Nuclear Materials and Energy

(The median citation count of Nuclear Materials and Energy is 1. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Broadening of the power fall-off length in a high density, high confinement H-mode regime in ASDEX Upgrade36
Determination of electron backscattering coefficient of beryllium by a high-precision Monte Carlo simulation25
Data on erosion and hydrogen fuel retention in Beryllium plasma-facing materials23
Divertor closure effects on the TCV boundary plasma23
Plasma edge simulations including realistic wall geometry with SOLPS-ITER23
A study of the influence of plasma–molecule interactions on particle balance during detachment22
Preliminary analysis of alternative divertors for DEMO21
An analysis of controlled detachment by seeding various impurity species in high performance scenarios on DIII-D and EAST21
Study on irradiation effects of refractory bcc high-entropy alloy21
Continuous observation of filaments from the confined region to the far scrape-off layer21
Impact of plasma-wall interaction and exhaust on the EU-DEMO design21
Additive manufacturing of high density pure tungsten by electron beam melting20
Radiation resistance of single-mode optical fibres with view to in-reactor applications18
Tungsten fuzz: Deposition effects and influence to fusion devices18
First impurity powder injection experiments in LHD18
Measurement of the 2D emission profiles of hydrogen and impurity ions in the TCV divertor18
Infrared thermography in metallic environments of WEST and ASDEX Upgrade17
Origin and nature of the emissive sheath surrounding hot tungsten tokamak surfaces16
Overview of power exhaust experiments in the COMPASS divertor with liquid metals16
In-situ assessment of the emissivity of tungsten plasma facing components of the WEST tokamak16
Prospects of core–edge integrated no-ELM and small-ELM scenarios for future fusion devices15
Thermal loads in gaps between ITER divertor monoblocks: First lessons learnt from WEST15
Wall conditioning and ELM mitigation with boron nitride powder injection in KSTAR15
Simulation of crack propagation behavior of nuclear graphite by using XFEM, VCCT and CZM methods14
CF-LIBS quantification and depth profile analysis of Be coating mixed layers14
SOLPS-ITER drift modelling of JET Ne and N-seeded H-modes14
On the prediction and monitoring of tungsten prompt redeposition in tokamak divertors14
Surface modified-gadolinium/boron/polyethylene composite with high shielding performance for neutron and gamma-ray14
Predictive modeling of a lithium vapor box divertor in NSTX-U using SOLPS-ITER13
Multiscale modelling for fusion and fission materials: The M4F project13
Molecular dynamics simulation of displacement cascades in cubic silicon carbide13
Evaluation of the hydrogen solubility and diffusivity in proton-conducting oxides by converting the PSL values of a tritium imaging plate12
Preliminary estimates of tritium permeation and retention in the first wall of DEMO due to ion bombardment12
Numerical benchmark of transient pressure-driven metallic melt flows12
Modeling of COMPASS tokamak divertor liquid metal experiments12
Erosion and screening of tungsten during inter/intra-ELM periods in the JET-ILW divertor12
SOLPS-ITER drift modelling of ITER burning plasmas with narrow near-SOL heat flux channels12
Generalization of the Heuristic Drift SOL model for finite collisionality and effect on flow shearing rate vs. interchange growth rate11
The role of edge fueling in determining the pedestal density in high neutral opacity Alcator C-Mod experiments11
Use of the small punch test for the estimation of ductile-to-brittle transition temperature shift of irradiated steels11
Reassessing energy deposition for the ITER 5 MA vertical displacement event with an improved DINA model11
Perspective of analogy between heat loads and impurity production in L-mode discharges with ICRH in WEST10
Effects of a nitrogen seeded plasma on nanostructured tungsten films having fusion-relevant features10
Study of liquid tin-lithium alloy interaction with structural materials of fusion reactor at high temperatures10
Modeling of liquid lithium flow in porous plasma facing material10
