Physics-driven deep neural network training based on Maxwell’s equations47
Tutorial on optoelectronic oscillators46
Theory of topological corner state laser in Kagome waveguide arrays44
A single-frequency single-resonator laser on erbium-doped lithium niobate on insulator43
Orbital angular momentum communications based on standard multi-mode fiber (invited paper)41
Pure-quartic solitons and their generalizations—Theory and experiments40
Quantum dot single-photon emission coupled into single-mode fibers with 3D printed micro-objectives39
Fast and sensitive diffuse correlation spectroscopy with highly parallelized single photon detection39
Ultra-sensitive refractive index gas sensor with functionalized silicon nitride photonic circuits36
Deep learning of ultrafast pulses with a multimode fiber36
An ITO–graphene heterojunction integrated absorption modulator on Si-photonics for neuromorphic nonlinear activation36
Integrated nanophotonics for the development of fully functional quantum circuits based on on-demand single-photon emitters35
Machine learning for optical fiber communication systems: An introduction and overview35
Optimal efficiency of focusing diffused light through scattering media with iterative wavefront shaping35
Near ultraviolet photonic integrated lasers based on silicon nitride35
Large-scale and energy-efficient tensorized optical neural networks on III–V-on-silicon MOSCAP platform35
Mid-infrared supercontinuum generation in a low-loss germanium-on-silicon waveguide35
Neuromorphic encoding of image pixel data into rate-coded optical spike trains with a photonic VCSEL-neuron34
Perfectly absorbing dielectric metasurfaces for photodetection34
Tunable microwave-photonic filtering with high out-of-band rejection in silicon33
Silicon nitride chirped spiral Bragg grating with large group delay32
High-pulse-energy III-V-on-silicon-nitride mode-locked laser32
Photonic and optoelectronic neuromorphic computing31
Highly efficient THz generation by optical rectification of mid-IR pulses in DAST31
Single-step etched grating couplers for silicon nitride loaded lithium niobate on insulator platform31
Interferometric speckle visibility spectroscopy (ISVS) for human cerebral blood flow monitoring31
Deterministic positioning of nanophotonic waveguides around single self-assembled quantum dots30
InP photonic integrated multi-layer neural networks: Architecture and performance analysis30
The space–time Talbot effect30
Hybrid integrated external cavity laser with a 172-nm tuning range30
Broadband terahertz transmissive quarter-wave metasurface29
Learning the matrix of few-mode fibers for high-fidelity spatial mode transmission29
High-power few-cycle THz generation at MHz repetition rates in an organic crystal29
Diffusing wave spectroscopy: A unified treatment on temporal sampling and speckle ensemble methods29
Coupling of multiple plasma polarization modes in particles–multilayer film system for surface-enhanced Raman scattering27
Investigation of high-performance perovskite nanocrystals for inkjet-printed color conversion layers with superior color purity27
Terahertz near-field nanoscopy based on detectorless laser feedback interferometry under different feedback regimes27
Engineering photonics solutions for COVID-1927
Low-loss fiber grating coupler on thin film lithium niobate platform27
Low-loss low thermo-optic coefficient Ta2O5 on crystal quartz planar optical waveguides26
Single photon sources with near unity collection efficiencies by deterministic placement of quantum dots in nanoantennas26
On-chip infrared photonics with Si-Ge-heterostructures: What is next?26
Silicon photonic quantum computing with spin qubits25
Silicon nitride waveguide polarization rotator and polarization beam splitter for chip-scale atomic systems25
Effective-medium-clad Bragg grating filters25
CMOS-compatible all-dielectric metalens for improving pixel photodetector arrays24
Dual-mode microresonators as straightforward access to octave-spanning dissipative Kerr solitons24
Quantum communication with time-bin entanglement over a wavelength-multiplexed fiber network23
Polarization and spatial mode dependent four-wave mixing in a 4H-silicon carbide microring resonator23
A universal framework for microscope sensorless adaptive optics: Generalized aberration representations22
Hybrid InP and SiN integration of an octave-spanning frequency comb22
Terawatt attosecond x-ray source driven by a plasma accelerator22
Physics-informed neural networks for imaging and parameter retrieval of photonic nanostructures from near-field data22
Frequency-bin entanglement from domain-engineered down-conversion22
Broadband electrically controlled bismuth nanofilm THz modulator22
High-performance infrared Ge-based plasmonic photodetector enhanced by dual absorption mechanism22
Fast and sensitive terahertz detection with a current-driven epitaxial-graphene asymmetric dual-grating-gate field-effect transistor structure21
