IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters

(The TQCC of IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
An Adaptive Finite-Time Force-Sensorless Tracking Control Scheme for Pneumatic Muscle Actuators by an Optimal Force Estimation438
Freetures: Localization in Signed Distance Function Maps198
Table of Contents166
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Information166
Evolution of UAV Landing Structures in the Bistable Space of Kresling Origami Structures165
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters Information for Authors163
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Information155
Manipulation of Granular Materials by Learning Particle Interactions146
Exploring the Mutual Influence Between Self-Supervised Single-Frame and Multi-Frame Depth Estimation141
A Twisted Elastic Rotary-Rail Actuator (TERRA) Using a Double-Stranded Helix Structure137
Globally Optimal Consensus Maximization for Relative Pose Estimation With Known Gravity Direction137
Reshaping Local Path Planner129
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters Publication Information120
The Folded Pneumatic Artificial Muscle (foldPAM): Towards Programmability and Control via End Geometry120
MotionPerceiver: Real-Time Occupancy Forecasting for Embedded Systems119
Cross Fusion of Point Cloud and Learned Image for Loop Closure Detection118
Use Your Imagination: A Detector-Independent Approach for LiDAR Quality Booster117
Stability Analysis of Plane-to-Plane Positioning by Proximity-Based Control114
End-to-End From Human Hand Synergies to Robot Hand Tendon Routing113
Matched Filtering Based LiDAR Place Recognition for Urban and Natural Environments103
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters Information for Authors103
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Information100
Kinematic Synthesis of a Serial Manipulator Using Gradient-Based Optimization on Lie Groups99
A Variable Sensing Range Electrical Impedance Tomography Sensor for Robot Electric Skins93
Batch Informed Vines (BIV*): Heuristically Guided Exploration of Narrow Passages by Batch Vine Expansion91
On Robust Context-Aware Navigation for Autonomous Ground Vehicles91
3D Guidance Law for Flexible Target Enclosing With Inherent Safety90
CamMap: Extrinsic Calibration of Non-Overlapping Cameras Based on SLAM Map Alignment89
Foam-Embedded Soft Robotic Joint With Inverse Kinematic Modeling by Iterative Self-Improving Learning88
Acoustic-VINS: Tightly Coupled Acoustic-Visual-Inertial Navigation System for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles88
Enhancing Closed-Loop Performance in Learning-Based Vehicle Motion Planning by Integrating Rule-Based Insights85
SensorX2Vehicle: Online Sensors-to-Vehicle Rotation Calibration Methods in Road Scenarios85
GATR: Transformer Based on Guided Aggregation Decoder for 3D Multi-Modal Detection83
Improving Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction Using Traffic States on Interactive Driving Scenarios81
DSEC: A Stereo Event Camera Dataset for Driving Scenarios80
Personalized Wearable Ankle Robot Using Modular Additive Manufacturing Design80
An Overall Configuration Planning Method of Continuum Hyper-Redundant Manipulators Based on Improved Artificial Potential Field Method80
VECtor: A Versatile Event-Centric Benchmark for Multi-Sensor SLAM79
Correct Me If I am Wrong: Interactive Learning for Robotic Manipulation78
Design and Hierarchical Force-Position Control of Redundant Pneumatic Muscles-Cable-Driven Ankle Rehabilitation Robot76
Development and Stiffness Optimization for a Flexible-Tail Robotic Fish76
EPM–MRE: Electropermanent Magnet–Magnetorheological Elastomer for Soft Actuation System and Its Application to Robotic Grasping76
Exploring Recurrent Long-Term Temporal Fusion for Multi-View 3D Perception74
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Information73
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Information69
Performance Comparison of Typical Physics Engines Using Robot Models With Multiple Joints68
PLASTR: Planning for Autonomous Sampling-Based Trowelling66
RAT iLQR: A Risk Auto-Tuning Controller to Optimally Account for Stochastic Model Mismatch65
Inspired by Physical Intelligence of an Elephant Trunk: Biomimetic Soft Robot With Pre-Programmable Localized Stiffness65
REDE: End-to-End Object 6D Pose Robust Estimation Using Differentiable Outliers Elimination64
