IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification

(The TQCC of IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification is 9. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-12-01 to 2024-12-01.)
Battery Health Prediction Using Fusion-Based Feature Selection and Machine Learning207
800-V Electric Vehicle Powertrains: Review and Analysis of Benefits, Challenges, and Future Trends197
Improved Non-Singular Fast Terminal Sliding Mode Control With Disturbance Observer for PMSM Drives194
Review of Electric Machines in More-/Hybrid-/Turbo-Electric Aircraft161
A Comprehensive Review of DC Fast-Charging Stations With Energy Storage: Architectures, Power Converters, and Analysis156
A Novel Consistency Evaluation Method for Series-Connected Battery Systems Based on Real-World Operation Data139
A Comprehensive Review on the Characteristics and Modeling of Lithium-Ion Battery Aging118
Naturalistic Data-Driven Predictive Energy Management for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles118
A Nonlinear Safety Equilibrium Spacing-Based Model Predictive Control for Virtually Coupled Train Set Over Gradient Terrains113
Lithium Battery State-of-Health Estimation via Differential Thermal Voltammetry With Gaussian Process Regression112
Speed Sensorless Model Predictive Current Control Based on Finite Position Set for PMSHM Drives108
A Flexible State-of-Health Prediction Scheme for Lithium-Ion Battery Packs With Long Short-Term Memory Network and Transfer Learning104
Power Electronic Converters in Electric Aircraft: Current Status, Challenges, and Emerging Technologies103
Adaptive Control of PMSM Servo System for Steering-by-Wire System With Disturbances Observation93
Adaptive Dynamic Surface Control With Disturbance Observers for Battery/Supercapacitor-Based Hybrid Energy Sources in Electric Vehicles92
A Data-Driven Method for Battery Charging Capacity Abnormality Diagnosis in Electric Vehicle Applications90
An Ensemble Learning-Based Data-Driven Method for Online State-of-Health Estimation of Lithium-Ion Batteries88
Model Predictive Control of Switched Reluctance Starter/Generator With Torque Sharing and Compensation88
An Overview of High-Conversion High-Voltage DC–DC Converters for Electrified Aviation Power Distribution System87
A Two-Step Parameter Optimization Method for Low-Order Model-Based State-of-Charge Estimation86
Challenges and Opportunities for Wound Field Synchronous Generators in Future More Electric Aircraft84
Artificial Intelligence-Based Technique for Fault Detection and Diagnosis of EV Motors: A Review82
Powertrain Design and Control in Electrified Vehicles: A Critical Review80
Performance Analysis of Magnetically Geared Permanent Magnet Brushless Motor for Hybrid Electric Vehicles79
Double Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Energy Management for a Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle With Engine Start–Stop Strategy78
Speed Sensorless Control for IPMSMs Using a Modified MRAS With Gray Wolf Optimization Algorithm78
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Based State-of-Health Estimation for Lithium-Ion Battery Considering Temperature and State-of-Charge Effect77
Thermal Runaway Prognosis of Battery Systems Using the Modified Multiscale Entropy in Real-World Electric Vehicles76
A Supervisory Control Strategy of Distributed Drive Electric Vehicles for Coordinating Handling, Lateral Stability, and Energy Efficiency76
Stage of Charge Estimation of Lithium-Ion Battery Packs Based on Improved Cubature Kalman Filter With Long Short-Term Memory Model75
Insulation Materials and Systems for More- and All-Electric Aircraft: A Review Identifying Challenges and Future Research Needs75
Sequential Subspace Optimization Design of a Dual Three-Phase Permanent Magnet Synchronous Hub Motor Based on NSGA III75
An Energy-Oriented Torque-Vector Control Framework for Distributed Drive Electric Vehicles75
Traction Motor Cooling Systems: A Literature Review and Comparative Study74
A Composite Sliding Mode Control for SPMSM Drives Based on a New Hybrid Reaching Law With Disturbance Compensation72
Finite-Time Extended State Observer-Based Super-Twisting Sliding Mode Controller for PMSM Drives With Inertia Identification69