Wading through the void: Exploring quantum friction and nonequilibrium fluctuations21
Continuous-wave Raman amplification in silicon core fibers pumped in the telecom band21
Single-cycle all-fiber frequency comb21
Microplastic pollution assessment with digital holography and zero-shot learning21
Attosecond light field synthesis21
Fractal-like photonic lattices and localized states arising from singular and nonsingular flatbands20
Simple single-section diode frequency combs20
Near-infrared nanospectroscopy using a low-noise supercontinuum source20
Nano-thermoelectric infrared bolometers20
Frequency combs in quantum cascade lasers: An overview of modeling and experiments20
Metasurfaces 2.0: Laser-integrated and with vector field control20
Dielectric slot-coupled half-Maxwell fisheye lens as octave-bandwidth beam expander for terahertz-range applications20
Quantum structured light in high dimensions20
Versatile silicon microwave photonic spectral shaper20
Frequency comb generation threshold via second-harmonic excitation in χ (2) optical microres19
Untrained deep learning-based fringe projection profilometry19
Experimental realization of dual task processing with a photonic reservoir computer19
Fano resonance from a one-dimensional topological photonic crystal19
Further compactifying linear optical unitaries19
Beaconless PAT and adaptive beam control using variable focus lens for free-space optical communication systems19
Development of site-controlled quantum dot arrays acting as scalable sources of indistinguishable photons18
Piezo-optomechanical cantilever modulators for VLSI visible photonics18
Higher-order exceptional point and Landau–Zener Bloch oscillations in driven non-Hermitian photonic Lieb lattices18
On-chip optical comb sources18
High-speed uni-traveling-carrier photodiodes on silicon nitride17
Fourier microscopy based on single-pixel imaging for multi-mode dynamic observations of samples17
40 Gb/s quantum random number generation based on optically sampled amplified spontaneous emission17
Distributed Bragg reflectors for the colorimetric detection of bacterial contaminants and pollutants for food quality control17
Topological photonics in 3D micro-printed systems17
An introduction to terahertz time-domain spectroscopic ellipsometry17
High-efficient and high-accurate integrated division-of-time polarimeter17
Multi-functional photonic processors using coherent network of micro-ring resonators17
A perspective on twisted light from on-chip devices17
Generation of 280 THz-spanning near-ultraviolet light in lithium niobate-on-insulator waveguides with sub-100 pJ pulses16
Coherent terahertz microscopy of modal field distributions in micro-resonators16
High-performance silicon photonic filters based on all-passive tenth-order adiabatic elliptical-microrings16
On-chip optical non-reciprocity through a synthetic Hall effect for photons16
Efficient photoconductive terahertz detection through photon trapping in plasmonic nanocavities16
High-performance and compact integrated photonics platform based on silicon rich nitride–lithium niobate on insulator16
Broadband continuous beam-steering with time-modulated metasurfaces in the near-infrared spectral regime16
Surface profile-tailored magneto-optics in magnetoplasmonic crystals16
Optical methods for bacterial detection and characterization16
High-dimensional spatial mode sorting and optical circuit design using multi-plane light conversion16
Video object detection from one single image through opto-electronic neural network15
Beating temporal phase sensitivity limit in off-axis interferometry based quantitative phase microscopy15
Quasi-phase matching waveguides on lithium niobate and KTP for nonlinear frequency conversion: A comparison15
An optical chip for self-testing quantum random number generation15
Biomedical x-ray imaging with a GaAs photon-counting detector: A comparative study15
New perspective on chiral exceptional points with application to discrete photonics15
Bloch–Landau–Zener dynamics induced by a synthetic field in a photonic quantum walk15
Current challenges and solutions of super-resolution structured illumination microscopy15
Broadband polarization insensitivity and high detection efficiency in high-fill-factor superconducting microwire single-photon detectors15
Gap-protected transfer of topological defect states in photonic lattices15
Thin-film lithium niobate dual-polarization IQ modulator on a silicon substrate for single-carrier 1.6 Tb/s transmission15
Regenerative terahertz quantum detectors15
Thermoplasmonics of metal layers and nanoholes15
Enhancement of infrared emissivity by the hierarchical microstructures from the wing scales of butterfly Rapala dioetas15
Perspectives on nonlinear optics of graphene: Opportunities and challenges14
Broadband stimulated Raman imaging based on multi-channel lock-in detection for spectral histopathology14
Femtosecond laser fabrication of large-core fiber Bragg gratings for high-power fiber oscillators14
