Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems

(The median citation count of Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems is 6. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Automatic Generation Control in a Distributed Power Grid Based on Multi-Step Reinforcement Learning205
Consumer-Branch Connectivity Identification of Low Voltage Distribution Networks Based on Data-Driven Approach109
A tri-level programming-based frequency regulation market equilibrium under cyber attacks91
Strategies for improving resilience of regional integrated energy systems in the prevention–resistance phase of integration82
Uncertainty modeling of wind power frequency regulation potential considering distributed characteristics of forecast errors77
A Fault Diagnosis Method for Power Systems Based on Temporal Tissue-Like P Systems72
An integrated multi-energy flow calculation method for electricity-gas-thermal integrated energy systems70
Bi-level stackelberg game-based distribution system expansion planning model considering long-term renewable energy contracts59
A denoising-classification neural network for power transformer protection45
Special Issue: Cyber-Physical Co-Optimization and Control Methods in Smart Grid43
Finite Element Simulation and Experimental Study on Vibration Characteristics of Converter Transformer Under DC Bias43
Wind Turbine Gearbox Fault Diagnosis Based on Multi-Sensor Signals Fusion41
A Novel Multi-Objective Protection Coordination Scheme for a Microgrid with Optimal Deployment of Dual-Setting ROCOV Based Relays41
Discrete space vector modulation and optimized switching sequence model predictive control for three-level voltage source inverters39
Proposed framework for blockchain technology in a decentralised energy network37
Special Issue: Key Technologies for Large-Scale Wind/Photovoltaic Power Supply Capability Enhancement36
Relay protection mirror operation technology based on digital twin36
Shapley value cooperative game theory-based locational marginal price computation for loss and emission reduction33
Online Transient Stability Assessment Implementing the Weighted Least-Square Support Vector Machine with the Consideration of Protection Relays33
Robust State Estimation for an Electricity-Gas-Heat Integrated Energy System Considering Dynamic Characteristics30
Game-Theoretic Applications for Decision-Making Behavior on the Energy Demand Side: a Systematic Review29
A weighted voltage model predictive control method for a virtual synchronous generator with enhanced parameter robustness28
Design of a 2-DOF-PID controller using an improved sine–cosine algorithm for load frequency control of a three-area system with nonlinearities28
Resilient outage recovery of a distribution system: co-optimizing mobile power sources with network structure27
A hybrid circuit breaker with fault current limiter circuit in a VSC-HVDC application26
Sensing as the key to the safety and sustainability of new energy storage devices25
Grid power quality enhancement using an ANFIS optimized PI controller for DG25
Two-stage stochastic-robust model for the self-scheduling problem of an aggregator participating in energy and reserve markets25
Fault ride-through capability improvement in a DFIG-based wind turbine using modified ADRC24
Solar-PV inverter for the overall stability of power systems with intelligent MPPT control of DC-link capacitor voltage23
Prediction of Health Level of Multiform Lithium Sulfur Batteries Based on Incremental Capacity Analysis and an Improved LSTM23
Comprehensive power swing detection by current signal modeling and prediction using the GMDH method22
Critical Review on Improved Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy-Cuckoo Search-Elman Neural Network Modeling Methods for Whole-Life-Cycle Health State Estimation of Lithium-Ion Battery Energy Storag22
Multi-Timescale Modeling and Dynamic Stability Analysis for Sustainable Microgrids: State-of-the-Art and Perspectives22
Single-Ended Time Domain Fault Location Based on Transient Signal Measurements of Transmission Lines22
Multi-stage expansion planning of energy storage integrated soft open points considering tie-line reconstruction21
A multi-energy inertia-based power support strategy with gas network constraints20
An explainable framework for load forecasting of a regional integrated energy system based on coupled features and multi-task learning19
Application of a simplified Grey Wolf optimization technique for adaptive fuzzy PID controller design for frequency regulation of a distributed power generation system19
A critical survey of technologies of large offshore wind farm integration: summary, advances, and perspectives19
Adaptive overcurrent protection scheme coordination in presence of distributed generation using radial basis neural network18
