
(The median citation count of Optica is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-09-01 to 2024-09-01.)
Space-division multiplexing for optical fiber communications348
Realization of laser intensity over 1023  W/cm2286
Toward the next-generation VR/AR optics: a review of holographic near-eye displays from a human-centric perspective267
Integrated lithium niobate electro-optic modulators: when performance meets scalability239
Freeform optics for imaging215
Breaking voltage–bandwidth limits in integrated lithium niobate modulators using micro-structured electrodes209
Superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors with 98% system detection efficiency at 1550  nm206
Single-photon imaging over 200  km186
Dual-polarization thin-film lithium niobate in-phase quadrature modulators for terabit-per-second transmission161
Toward 1% single-photon anharmonicity with periodically poled lithium niobate microring resonators133
Massively parallel amplitude-only Fourier neural network132
Spectral DiffuserCam: lensless snapshot hyperspectral imaging with a spectral filter array130
Terahertz investigation of bound states in the continuum of metallic metasurfaces129
Ultralow-threshold thin-film lithium niobate optical parametric oscillator104
Optical parametric oscillation in silicon carbide nanophotonics104
Microwave-optical quantum frequency conversion102
Recent advances in lensless imaging100
Dynamic brain spectrum acquired by a real-time ultraspectral imaging chip with reconfigurable metasurfaces97
Waveguide cavity optomagnonics for microwave-to-optics conversion97
Electrically pumped laser transmitter integrated on thin-film lithium niobate97
Chiral topological photonics with an embedded quantum emitter94
3D printed waveguides based on photonic crystal fiber designs for complex fiber-end photonic devices94
Hardware error correction for programmable photonics93
High-temperature reliable quantum-dot lasers on Si with misfit and threading dislocation filters90
Silicon integrated microwave photonic beamformer87
Light-induced valleytronics in pristine graphene87
Dielectric super-absorbing metasurfaces via PT symmetry breaking85
Cavity quantum electrodynamics with color centers in diamond85
Tantala Kerr nonlinear integrated photonics84
Cryogenic microwave-to-optical conversion using a triply resonant lithium-niobate-on-sapphire transducer79
Cavity electro-optics in thin-film lithium niobate for efficient microwave-to-optical transduction79
Multi-pass cells for post-compression of ultrashort laser pulses78
Waveguide-integrated high-performance magneto-optical isolators and circulators on silicon nitride platforms78
Second-harmonic generation of spatiotemporal optical vortices and conservation of orbital angular momentum77
Robust and adaptable quantum key distribution network without trusted nodes75
III/V-on-lithium niobate amplifiers and lasers74
Planar wide-angle-imaging camera enabled by metalens array73
Unraveling the origin of frequency modulated combs using active cavity mean-field theory71
Silicon microring synapses enable photonic deep learning beyond 9-bit precision70
Near-octave lithium niobate soliton microcomb70
Intense optical parametric amplification in dispersion-engineered nanophotonic lithium niobate waveguides68
Optimizing image quality for holographic near-eye displays with Michelson Holography67
Quantitative 3D refractive index tomography of opaque samples in epi-mode66
High-speed 3D sensing via hybrid-mode imaging and guided upsampling66
Squeeze free space with nonlocal flat optics65
Deep learning for fast spatially varying deconvolution63
Frequency-domain optical coherence tomography with undetected mid-infrared photons60
Photorealistic full-color nanopainting enabled by a low-loss metasurface60
Silicon optical phased array with a 180-degree field of view for 2D optical beam steering59
Breaking the bandwidth limit of a high-quality-factor ring modulator based on thin-film lithium niobate58
Realization of high-dimensional frequency crystals in electro-optic microcombs58
Polarization sensing using submarine optical cables57
Achromatic flat lens performance limits56
Broadband thermomechanically limited sensing with an optomechanical accelerometer56
Engineering arbitrarily oriented spatiotemporal optical vortices using transmission nodal lines56
Deep-learning-based fringe-pattern analysis with uncertainty estimation56
Optical phased array beam steering in the mid-infrared on an InP-based platform55
Nonlinear photonic crystals: from 2D to 3D55
Light trapping in solar cells: simple design rules to maximize absorption54
Aberration-corrected three-dimensional positioning with a single-shot metalens array53
Tailored micro-optical freeform holograms for integrated complex beam shaping53
Shift-variant color-coded diffractive spectral imaging system53
Electronic–photonic convergence for silicon photonics transmitters beyond 100 Gbps on–off keying52
