Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance

(The TQCC of Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Professionalism in Aerospace Medicine29
Trends and Factors Associated with Insomnia and Sleep Apnea in U.S. Military Aviators, 2006–202216
Supplementary Table A and Table B15
Cardiovascular Concerns from COVID-19 in Pilots13
Appendices A, B, and C10
The Literature of Aerospace Medicine: Books, Book Reviews, Letters to the Editor, and History9
Aeromedical Considerations for Patient Safety in Aesthetic Medical Tourism9
Sleep-Monitoring Technology Progress and Its Application in Space8
Health-Related Factors Among Pilots in Aviation Accidents7
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Aviator Performance During Simulated Flight7
Pilots’ Reactions to Different Types of Alerts When Using Head-Up Displays7
Venous Thromboembolism in Exploration Class Human Spaceflight7
Orbital Solitary Fibrous Tumor in a Commercial Airline Pilot7
Long Round-Trip Time Delay Effects on Performance of a Simulated Appendectomy Task7
Breaking the Pilot Healthcare Barrier6
Medical Legal Implications When Providing Emergency Care on a Commercial Flight6
Factors Contributing to Accidents During Aerobatic Flight Operations6
This Month in Aerospace Medicine History: January6
The Making of an Annual Scientific Meeting Program6
Aerospace Medicine Clinic6
Aerospace Medicine Clinic6
Adapting Disease Prevention Protocols for Human Spaceflight During COVID-196
This Month in Aerospace Medicine History5
Hearing Aids’ Performance in Hypobaric Environments5
A Prospective Cohort Study on Risk Factors for Cervico-Thoracic Pain in Military Aircrew5
Sleep Disorders Among Commercial Airline Pilots5
Increased Intraocular Pressure in Glaucomatous, Ocular Hypertensive, and Normotensive Space Shuttle Crew5
A Flight Helmet-Attached Force Gauge for Measuring Isometric Neck Muscle Strength5
Ocular Outcomes in Healthy Subjects Undergoing a Short-Term Head-Down Tilt Test5
Potential of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation as a Bone Loss Countermeasure in Microgravity4
Aerospace Medicine Clinic4
Additive Sensory Noise Effects on Operator Performance in a Lunar Landing Simulation4
Implantable Collamer Lens Use in a Spaceflight Participant During Short Duration Spaceflight4
Heart Rate Variability Indices of Student Pilots Undergo Modifications During Flight Training4
Operator's Reliability During Spacecraft Docking Training on Board Mir and ISS4
Repeated Atmospheric Pressure Alteration Effect on the Cochlea in Rats: Experimental Animal Study4
This Month in Aerospace Medicine History4
Effects of Acceleration-Induced Reductions in Retinal and Cerebral Oxygenation on Human Performance3
Sleep, Workload, and Stress in Aerial Firefighting Crews3
Air Traffic Controllers and Executive Brain Function3
Sinus Barotraumas in Commercial Aircrew3
Paraglider Reserve Parachute Deployment Under Radial Acceleration3
Military Aviators with Inflammatory Bowel Diseases Continued Flying3
Medically Disqualifying Conditions Among Aircrew Candidates3
Stimulant Use as a Fatigue Countermeasure in Aviation3
Incidental Findings in Head and Brain MRI of Military Pilots and Applicants: Consequences for Medical Flight Fitness3
Fatigue, Emotion, and Cognitive Performance in Simulated Long-Duration, Single-Piloted Flight Missions3
Just-in-time Training with Remote Guidance for Ultrasound-Guided Percutaneous Intervention3
Total Flight Hours and Other Factors Associated with Hyperuricemia in Civilian Pilots3
Aerospace Medicine Research: The Division of Environmental Physiology and the Swedish Aerospace Physiology Centre3
A Regional Approach to Aviation Accident Analysis in Hawaii3
Aerospace Medicine History: April3