The impact of surface morphology on the erosion of metallic surfaces – Modelling with the 3D Monte-Carlo code ERO2.010
3D modeling of boron transport in DIII-D L-mode wall conditioning experiments10
Liquid metal “divertorlets” concept for fusion reactors10
A sensitivity analysis of numerical predictions for beryllium erosion and migration in ITER10
Validation of EDGE2D-EIRENE and DIVIMP for W SOL transport in JET10
Progress of tungsten spectral modeling for ITER edge plasma diagnostics based on tungsten spectroscopy in LHD10
Comparison of DIVIMP and EDGE2D-EIRENE tungsten transport predictions in JET edge plasmas10
Arc behaviour on different materials in ASDEX Upgrade10
Cross diagnostics measurements of heat load profiles on the lower tungsten divertor of WEST in L-mode experiments10
Interaction between filaments and ICRF in the plasma edge9
LIBS analysis of samples from the COMPASS vacuum chamber after liquid metal experiments – Li campaign9
Modeling and experimental validation of a Wf9
Improved neutral and plasma density control with increasing lithium wall coatings in the Lithium Tokamak Experiment-8
Integrated modelling: Coupling of surface evolution and plasma-impurity transport8
Gamma radiation shielding property of continuous fiber reinforced epoxy matrix composite containing functional filler using Monte Carlo simulation8
Influence of thin surface oxide films on hydrogen isotope release from ion-irradiated tungsten8
Hydrogen content in divertor baffle tiles in Wendelstein 7-X8
Investigation of hydrogen and deuterium impact on the release of tritium from two-phase lithium ceramics under reactor irradiation8
Reproduction of collector probe deposition profiles using the far-SOL impurity transport code 3DLIM8
Effect of elevated temperature on the magnetite and quartz concrete at different W/C ratios as nuclear shielding concretes8
Establishing technical specifications for PbLi eutectic alloy analysis and its relevance in fusion applications8
Neutronics calculation of the conceptual TRISO duplex fuel rod design8
Physics of the electric field in the scrape-off layer in ASDEX Upgrade L-mode discharges and comparison to experiments8
Simulation studies of divertor detachment and critical power exhaust parameters for Japanese DEMO design8
High-heat flux tests of tungsten divertor mock-ups with steady-state plasma and e-beam7
Depth distribution of irradiation-induced dislocation loops in an Fe-9Cr model alloy irradiated with Fe ions: The effect of ion energy7
13C tracer deposition in EAST D and He plasmas investigated by high-throughput deuteron nuclear reaction analysis mapping7
Development of nano-oxide particles dispersed alumina scale formed on Zr-added FeCrAl ODS ferritic alloys7
Studies of two-phase lithium ceramics Li4SiO4-Li2TiO3 under conditions of neutron irradiation7
Follow-up ultrasonic vibration assisted laser welding dissimilar metals for nuclear reactor pump can end sealing7
An in-situ ToF-LEIS and AES study of near-surface modifications of the composition of EUROFER97 induced by thermal annealing7
Wall conditioning effects and boron migration during boron powder injection in ASDEX Upgrade7
Development of DTT single null divertor scenario7
Use of machine learning for a helium line intensity ratio method in Magnum-PSI7
Scoping the characteristics and benefits of a connected double-null configuration for power exhaust in EU-DEMO7
Experimental verification of X-point potential well formation in unfavorable magnetic field direction7
Experimental investigation on corrosion of structural steels in molten Pb-Mg and LBE7
Evaluation of irradiation hardening in ODS-Cu and non ODS-Cu by nanoindentation hardness test and micro-pillar compression test after self-ion irradiation7
Corrosion behavior of diverse sputtered coatings for the helium cooled pebbles bed (HCPB) breeder concept7
Design of a multi-configurations divertor for the DTT facility7
Parametric optimisation based on TDS experiments for rapid and efficient identification of hydrogen transport materials properties7
Divertor optimisation and power handling in spherical tokamak reactors7
Physical mechanisms and parameters for models of microstructure evolution under irradiation in Fe alloys – Part I: Pure Fe7
