
(The TQCC of Structures is 7. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Forecasting the mechanical properties of soilcrete using various simulation approaches311
Evaluation of lap-splices in NSM FRP rods for retrofitting RC members177
Interlayer behavior investigation of box profile shear connectors in steel-concrete-steel sandwich structures163
Performance of concrete-filled stainless steel tubes subjected to concentric tension: Numerical investigation and parametric study163
Practical application of a novel prefabricated curling ice rink supported by steel–concrete composite floors: In situ measurements of static and dynamic response134
Research on void identification of concrete filled steel tube under data imbalance and constraint condition change127
Numerical simulation on aerodynamic admittance of the moving train on a highway-railway one-story bridge under the random synthetic turbulence111
Analytical solutions for global buckling analysis of regular buildings: Inclusion of local shear deformation of walls110
An investigation on seismic performance of the separated fluid inerter base on model experiment and shaking table test93
A time-varying non-probabilistic reliability analysis method using surrogate model for the reinforcement effectiveness of damaged concrete gravity dam87
Seismic behavior of hybrid post-tensioned special steel moment frames85
Bond behavior of CFRP-to-steel interfaces under quasi-static cyclic loading at mild temperatures82
Investigation on post-impact fire resistance of square-cased circle steel tube-reinforced concrete columns80
Experimental study on damage of steel fiber reinforced concrete- and wood-filled GFRP tubes under axial compression79
Theoretical and experimental study on the damage behavior of bolted joints under cyclic loads76
Flexural behavior and numerical simulation of reinforced concrete beams with a UHPC stay-in-place formwork76
Torsional behavior of GFRP-RC pontoon decks with an edge cutout and diagonal reinforcements75
Behavior of circular concrete-encased concrete-filled double-skin steel tube stub columns under eccentric compression74
Dynamic behaviour of ultra-high performance concrete beams with rectangular openings subjected to impact loads73
Prediction of seismic performance of steel frame structures: A machine learning approach67
Full-scale experiment and FEA simulation on failure mechanism of the cross-arm of a UHV strain transmission tower in icing areas66
An efficient isogeometric buckling optimization framework for multi-patch laminated shells: Leveraging 3D solid elements, lamination parameters and penalty method65
Pounding impact on seismic demands for adjacent irregular buildings with collinear alignment eccentricity63
Dynamic crushing responses of enhanced auxetic re-entrant honeycomb based on additive manufacturing60
A quasi-zero-stiffness vibration isolator inspired by Kresling origami60
Influence of waste glass and rice husk ash on the dynamic compressive properties and variable-angle shear characteristics of concrete after high-temperature treatment: Experimental and numerical study60
Experimental and numerical investigation on the mechanism of large-span floor system characterized by biaxially prestressed steel reinforced concrete beams59
Air temperature characteristics of cable-girder pin joint node of suspension bridge under pool fire58
Seismic performance of earthquake-damaged HSRAC beam-column interior joints rehabilitated by bonding steel plates in the plastic hinge of beams56
Investigation on post-fire bond behavior between section steel and concrete in SRCFST columns56
Parametric optimization of SIP connection geometry in CFS-MRF structures: A finite element study56
Reliability assessment of RC bridges considering cumulative damage due to seismic loads56
Evolution of fracture toughness, forming and creep properties of Al/BN/Cu bimetal composite strips fabricated via ARB method54
Strengthening of interior circular column-slab region incorporating combinations of bonded UHPECC layer, CFRP sheets, and threaded steel bolts52
Study on construction technology and bearing mechanism of pressure cast-in-situ pile with spray-expanded frustum51
Novel 3D FRP system used for more effectively and readily strengthening of precast concrete elements51
Finite element analysis method for the sliding cable analysis: The sliding variable method51
Reliability analysis and calibration for flexural design provisions of GFRP-RC beams50
An unsupervised learning framework for health diagnosis by incorporating multiscale data49
Research on column overdesign factor of reinforced concrete frame structures in the 2022 Ms 6.8 Luding earthquake49
Seismic response study of multi-span continuous beam bridges near faults considering permanent displacement attenuation effects49
