
(The TQCC of Optica is 17. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
High-efficiency low-noise optomechanical crystal photon-phonon transducers388
Optical limiter based on PT-symmetry breaking of reflectionless modes303
Full-silica metamaterial wave plate for high-intensity UV lasers250
Chemical element mapping by x-ray computational ghost fluorescence217
Engineering arbitrarily oriented spatiotemporal optical vortices using transmission nodal lines216
Integrated balanced homodyne photonic–electronic detector for beyond 20  GHz shot-noise-limited measurements170
Fast shaping control of x ray beams using a closed-loop adaptive bimorph deformable mirror117
High-speed detection of 1550  nm single photons with superconducting nanowire detectors117
Dissipative Kerr solitons in integrated Fabry–Perot microresonators114
Weakly supervised individual ganglion cell segmentation from adaptive optics OCT images for glaucomatous damage assessment102
Compressive ultrafast pulse measurement via time-domain single-pixel imaging100
Optical-parametric oscillation in photonic-crystal ring resonators96
Low-power, agile electro-optic frequency comb spectrometer for integrated sensors92
Direct ultrafast carrier imaging in a perovskite microlaser with optical coherence microscopy90
Unbalanced-basis-misalignment-tolerant measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution90
Attosecond investigation of extreme-ultraviolet multi-photon multi-electron ionization85
Enhanced opposite Imbert–Fedorov shifts of vortex beams for precise sensing of temperature and thickness82
Self-healing of multipartite entanglement in optical quantum networks82
CMOS-foundry-based blue and violet photonics79
Understanding and suppressing backscatter in optical resonators75
Dual-frequency-comb UV spectroscopy with one million resolved comb lines74
Vortex light field microscopy: 3D spectral single-molecule imaging with a twist72
High-resolution Fourier light-field microscopy for volumetric multi-color live-cell imaging72
Ultrafast two-photon optical switch using single crystal hybrid halide perovskites71
High-speed two-photon microscopy with adaptive line-excitation66
Design and single-shot fabrication of lensless cameras with arbitrary point spread functions62
Deep learning enhanced fast fluorescence lifetime imaging with a few photons60
Fluorescent wavefront shaping using incoherent iterative phase conjugation60
Deterministic photonic quantum computation in a synthetic time dimension58
Data encryption with chaotic light in the long wavelength infrared atmospheric window57
Double-dispersive spatio-spectral scanning for hyperspectral Earth observation57
Brillouin backaction thermometry for modal temperature control57
Cascaded nanobeam spectrometer with high resolution and scalability56
Short pulses from a gain-switched quantum cascade laser55
Monadic Pavlovian associative learning in a backpropagation-free photonic network53
Time-magnified photon counting with 550-fs resolution53
Laser-cavity locking utilizing beam ellipticity: accessing the 10−7 instability scale relative to cavity linewidth52
High-fidelity ptychographic imaging of highly periodic structures enabled by vortex high harmonic beams52
Reducing the noise of fiber supercontinuum sources to its limits by exploiting cascaded soliton and wave breaking nonlinear dynamics51
Velocity-based optoretinography for clinical applications51
Partially coherent diffractive optical neural network50
Mesoscopic oblique plane microscopy via light-sheet mirroring49
Quasi-static optical parametric amplification49
On-Chip Backward Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in Lithium Niobate Waveguides49
Large regenerative parametric amplification on chip at ultra-low pump powers49
Vector light field display based on an intertwined flat lens with large depth of focus48
High speed ultrafast laser anisotropic nanostructuring by energy deposition control via near-field enhancement47
Single-shot quantitative amplitude and phase imaging based on a pair of all-dielectric metasurfaces47
Augmented light field tomography through parallel spectral encoding45
Achromatic flat lens performance limits45
All-step-index-fiber spatiotemporally mode-locked laser45
Strong and tunable absorption in coupled nanoparticle–cavity systems for plasmonically enhanced hot electron devices45
Full control of electric and magnetic light–matter interactions through a nanomirror on a near-field tip44
Accelerated deep self-supervised ptycho-laminography for three-dimensional nanoscale imaging of integrated circuits43