Repeated Ischemic Preconditioning Effects on Physiological Responses to Hypoxic Exercise3
Swan Song3
A Digital Alternative to the TNO Stereo Test to Qualify Military Aircrew3
Revisions to Limits for Propylene Glycol in Spacecraft Air3
This Month in Aerospace Medicine History: October3
Mitigating Risks of Altitude Chamber Training3
Gravitational Acceleration Test Results by Lifestyle and Physical Fitness of Air Force Cadets2
Persistent and Emergent Clinical Sequelae of Mild COVID-192
Brain Microstructure and Brain Function Changes in Space Headache by Head-Down-Tilted Bed Rest2
Expiratory Threshold Loading and Attentional Performance2
Neonatal Health Risks Among Children of Female Military Aviation Officers2
Book Review2
Aerospace Medicine Clinic2
Heat Intolerance, Body Size, and Return to Duty2
Permanent Medical Grounding in Royal Canadian Air Force Pilots (2008–2017)2
This Month in Aerospace Medicine History: July2
STEM Outreach2
USAFSAM Aeromedical Consultation Service Medical Risk Assessment and Airworthiness Matrix2
Circadian Disruption in Civilian Airline Pilots2
Hyperventilation-Induced Hypocapnia in an Aviator2
Acute Myocardial Infarction in a Young Bodybuilder Fighter Pilot2
Night Vision Goggle and Counterweight Use Affect Neck Muscle Activity During Reciprocal Scanning2
Remains Containment Considerations for Death in Low-Earth Orbit2
Impact of Time Delay on Simulated Operative Video Telementoring: A Pilot Study2
Aerospace Medicine Clinic2
Non-Invasive Intracranial Pressure Monitoring and Its Applicability in Spaceflight2
First Void Urinary Calcium for Tracking Bone Loss and Kidney Stone Risk in Space2
Sleep and Infantry Battle Drill Performance in Special Operations Soldiers2
A Computer-Based Farnsworth-Munsell 100-Hue (CFM-100) Test in Pilots’ Medical Assessments2
Invitation to a Very Special Armstrong Lecture2
Relative Severity of Human Performance Decrements Recorded in Rapid vs. Gradual Decompression2
Predictive Biomathematical Modeling Compared to Objective Sleep During COVID-19 Humanitarian Flights2
Cerebral Blood Flow Based Computer Modeling of Gz-Induced Effects2
Motorized 3D Ultrasound and Jugular Vein Dimension Measurement on the International Space Station2
Aerospace Medicine Clinic2
Selecting Medical Conditions Relevant to Exploration Spaceflight to Create the IMPACT 1.0 Medical Condition List2
Aerospace Medicine Clinic2
Scientia ex Machina2
This Month in Aerospace Medicine History2
Analysis of Air Taxi Accidents (20042018) and Associated Human Factors by Aircraft Performance Class1
Cognitive, Sleep, and Autonomic Responses to Induction of a Ketogenic Diet in Military Personnel: A Pilot Study1
+Gz Standards for the Indian Air Force1
This Month in Aerospace Medicine History: June1
Hyperoxic Effects on Decompression Strain During Alternating High and Moderate Altitude Exposures1
Two Years On1
Human Physiological Limitations to Long-Term Spaceflight and Living in Space1
Certification of a Pilot with Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease1
Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors and Other Treatment Modalities for Deep Space Missions1
Aerospace Medicine Clinic1
Fixed-Wing Motorized Aircraft Accidents: Analysis of Injury Severity and Concomitant Factors (2000–2019)1
Cross-National Strategic Aeromedical Evacuation at the European Air Transport Command1
“Honoring the Past - Preparing for the Future”1
Intravenous Fluid Resuscitation Capabilities in Simulated Reduced Gravity1
A Comprehensive Look Behind Team Composition for Long Duration Spaceflight1
Visual Attention Relates to Operator Performance in Spacecraft Docking Training1
Human Evolution, Microgravity, and Challenges Colonizing Mars1
A Metabolic Intervention for Improving Human Cognitive Performance During Hypoxia1