Response control of chimneys using tuned mass damper, multi-tuned mass damper and tuned mass inerter system48
Interface bonding characteristics of the Cured-in-Place Pipe lined steel plates and parameter sensitivity analysis48
Bond behavior between the deformed steel bar and different types of cementitious grout under reversed cyclic loading47
Experimental study on axial compressive behavior of assembled composite shear wall46
Dynamic responses of thin-walled FRP-concrete-steel tubular wind turbine tower under horizontal impact loading: Experimental study and FE modelling46
Seismic performance of friction damped posttensioned steel frame equipped with SMA strands46
Shrinkage behaviour of high-strength concrete plates reinforced with carbon textile reinforcement46
Modeling parameters and numerical acceptance criteria for steel slit dampers46
The impact of variability in rubber mechanical properties on the seismic response of scrap tire pad base isolation systems46
Investigation on a substructure-TVMD (SSTVMD) system for seismic response control of civil structures46
Negative bending behavior of prestressed hollow core slab with cast-in-place RC layer in the RC beam-slab joint area45
Dynamic responses of non-isolated and isolated liquid storage tanks under mainshock-aftershock sequences45
Research on the cross-sectional geometric parameters and rigid skeleton length of reinforced concrete arch bridges: A case study of Yelanghu Bridge45
Vulnerability-based seismic resilience and post-earthquake recovery assessment for substation systems44
Effect of impact location on the dynamic response of concrete columns reinforced with GFRP bars having various slenderness ratios: A numerical study44
A size-dependent meshfree model based on nonlocal strain gradient theory for trigonometric functionally graded nanoplates on variable elastic foundations44
The cyclic tensile performance of an annular dissipative connector for CLT structures43
Experimental and theoretical study on a new type of non-embedded T-bolt shear connector in composite beams43
A thickness-torsion-locking first-order shear plate theory for analyzing bending and free vibration of rectangular plates43
Development of machine learning based seismic retrofit scheme for AFRP retrofitted RC column41
Influence of bolt preload of anchors on bond-slip behavior of fiber fabric-steel interface41
Performance-based analysis on fire behavior of shield tunnel joint with DDCI connector41
Investigation on shear performance of sliding-type rapid segmental joints for shield tunnels40
Energy-based seismic design procedure of steel frames with low-prestressing based resilient braces40
Crossing cable design optimization of multi-tower cable-stayed bridge based on joint analytical method and genetic algorithm40
Use of bore-epoxy anchorage system with CFRP laminates for shear strengthening of RC beams: An experimental and analytical investigation39
Experimental investigation and analytical modeling of steel falsework systems39
Dynamic model and performance assessment of inter-story isolation system with supplement inerter (IISI)39
Seismic performance of coupled precast concrete wall panels connected by novel vertical bolted joints39
Optimised rotational-spring component-based modelling strategy for seismic resistant steel-concrete composite joints and frames with continuous or isolated slab39
Impact behavior of the SCS panel with hybrid energy absorbing components: Experimental and analytical studies39
Interaction between material and process parameters during 3D concrete extrusion process39
Performance of SRC unequal-depth beam-column irregular joint in NPP under progressive collapse39
Repairing thermally shocked reinforced concrete beams using innovative CFRP sheets anchorage systems39
Damage characteristic of concrete treated by environmental-friendly soundless chemical demolition method: Hole design parameters regulated demolition mechanism38
A 2D exact model by stretching-through-the-thickness a kinematic variable for the 3D exact analysis of laminated composite structures: Theory and applications38
Early age bond-slip behavior of reinforcing steel bars in concrete subjected to uniaxial lateral pressure: An experimental study38
Integrating structural and seismic properties for enhanced seismic response prediction of building structures via artificial neural network38
Experimental and numerical studies on flexural performance of composite beams under cyclic loading37
Modeling of floating roof tanks under seismic excitation, accounting for the influence of sealing system and the roof pounding37
Mechanical performance and strength prediction model of demountable RC columns with a novel bolts-flange connection37