Ground observations of a space laser for the assessment of its in-orbit performance43
Spatiotemporal electric-field characterization of synthesized light transients41
Non-diffracting polarization features around far-field zeros of electromagnetic radiation41
Broadband near-ultraviolet dual comb spectroscopy41
Hyperspectral in-memory computing with optical frequency combs and programmable optical memories41
Stimulated emission does not radiate in a pure dipole pattern41
Optical shift spectroscopy in two-dimensional materials40
Collaborative publication of related articles puts focus on emerging topics: editorial39
Optimum design of aspect ratio limited x-ray zone plates39
Mollow triplets under few-photon excitation38
Estimation of a parameter encoded in the modal structure of a light beam: a quantum theory38
Universal mask for hard x rays38
Transparent organic photodiodes for high-detectivity CMOS image sensors38
Pulse-to-pulse field characterization at x-ray free-electron lasers using a speckle-correlation scattering matrix37
Compressive hyperspectral Raman imaging via randomly interleaved scattering projection37
Limiting the incident NA for efficient wavefront shaping through thin anisotropic scattering media36
Large-area, high-numerical-aperture multi-level diffractive lens via inverse design: comment36
Two-dimensional phase cartography for high-harmonic spectroscopy36
Observation of second-order meron polarization textures in optical microcavities36
Emulating exceptional-point encirclements using imperfect (leaky) photonic components: asymmetric mode-switching and omni-polarizer action36
Propagation-invariant space-time supermodes in a multimode waveguide35
Transient field-resolved reflectometry at 50–100  THz35
Fabrication of freeform optical components by fluidic shaping35
Modeling nonlinear microscopy near index-mismatched interfaces35
Optical skyrmion laser using a wedged output coupler34
Large-area, high-numerical-aperture multi-level diffractive lens via inverse design: reply34
Single-shot characterization of photon indistinguishability with dielectric metasurfaces34
Spectrally resolved linewidth enhancement factor of a semiconductor frequency comb34
Monolithic deformable mirror based on lithium niobate single crystal for high-resolution X-ray adaptive microscopy34
GHz repetition rate mid-infrared frequency comb spectroscopy of fast chemical reactions34
Controlling the spectral persistence of a random laser33
Quantum-dot color wheel for projection displays33
Boosting the performance of light-sheet microscopy via synchronous detection from the illumination and detection light path33
Breaking the bandwidth limit of a high-quality-factor ring modulator based on thin-film lithium niobate32
Spin–orbit optical broadband achromatic spatial differentiation imaging32
Cavity-enhanced scalable integrated temporal random-speckle spectrometry32
Heterodyne coherent detection of the electric field temporal trace emitted by frequency-modulated comb lasers32
Control-free and efficient integrated photonic neural networks via hardware-aware training and pruning32
Hyperentanglement quantum communication over a 50  km noisy fiber channel32
Ultra-compact microring optical isolator using an aluminum-substituted cobalt ferrite thin film32
High-throughput deep tissue two-photon microscopy at kilohertz frame rates32
Modeling off-axis diffraction with the least-sampling angular spectrum method32
Polarization sensing using submarine optical cables32
Micro-fabricated mirrors with finesse exceeding one million31
Pure-quartic Bragg solitons in chip-scale nonlinear integrated circuits31
X-ray dark-field via spectral propagation-based imaging31
Phonon-induced anomalous gauge potential for photonic isolation in frequency space31
Phase noise reduction of a 2  µm passively mode-locked laser through hybrid III-V/silicon integration31
Circumventing the polariton bottleneck via dark excitons in 2D semiconductors31
Interference-enhanced chirality-reversible dichroism metalens imaging using nested dual helical surfaces31
Demonstration of a non-Abelian geometric controlled-NOT gate in a superconducting circuit31
Nonlinear polarization imaging by parametric upconversion31
Voltage-tunable optical parametric oscillator with an alternating dispersion dimer integrated on a chip31
Realization of an integrated coherent photonic platform for scalable matrix operations30
Single-mode chirped high-contrast metastructure VCSEL for 106  Gbps PAM4 transmission30
Anisotropic quantum transport in a programmable photonic topological insulator30
