
(The H4-Index of Structures is 46. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Forecasting the mechanical properties of soilcrete using various simulation approaches311
Evaluation of lap-splices in NSM FRP rods for retrofitting RC members177
Performance of concrete-filled stainless steel tubes subjected to concentric tension: Numerical investigation and parametric study163
Interlayer behavior investigation of box profile shear connectors in steel-concrete-steel sandwich structures163
Practical application of a novel prefabricated curling ice rink supported by steel–concrete composite floors: In situ measurements of static and dynamic response134
Research on void identification of concrete filled steel tube under data imbalance and constraint condition change127
Numerical simulation on aerodynamic admittance of the moving train on a highway-railway one-story bridge under the random synthetic turbulence111
Analytical solutions for global buckling analysis of regular buildings: Inclusion of local shear deformation of walls110
An investigation on seismic performance of the separated fluid inerter base on model experiment and shaking table test93
A time-varying non-probabilistic reliability analysis method using surrogate model for the reinforcement effectiveness of damaged concrete gravity dam87
Seismic behavior of hybrid post-tensioned special steel moment frames85
Bond behavior of CFRP-to-steel interfaces under quasi-static cyclic loading at mild temperatures82
Investigation on post-impact fire resistance of square-cased circle steel tube-reinforced concrete columns80
Experimental study on damage of steel fiber reinforced concrete- and wood-filled GFRP tubes under axial compression79
Flexural behavior and numerical simulation of reinforced concrete beams with a UHPC stay-in-place formwork76
Theoretical and experimental study on the damage behavior of bolted joints under cyclic loads76
Torsional behavior of GFRP-RC pontoon decks with an edge cutout and diagonal reinforcements75
Behavior of circular concrete-encased concrete-filled double-skin steel tube stub columns under eccentric compression74
Dynamic behaviour of ultra-high performance concrete beams with rectangular openings subjected to impact loads73
Prediction of seismic performance of steel frame structures: A machine learning approach67
Full-scale experiment and FEA simulation on failure mechanism of the cross-arm of a UHV strain transmission tower in icing areas66
An efficient isogeometric buckling optimization framework for multi-patch laminated shells: Leveraging 3D solid elements, lamination parameters and penalty method65
Pounding impact on seismic demands for adjacent irregular buildings with collinear alignment eccentricity63
Dynamic crushing responses of enhanced auxetic re-entrant honeycomb based on additive manufacturing60
A quasi-zero-stiffness vibration isolator inspired by Kresling origami60
Influence of waste glass and rice husk ash on the dynamic compressive properties and variable-angle shear characteristics of concrete after high-temperature treatment: Experimental and numerical study60
Experimental and numerical investigation on the mechanism of large-span floor system characterized by biaxially prestressed steel reinforced concrete beams59
Air temperature characteristics of cable-girder pin joint node of suspension bridge under pool fire58
Investigation on post-fire bond behavior between section steel and concrete in SRCFST columns56
Parametric optimization of SIP connection geometry in CFS-MRF structures: A finite element study56
Reliability assessment of RC bridges considering cumulative damage due to seismic loads56
Seismic performance of earthquake-damaged HSRAC beam-column interior joints rehabilitated by bonding steel plates in the plastic hinge of beams56
Evolution of fracture toughness, forming and creep properties of Al/BN/Cu bimetal composite strips fabricated via ARB method54
Strengthening of interior circular column-slab region incorporating combinations of bonded UHPECC layer, CFRP sheets, and threaded steel bolts52
Novel 3D FRP system used for more effectively and readily strengthening of precast concrete elements51
Finite element analysis method for the sliding cable analysis: The sliding variable method51
Study on construction technology and bearing mechanism of pressure cast-in-situ pile with spray-expanded frustum51
Reliability analysis and calibration for flexural design provisions of GFRP-RC beams50
Research on column overdesign factor of reinforced concrete frame structures in the 2022 Ms 6.8 Luding earthquake49
Seismic response study of multi-span continuous beam bridges near faults considering permanent displacement attenuation effects49
An unsupervised learning framework for health diagnosis by incorporating multiscale data49
Response control of chimneys using tuned mass damper, multi-tuned mass damper and tuned mass inerter system48
Interface bonding characteristics of the Cured-in-Place Pipe lined steel plates and parameter sensitivity analysis48
Bond behavior between the deformed steel bar and different types of cementitious grout under reversed cyclic loading47
Seismic performance of friction damped posttensioned steel frame equipped with SMA strands46
Shrinkage behaviour of high-strength concrete plates reinforced with carbon textile reinforcement46
Modeling parameters and numerical acceptance criteria for steel slit dampers46
The impact of variability in rubber mechanical properties on the seismic response of scrap tire pad base isolation systems46
Investigation on a substructure-TVMD (SSTVMD) system for seismic response control of civil structures46
Experimental study on axial compressive behavior of assembled composite shear wall46
Dynamic responses of thin-walled FRP-concrete-steel tubular wind turbine tower under horizontal impact loading: Experimental study and FE modelling46