Irradiation effects in tungsten—From surface effects to bulk mechanical properties7
The X-Point radiating regime at ASDEX Upgrade and TCV7
Experimental verification of ion impact angle distribution at divertor surfaces using micro-engineered targets on DiMES at DIII-D7
Mechanical and microstructural response of the Al0.5CoCrFeNi high entropy alloy to Si and Ni ion irradiation7
Observations with fast visible cameras in high power Deuterium plasma experiments in the JET ITER-like wall tokamak7
Development of RAFM steel for nuclear applications with reduced manganese, silicon and carbon content7
Deuterium and helium outgassing following plasma discharges in WEST: Delayed D outgassing during D-to-He changeover experiments studied with threshold ionization mass spectrometry7
Analytical expressions for thermophysical properties of solid and liquid beryllium relevant for fusion applications7
Estimation of 2D distributions of electron density and temperature in the JET divertor from tomographic reconstructions of deuterium Balmer line emission7
Impact of ion temperature anisotropy on 2D edge-plasma transport7
Global distribution of tritium in JET with the ITER-like wall7
Growth and characterization of W thin films with controlled Ne and Ar contents deposited by bipolar HiPIMS7
Analysis of the reactor experiments results on the study of gas evolution from two-phase Li2TiO3-Li4SiO4 lithium ceramics6
Characterization on the melting failure of CuCrZr cooling tube of W/Cu monoblocks during plasma operations in EAST6
Characterisation of divertor detachment onset in JET-ILW hydrogen, deuterium, tritium and deuterium–tritium low-confinement mode plasmas6
Uncertainty assessment for the displacement damage of a pressurized water reactor vessel6
Spectroscopic camera analysis of the roles of molecularly assisted reaction chains during detachment in JET L-mode plasmas6
Interlayer properties of tungsten fibre-reinforced composites and their determination by different methods6
Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of friction stir welded 12Cr-ODS steel6
Rough-surface effect on sputtering of Cr bombarded by low-energy He plasma6
Radiation tolerance of alumina scale formed on FeCrAl ODS ferritic alloy6
Corrosion behavior of ion-irradiated 12Cr2W2Mn F/M steel in liquid LBE6
Towards fast surrogate models for interpolation of tokamak edge plasmas6
Assessment of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy accuracy for determination of hydrogen accumulation in tungsten6
Microstructure stability, softening temperature and strengthening mechanism of pure copper, CuCrZr and Cu-Al2O3 up to 1000 ℃6
Evaluation of bonding properties by flat indentation method for an EBW joint of RAFM steel for fusion application6
Permeation and trapping of hydrogen in Eurofer976
ELM and inter-ELM tungsten erosion sources in high-power, JET ITER-like wall H-mode plasmas6
The transport of tungsten impurities induced by the intrinsic carbon during upper-single null discharge on EAST tokamak6
The microstructure and He+ ion irradiation behavior of novel low-activation W-Ta-Cr-V refractory high entropy alloy for nuclear applications6
Result and discussion on the evolution of in-situ leading edge-induced melting on W divertor targets in EAST6
Quantifying erosion and retention of silicon carbide due to D plasma irradiation in a high-flux linear plasma device6
Atomistic simulation of the diffusion behavior in Al-Fe6
Divertor plasma opacity effects6
Changes in morphology and field emission property of nano-tendril bundles after high temperature annealing6
Cross machine investigation of magnetic tokamak dust; structural and magnetic analysis6
Effects of F3+ ion implantation on the properties of W and W0.5(TaTiVCr)0.5 for depth marker-based plasma erosion analysis6
Lithium orthosilicate as nuclear fusion breeder material: Optimization of the drip casting production technology6
Selection of radiation tolerant commercial greases for high-radiation areas at CERN: Methodology and applications5
Fabrication and characterization of Cu reinforced with Y-enriched particles following a novel powder metallurgy route5