Structural strengthening of reinforced concrete beams using ultra-high-performance concrete with various fiber volume fractions and layer thicknesses37
Prediction and analysis of response behavior of concrete face rockfill dam in cold region37
Experimental and numerical assessment of reinforced SHS T-joints with doubler plate36
Experimental investigation of the ultra-low- cycle fatigue behaviours of RHS K- gap joints36
Structure reactions and train running safety on CFST arch bridges under different kinds of near-fault earthquakes35
Experimental and analytical assessment of strengthening of concrete cylinders using jute/basalt hybrid textile fiber reinforced mortar35
Improving predictive accuracy for punching shear strength in fiber-reinforced polymer concrete slab-column connections via robust deep learning35
Flexural behavior of UHPC wet joints for precast bridge deck panels35
Research on early-age temperature action and effect of wet joints in steel-concrete composite girders35
Enhancement of flexural and shear resistance in RC beams with BFRP-ECC composite strengthening system: static and impact load34
Monitoring the rotational stiffness of prefabricated building beam column connections based on dynamic inversion34
Mechanical properties and restoring force model of Squeezing Rub-type Particle Damper34
Intelligent optimization of finite element model parameters for large-span bridges based on MA-INFO algorithm34
Study of bond-slip performance of steel tube with UHPC based on acoustic emission parameter analysis34
The impact of using hybrid polyvinyl alcohol–steel fibre ECC on the seismic behaviour of precast beam–to–column joints34
Post-impact performance of round-ended CFST columns: Tests, numerical analysis and design34
The use of discrete element models for the seismic assessment of concrete gravity dams34
Flexural performance of UHPC sandwich panels with UHPC-filled stainless steel pipe shear connectors34
Evaluation of the flexural stiffness of a lattice girder composite slab at the construction stage according to the lattice girder shape34
A fuzzy computational framework for the train-bridge system based on Chebyshev polynomials method34
Application of multifractal spectrum to characterize the evolution of multiple cracks in concrete beams34
Evaluation of steel ratio limits for reinforced concrete beams using reliability analysis and Bayesian methods34
Shear strengthening effects of core-filling method for hollow-core slabs considering relative slip34
A stacking learning-based method for identifying the structural damage in structures33
Performance of concrete-filled stainless steel tubular stub columns with embedded steels after exposure to fire33
Seismic performance of adjacent self-centering base-rocking walls under different pounding scenarios33
Compressive testing and numerical modelling of concrete-filled aluminium tubular stub columns after exposure to high temperatures33
Experimental and numerical investigation on novel FRP tube-steel-concrete composite columns under transverse impact33
Bayesian model averaging and Bayesian inference-based probabilistic inversion method for arch dam zonal material parameters33
Isolation effectiveness of lead rubber bearing on low-medium-speed maglev vehicle-bridge system under earthquake33
Numerical simulation and in-situ measurement of offshore platform dynamic response estimation method based on DKF32
Developing a spring-based shear connector finite element model for probabilistic analysis of composite beams with deconstructable connectors under connection and material uncertainties32
Implementation of multi-walled carbon nanotube incorporated GFRP as an alternative for CFRP in strengthening of concrete cylinders32
Dynamic analysis of MTMD vibration reduction for offshore wind turbine under combined wind-wave-seismic loads32
A new sliding three-dimensional seismic isolation bearing mechanical model and its seismic performance32
A semi-analytical and semi-numerical method for vibration analysis of parabolic arch and its experiment study32
Mechanical properties of wire arc additively manufactured steels at polar temperatures32
Directional crack propagation and optimization strategies for multi-hole shaped charge blasting in tunnel construction32
Lateral resistance of lightweight wood frame shear wall using plybamboo and PE wood-plastic composite veneer panels32
Experimental study on the seismic damage behavior of composite joints of concrete-filled steel tube column with blind bolts32
Field pullout test and anchorage length calculation for external anchorage of GFRP anti-floating anchors32
Seismic resilience evaluation of a 3D steel moment frame building with triple friction pendulum isolators31
Seismic performance evaluation of R/C buildings strengthened with externally attached precast reinforced block wall31