Photonic integrated circuits with bound states in the continuum: comment30
Near-complete extraction of maximum stored energy from large-core fibers using coherent pulse stacking amplification of femtosecond pulses29
Parity–time symmetric optical neural networks29
Nonlinear integrated quantum photonics with AlGaAs29
Bessel beams: a unified and extended perspective29
Ultralow voltage, high-speed, and energy-efficient cryogenic electro-optic modulator29
Shape sensing endoscope fiber29
Revealing the embedded phase in single-pixel quantum ghost imaging28
Soliton molecules in femtosecond fiber lasers: universal binding mechanism and direct electronic control28
Exceptional points with memory in a microcavity Brillouin laser28
Multi-pass cells for post-compression of ultrashort laser pulses28
Fabrication-integrated Design for Diffractive Optical Elements28
Spectral causality and the scattering of waves27
Coherent and ultrashort soft x-ray pulses from echo-enabled harmonic cascade free-electron lasers27
Deep learning-based quantitative optoacoustic tomography of deep tissues in the absence of labeled experimental data27
Tunable microcavities coupled to rare-earth quantum emitters27
Optical second-order skyrmionic hopfion27
Scaled local gate controller for optically addressed qubits27
FPM-WSI: Fourier ptychographic whole slide imaging via feature-domain backdiffraction27
Intense optical parametric amplification in dispersion-engineered nanophotonic lithium niobate waveguides27
Acousto-optic modulation of a wavelength-scale waveguide27
Device-independent verification of Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen steering26
Temporal trapping: a route to strong coupling and deterministic optical quantum computation26
Generation of vortex N 2 <i/> + lasing26
Realization of laser intensity over 1023  W/cm225
Quantum-enhanced phase imaging without coincidence counting25
Electric-field-resolved near-infrared microscopy25
Non-redundant optical phased array: erratum25
Low-noise single-photon counting superconducting nanowire detectors at infrared wavelengths up to 29  µm25
Strong circular dichroism for the HE11 mode in twisted single-ring hollow-core photonic crystal fiber: erratum25
Phase-cycling and double-quantum two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy using a common-path birefringent interferometer25
Deep learning for fast spatially varying deconvolution25
Microring resonators on a suspended membrane circuit for atom-light interactions: erratum25
Breaking voltage–bandwidth limits in integrated lithium niobate modulators using micro-structured electrodes25
Probing electron-hole coherence in strongly driven 2D materials using high-harmonic generation24
Nanoscale dark-field imaging in full-field transmission X-ray microscopy24
Gigawatt-class, tabletop, isolated-attosecond-pulse light source24
Spectral synthesis of multimode lasers to the Fourier limit in integrated Fabry–Perot diamond resonators24
Double spiral resonant MEMS scanning for ultra-high-speed miniaturized optical microscopy24
Tantala Kerr nonlinear integrated photonics24
Monolithic Kerr and electro-optic hybrid microcombs24
Efficient simulation of ultrafast quantum nonlinear optics with matrix product states24
Terahertz-wave decoding of femtosecond extreme-ultraviolet light pulses24
High-temperature reliable quantum-dot lasers on Si with misfit and threading dislocation filters24
Integrated polarization-independent optical isolators and circulators on an InP membrane on silicon platform24
Terawatt-level 2.4-µm pulses based on Cr:ZnS chirped pulse amplification24
Better than a lens? Increasing the signal-to-noise ratio through pupil splitting24
Synthetic FM triplet for AM-free precision laser stabilization and spectroscopy24
Emergent optical nonreciprocity and chirality-controlled magneto-optical resonance in a hybrid magneto–chiral metamaterial23
Three-dimensional programming of nanolaser arrays through a single optical microfiber23
Modular chip-integrated photonic control of artificial atoms in diamond waveguides23
Efficient generation of collimated multi-GeV gamma-rays along solid surfaces23
Ultrafast quantum dynamics driven by the strong space-charge field of a relativistic electron beam23
Probing neuronal functions with precise and targeted laser ablation in the living cortex: reply22
Universal visible emitters in nanoscale integrated photonics22
Spectral phase interferometry for direct electric-field reconstruction of synchrotron radiation22
Two-dimensional space–time terahertz memory in bulk SrTiO322
In situ high-harmonic microscopy of a nanostructured solid22