Continuous-Time Trajectory Estimation for Differentially Flat Systems62
Scale-Aware Squeeze-and-Excitation for Lightweight Object Detection62
Editing Driver Character: Socially-Controllable Behavior Generation for Interactive Traffic Simulation62
Discrete Windowed-Energy Variable Structure Passivity Signature Control for Physical Human-(Tele)Robot Interaction61
Stable Learning-Based Tracking Control of Underactuated Balance Robots61
Multi-Tap Resistive Sensing and FEM Modeling Enables Shape and Force Estimation in Soft Robots60
Continuous-Time Stereo-Inertial Odometry60
Lightweight Deep Neural Network for Real-Time Instrument Semantic Segmentation in Robot Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery60
Control of Rough Terrain Vehicles Using Deep Reinforcement Learning60
Online Centroidal Angular Momentum Reference Generation and Motion Optimization for Humanoid Push Recovery59
Magnetic Control of a Steerable Guidewire Under Ultrasound Guidance Using Mobile Electromagnets59
A Study of Shared-Control With Bilateral Feedback for Obstacle Avoidance in Whole-Body Telelocomotion of a Wheeled Humanoid58
A Shared Control Method for Collaborative Human-Robot Plug Task58
Aerial Multi-Camera Robotic Jib Crane57
Selective Patterning of Conductive Elastomers Embedded With Silver Powders and Carbon Nanotubes for Stretchable Electronics57
Computational Model of Robot Trust in Human Co-Worker for Physical Human-Robot Collaboration56
Isolating Trajectory Tracking From Motion Control: A Model Predictive Control and Robust Control Framework for Unmanned Ground Vehicles56
Caterpillar-Inspired Insect-Scale Climbing Robot Using Dry Adhesives56
Grasp Stability and Design Analysis of a Flexure-Jointed Gripper Mechanism via Efficient Energy-Based Modeling56
DenseLiDAR: A Real-Time Pseudo Dense Depth Guided Depth Completion Network55
Approximate Optimal Controller Synthesis for Cart-Poles and Quadrotors via Sums-of-Squares55
A Constant-Force End-Effector With Online Force Adjustment for Robotic Ultrasonography55
Design of a Compact Embedded Hydraulic Power Unit for Bipedal Robots54
Relative Position Estimation Between Two UWB Devices With IMUs54
Improving the Representation and Extraction of Contact Information in Vision-Based Tactile Sensors Using Continuous Marker Pattern54
Part-Guided 3D RL for Sim2Real Articulated Object Manipulation53
Automated Implant Resizing for Single-Stage Cranioplasty53
Real-Time Outdoor Illumination Estimation for Camera Tracking in Indoor Environments53
Deep Learning Based 6-DoF Antipodal Grasp Planning From Point Cloud in Random Bin-Picking Task Using Single-View52
Autonomous System for Vaginal Cuff Closure via Model-Based Planning and Markerless Tracking Techniques52
Leadership Inference for Multi-Agent Interactions52
Toward Vision-Based High Sampling Interaction Force Estimation With Master Position and Orientation for Teleoperation52
Discwise Active Learning for LiDAR Semantic Segmentation52
Analyses and Optimization of Electrostatic Film Actuators Considering Electrical Breakdown52
Salient Sparse Visual Odometry With Pose-Only Supervision52
Robustification of Bayesian-Inference-Based Gait Estimation for Lower-Limb Wearable Robots51
Safety-Aware Causal Representation for Trustworthy Offline Reinforcement Learning in Autonomous Driving51
Arm Back Support Suit (Abs-Suit) for Parcel Delivery With a Passive Load Redistribution Mechanism50
Hybrid Actuation With Unidirectional Clutches for Handheld Haptic Controllers50
Design and Validation of Soft Sliding Structure With Adjustable Stiffness for Ankle Sprain Prevention50
Unsupervised Human Motion Segmentation Based on Characteristic Force Signals of Contact Events50
Compact Pneumatic Clutch With Integrated Stiffness Variation and Position Feedback49
DIDO: Deep Inertial Quadrotor Dynamical Odometry49
Corrections to “Probabilistic Completeness of RRT for Geometric and Kinodynamic Planning With Forward Propagation”49
Solving Footstep Planning as a Feasibility Problem Using L1-Norm Minimization49
Safe Reinforcement Learning With Dead-Ends Avoidance and Recovery48
Novel Twisted and Coiled Polymer Fiber Actuator Fabricated From Polymer-Coated Optical Fiber48
Transformable Linkage-Based Gripper for Multi-Mode Grasping and Manipulation48
Whole-Body Ergodic Exploration With a Manipulator Using Diffusion48