Extreme Raman red shift: ultrafast multimode nonlinear space-time dynamics, pulse compression, and broadly tunable frequency conversion52
Doubly resonant second-harmonic generation of a vortex beam from a bound state in the continuum51
3D diffractive imaging of nanoparticle ensembles using an x-ray laser51
Nanophotonic supercontinuum-based mid-infrared dual-comb spectroscopy50
Full-color-sorting metalenses for high-sensitivity image sensors50
Sparse decomposition light-field microscopy for high speed imaging of neuronal activity49
Efficient reversible entanglement transfer between light and quantum memories49
Polarization-sensitive optical diffraction tomography49
Experimental demonstration of continuous-variable measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution over optical fiber49
High-resolution Fourier light-field microscopy for volumetric multi-color live-cell imaging49
3D super-resolution deep-tissue imaging in living mice49
Direct (3+1)D laser writing of graded-index optical elements49
Temporal switching to extend the bandwidth of thin absorbers48
Experimental observations of bright dissipative cavity solitons and their collapsed snaking in a Kerr resonator with normal dispersion driving48
Three-dimensional printing of glass micro-optics48
Spatiotemporal photonic crystals48
Adaptive bandwidth management for entanglement distribution in quantum networks48
Mid-infrared nonlinear optics in thin-film lithium niobate on sapphire47
On-demand harnessing of photonic soliton molecules47
Spatial optical mode demultiplexing as a practical tool for optimal transverse distance estimation47
Spatially multiplexed single-cavity dual-comb laser47
High-flux single-photon lidar47
Erbium dopants in nanophotonic silicon waveguides46
Multifunctional on-chip storage at telecommunication wavelength for quantum networks46
Hybrid electro-optic modulator combining silicon photonic slot waveguides with high-k radio-frequency slotlines46
36  Hz integral linewidth laser based on a photonic integrated 4.0  m coil resonator45
High speed ultrafast laser anisotropic nanostructuring by energy deposition control via near-field enhancement44
Backscattering in antiresonant hollow-core fibers: over 40  dB lower than in standard optical fibers44
Adiabatic evolution on a spatial-photonic Ising machine44
High-contrast multifocus microscopy with a single camera and z-splitter prism43
Non-redundant optical phased array43
On-chip optical tweezers based on freeform optics42
Ghost diffraction holographic microscopy41
X-ray phase tomography with near-field speckles for three-dimensional virtual histology40
Probing electron-hole coherence in strongly driven 2D materials using high-harmonic generation40
Global phase diagram of bound states in the continuum40
Integrated balanced homodyne photonic–electronic detector for beyond 20  GHz shot-noise-limited measurements40
On-chip optical parametric oscillation into the visible: generating red, orange, yellow, and green from a near-infrared pump40
Photonic chip-based resonant supercontinuum via pulse-driven Kerr microresonator solitons40
Soliton molecules in femtosecond fiber lasers: universal binding mechanism and direct electronic control40
High-performance III-V photodetectors on a monolithic InP/SOI platform39
SOFISM: Super-resolution optical fluctuation image scanning microscopy39
Photonic materials for interstellar solar sailing38
Cryogenic operation of silicon photonic modulators based on the DC Kerr effect38
Circular dichroism second-harmonic generation microscopy probes the polarity distribution of collagen fibrils38
Optical response of noble metal nanostructures: quantum surface effects in crystallographic facets38
Tensorial phase control in nonlinear meta-optics38
Acousto-optic modulation of a wavelength-scale waveguide38
Hardware-algorithm collaborative computing with photonic spiking neuron chip based on an integrated Fabry–Perot laser with a saturable absorber37
CMOS-foundry-based blue and violet photonics37
Inverse problem solver for multiple light scattering using modified Born series37
Tailoring spatial entropy in extreme ultraviolet focused beams for multispectral ptychography37
Experimental simulation of time and frequency transfer via an optical satellite–ground link at 10-18 instability36
On-chip optical levitation with a metalens in vacuum36
Photoacoustic Brillouin spectroscopy of gas-filled anti-resonant hollow-core optical fibers36
Ultrafast optical switching and power limiting in intersubband polaritonic metasurfaces36
Modulating the polarization of broadband terahertz pulses from a spintronic emitter at rates up to 10 kHz36
Aberration-corrected large-scale hybrid metalenses35
Free-electron shaping using quantum light35
Conformal frequency conversion for arbitrary vectorial structured light35
Radiation-balanced silica fiber laser35
Vector light field display based on an intertwined flat lens with large depth of focus35
