Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming

(The median citation count of Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Deciding the consistency of non-linear real arithmetic constraints with a conflict driven search using cylindrical algebraic coverings19
Strategies, model checking and branching-time properties in Maude11
Composition and decomposition of multiparty sessions11
Matching logic explained11
Static checking of GDPR-related privacy compliance for object-oriented distributed systems9
Certifying Findel derivatives for blockchain7
Resource provisioning strategies for BPMN processes: Specification and analysis using Maude5
Event structure semantics of (controlled) reversible CCS5
Synthesis of sorting algorithms using multisets in Theorema5
Program slicing of Java programs5
A message-passing interpretation of adjoint logic5
Computer says no: Verdict explainability for runtime monitors using a local proof system5
Simpler proofs with decentralized invariants4
A dynamic epistemic logic analysis of equality negation and other epistemic covering tasks4
A navigational logic for reasoning about graph properties4
A lightweight approach to smart contracts supporting safety, security, and privacy4
Reversible computation in nets with bonds4
Exception-sensitive program slicing4
Applications and extensions of context-sensitive rewriting4
The origins of the halting problem4
Simulating and model checking membrane systems using strategies in Maude4
Operationally-based program equivalence proofs using LCTRSs3
Actor-based model checking for Software-Defined Networks3
Automated verification of reactive and concurrent programs by calculation3
A tableau construction for finite linear-time temporal logic3
Well-structuredness, safeness and soundness: A formal classification of BPMN collaborations3
Monadic second-order incorrectness logic for GP 23
Graph rewriting and relabeling with PBPO+: A unifying theory for quasitoposes3
Program equivalence in an untyped, call-by-value functional language with uncurried functions3
Session-typed concurrent contracts3
A Perron–Frobenius theorem for deciding matrix growth3
Scalable optimal deployment in the cloud of component-based applications using optimization modulo theory, mathematical programming and symmetry breaking3
An abstract framework for choreographic testing3
Comparing type systems for deadlock freedom3
Algebraic solution of minimax single-facility constrained location problems with Chebyshev and rectilinear distances3
Metalevel transformation of strategies3
Monk algebras and Ramsey theory2
Free Kleene algebras with domain2
A formal framework for security testing of automotive over-the-air update systems2
A formal treatment of the role of verified compilers in secure computation2
Double-pushout-rewriting in S-Cartesian functor categories: Rewriting theory and application to partial triple graphs2
On checking equivalence of simulation scripts2
Soft constraint automata with memory2
The Maude strategy language2
Hypergraph Lambek grammars2
Calculational relation-algebraic proofs in the teaching tool2
From global choreographies to verifiable efficient distributed implementations2
Expressive power and succinctness of the positive calculus of binary relations2
Location automata for synchronised shuffle expressions2
Branching pomsets: Design, expressiveness and applications to choreographies2
Reducing non-occurrence of specified runtime errors to all-path reachability problems of constrained rewriting2
Event structure semantics for multiparty sessions2
Towards refinable choreographies2
A rewriting logic approach to specification, proof-search, and meta-proofs in sequent systems2
Non-dual modal operators as a basis for 4-valued accessibility relations in Hybrid logic2
Runtime verification for dynamic architectures2
A denotational semantics of Simulink with higher-order UTP2
A formal model for blockchain-based consent management in data sharing2
Associative unification in Maude2
Composition of multilevel domain-specific modelling languages2
Hardware Trojan detection via rewriting logic1
A generic construction for crossovers of graph-like structures and its realization in the Eclipse Modeling Framework1
Optimization of rewrite theories by equational partial evaluation1
Formal models for consent-based privacy1
Verification of dynamic bisimulation theorems in Coq1
A probabilistic approximate logic for neuro-symbolic learning and reasoning1
Proving and disproving confluence of context-sensitive rewriting1
Capturing constrained constructor patterns in matching logic1
Processes against tests: On defining contextual equivalences1