Effectiveness of shear key on torsional resistance of precast beam: An experimental and numerical investigations31
Utilization of numerical and machine learning to predict the monotonic compressive response of square double-skin tubular columns (SDSTC)31
Fatigue performance of concrete-filled steel tubular K-joints with circularly arranged internal studs31
Enhancing the seismic ductility and strength reduction factor of double-layered vaulted spatial shells incorporating buckling-restrained compound truss elements31
Experimental investigation on the cyclic behaviour of full-scale reinforced concrete columns under biaxial shear loading31
Behavior of composite stub column with multi-core concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) flanges and double corrugated webs under axial compression31
Shear behavior of high-strength tie bar connectors embedded in UHPC31
Experimental investigation of prefabricated buckling-restrained steel coupling beam with modified buckling-restrained RC panel31
Designing novel metaconcrete structures with low-frequency bandgap against dynamic loads30
Quantitative health evaluation of frame structures using multi-physics enhanced neural networks with boundary constraints and damage consistency and its experimental study30
Practical methodology for quantifying the structural robustness of RC building structures30
Locating delamination in a composite laminate using machine learning and recurrent deep neural networks based on vibration response30
Eccentric load bearing performance of high bolt screw (HBS) active joints for prestressed internal supports in the subway excavation30
Dynamic modeling and substructuring analysis leveraging long short-term memory neural network30
Seismic isolation performance of layer-bonded scrap tire rubber pads for rural buildings30
Mechanical behavior of timber columns reinforced with high-performance bamboo-based composites and self-tapping screws under axial compression30
Tensile behaviour of a novel grouted sleeve splice for high-strength rebars30
Study on the shear performance of GFRP ultra-long two-way connectors for precast concrete sandwich walls29
Enhancing web-post buckling resistance in perforated steel beams: An in-depth investigation of elliptical openings, geometric parameters, and ai-driven predictions29
Study on variable amplitude fatigue performance of CFRP reinforced glued laminated timber beam29
Experimental and numerical investigation on hysteretic behavior of steel cross-shaped columns29
Improved BPNN models based on different algorithms to predict the flexural capacity of corroded RC beams29
Experimental study on axial compression behaviour of steel reinforced concrete-filled steel tube (SRCFST) columns enhanced by steel rings and CFRP29
Vortex-induced vibration characteristic in two regions of double deck plate-truss composite girder and countermeasure study29
Design procedure for estimating the vertical response of end-bearing piles from free field vibrations produced by a nearby surface load29
Finite element analysis of TPO membrane- retrofitted metal roof system subjected to wind loads29
Upgraded formulations for the onset of local mechanisms in multi-storey masonry buildings using limit analysis29
Three-dimensional meso-scale modelling of geopolymer-based ultra-high performance concrete (G-UHPC) with ceramic ball coarse aggregates under projectile impact28
Experimental study and numerical simulation on the transverse force transmission mechanism of discretely connected precast RC floor28
Effect of imperfection on behaviour of axial loaded square and rectangular concrete-filled steel tubular columns28
Simplified methodologies for assessing the out-of-plane two-way bending seismic response of unreinforced brick masonry walls: lessons from recent experimental studies28
Analysis of shear stresses in tapered beams under bending, shear and axial force28
Numerical investigation on the behavior of reinforced concrete slabs strengthened with carbon fiber textile reinforcement under impact loads28
Risk assessment method of gas explosion based on quantification of margins and uncertainties (QMU):a case study on beam structures in buildings28
Parametric study using a curved shell finite element to dynamic analysis of footbridge under rhythmic loading28
Conservation and repair of a historical masonry ruin belonging to the Middle Byzantine Era: The case of ruined cistern unearthed in the Çobankale archeological site (Yalova, Turkey)28
The evaluation of the seismic performance of tall bridge piers with non-adaptive pushover methods28
Prediction of columns with GFRP bars through Artificial Neural Network and ABAQUS28
The evolution of Indonesian seismic and concrete building codes: From the past to the present28