A NEA review on innovative structural materials solutions, including advanced manufacturing processes for nuclear applications based on technology readiness assessment5
Overview of recent progress on steady state operation of all-metal plasma facing wall device QUEST5
Microstructural, mechanical properties and high temperature oxidation of Cr, Al-coated Zr-4 alloy5
Impact of negative triangularity on edge plasma transport and turbulence in TOKAM3X simulations5
Comparison of JET inner wall erosion in the first three ITER-like wall campaigns5
Radiative heat load distribution on the EU-DEMO first wall due to mitigated disruptions5
Sustained radiative divertor in high-performance grassy-ELM regime with metal wall towards long-pulse operation in EAST5
High-accuracy compliance correction for nonlinear mechanical testing: Improving Small Punch Test characterization5
Laser ablation of a solid target in liquid medium for beryllium nanoparticles synthesis5
Flux dependence of helium retention in clean W(1 1 0): Experimental evidence for He self-trapping5
Experiment and simulation investigations on W/Cu components prepared by strong confinement thermal explosive welding5
The regularities of creep deformation and failure of the VVER’s pressure vessel steel 15Kh2NMFA-A in air and argon at temperature range 500–900 °C”5
Mechanical properties evaluation of ReBCO CICC jacket based on super-austenitic stainless steel for CFETR high-field magnet5
Energy load on first wall components in high density, small ELM regimes in ASDEX Upgrade5
Influence of thin tungsten oxide films on hydrogen isotope uptake and retention in tungsten – Evidence for permeation barrier effect5
Modeling snowflake divertors in MAST-U tokamak using UEDGE code5
Development of non-destructive testing (NDT) technique for HIPed interface by Compton scattering X-ray spectroscopy5
Dynamics and dependencies of the configuration-dependent 1–2 kHz fluctuation in W7-X5
Microstructure-informed prediction and measurement of nanoindentation hardness of an Fe-9Cr alloy irradiated with Fe-ions of 1 and 5 MeV energy5
Comparison experiment on the sputtering of EUROFER, RUSFER and CLAM steels by deuterium ions5
Li mass loss and structure change due to long time heating in hydrogen atmosphere from Li2TiO3 with excess Li5
Multi-code estimation of DTT edge transport parameters5
Neutron activation and radiation damage assessment for W-Ni-Fe tungsten heavy alloys with variable Ni content5
Influence of Zr addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of 9CrTi-ODS steels5
Pisces-RF: A helicon-plasma based linear-device for the study of fusion relevant plasma-materials-interactions5
Error analysis and cazlibration of Langmuir probes embedded in ITER-like tungsten divertor on EAST5
Toroidal flow measurements of impurity ions in QUEST ECH plasmas using multiple viewing chords emission spectroscopy5
Tritium retention in plasma facing materials of JET ITER-Like-Wall retrieved from the vacuum vessel in 2012 (ILW1), 2014 (ILW2) and 2016 (ILW3)5
Nonlinear simulation of edge localized mode with pressure profile modified by pellet injection through a BOUT++ three-field MHD model5
Exploration of Sn70Li30 alloy as possible material for flowing liquid metal plasma facing components5
Fuel recycling control in long pulse operation with full tungsten divertors in EAST tokamak5
Application of spatially hybrid fluid–kinetic neutral model on JET L-mode plasmas5
Deuterium retention in tungsten fiber-reinforced tungsten composites5
Kinetic model of the COMPASS tokamak SOL5
Assessment of Scrape-Off Layer and divertor plasma conditions in JT-60SA with tungsten wall and nitrogen injection5
Effect of annealing on microstructure and thermal conductivity of Li2TiO3 and Li4SiO45
Assessment of plasma power deposition on the ITER ICRH antennas5
Investigation on effects of tritium release behavior in Li4SiO4 pebbles5
First analysis of in-situ melting on TZM tiles at high field side of the first wall in EAST5
Point defects and hydrogen-permeation behavior of MAX phase Cr2AlC coating by first-principles studies4
Experimental observations and modelling of radiation asymmetries during N2 seeding in LHD4
