PeerJ Computer Science

(The H4-Index of PeerJ Computer Science is 39. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-08-01 to 2024-08-01.)
The coefficient of determination R-squared is more informative than SMAPE, MAE, MAPE, MSE and RMSE in regression analysis evaluation1487
The multi-modal fusion in visual question answering: a review of attention mechanisms155
Research on image classification method based on improved multi-scale relational network139
A real-time approach of diagnosing rice leaf disease using deep learning-based faster R-CNN framework134
Joint embedding VQA model based on dynamic word vector125
Characterization inference based on joint-optimization of multi-layer semantics and deep fusion matching network98
Blockchain and smart contract for IoT enabled smart agriculture95
Classification of botnet attacks in IoT smart factory using honeypot combined with machine learning82
Deep learning based respiratory sound analysis for detection of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease81
The rising trend of Metaverse in education: challenges, opportunities, and ethical considerations80
A comprehensive review of deep learning-based single image super-resolution77
Self-supervised learning methods and applications in medical imaging analysis: a survey76
Detecting cassava mosaic disease using a deep residual convolutional neural network with distinct block processing75
BCD-WERT: a novel approach for breast cancer detection using whale optimization based efficient features and extremely randomized tree algorithm73
From ECG signals to images: a transformation based approach for deep learning70
Gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) texture based crop classification using low altitude remote sensing platforms69
Harvesting social media sentiment analysis to enhance stock market prediction using deep learning69
Chest X-ray pneumothorax segmentation using U-Net with EfficientNet and ResNet architectures69
Cervical cancer detection in pap smear whole slide images using convNet with transfer learning and progressive resizing63
Survey on graph embeddings and their applications to machine learning problems on graphs58
Artificial intelligence approaches and mechanisms for big data analytics: a systematic study58
Towards generalisable hate speech detection: a review on obstacles and solutions57
Researching COVID-19 tracing app acceptance: incorporating theory from the technological acceptance model57
Detection of sitting posture using hierarchical image composition and deep learning56
AI-driven deep CNN approach for multi-label pathology classification using chest X-Rays53
Lightweight transformer image feature extraction network53
PyMC: a modern, and comprehensive probabilistic programming framework in Python53
A systematic review of security and privacy issues in the internet of medical things; the role of machine learning approaches53
Detection of diabetic retinopathy using a fusion of textural and ridgelet features of retinal images and sequential minimal optimization classifier49
Data augmentation based malware detection using convolutional neural networks47
Novel hybrid firefly algorithm: an application to enhance XGBoost tuning for intrusion detection classification46
Explainable stock prices prediction from financial news articles using sentiment analysis45
Secure biometric authentication with de-duplication on distributed cloud storage44
FUSI-CAD: Coronavirus (COVID-19) diagnosis based on the fusion of CNNs and handcrafted features44
To trust or not to trust an explanation: using LEAF to evaluate local linear XAI methods44
On GPS spoofing of aerial platforms: a review of threats, challenges, methodologies, and future research directions41
A systematic literature review on spam content detection and classification41
Classification model for accuracy and intrusion detection using machine learning approach39
Overview of current state of research on the application of artificial intelligence techniques for COVID-1939
Selective oversampling approach for strongly imbalanced data39
Adjusting eye aspect ratio for strong eye blink detection based on facial landmarks39