Experimentally and numerically verified behaviour of splice joints under multiple loading conditions and their capacity predictions using artificial neural networks28
Experimental and theoretical investigation on seismic behavior of precast wall panel structures based on different bolt arrangements28
Effect of design variation in behaviour and performance of Endplate-Type intermodular connection28
Structural morphology and seismic evaluation of intersecting masonry space structure (Karbandi system)28
Shear strength degradation mechanism dependent on size increase in RC slender beams by using 3D Rigid-Body-Spring-Method28
Seismic design method based on limit state for prefabricated RCS frames28
P-Delta effects on nonlinear dynamic response of steel moment-resisting frame structures subjected to near-fault pulse-like ground motions28
Hysteretic behavior of geopolymeric recycled concrete-filled steel tubes under combined compression-bending-torsion27
The diagonal shear behavior of masonry walls fabricated with historical lime-based mortar and retrofitted with near surface mounted method27
Equivalent damping ratio for mixed structures including the soil-structure interaction27
Coupling influences of elevated temperature and strain rate on the behaviour of 6061-T6 aluminium alloy used as construction material27
Multiscale analysis and application of modified PVA fiber reinforced rubber concrete in frame structures27
Dynamic progressive collapse response of 3D monolithic precast concrete frame structures considering slab effects27
An effective procedure for extracting mode shapes of simply-supported bridges using virtual contact-point responses of two-axle vehicles27
Experimental and analytical investigations of enhanced semi-rigid connections with dual pipe dampers27
Analysis of construction parameters of outriggers in the mega column-core tube-outrigger structure based on seismic reliability27
First results of a methodology to obtain a 1D variable geometry model for the structural analysis of corroded steel beams from the point cloud27
Design and experimental study of a replaceable steel-UHPC composite bridge deck27
Experimental evaluation and analysis of flexural response of sandwich beam panels with an expanded polystyrene core27
A mixed MLS and Hermite-type MLS method for buckling and postbuckling analysis of thin plates26
Temperature gradients and stress distributions in concrete box-girder bridges during hot-mix asphalt paving26
Effects of support type and geometric shape of steel tube on concrete-encased concrete-filled steel tube beam under low velocity impact26
Experimental and numerical investigation on masonry arch bridges under uniform and line loads26
Optimization of test method for bond performance between steel bar and concrete26
Effect of second-order actions on the performance of resilient slip friction joints: Analytical and experimental investigation26
Experimental study on dynamic tensile performance of Q345 structural steel considering thickness differences26
Effects of stud connection failure on displacement responses of partially damaged bridges26
Experimental study on axial compressive behavior of concrete-filled double-skin thin-walled steel box columns with and without PBL26
Mechanical model for seismic nonlinear behavior of rubber bearings with end-rotation in highway bridges26
Reliability-based layout optimization of concentrically braced in 3D steel frames26
Design methodology and modified shear constitutive model of the shear pin connection25
Simplified shear force-chord rotation relationship for concrete-filled steel plate composite coupling beams25
Failure probability of a liquid storage tank with three-dimensional base-isolation under earthquake action25
A non-probabilistic reliability analysis method with the fuzzy failure criterion25
Numerical investigation on strength of CFRST composite truss girder25
Steel honeycomb elements for improving the seismic performance of moment-resisting frames with masonry infills25
Hysteretic behavior of concrete-filled bimetallic tube (CFBT) columns under combined loads25
Seismic mitigation performance evaluation of linked buildings with a vibration-suppression layer25
Early warning system for load distribution in automated warehouse based on seismic resilience evaluation25
Experimental investigation of fixed-ended hot-rolled austenitic stainless-steel unequal-leg angles under compression25
Experimental study on bearing capacity of steel and steel fiber reinforced concrete composite beams without rebar cages25
A practical velocity-based method for signal reproduction control in shaking table tests25
Shaking table test of a half-scale three-story non-ductile RC building subjected to near-fault ground motions: Experimental and numerical modeling25
