Studies in History and Theory of Architecture-Studii de Istoria Si Teo

(The TQCC of Studies in History and Theory of Architecture-Studii de Istoria Si Teo is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-12-01 to 2024-12-01.)
Beyond Façades: The Berlin Block and the Housing Issue at IBA 19871
Normalizing the Home. A Synchronic Comparison Between the Ikéa Catalogue and God Bostad1
Ancient Places of Performance as “Realms of Memory”: The Case of Greece0
Commoning “Bucla” (the Loop) With Conviviality. Ephemeral Spaces and Informal Practices in Support of Urban Commons in the Post-Socialist City0
Domesticity Within a Historical Centre: A Case for Safeguarding Diocletian’s Palace0
Thessaloniki: The Modern Museum of an Ancient City0
The Time of Ephemeral Architecture0
Emergency Housing in Romania: Adapted or Specifically Designed0
Three Architectures, Three Times and Three Places in the Ruins of the Parthenon0
The Circular Destiny of Ruins. The Case of the Convent of San Michele in Borgo, Pisa0
Authentic Ruins or Authentic Reconstructions?0
Constructed Geographies / Geografias Construídas Curators: Jean-Louis Cohen and Vanessa Grossman; Scientific Consultant: Catherine Otondo; Exhibition project: Eduardo Souto de Moura and Nuno Graça Mou0
Revisiting the Concept of Ephemerality in the Counter-Culture Architecture of the 1960s: Inflatable Structures of the Avant-Gardes0
Floor Area. Customizing the Socialist Standard of Good Life in a Soviet Summer Cottage0
Notes on the Biography of Doors. Ianualogy in Casa del Menandro, Pompeii0
Between Visible and Imagined City. Architecture and Ruins in Oswald Mathias Ungers’ Work0
Designing Playspaces for the Emerging Society of Car Owners in Post-War Council Housing in Britain0
Riccardo Dalisi ‘71-‘74. Il Rione Traiano di Napoli e la partecipazione come progetto0
Aspects of Domestic Living in the Mass-Media Society0
Le Temps Retrouvé0
The Dissimulation of the Timeless. Notes on Eisenman’s “The End of...”0
The Age of Ruinenlust: An Exploration of Tourism and Ruins in the Urban Context, in Rome, during the Grand Tour0
At Home in Twentieth-Century Brazil: An Analysis of Lygia Clark’s Models of Homes and Architectural Interiors0
The Inhabitability of Ruins: A Cultural History0
Low-Rise High-Density “Semi-Collective” Housing. Thoughts, Ideas, and Proposals Over Four Decades0
Play Is All about the Interplay of Chance and Rule0
Between Material Permanence and Digital Evanescence. 3D Projection Mappings during the Festivals of Cluj0
Permanent Palaces and Transient Rooms: Uplotnenie or the Introduction to Ephemerality in the Soviet Domestic Interior0
Alexandru Sabău, Paper Architecture. Alternative Forms of Architectural Creation in 1980s Romania0
The Condominio: The New Housing Model During the Italian Boom0
Oana Cristina Țiganea, The Rise and Fall of Romanian “Steel Fortresses” and the Case of Hunedoara, 1949-1999. Built and Environmental Legacies of Socialist Industrialisation0
Looking at the Circulation of Models and Ideas Beyond Political Barriers Is of Crucial Importance0
Knots in Time: The Ghost Estates of Ireland’s Celtic Tiger0
Ruins That Speak: Ageing Bodies, Collapsing Cities0
Ephemeral Gardens Designed to Last. The Perennial Movement in Landscaping0
Encapsulated Masculine Dreams: The Cultural and Material Impermanence of the Nakagin Capsule Tower0
The Art of Urban Design. Post-Industrial Regeneration in the Work of Marcel Smets Curators: Cristina Purcar (project coordinator), Ovidiu Leuce, Andreea Milea0
The Pursuit of Low Cost and Good Quality. The Changing Judgement of Pre-Designed Family Houses in Hungary0
Shelter Oddity0
Valeria Federighi, Monica Naso, Daniele Belleri (eds.), Eyes of the City. Architecture and Urban Space After Artificial Intelligence0
When Attitudes Become Form. Temporary Urban Interventions Between Art and Urban Planning0
“Berlin, a Housing Block by Bruno Taut Will Be Demolished”. Álvaro Siza in the “Taut City” (1975-1988)0
Charlotte Perriand’s Équipement: Beyond Modern Furniture0
Ruin Figures and Ruin Fields of the Contemporary: The Post-Industrial Parc à fabriques0
Life in Kit Form. Mass Customization in Playful Housing Experiments (Belgium, 1968–1983)0
Making Built Heritage: Riegl’s Present Values in Adaptive Reuse0
Regeneration and Heritage: Considering Static Heritage Narratives in Housing-Led Regeneration0
The Lastingness of the Ephemeral. The Presence of Textiles in Contemporary Architecture0
Constructing Temporary Urban Commons Through Civic Engagement in Bucharest0
Challenging the Solidity of Romanian Communist Civic Centers0
Landscaping Ecosystems or the Taste for a Nature in Ruins0
The Ruin as Phantasmagoria: The Faces of Nordingrå kyrkoruin0
Fleeting Moments, Floating Monuments. Ritual Machines of Performativity: Reading Ptolemy Philadelphus and Aldo Rossi0
From Temporary Spatial Practices to Permanent Architectural Forms. The Case of “La Terenuri” from Mănăștur Neighborhood, Cluj-Napoca0
Andrei Răzvan Voinea, Irina Calotă, Houses for Workers and Civil Servants. Autonomous Company for Housing and Vatra Luminoasă (1930-1949)0
Contemporary Spolia: Afterlives of Ruins in Fragments0
On Ruins in 19th Century Romania0
Housing Agency0
Copresences. Nemere Kerezsi, Thiemann-Etüde0
The Question of Housing, Between Crisis and Opportunity. The Case of CIAM VI0
Dirty Ruins and Their Online Afterlives0
Of Specters and Phantasms: an Introduction0
Housing Concepts: Addressing Habitation in Architecture’s Terms0
Between Political Agenda and Common Desire: Genealogy of Socialist Dwelling in Postwar Croatia (1945-1960)0