Circumventing the optical diffraction limit with customized speckles35
Soft x-ray microscopy with 7 nm resolution35
Optical matter machines: angular momentum conversion by collective modes in optically bound nanoparticle arrays34
Cascaded nanobeam spectrometer with high resolution and scalability34
Nonlinear multimode photonics: nonlinear optics with many degrees of freedom34
On-chip meta-optics for semi-transparent screen display in sync with AR projection34
Distributed Brillouin fiber laser sensor34
Topological phase transition in an all-optical exciton-polariton lattice34
Observation of second-order meron polarization textures in optical microcavities33
Enabling VCSEL-on-silicon nitride photonic integrated circuits with micro-transfer-printing33
Tunable microcavities coupled to rare-earth quantum emitters33
Synchronization of the internal dynamics of optical soliton molecules32
Gratingless integrated tunneling multiplexer for terahertz waves32
Quasi-static optical parametric amplification32
Optical signal denoising through temporal passive amplification32
Real-time image denoising of mixed Poisson–Gaussian noise in fluorescence microscopy images using ImageJ32
Engineering spatial coherence in lattices of polariton condensates32
Mid-infrared interference coatings with excess optical loss below 10  ppm32
Submicrometer-scale pattern generation via maskless digital photolithography31
Deep-learning-augmented computational miniature mesoscope31
Silicon photonic architecture for training deep neural networks with direct feedback alignment31
Extreme-ultraviolet vector-vortex beams from high harmonic generation31
Inverse-designed photon extractors for optically addressable defect qubits31
Squeezing of intensity noise in nanolasers and nanoLEDs with extreme dielectric confinement31
Comb operation in terahertz quantum cascade ring lasers31
Wannier quasi-classical approach to high harmonic generation in semiconductors31
Nondissipative non-Hermitian dynamics and exceptional points in coupled optical parametric oscillators31
Single-photon detection for long-range imaging and sensing30
Distributed optomechanical fiber sensing based on serrodyne analysis30
Deep learning-based quantitative optoacoustic tomography of deep tissues in the absence of labeled experimental data30
Soliton microwave oscillators using oversized billion Q optical microresonators30
How large is the quantum enhancement of two-photon absorption by time-frequency entanglement of photon pairs?30
Bessel beams: a unified and extended perspective30
Spin-to-orbital angular momentum conversion via light intensity gradient30
Deep-learning-based colorimetric polarization-angle detection with metasurfaces30
Micro-fabricated mirrors with finesse exceeding one million30
Dipole-spread-function engineering for simultaneously measuring the 3D orientations and 3D positions of fluorescent molecules29
Twist-free ultralight two-photon fiberscope enabling neuroimaging on freely rotating/walking mice29
Experimental realization of continuous-time quantum walks on directed graphs and their application in PageRank29
Laser paintbrush as a tool for modern art29
3D-printed fiber-based zeroth- and high-order Bessel beam generator29
Deterministic photonic quantum computation in a synthetic time dimension29
Photonic neural field on a silicon chip: large-scale, high-speed neuro-inspired computing and sensing29
Sub-cycle valleytronics: control of valley polarization using few-cycle linearly polarized pulses29
Efficiency of pulse pumped soliton microcombs29
Gain mechanism in time-dependent media28
Coherence effects on estimating two-point separation27
Optomechanical wave mixing by a single quantum dot27
X-ray phase-contrast ghost imaging using a single-pixel camera27
Stochastic dynamics of optically bound matter levitated in vacuum27
Ultra-thin plasmonic detectors27
Femtosecond streaking in ambient air27
Quantum-inspired terahertz spectroscopy with visible photons27
Quantitative blood flow estimation in vivo by optical speckle image velocimetry27
Bifacial-metasurface-enabled pancake metalens with polarized space folding27
Observing exceptional point degeneracy of radiation with electrically pumped photonic crystal coupled-nanocavity lasers26
Quantum-enhanced stimulated Brillouin scattering spectroscopy and imaging26
Linewidth enhancement factor in a microcavity Brillouin laser26
Weakly supervised individual ganglion cell segmentation from adaptive optics OCT images for glaucomatous damage assessment26
Transport-of-intensity Fourier ptychographic diffraction tomography: defying the matched illumination condition26
Phonon dephasing and spectral diffusion of quantum emitters in hexagonal boron nitride26
Hyperspectral multiphoton microscopy for in vivo visualization of multiple, spectrally overlapped fluorescent labels26
SI-traceable molecular transition frequency measurements at the 10−12 relative uncertainty level26
Two-dimensional quantum walks of correlated photons26