Correction to: Grasshopper optimization algorithm optimized multistage controller for automatic generation control of a power system with FACTS devices18
A critical review of the integration of renewable energy sources with various technologies18
Tracking-dispatch of a combined wind-storage system based on model predictive control and two-layer fuzzy control strategy18
Power Prediction of Wind Farm Considering the Wake Effect and its Boundary Layer Compensation17
Reactive power optimization of a distribution network with high-penetration of wind and solar renewable energy and electric vehicles17
MADDPG-Based Active Distribution Network Dynamic Reconfiguration with Renewable Energy17
Nash Equilibrium-Based Two-Stage Cooperative Operation Strategy for Multi-Microgrids Considering Uncertainty17
Advancements in Protection Coordination of Microgrids: a Comprehensive Review of Protection Challenges and Mitigation Schemes for Grid Stability17
A Hierarchical Pricing Strategy for Shore-to-Ship Power Services Considering Ship Behaviors17
DC offset rejection in a frequency-fixed second-order generalized integrator-based phase-locked loop for single-phase grid-connected applications17
Grouping-Based Optimal Design of Collector System Topology for a Large-Scale Offshore Wind Farm by Improved Simulated Annealing16
Fault identification scheme for protection and adaptive reclosing in a hybrid multi-terminal HVDC system15
Recent Advances in Fault Diagnosis Techniques for Photovoltaic Systems: A Critical Review15
An improved strategy for out-of-step oscillation separation devices based on apparent impedance angle applied to a series compensated line15
A new five-level inverter with reduced leakage current for photovoltaic system applications15
A d-axis based current differential protection scheme for an active distribution network15
Model predictive control of grid-connected PV power generation system considering optimal MPPT control of PV modules14
Microgrid Fault Detection Method Coordinated with a Sequence Component Current-Based Fault Control Strategy14
Three-stage day-ahead scheduling strategy for regional thermostatically controlled load aggregators14
Transmission line protection challenges influenced by inverter-based resources: a review14
Hybrid intelligence approach for multi-load level reactive power planning using VAR compensator in power transmission network14
Comprehensive Reliability Analysis of Fractional Frequency Offshore Wind Power Systems Considering Environmental Impact and Overall Structure: A Case Study in China14
A novel fault section locating method based on distance matching degree in distribution network14
A Consortium Blockchain-Enabled Double Auction Mechanism for Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading among Prosumers13
Degradation state analysis of the IGBT module based on apparent junction temperature13
Optimal layout model of feeder automation equipment oriented to the type of fault detection and local action13
Dual Fuzzy-Sugeno Method to Enhance Power Quality Performance Using a Single-Phase Dual UPQC-Dual PV Without DC-Link Capacitor13
Bi-level optimization based two-stage market clearing model considering guaranteed accommodation of renewable energy generation13
Adaptive relay co-ordination using a busbar splitting approach for a system integrity protection scheme13
MPC-based LFC for interconnected power systems with PVA and ESS under model uncertainty and communication delay13
Transient synchronous stability analysis and enhancement control strategy of a PLL-based VSC system during asymmetric grid faults13
Novel Lyapunov-based rapid and ripple-free MPPT using a robust model reference adaptive controller for solar PV system13
Robust Optimal Framework for Doubly Fed Induction Generator with Uncertain Dynamics12
A Two-Layer Framework for Mitigating the Congestion of Urban Power Grids Based on Flexible Topology with Dynamic Thermal Rating12
Fractional-Order Virtual Inertia Control and Parameter Tuning for Energy-Storage System in Low-Inertia Power Grid12
A Defense Planning Model for a Power System Against Coordinated Cyber-Physical Attack12
Detection of false data injection attacks on power systems using graph edge-conditioned convolutional networks12
Publisher Correction: Reactive power optimization of a distribution network with high-penetration of wind and solar renewable energy and electric vehicles11
Dynamic reconfiguration for TEG systems under heterogeneous temperature distribution via adaptive coordinated seeker11
GCN-LSTM Based Transient Angle Stability Assessment Method for Future Power Systems Considering Spatial-Temporal Disturbance Response Characteristics11
Consistency Testing of Lead-Carbon Energy Storage Batteries Based on Random Matrix Theory and SOD11
Multi-Resource Collaborative Service Restoration of a Distribution Network with Decentralized Hierarchical Droop Control11