Belief base change as priority change: A study based on dynamic epistemic logic1
Unification of drags and confluence of drag rewriting1
Time distance-based computation of the DBM over-approximation of preemptive real-time systems1
Formal verification of timed synchronous dataflow graphs using Lustre1
A verified VCGen based on dynamic logic: An exercise in meta-verification with Why31
A semantic model for interacting cyber-physical systems1
On the group memory complexity of extended finite automata over groups1
Probabilistic mediator: A coalgebraic perspective1
Checking deadlock-freedom of parametric component-based systems1
Relational characterisations of paths1
Weighted automata extraction and explanation of recurrent neural networks for natural language tasks1
A fixed-points based framework for compliance of behavioural contracts1
Automated construction of security integrity wrappers for Industry 4.0 applications1
A formal framework for distributed cyber-physical systems1
Axiomatizing recursion-free, regular monitors1
Variants and satisfiability in the infinitary unification wonderland1
From symbolic constraint automata to Promela1
Compositional equivalences based on open pNets1
The correctness of concurrencies in (reversible) concurrent calculi1
An efficient canonical narrowing implementation with irreducibility and SMT constraints for generic symbolic protocol analysis1
Certifying expressive power and algorithms of reversible primitive permutations with Lean1
Session-based concurrency in Maude: Executable semantics and type checking1
ElixirST: A session-based type system for Elixir modules1
Event structures for the reversible early internal π-calculus1
Relation algebras of Sugihara, Belnap, Meyer, and Church1
Multiparty half-duplex systems and synchronous communications1
A model of systems with modes and mode transitions1
Formalizing CCS and π-calculus in Guarded Cubical Agda1
A generalized concurrent rule construction for double-pushout rewriting: Generalized concurrency theorem and language-preserving rule applications1
CRYSTAL framework: Cybersecurity assurance for cyber-physical systems1
Reversible debugging of concurrent Erlang programs: Supporting imperative primitives1
A memory-related vulnerability detection approach based on vulnerability model with Petri Net1
Quantum encoding of dynamic directed graphs1
Host-graph-sensitive RETE nets for incremental graph pattern matching with nested graph conditions1
Defining behaviorizeable relations to enable inference in semi-automatic program synthesis1
Tableaux and sequent calculi for CTL and ECTL: Satisfiability test with certifying proofs and models1
Plotkin's call-by-value λ-calculus as a modal calculus0
Succinct ordering and aggregation constraints in algebraic array theories0
Lifted structural invariant analysis of Petri net product lines0
A type language for distributed reactive components governed by communication protocols0
On proving that an unsafe controller is not proven safe0
Components and acyclicity of graphs. An exercise in combining precision with concision0
Graded epistemic logic with public announcement0
The generalised distribution semantics and projective families of distributions0
Editorial Board0
Verification of mutable linear data structures and iterator-based algorithms in Dafny0
Liquidity analysis in resource-aware programming0
Formal analysis of the application programming interface of the PVS verification system0
Semantics of multiway dataflow constraint systems0
Editorial Board0
Formalizing Moessner's theorem and generalizations in Nuprl0
Preface to the special issue on the 12th Workshop on Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency and Communication-Centric Software (PLACES) 20200
Fundamentals of compositional rewriting theory0
Resource separation in dynamic logic of propositional assignments0
Determinism of multirelations0
Preface to the special issue on the 12th International Conference on Graph Transformation0
Decomposing monolithic processes in a process algebra with multi-actions0
A structural approach to graph transformation based on symmetric Petri nets0
Expressing discrete spatial relations under granularity0
Editorial Board0
Reasoning about distributed information with infinitely many agents0
Gaining trust by tracing security protocols0
On difunctions0
bGSL: An imperative language for specification and refinement of backtracking programs0
Preface to the special issue on Formal Approaches to Parallel and Distributed Systems 20180
Editorial Board0
Business processes resource management using rewriting logic and deep-learning-based predictive monitoring0