100  GHz bandwidth, 1 volt integrated electro-optic Mach–Zehnder modulator at near-IR wavelengths26
Parametric sideband generation in CMOS-compatible oscillators from visible to telecom wavelengths26
Spectral causality and the scattering of waves26
Deep reinforcement learning control of white-light continuum generation25
Scalable, fiber-compatible lithium-niobate-on-insulator micro-waveguides for efficient nonlinear photonics25
Exotic interactions mediated by a non-Hermitian photonic bath25
Gigawatt-class, tabletop, isolated-attosecond-pulse light source25
In vitro and in vivo NIR fluorescence lifetime imaging with a time-gated SPAD camera25
Instant FLIM enables 4D in vivo lifetime imaging of intact and injured zebrafish and mouse brains25
Diffraction properties of light with transverse orbital angular momentum25
Optical-parametric oscillation in photonic-crystal ring resonators25
Attosecond timing jitter within a temporal soliton molecule25
Petahertz-scale nonlinear photoconductive sampling in air25
InGaP quantum nanophotonic integrated circuits with 1.5% nonlinearity-to-loss ratio25
Networks of mutually coupled random lasers24
Integrated reference cavity with dual-mode optical thermometry for frequency correction24
Ultrafast optical rotation in chiral molecules with ultrashort and tightly focused beams24
Quantitative super-resolution solid immersion microscopy via refractive index profile reconstruction24
Widely tunable silicon Raman laser24
High-speed waveguide Ge/Si avalanche photodiode with a gain-bandwidth product of 615  GHz24
Chirped dissipative solitons in driven optical resonators24
Additive manufacturing for the development of optical/photonic systems and components24
Compact intense extreme-ultraviolet source24
Attosecond timing jitter from high repetition rate femtosecond “solid-state fiber lasers”24
High-performance quantum-dot distributed feedback laser on silicon for high-speed modulations23
Polarization-resolved second-harmonic generation imaging through a multimode fiber23
Ultrahigh-density 3D holographic projection by scattering-assisted dynamic holography23
Phase retrieval framework for direct reconstruction of the projected refractive index applied to ptychography and holography23
Leaky-mode long-period grating on a lithium-niobate-on-insulator waveguide23
Topological optical and phononic interface mode by simultaneous band inversion23
Autonomous on-chip interferometry for reconfigurable optical waveform generation23
Terahertz electrometry via infrared spectroscopy of atomic vapor23
Coherent control of the multiple wavelength lasing of ${\rm N}_2^ +$: coherence transfer and beyond23
Veselago lensing with Weyl metamaterials23
Hybrid training of optical neural networks23
Confocal 3D reflectance imaging through multimode fiber without wavefront shaping22
Hypercubic cluster states in the phase-modulated quantum optical frequency comb22
High gain, low noise 1550  nm GaAsSb/AlGaAsSb avalanche photodiodes22
Electrically controlled waveguide polariton laser22
In-vivo sub-diffraction adaptive optics imaging of photoreceptors in the human eye with annular pupil illumination and sub-Airy detection22
Localized modes revealed in random lasers22
Emulating exceptional-point encirclements using imperfect (leaky) photonic components: asymmetric mode-switching and omni-polarizer action22
Measuring the quantum state of a photon pair entangled in frequency and time22
Low-loss, centimeter-scale plasmonic metasurface for ultrafast optoelectronics22
Full-Stokes polarimetric measurements and imaging using a fractal superconducting nanowire single-photon detector22
High-speed detection of 1550  nm single photons with superconducting nanowire detectors21
On-demand terahertz surface wave generation with microelectromechanical-system-based metasurface21
Light-field-driven current control in solids with pJ-level laser pulses at 80  MHz repetition rate21
Physics-driven deep learning enables temporal compressive coherent diffraction imaging21
High-speed and low dark current silicon-waveguide-coupled III-V photodetectors selectively grown on SOI21
Attosecond investigation of extreme-ultraviolet multi-photon multi-electron ionization21
2.2  kW single-mode narrow-linewidth laser delivery through a hollow-core fiber21
Quantum correlations in electron microscopy21
Real-time operation of a multi-rate, multi-protocol quantum key distribution transmitter20
Demonstration of a non-Abelian geometric controlled-NOT gate in a superconducting circuit20
Deep-learning based image reconstruction for MRI-guided near-infrared spectral tomography20
Exceeding the limits of 3D fluorescence microscopy using a dual-stage-processing network20
High-resolution digital spatial control of a highly multimode laser20
Defect-engineered ring laser harmonic frequency combs20
Programmable generation of terahertz bursts in chirped-pulse laser amplification19
Picosecond-resolution single-photon time lens for temporal mode quantum processing19