Rotenna: Harnessing Seamless Integration of Continuum Robot for Dynamic Electromagnetic Reconfiguration48
Soft Robotic Proprioception Enhancement via 3D-Printed Differential Optical Waveguide Design48
The Wheelbot: A Jumping Reaction Wheel Unicycle47
Mechanical Characterisation of Woven Pneumatic Active Textile47
On the Optimal Design of Underactuated Fingers Using Rolling Contact Joints46
Automated Fabrication of the High-Fidelity Cellular Micro-Scaffold Through Proportion-Corrective Control of the Photocuring Process46
Learning-Based Optoelectronically Innervated Tactile Finger for Rigid-Soft Interactive Grasping46
Social Attitude Towards a Robot is Promoted by Motor-Induced Embodiment Independently of Spatial Perspective46
Deep Tri-Training for Semi-Supervised Image Segmentation46
Label-Efficient Semantic Segmentation of LiDAR Point Clouds in Adverse Weather Conditions46
Optimal Design of Linkage-Driven Underactuated Hand for Precise Pinching and Powerful Grasping46
Vehicle-to-Vehicle Collaborative Graph-Based Proprioceptive Localization46
Development of a New 2-DOF Wrist Mechanism Using Reverse Motion Transmission46
Object Importance Estimation Using Counterfactual Reasoning for Intelligent Driving46
Table of Contents45
Efficient Dynamics Estimation With Adaptive Model Sets45
Transfer Learning for Efficient Intent Prediction in Lower-Limb Prosthetics: A Strategy for Limited Datasets45
A Markov Chain Model for Workflow Analysis in Operating Rooms45
Star-Searcher: A Complete and Efficient Aerial System for Autonomous Target Search in Complex Unknown Environments44
Learning an Explainable Trajectory Generator Using the Automaton Generative Network (AGN)44
Detaching and Boosting: Dual Engine for Scale-Invariant Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation44
Multidirectional Human-in-the-Loop Balance Robotic System44
A mmWave Radar SLAM Method in Subterranean Tunnel for Low Visibility and Degradation44
Dimension-Specific Shared Autonomy for Handling Disagreement in Telemanipulation43
Multi-Vehicle Trajectory Planning at V2I-Enabled Intersections Based on Correlated Equilibrium43
AirTwins: Modular Bi-Copters Capable of Splitting From Their Combined Quadcopter in Midair43
Corrections to “A Piecewise Monotonic Smooth Phase Variable for Speed-Adaption Control of Powered Knee-Ankle Prostheses”43
Real-Time User-Independent Slope Prediction Using Deep Learning for Modulation of Robotic Knee Exoskeleton Assistance43
A Formal Characterization of Black-Box System Safety Performance With Scenario Sampling43
SurfMan: Generating Smooth End-Effector Trajectories on 3D Object Surfaces for Human-Demonstrated Pattern Sequence43
Upside-Down Brachiation Robot Using Elastic Energy Stored Through Soft Body Deformation43
Sole GNSS Sensor Extrinsic Calibration Methods for Mobile Mapping Systems42
Depth Estimation Under Motion With Single Pair Rolling Shutter Stereo Images42
Edge Devices Friendly Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation via Knowledge Distillation42
Environment Warped Gait Trajectory Optimization for Complex Terrains42
Adaptive Strategies for Team Formation in Minimalist Robot Swarms42
The Fastest Microrobot Pitcher: Design Exploration for a Throwing Microrobot42
Information for Authors42
A Coach-Based Bayesian Reinforcement Learning Method for Snake Robot Control42
Parameter Estimation and Control of Multirotors42
Towards a Wristed Percutaneous Robot With Variable Stiffness for Pericardiocentesis41
Unified and Fast Human Trajectory Prediction Via Conditionally Parameterized Normalizing Flow41
Uncertainty-Aware Panoptic Segmentation41
FT-BSP: Focused Topological Belief Space Planning41
A Multi-Scale Convolutional Hybrid Attention Residual Network for Enhancing Underwater Image and Identifying Underwater Multi-Scene Sea Cucumber41
Wheel-Terrain Contact Geometry Estimation and Interaction Analysis Using Aside-Wheel Camera Over Deformable Terrains41
Planning of Obstacle-Aided Navigation for Multi-Legged Robots Using a Sampling-Based Method Over Directed Graphs41
Energy-Based Detection of Adverse Weather Effects in LiDAR Data41
Nonmyopic Informative Path Planning Based on Global Kriging Variance Minimization40
Planning of Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems Under Signal Temporal Logic Specifications With Integral Predicates40
Virtual Energy Regulator: A Time-Independent Solution for Control of Lower Limb Exoskeletons40