In-situ measurement of diffusion and surface segregation of W and Ta in bare and W-coated EUROFER97 during thermal annealing4
Influences of displacement damage due to heavy ion irradiation on deuterium retention in CLF-1 steel4
Impact of vibrationally and electronically excited H24
Reaction–diffusion simulations of hydrogen isotope trapping and release from cavities in tungsten, I: Single cavity4
Recent progress of plasma exhaust concepts and divertor designs for tokamak DEMO reactors4
Investigation on the deformation mechanisms and size-dependent hardening effect of He bubbles in 84 dpa neutron irradiated Inconel X-7504
Comparison of a collisional-radiative fluid model of H2 in UEDGE to the kinetic neutral code EIRENE4
Impact of lithium wall conditioning and wave-frequency on high density lower hybrid current drive experiment on EAST4
Simulation of arc crater formation and evolution on plasma facing materials4
First exploitation results of recently developed SXR GEM-based diagnostics at the WEST project4
Heterogeneous microstructure and anisotropic mechanical properties of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel fabricated by wire arc additive manufacturing4
Laser ablation molecular isotopic spectroscopy: A novel tool to characterise the distribution of 13C and 12C on graphite after 13CH4 tracer injection in Wendelstein 7-X4
The research on high-strength CICC jackets with YS > 1500 MPa at 4.2 K for future fusion applications4
Annihilation kinetics of irradiation defects in promising tritium breeding pebbles4
Characterization of the impurity features deposited on the boronization tungsten tiles exposed in KSTAR tokamak using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy4
Impacts of impurity flux on erosion and deposition of carbon/tungsten rough surfaces4
Tungsten core accumulation study in EAST plasma with lower tungsten divertor by kinetic impurity transport model4
Effect of temperature, pressure, crystal defect types, and densities on the mechanical behavior of tungsten under tensile deformation: A molecular dynamics simulation study4
Investigations on cold spray tungsten/tantalum coatings for plasma facing applications4
Irradiation hardening behaviors of large-scale hot rolling potassium-doped tungsten alloy under synergistic irradiations of Fe11+ ion combined with deuterium and helium plasmas4
Simulation of plasma transport in the linear plasma device MPS-LD by SOLPS-ITER4
Influence of hydrogen isotopes on displacement damage formation in EUROFER4
Study of detachment in future ASDEX Upgrade alternative divertor configurations by means of EMC3-EIRENE4
Efficient capture of radioactive iodine by Ag-attached silica gel and its kinetics4
Quantitative analysis of hydrogen isotopes in hydrogen storage material using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy4
Impurity control study of radiative tungsten divertor in EAST tokamak4
Validation of SOLPS-ITER simulations with kinetic, fluid, and hybrid neutral models for JET-ILW low-confinement mode plasmas4
Numerical modelling of the impact of leakage under divertor baffle in WEST4
Very high-resolution infrared imagery of misaligned tungsten monoblock edge heating in the WEST tokamak4
Investigation of the particle accumulation effects on the power exhaust of snowflake minus divertor on HL-2M tokamak by SOLPS-ITER4
Deuterium retention in tungsten and tungsten alloys exposed to pure and impurities seeding deuterium plasma4
SOLPS-ITER modeling of deuterium throughput impact on the ITER SOL plasma4
Evaluation of metal additive manufacturing for high-field modular-stellarator radial plates and conductors4
Effect on impact properties of adding tantalum to V-4Cr-4Ti ternary vanadium alloy4
Thin films sputter-deposited from EUROFER97 in argon and deuterium atmosphere: Material properties and deuterium retention4
Experimental electronic stopping cross-section of tungsten bulk and sputter-deposited thin films for slow protons, deuterons and helium ions4
Corrosion behaviour of 11Cr1Si ferritic/martensitic steel in static liquid lead–bismuth eutectic at 450–550 ℃4
Angular dependence measurements of Magnum-PSI plasmas using MAST-U angled-tip Langmuir probes4
