Cognitive Research-Principles and Implications

(The H4-Index of Cognitive Research-Principles and Implications is 19. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-11-01 to 2024-11-01.)
Surgical face masks impair human face matching performance for familiar and unfamiliar faces83
Systemic racism: individuals and interactions, institutions and society65
The effects of repetition frequency on the illusory truth effect58
Face mask type affects audiovisual speech intelligibility and subjective listening effort in young and older adults46
Beyond the beauty of occlusion: medical masks increase facial attractiveness more than other face coverings33
Perceived truth of statements and simulated social media postings: an experimental investigation of source credibility, repeated exposure, and presentation format33
Improving college students’ fact-checking strategies through lateral reading instruction in a general education civics course30
Inoculating against the spread of Islamophobic and radical-Islamist disinformation28
Face masks have emotion-dependent dissociable effects on accuracy and confidence in identifying facial expressions of emotion27
Individual differences in susceptibility to false memories for COVID-19 fake news26
Updating our understanding of situation awareness in relation to remote operators of autonomous vehicles26
Face masks impair facial emotion recognition and induce specific emotion confusions26
Communication with face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic for adults with hearing loss22
How do we measure attention? Using factor analysis to establish construct validity of neuropsychological tests22
Face masks disrupt holistic processing and face perception in school-age children22
The scent of attraction and the smell of success: crossmodal influences on person perception20
Self-explaining roads: What does visual cognition tell us about designing safer roads?20
The impact of predictability on dual-task performance and implications for resource-sharing accounts19
The relationship between political affiliation and beliefs about sources of “fake news”19