Novel chaos game optimization tuned-fractional-order PID fractional-order PI controller for load–frequency control of interconnected power systems11
A General Simplification and Acceleration Method for Distribution System Optimization Problems11
Sliding mode controller design via delay-dependent $$H_{\infty }$$ stabilization criterion for load frequency regulation10
A power fluctuation evaluation method of PV plants based on RankBoost ranking10
Effective participation of wind turbines in frequency control of a two-area power system using coot optimization10
Optimal Nonlinear Robust Sliding Mode Control of an Excitation System Based on Mixed $\mathcal{H}_{2}/\mathcal{H}_{\infty}$ Linear Matrix Inequalities10
Hierarchical under frequency load shedding scheme for inter-connected power systems10
Parallel inverter control using different conventional control methods and an improved virtual oscillator control method in a standalone microgrid10
“Adaptive virtual synchronous generator control using optimized bang-bang for Islanded microgrid stability improvement”10
A novel out of step relaying algorithm based on wavelet transform and a deep learning machine model10
Transfer-Based Approximate Dynamic Programming for Rolling Security-Constrained Unit Commitment with Uncertainties10
Retraction Note: Multi-objective energy management in microgrids with hybrid energy sources and battery energy storage systems10
Momentum Search Algorithm for Analysis of Fuel Cell Vehicle-to-Grid System with Large-Scale Buildings10
Protection Challenges and Solutions for AC Systems with Renewable Energy Sources: A Review10
Coordination control method to block cascading failure of a renewable generation power system under line dynamic security9
A robust principal component analysis-based approach for detection of a stator inter-turn fault in induction motors9
Current trajectory image-based protection algorithm for transmission lines connected to MMC-HVDC stations using CA-CNN9
Grounding fault location method of overhead line based on dual-axis magnetic field trajectory9
Time–frequency multiresolution of fault-generated transient signals in transmission lines using a morphological filter9
Economic Evaluation for 5G Planning of a Distribution Network Considering Network Coupling and Important Node Identification9
Analysis of low voltage ride-through capability and optimal control strategy of doubly-fed wind farms under symmetrical fault8
Comparison between PI-DTC-SPWM and fuzzy logic for a sensorless asynchronous motor drive8
Equivalent model of multi-type distributed generators under faults with fast-iterative calculation method based on improved PSO algorithm8
EMCO-Based Optimal Layout Design of Hybrid Wind-Wave Energy Converters Array8
Battery energy storage-based system damping controller for alleviating sub-synchronous oscillations in a DFIG-based wind power plant8
Optimal Location and Sizing of Conglomerate DG- FACTS using an Artificial Neural Network and Heuristic Probability Distribution Methodology for Modern Power System Operations8
A dynamic-model-based fault diagnosis method for a wind turbine planetary gearbox using a deep learning network8
Circuit breakers in HVDC systems: state-of-the-art review and future trends7
Dynamic economic evaluation of hundred megawatt-scale electrochemical energy storage for auxiliary peak shaving7
Cyber-Physical Integrated Planning of Distribution Networks Considering Spatial-Temporal Flexible Resources7
Comprehensive summary of solid oxide fuel cell control: a state-of-the-art review7
Critical peak rebate strategy and application to demand response7
A hierarchical coordinated control strategy based on multi-port energy router of urban rail transit7
Optimal PV array reconfiguration under partial shading condition through dynamic leader based collective intelligence7
Low-carbon economic multi-objective dispatch of integrated energy system considering the price fluctuation of natural gas and carbon emission accounting7
Modelling and Coordinated Control of Grid Connected Photovoltaic, Wind Turbine Driven PMSG, and Energy Storage Device for a Hybrid DC/AC Microgrid6
A Distributed Computing Algorithm for Electricity Carbon Emission Flow and Carbon Emission Intensity6
A Coordinated Two-Stage Decentralized Flexibility Trading in Distribution Grids with MGs6
Reliability Analysis of a Switched Reluctance Starter/Generator6
A fault segment location method for distribution networks based on spiking neural P systems and Bayesian estimation6
Special Issue: Key Technologies for Flexible and Efficient Power Supply in New Type Power Systems6
Review of sub-synchronous interaction in wind integrated power systems: classification, challenges, and mitigation techniques6
Coordinated cyber-physical attack considering false overload of lines6
Stochastic maximum power point tracking of photovoltaic energy system under partial shading conditions6