Reconstruct the 3D load redistribution paths of framed structures subjected to local column failure and multi-floor fire25
SA-based concrete seismic stress monitoring: The influence of stirrup confinement and concentric compression25
Experimental investigation of wind pressure characteristics and aerodynamic optimization of a large-span cantilevered roof24
The impact of stirrups on the composite action of concrete-filled steel tubular stub columns under axial loading24
Load-slip behaviour of single-leg bolted angle steel connections at elevated temperatures24
Seismic fragility analysis of LRB-isolated bridges considering the uncertainty of regional temperatures using BP neural networks24
Performance evaluation of confined dry-stacked block masonry against blast loading24
Study on seismic behavior of CHS T-joints under quasi-static cyclic in-plane bending24
Experimental study on the impact resistance of single-layer spherical reticulated shell roof panels24
Effect of cracked section properties on the resilience based seismic performance evaluation of a building24
Influence of mechanical properties of modified mortar on In-plane and Out-of-plane seismic performance of RC frame structure with infill walls24
Ultimate uniaxial compressive resistance of S600E cold-formed stainless steel square tubes24
Elastic lateral-torsional buckling behavior of steel I-beams with sinusoidal web openings24
Research on dynamic response characteristics and control effect of mega-sub controlled structural system under long-period ground motions24
Seismic assessment of linked-column frame structural system considering soil-structure effects24
Reproduction of spatial–temporal distribution of traffic loads on freeway bridges via fusion of camera video and ETC data24
Seismic behaviour and modelling of rectangular FRP-concrete-steel tubular columns under axial compression and cyclic lateral loading24
Automated operational modal analysis of bell towers subjected to narrowband input24
Prediction of shear strength of RC slender beams based on interpretable machine learning24
Full-scale experimental evaluation of flexural strength and ductility of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with various FRP mechanisms24
Probabilistic-based discrete model for the seismic fragility assessment of masonry structures24
Seismic fragility of tall buildings considering soil structure interaction (SSI) effects24
Study on mechanical behavior of rockfall impacts on a shed slab based on experiment and SPH–FEM coupled method24
Experimental and analytical investigation on precast concrete-encased concrete-filled steel tube column-to-column dry connections under axial tension24
Numerical investigation and design of P-M interaction capacity of CFRP-jacketed hexagonal CFST short beam-columns24
Time-dependent flexural behavior of the RC beams strengthened with FRP strips using different methods24
Research on the disaster prevention mechanism of mega-sub controlled structural system by vulnerability analysis24
Study on seismic behavior of oblique CFRP corrugated plate-steel plate light weight sandwich composite shear wall24
Sustainable innovation in self-compacted concrete: Integrating by-products and waste rubber for green construction practices23
Preliminary field estimation of vertical displacements of prestressed concrete bridges under construction based on measured strains and inclinations23
Damage and fracture in in-service concrete structures subjected to large diurnal temperature variations based on phase-field approach23
Strut-and-tie model and reinforcement design method for gusset in the containment vessel23
Research on the application of DIC technology in model tests of hydraulic structures23
Influence of filament angle orientation on the dynamic characteristics of additively-manufactured beams23
Seismic performance of rammed earth walls with embedded steel wire mesh or bamboo reinforcement mesh23
Machine learning-based Shapley additive explanations approach for corroded pipeline failure mode identification23
An experimental and numerical study on two-way RC slabs with openings strengthened by ferrocement technique23
Effect of profile shapes on the behaviour of web tapered i-beams under the effect of lateral torsional buckling23
A mesoscale material and macroscale structure joint design for perforated caissons made with ultrahigh-performance concrete23
On the identification of the elastic modulus and axial force of beam members with unknown boundary conditions using modal information23
Bending behaviours of load-carrying fillet welds around misaligned hollow structural sections23
Post-buckling behaviour of corrugated-edge shells: Numerical insights23
Investigating the efficiency and reliability of different lap-splice configurations in NSM BFRP rods for strengthening RC beams23