Verification of the ROS NavFn planner using executable specification languages0
Unification and combination of a class of traversal strategies made with pattern matching and fixed-points0
Specification and modelling of computing systems through graphs and graph transformation0
Back to the format: A survey on SOS for probabilistic processes0
(Co)inductive proof systems for compositional proofs in reachability logic0
Stone dualities from opfibrations0
Editorial Board0
Trace preservation in B and Event-B refinements0
Realizability modulo theories0
An axiomatic approach to differentiation of polynomial circuits0
The power of Tarski's relation algebra on trees0
An algebraic approach to simulation and verification for cyber-physical systems with shared-variable concurrency0
Bunch theory: Axioms, logic, applications and model0
Secure information flow connections0
Bounded model checking for interval probabilistic timed graph transformation systems against properties of probabilistic metric temporal graph logic0
Fair termination of multiparty sessions0
Partial arithmetical data types of rational numbers and their equational specification0
Editorial Board0
Editorial Board0
Editorial Board0
A formal semantics for agent distribution and fault tolerance in Jason0
Semantics of quantum programming languages: Classical control, quantum control0
Conflict vs causality in event structures0
Editorial Board0
Determinization of inverted grammar programs via context-free expressions0
Editorial Board0
Editorial Board0
On primitives for compensation handling as adaptable processes0
Many-sorted hybrid modal languages0
Relation-changing models meet paraconsistency0
Editorial Board0
Semantics of temporal constrained objects0
Explaining safety failures in NetKAT0
Variations and interpretations of naturality in call-by-name lambda-calculi with generalized applications0
Specifying reversibility with TLA+0
A tribute to José Manuel Valença0
Regular planar monoidal languages0
Protocol choice and iteration for the free cornering0
Formal lumping of polynomial differential equations through approximate equivalences0
Verification of data-aware process models: Checking soundness of data Petri nets0
Specification of systems with parameterised events: An institution-independent approach0
Editorial Board0
A process calculus for privacy-preserving protocols in location-based service systems0
Editorial Board0
Coalgebraic tools for randomness-conserving protocols0
Editorial Board0
Editorial Board0
A dynamic logic with branching modalities0
Formally verified animation for RoboChart using interaction trees0
Editorial Board0
Maude2Lean: Theorem proving for Maude specifications using Lean0
Composition of synchronous communicating systems0
Book review0
A framework for formal verification of robot kinematics0
Preface to selected papers from 20th Workshop on Programming and Languages (PROLE 2021)0
Editorial Board0
Program equivalence in a typed probabilistic call-by-need functional language0
Computational category-theoretic rewriting0
Monitorable hyperproperties of nonterminating systems0
Schreier split extensions of preordered monoids0
Tribute to Anna Labella0
Editorial Board0
Safety enforcement via programmable strategies in Maude0
Transforming orthogonal inductive definition sets into confluent term rewrite systems0
The C-calculus: A model for confidential name passing0
Observational interpretations of hybrid dynamic logic with binders and silent transitions0
Formalizing and analyzing security ceremonies with heterogeneous devices in ANP and PDL0
Editorial Board0
Editorial Board0
A computational framework based on the dynamic pipeline approach0
Guest Editor's foreword0
Evaluation diversity for graph conditions0
Event-Based Time-Stamped Claim Logic0
Bridging formal methods and machine learning with model checking and global optimisation0
Operational semantics with semicommutations0
Conceptual building blocks for modeling reconfiguration of component-based systems using Petri nets0
Replacement freeness: A criterion for separating process calculi0
Editorial Board0
Editorial Board0
Formalization of the inverse kinematics of three-fingered dexterous hand0
Editorial Board0
Control-data separation and logical condition propagation for efficient inference on probabilistic programs0
Local confluence of conditional and generalized term rewriting systems0
Editorial Board0
On algebraic array theories0
Stit semantics for epistemic notions based on information disclosure in interactive settings0
Coherent modal transition systems refinement0
Preface to the special issue on Open Problems in Concurrency Theory0
Editorial Board0