Worldwide Regulation of the Medical Emergency Kit and First Aid Kit1
Jet-Lag Countermeasures Used by International Business Travelers1
Tables IA, IB, IC, and ID1
Qualification of Pilots with Aero-Otitis Media After Balloon Eustachian Tuboplasty1
Appendices A-H1
The Legacy of the Wright State University Aerospace Medicine Residency Program1
Aerospace Medicine Clinic1
HIF-1 Sensor in Detecting Hypoxia Tolerance at High Altitude1
Pilot Perceptions of Wire Strikes in Agricultural Aviation Operations1
Pharmacological Relief of Acute Urinary Retention in a Remote Environment1
Excessive Daytime Sleepiness and Associated Factors in Military Search and Rescue Personnel1
Keratoconus and Fitness to Fly1
The Correlation Between Body Weight and Intraocular Pressure1
Whither the Third Quarter Phenomenon?1
This Month in Aerospace Medicine History: December1
A 5-Year Analysis of Aviation Medical Examinations in South Korea1
Exercises and Skin Physiology During International Space Station Expeditions1
Preliminary Evaluation of an Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment to Prevent Motion Sickness1
Handheld Sonographic Cardiovascular Imaging Under Hypergravity Conditions1
Our Lifeblood… You!1
Weekly Bone Loading Exercise Effects on a Healthy Subjects Strength, Bone Density, and Bone Biomarkers1
AsMA Keynote Events at the Chicago Annual Meeting1
Longitudinal Changes in the Body Mass Index of British Army Pilots1
This Month in Aerospace Medicine History: June1
This Month in Aerospace Medicine History: November1
COVID-19 Vaccine and Fitness to Fly1
Transcutaneous and End-Tidal CO2 Measurements in Hypoxia and Hyperoxia1
An Augmented Reality Hand–Eye Sensorimotor Impairment Assessment for Spaceflight Operations1
This Month in Aerospace Medicine History1
Association of Total Flight Hours and Health Conditions with Sick Leave Use Among Civilian Pilots1
Upper- vs. Whole-Body Cooling During Exercise with Thermal Protective Clothing in the Heat1
Polytrauma in a Jet Pilot After Low-Altitude Ejection Without Parachute Deployment1
This Month in Aerospace Medicine History: August1
Aerospace Medicine Clinic1
Aerospace Medicine Clinic1
Aerospace Medicine Clinic1
Obesity and Its Relation to Excessive Daytime Sleepiness in Civilian Pilots1
Electrical Shock Hazard Severity Estimation During Extravehicular Activity for the International Space Station1
A Novel Biopsychosocial Approach to Neck Pain in Military Helicopter Aircrew1
This Month in Aerospace Medicine History: October1
Air Evacuation of Citizens During the COVID-19 Epidemic1
Exploring Neurocognitive Performance Differences in Military Aviation Personnel1
Cerebral Hemodynamics During Exposure to Hypergravity (+Gz) or Microgravity (0 G)1
American Heart Month1
The Untapped Potential of Narrative as a Tool in Aviation Mental Health and Certification1
Welcome to Denver...and Other Things1
X-Ray Imaging in the Simulated Microgravity Environment of Parabolic Flight1
Fatality and Operational Specificity of Helicopter Accidents on the Ground1
Developing, Implementing, and Applying Novel Techniques During Systematic Reviews of Primary Space Medicine Data1
Aerospace Medicine Clinic1
Bellagio II Report: Terrestrial Applications of Space Medicine Research1
Heart Rate Variability as a Predictor of +Gz Tolerance During the High-G Selective Test1
This Month in Aerospace Medicine History: November1
Appendix A1
U.S. Air Force Manned Orbiting Laboratory Cabin Atmosphere Research Involving Helium1
Lung Function Changes with Acute +Gz Exposure as Assessed by Impulse Oscillometry1
This Month in Aerospace Medicine History: May1
Extended Duration Orbiter Medical Project1
A 3D-Printed Portable Sterilizer to Be Used During Surgical Procedures in Spaceflight1
Maternal and Fetal Health Risks Among Female Military Aviation Officers1