Demonstration of universal time-reversal for qubit processes22
Parallel photonic accelerator for decision making using optical spatiotemporal chaos22
Femtosecond laser micromachining for stress-based figure correction of thin mirrors22
Modeless Raman fiber laser22
Ultra-long quantum walks via spin–orbit photonics21
Piezoelectrically tunable, narrow linewidth photonic integrated extended-DBR lasers21
Wave propagation dynamics inside a complex scattering medium by the temporal control of backscattered waves21
Efficient detection of multidimensional single-photon time-bin superpositions20
Ultrafast optical rotation in chiral molecules with ultrashort and tightly focused beams20
Full Poincaré polarimetry enabled through physical inference20
Self-injection-locked optical parametric oscillator based on microcombs20
Multi-contrast x-ray identification of inhomogeneous materials and their discrimination through deep learning approaches20
Experimental Fock-state bunching capability of non-ideal single-photon states20
Phase retrieval framework for direct reconstruction of the projected refractive index applied to ptychography and holography20
How many supercells are required for unconventional light confinement in moiré photonic lattices?20
High-speed high-power free-space optical communication via directly modulated watt-class photonic-crystal surface-emitting lasers20
Observation of colossal terahertz magnetoresistance and magnetocapacitance in a perovskite manganite20
Kramers–Kronig relations and precision limits in quantum phase estimation20
Chirped dissipative solitons in driven optical resonators19
Vernier microcombs for high-frequency carrier envelope offset and repetition rate detection19
Single-pulse, reference-free, spatiospectral measurement of ultrashort pulse-beams19
Reconfigurable carbon quantum emitters from CO2 gas reduced via surface plasmons19
Near-field imaging of dipole emission modulated by an optical grating19
GHz guided optomechanics in planar semiconductor microcavities19
Adaptive bandwidth management for entanglement distribution in quantum networks19
Nonlinear color space coded by additive digital pulses19
Room-temperature electroluminescence and light detection from III-V unipolar microLEDs without p-type doping19
Broadband thermomechanically limited sensing with an optomechanical accelerometer19
Photoacoustic Brillouin spectroscopy of gas-filled anti-resonant hollow-core optical fibers19
Free-space coupled superconducting nanowire single-photon detector with low dark counts19
Asynchronous, semi-reverberant elastography18
Three-dimensional printing of glass micro-optics18
Direct time-of-flight distributed analysis of nonlinear forward scattering18
1-to-N terahertz integrated switches enabling multi-beam antennas18
Quantum well interband semiconductor lasers highly tolerant to dislocations18
Efficient parametric down-conversion by gain-trapped solitons18
Electrically pumped laser transmitter integrated on thin-film lithium niobate18
Experimental adaptive Bayesian estimation for a linear function of distributed phases in photonic quantum networks18
Photonic molecule based on coupled ring quantum cascade lasers18
Space–ground QKD network based on a compact payload and medium-inclination orbit18
Optical response of noble metal nanostructures: quantum surface effects in crystallographic facets18
Quartz as an accurate high-field low-cost THz helicity detector18
Probing neuronal functions with precise and targeted laser ablation in the living cortex: comment18
Detecting single nanoparticles using fiber-tip nanophotonics18
Experimental investigation of the angular symmetry of optical force in a solid dielectric18
Photonic integration platform for rubidium sensors and beyond18
Signatures of a frequency-modulated comb in a VECSEL18
Hard x-ray grazing-incidence ptychography: large field-of-view nanostructure imaging with ultra-high surface sensitivity17
Synthesis of single-cycle pulses based on a Yb:KGW laser amplifier17
Interrogating the Ballistic Regime in Liquids with Rotational Optical Tweezers17
InGaP quantum nanophotonic integrated circuits with 1.5% nonlinearity-to-loss ratio17
Ultrahigh-density 3D holographic projection by scattering-assisted dynamic holography17
Enhanced biochemical sensing with high-Q transmission resonances in free-standing membrane metasurfaces17
On-demand harnessing of photonic soliton molecules17
Single-shot spontaneous Raman scattering for time-resolved one-dimensional hypersonic flow diagnostics17
Single-shot up-conversion terahertz spectrometer with high frequency resolution17