Learning to Predict Navigational Patterns From Partial Observations40
From Low to High Order Motion Planners: Safe Robot Navigation Using Motion Prediction and Reference Governor39
Optical-Waveguide Based 3-Axial Tactile Sensor for Minimally Invasive Surgical Instruments39
Model Predictive Control and Transfer Learning of Hybrid Systems Using Lifting Linearization Applied to Cable Suspension Systems39
Constrained Gaussian Processes With Integrated Kernels for Long-Horizon Prediction of Dense Pedestrian Crowd Flows39
Revisiting Visual-Inertial Structure-From-Motion for Odometry and SLAM Initialization39
Tube Mechanism With 3-Axis Rotary Joints Structure to Achieve Variable Stiffness Using Positive Pressure39
Real-Time Path Planning With Virtual Magnetic Fields39
Composite Disturbance Rejection Control Strategy for Multi-Quadrotor Transportation System39
A Multi-Manned Assembly Line Worker Assignment and Balancing Problem With Positional Constraints39
Real-Time Hetero-Stereo Matching for Event and Frame Camera With Aligned Events Using Maximum Shift Distance39
High Dynamic Range Force Sensing of a Robot Hand Combining Signals on Tip and Wrist39
A Probabilistic Model for Cobot Decision Making to Mitigate Human Fatigue in Repetitive Co-Manipulation Tasks39
CentroidReg: A Global-to-Local Framework for Partial Point Cloud Registration38
Receding Moving Object Segmentation in 3D LiDAR Data Using Sparse 4D Convolutions38
SGM3D: Stereo Guided Monocular 3D Object Detection38
External and Internal Sensor Fusion Based Localization Strategy for 6-DOF Pose Estimation of a Magnetic Capsule Robot38
Bi-Directional Domain Adaptation for Sim2Real Transfer of Embodied Navigation Agents38
From One Hand to Multiple Hands: Imitation Learning for Dexterous Manipulation From Single-Camera Teleoperation38
Embodied Active Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation via Informative Path Planning38
CALVIN: A Benchmark for Language-Conditioned Policy Learning for Long-Horizon Robot Manipulation Tasks38
Perceptual Aliasing++: Adversarial Attack for Visual SLAM Front-End and Back-End37
Safety-Critical Control With Nonaffine Control Inputs Via a Relaxed Control Barrier Function for an Autonomous Vehicle37
Stronger Together: Air-Ground Robotic Collaboration Using Semantics37
Navigation-Oriented Scene Understanding for Robotic Autonomy: Learning to Segment Driveability in Egocentric Images37
Bioinspired Drone Actuated Using Wing and Aileron Motion for Extended Flight Capabilities37
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters Information for Authors36
G.O.G: A Versatile Gripper-on-Gripper Design for Bimanual Cloth Manipulation With a Single Robotic Arm36
Collaborative Multi-Object Tracking With Conformal Uncertainty Propagation36
A Versatile Affordance Modeling Framework Using Screw Primitives to Increase Autonomy During Manipulation Contact Tasks36
CAHSOR: Competence-Aware High-Speed Off-Road Ground Navigation in $\mathbb {SE}(3)$36
Learning to Sequence and Blend Robot Skills via Differentiable Optimization36
Self-Triggered Based Coordinate Control With Low Communication for Tethered Multi-UAV Collaborative Transportation36
SCENE: Reasoning About Traffic Scenes Using Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks36
C3F: Constant Collaboration and Communication Framework for Graph-Representation Dynamic Multi-Robotic Systems36
Lane Graph Estimation for Scene Understanding in Urban Driving36
A Sparse Octree-Based CNN for Probabilistic Occupancy Prediction Applied to Next Best View Planning36
Unsupervised 3D Link Segmentation of Articulated Objects With a Mixture of Coherent Point Drift35
Deforming Garment Classification With Shallow Temporal Extraction and Tree-Based Fusion35
NeuralFloors: Conditional Street-Level Scene Generation From BEV Semantic Maps via Neural Fields35
Predicting Sagittal-Plane Swing Hip Kinematics in Response to Trips35
Safe Tumbling of Heavy Objects Using a Two-Cable Crane35
Differentiable Cloth Parameter Identification and State Estimation in Manipulation35
Event-Triggered Learning-Based Control of Quadrotors for Accurate Agile Trajectory Tracking35
TransCODNet: Underwater Transparently Camouflaged Object Detection via RGB and Event Frames Collaboration34
Self-supervised Scale Recovery for Decoupled Visual-inertial Odometry34
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters Information for Authors34