Line-of-sight and non-line-of-sight links for dispersive terahertz wireless networks14
Multimodal FACED imaging for large-scale single-cell morphological profiling14
Two-step manufacturing of hundreds of meter-long silicon micrometer-size core optical fibers with less than 0.2 dB/cm background losses14
Nanophotonic source of quadrature squeezing via self-phase modulation14
Nonlinear exceptional-point lasing with ab initio Maxwell–Bloch theory14
Isomeric dynamics of multi-soliton molecules in passively mode-locked fiber lasers14
Simple method for mid-infrared optical frequency comb generation with dynamic offset frequency tuning14
Perovskite luminescent solar concentrators for photovoltaics14
Performance enhancement of graphene/Ge near-infrared photodetector by modulating the doping level of graphene14
An optical coherence photoacoustic microscopy system using a fiber optic sensor14
Ultrasensitive detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA and antigen using single-molecule optofluidic chip13
A silicon source of heralded single photons at 2 μm13
A cavity-based optical antenna for color centers in diamond13
Temporal and spatial design of x-ray pulses based on free-electron–crystal interaction13
Removal of cross-phase modulation artifacts in ultrafast pump–probe dynamics by deep learning13
Combining Stokes and anti-Stokes interactions to achieve ultra-low noise dynamic Brillouin strain sensing13
Megapixel large-format colloidal quantum-dot infrared imagers with resonant-cavity enhanced photoresponse13
Theoretical analysis of backscattering in hollow-core antiresonant fibers13
Broadband, high power THz source at 540 kHz using organic crystal BNA13
Double-layer metasurface for enhanced photon up-conversion13
Engineering interaction dynamics in active resonant photonic structures12
Higher-order topolectrical semimetal realized via synthetic gauge fields12
Ultrafast thermal modification of strong coupling in an organic microcavity12
Antenna-integrated silicon–plasmonic graphene sub-terahertz emitter12
Ultra-low Brillouin scattering in anti-resonant hollow-core fibers12
High-speed, zero-biased silicon-germanium photodetector12
Ultra-long Brillouin optical time-domain analyzer based on distortion compensating pulse and hybrid lumped–distributed amplification12
Computational interference microscopy enabled by deep learning12
Target imaging in scattering media using ghost imaging optical coherence tomography12
Direct observation of the effects of spin dependent momentum of light in optical tweezers12
Spatio-temporal characterization of ultrashort vector pulses12
Low-threshold power and tunable integrated optical limiter based on an ultracompact VO2/Si waveguide12
Nanophotonics-enabled optical data storage in the age of machine learning12
Near-field imaging of plasmonic nanopatch antennas with integrated semiconductor quantum dots11
Fast and efficient demultiplexing of single photons from a quantum dot with resonantly enhanced electro-optic modulators11
Microfluidic devices for quasi-phase-matching in high-order harmonic generation11
Quantum optical synthesis in 2D time–frequency space11
Dynamic detection of acoustic wave generated by polarization maintaining Brillouin random fiber laser11
10 GHz generation with ultra-low phase noise via the transfer oscillator technique11
On-demand light wave manipulation enabled by single-layer dielectric metasurfaces11
Epi-fluorescence imaging of the human brain through a multimode fiber11
Non-resonant recirculating light phase modulator11
Injection locking and noise reduction of resonant tunneling diode terahertz oscillator11
Near-field hyper-spectral imaging of resonant Mie modes in a dielectric island11
Photonic band structure design using persistent homology11
Plasmonic, photonic, or hybrid? Reviewing waveguide geometries for electro-optic modulators11
Deeply sub-wavelength non-contact optical metrology of sub-wavelength objects11
Fabrication and characterization of an L3 nanocavity designed by an iterative machine-learning method11
Axilenses: Refractive micro-optical elements with arbitrary exponential profiles11
Alumina coating for dispersion management in ultra-high Q microresonators11
Analysis of real-time spectral interference using a deep neural network to reconstruct multi-soliton dynamics in mode-locked lasers10
Optomechanical metamaterial nanobolometer10
Pilot demonstration of correlation-domain LiDAR for high-speed vibration detection10
On anomalous optical beam shifts at near-normal incidence10
Second-harmonic generation of temporally low-coherence light10
Compensating for artifacts in scanning near-field optical microscopy due to electrostatics10
A quantum cascade laser-pumped molecular laser tunable over 1 THz10
Coherent Raman scattering imaging with a near-infrared achromatic metalens10
3D side-scattering imaging flow cytometer and convolutional neural network for label-free cell analysis10