Hydrogen permeation and retention in deuterium plasma exposed 316L ITER steel4
Developments on two lithium vapor-box linear test-stand experiments4
Thermal-hydraulic modelling and analysis of ITER tungsten divertor monoblock4
Developing deep learning algorithms for inferring upstream separatrix density at JET4
A quantitative risk assessment methodology based on CCDF risk curve for accidental releases from fusion reactors4
Effect of initial exposure temperature on the deuterium retention and surface blistering in tungsten4
Experiments and modelling on ASDEX Upgrade and WEST in support of tool development for tokamak reactor armour melting assessments4
Exploring CuCrFeVTi system to produce high entropy alloys for high heat flux applications4
Micron-sized dust and nanoparticles produced in the WEST tokamak4
First snowflake divertor experiments in MAST-U tokamak4
Strongly temperature-dependent, anomalous secondary electron emission of liquid lithium surfaces exposed to a plasma4
Lithium dilution in Li-Sn alloys4
Boron transport simulation using the ERO2.0 code for real-time wall conditioning in the large helical device4
Electrochemical hydrogen detection in DONES loop materials4
Parameter dependencies of the experimental nitrogen concentration required for detachment on ASDEX Upgrade and JET4
Deuterium retention in tungsten irradiated by high-dose neutrons at high temperature4
Impact of the new TCV baffled divertor upgrade on pedestal structure and performance4
Observations on arcing on the metal plasma-facing components in EAST4
Lithium splashing from flowing liquid lithium limiter and its effect on high confinement plasma performance in EAST tokamak4
Analysis of edge transport in L-mode negative triangularity TCV discharges4
The brittle-to-ductile transition in cold-rolled tungsten sheets: Contributions of grain and subgrain boundaries to the enhanced ductility after pre-deformation3
Fe+ ion irradiation effects in Fe-10at%Cr films irradiated at 300 °C3
Three-dimensional structure of radiative cooling in impurity seeded plasmas in the Large Helical Device3
Radiation damage evolution in pure W and W-Cr-Hf alloy caused by 5 MeV Au ions in a broad range of dpa3
Activated sintering effect of Fe element on tungsten via spark plasma sintering3
Mechanical properties of several newly produced RAFM steels with Tungsten content in the range of 2 wt%3
Properties and thermal neutron areal transmittance of a B4C filled thermoplastic elastomer based rubber composite3
Control of deformation and annealing process to produce incoherent Σ3 boundaries in Hastelloy C-276 alloy3
Identification of forbidden emission lines from highly ionized tungsten ions in VUV wavelength range in LHD for ITER edge plasma diagnostics3
Investigation of the distribution of remaining tritium in divertor in LHD3
Characterization and evaluation of CuCrFeV(Ti, Ta, W) system for High Heat Flux applications3
Reaction–diffusion simulations of hydrogen isotope trapping and release from cavities in tungsten, II: Array of cavities3
Study on the adsorption mechanism and properties of silver-loaded zeolite for radioactive iodine3
Effect of Si and Nb additions on carbonitride coatings under proton irradiation: A comprehensive analysis of structural, mechanical, corrosion, and neutron activation properties3
Structural study of W2B obtained via mechanical alloying of W, B4C, TiC and graphite before and after He ions irradiation3
Indentation testing on 3 MeV proton irradiated tungsten3
High-heat-flux performance limit of tungsten monoblock targets: Impact on the armor materials and implications for power exhaust capacity3
The role of drifts on the isotope effect on divertor plasma detachment in JET Ohmic discharges3
Investigation of transient processes of tritium release from biphasic lithium ceramics Li4SiO4-Li2TiO3 at negative neutron flux pulse3
Reduced physics model of the tokamak Scrape-Off-Layer for pulse design3
Interpretative SOL modeling throughout multiple ELM cycles in DIII-D3
Manufacturing of W/steel composites using electro-discharge sintering process3
Mechanical properties of self-ion irradiated pure tungsten using nano-indentation test and micro-tensile test3