Reducing the Influence of the Contact Area on a Soft Capacitive Force Sensor34
Correction to “A Sigmoid-Colon-Straightening Soft Actuator With Peristaltic Motion for Colonoscopy Insertion Assistance: Easycolon” [Apr 21 3577-3584]34
Domain Concretization From Examples: Addressing Missing Domain Knowledge Via Robust Planning34
Variable-Friction-Based In-Hand Manipulation of Fabrics Applied to Unfolding Operations34
A Graph-Based Approach to Boundary Estimation With Mobile Sensors34
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Information34
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society34
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Information34
Learning-Based Near-Optimal Motion Planning for Intelligent Vehicles With Uncertain Dynamics34
Tracking Control of a Miniature 2-DOF Manipulator With Hydrogel Actuators34
Incorporating Compositions in Qualitative Approaches34
2021 Index IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters Vol. 634
On Energy-Preserving Motion in Twisted String Actuators34
Co-Optimization of Morphology and Actuation Parameters of Multi-Sectional FREEs for Trajectory Matching34
Optimization-Based Trajectory Tracking Approach for Multi-Rotor Aerial Vehicles in Unknown Environments33
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Information33
Certifiable Solver for Real-Time N-View Triangulation33
Singularity-Free Aerial Deformation by Two-Dimensional Multilinked Aerial Robot With 1-DoF Vectorable Propeller33
Distributed PDOP Coverage Control: Providing Large-Scale Positioning Service Using a Multi-Robot System33
Imitation Learning of Hierarchical Driving Model: From Continuous Intention to Continuous Trajectory33
Stepwise Large-Scale Multi-Agent Task Planning Using Neighborhood Search33
Mitigating Shadows in LIDAR Scan Matching Using Spherical Voxels33
Dynamic Control of Soft Robotic Arm: An Experimental Study33
A Self-Assembling Extendable Tendon-Driven Continuum Robot With Variable Length33
Data-Driven Encoding: A New Numerical Method for Computation of the Koopman Operator33
Self-Collision Detection and Avoidance for Dual-Arm Concentric Tube Robots33
Towards Terrain Adaptablity: In Situ Transformation of Wheel-Biped Robots33
Entrainment During Human Locomotion Using a Soft Wearable Ankle Robot32
Interpretable Autonomous Flight Via Compact Visualizable Neural Circuit Policies32
CAROS-Q: Climbing Aerial RObot System Adopting Rotor Offset With a Quasi-Decoupling Controller32
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters Information for Authors32
Contact Feature Recognition Based on MFCC of Force Signals32
Wheel Vision: Wheel-Terrain Interaction Measurement and Analysis Using a Sensorized Transparent Wheel on Deformable Terrains32
Dynamic Object Classification of Low-Resolution Point Clouds: An LSTM-Based Ensemble Learning Approach32
Parallelism in Autonomous Robotic Surgery32
DCL: Differential Contrastive Learning for Geometry-Aware Depth Synthesis32
Enhancing the Tensile-Shaping Stability of Soft Elongation Actuators for Grasping Applications32
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Information32
IDE-Net: Interactive Driving Event and Pattern Extraction From Human Data32
NEWTON: Neural View-Centric Mapping for On-the-Fly Large-Scale SLAM31
Distributed Linear Control of Multirobot Formations Organized in Triads31
iMCB-PGO: Incremental Minimum Cycle Basis Construction and Application to Online Pose Graph Optimization31
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Information31
Design of Impact-Free Gaits for Planar Bipeds and their Stabilization Using Impulsive Control31
Collaborative Low Frame Rate UAV Tracking by Proposals31
MICL: Mutual Information Guided Continual Learning for LiDAR Place Recognition31
A Hierarchical Approach for Joint Task Allocation and Path Planning31
Impact Analysis for the Planning of Targeted Non-Slippage Impacts of Robot Manipulators31
Human-Multirobot Collaborative Mobile Manipulation: The Omnid Mocobots31
Triply Periodic Channels Enable Soft Pneumatic Linear Actuator With Single Material and Scalability31
Anytime Multi-Task Multi-Agent Pickup and Delivery Under Energy Constraint31
Multi-Drone Collaborative Shepherding Through Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning31
Viko 2.0: A Hierarchical Gecko-Inspired Adhesive Gripper With Visuotactile Sensor31