Few-shot transfer learning for holographic image reconstruction using a recurrent neural network10
High-bandwidth Si/In2O3 hybrid plasmonic waveguide modulator10
Recent progress on femtosecond laser micro-/nano-fabrication of functional photonic structures in dielectric crystals: A brief review and perspective10
Terahertz optical machine learning for object recognition10
Chaotic microcomb inertia-free parallel ranging10
Programmable omni-resonance using space–time fields10
Wavefront engineering for controlled structuring of far-field intensity and phase patterns from multimodal optical fibers10
High-Q, directional and self-assembled random laser emission using spatially localized feedback via cracks9
High-resolution wavemeter based on polarization modulation of fiber speckles9
Down-converting luminescent optoelectronics and their applications9
Second harmonic generation in amorphous silicon-on-silica metamaterial9
Substrate-enhanced photothermal nano-imaging of surface polaritons in monolayer graphene9
Lensless polarization camera for single-shot full-Stokes imaging9
Expanding the quantum photonic toolbox in AlGaAsOI9
Terahertz scattering-type near-field microscopy quantitatively determines the conductivity and charge carrier density of optically doped and impurity-doped silicon9
Perspectives on optoelectronic oscillators9
Spectral control of deterministically fabricated quantum dot waveguide systems using the quantum confined Stark effect9
Creation of NV centers over a millimeter-sized region by intense single-shot ultrashort laser irradiation9
Deep learning-based design of broadband GHz complex and random metasurfaces9
Non-contact optical magnetic field sensor based on metamaterial nanomechanics9
Sensitive control of broad-area semiconductor lasers by cavity shape9
Graphene/Ge microcrystal photodetectors with enhanced infrared responsivity9
Complex pattern transmission through multimode fiber under diverse light sources9
Spatial and spectral mode-selection effects in topological lasers with frequency-dependent gain9
A general framework for multimode Gaussian quantum optics and photo-detection: Application to Hong–Ou–Mandel interference with filtered heralded single photon sources9
Pulse time reversal and stopping by a refractive index front9
Integrated buried heaters for efficient spectral control of air-clad microresonator frequency combs9
Programmable photon pair source8
Spectral and spatial isolation of single tungsten diselenide quantum emitters using hexagonal boron nitride wrinkles8
Parity-time symmetry in parameter space of polarization8
Near-field spectroscopy of Dirac plasmons in Bi2Se3 ribbon arrays8
Temporally ultralong biphotons with a linewidth of 50 kHz8
Lightwave-driven electron emission for polarity-sensitive terahertz beam profiling8
High-order (N = 4–6) multiphoton absorption and mid-infrared Kerr nonlinearity in GaP, ZnSe, GaSe, and ZGP crystals8
Large core multimode fiber with high bandwidth and high connector tolerance for broadband short distance communications8
First-photon imaging with independent depth reconstruction8
Temporal-offset dual-comb vibrometer with picometer axial precision8
Topological on-chip lasers8
Review on optical nonlinearity of group-IV semiconducting materials for all-optical processing8
Notch-filtered adiabatic rapid passage for optically driven quantum light sources8
Ultrafast parallel single-pixel LiDAR with all-optical spectro-temporal encoding8
Temporal imaging with a high filling factor8
60 Gbps real-time wireless communications at 300 GHz carrier using a Kerr microcomb-based source8
Deep learning virtual colorization overcoming chromatic aberrations in singlet lens microscopy8
Heterogeneous integration of a high-speed lithium niobate modulator on silicon nitride using micro-transfer printing8
Reciprocity-induced symmetry in the round-trip transmission through complex systems8
Optical parametric wideband frequency modulation8
Trapping light in a Floquet topological photonic insulator by Floquet defect mode resonance8
Broadband resonance-enhanced frequency generation by four-wave mixing in a silicon Floquet topological photonic insulator8
High-speed 2D and 3D mid-IR imaging with an InGaAs camera7
Fiber-integrated hollow-core light cage for gas spectroscopy7
Orthogonalization of far-field detection in tapered optical fibers for depth-selective fiber photometry in brain tissue7
Local angular momentum induced dual orbital effect7
3D structured Bessel beam polarization and its application to imprint chiral optical properties in silica7
Tuning intrinsic photoluminescence from light-emitting multispectral nanoporous anodic alumina photonic crystals7
Terahertz integration platforms using substrateless all-silicon microstructures7
Spectral self-imaging of optical orbital angular momentum modes7
Observation of gain-pinned dissipative solitons in a microcavity laser7
Space squeezing optics: Performance limits and implementation at microwave frequencies7