Model Prediction Control-Based Energy Management Combining Self-Trending Prediction and Subset-Searching Algorithm for Hydrogen Electric Multiple Unit Train68
Components of Electrical Power Systems in More and All-Electric Aircraft: A Review68
A Reduced-Order Electrochemical Model for All-Solid-State Batteries64
An Improved Energy Management Strategy for Hybrid Electric Vehicles Integrating Multistates of Vehicle-Traffic Information64
Offline and Online Blended Machine Learning for Lithium-Ion Battery Health State Estimation61
Battery Optimal Sizing Under a Synergistic Framework With DQN-Based Power Managements for the Fuel Cell Hybrid Powertrain60
Field Prediction and Validation of a Slotless Segmented-Halbach Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine for More Electric Aircraft60
4-MW Class High-Power-Density Generator for Future Hybrid-Electric Aircraft59
Fault Diagnosis of Lithium-Ion Battery Pack Based on Hybrid System and Dual Extended Kalman Filter Algorithm58
A Hybrid Prognostic Method for PEMFC With Aging Parameter Prediction57
Future of Electrical Aircraft Energy Power Systems: An Architecture Review57
Interrupt-Free Operation of Dual-Motor Four-Wheel Drive Electric Vehicle Under Inverter Failure56
Bidirectional LCCLCC-Compensated 20-kW Wireless Power Transfer System for Medium-Duty Vehicle Charging56
Multiphase PMSM With Asymmetric Windings for More Electric Aircraft55
A Cooperative Energy Management in a Virtual Energy Hub of an Electric Transportation System Powered by PV Generation and Energy Storage54
Solar-Charged Electric Vehicles: A Comprehensive Analysis of Grid, Driver, and Environmental Benefits54
Enhanced ADRC With Quasi-Resonant Control for PMSM Speed Regulation Considering Aperiodic and Periodic Disturbances54
Aircraft Distributed Electric Propulsion Technologies—A Review53
Visual Detection and Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Car Following and Energy Management for Hybrid Electric Vehicles52
Hybrid Pseudorandom Signal Injection for Position Sensorless SynRM Drives With Acoustic Noise Reduction51
Virtual Voltage Vector-Based Model Predictive Current Control for Five-Phase VSIs With Common-Mode Voltage Reduction51
DAB Converter for EV Onboard Chargers Using Bare-Die SiC MOSFETs and Leakage-Integrated Planar Transformer51
Sensitivity Analysis and Joint Estimation of Parameters and States for All-Solid-State Batteries51
Modular Seven-Leg Switched Reluctance Motor Drive With Flexible Winding Configuration and Fault-Tolerant Capability51
A Multiport Power Conversion System for the More Electric Aircraft50
Hybrid Control-Based Acceleration Slip Regulation for Four-Wheel-Independent-Actuated Electric Vehicles50
Active Safety Control of Automated Electric Vehicles at Driving Limits: A Tube-Based MPC Approach50
Optimal EV Charging Scheduling by Considering the Limited Number of Chargers49
A Thermal Modeling Approach and Experimental Validation for an Oil Spray-Cooled Hairpin Winding Machine49
Study on Active Disturbance Rejection Control of a Bearingless Induction Motor Based on an Improved Particle Swarm Optimization–Genetic Algorithm49
A Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Fast Charging of Li-Ion Batteries48
Position-Sensorless Control of Switched Reluctance Motor Drives: A Review47
Three-Vector-Based Model Predictive Torque Control for a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor of EVs47
Motor-Temperature-Aware Predictive Energy Management Strategy for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles Using Rolling Game Optimization47
Current Reconstruction of Three-Phase Voltage Source Inverters Considering Current Ripple47
Voltage Sensorless Based Model Predictive Control With Battery Management System: For Solar PV Powered On-Board EV Charging47
A Parameter Identification Approach With Primary-Side Measurement for DC–DC Wireless-Power-Transfer Converters With Different Resonant Tank Topologies46
Optimal Energy Management of Hybrid Storage Systems Using an Alternative Approach of Pontryagin’s Minimum Principle46
Charging Optimization for Li-Ion Battery in Electric Vehicles: A Review46
Fault Diagnosis and Tolerant Control of Dual-Active-Bridge Converter With Triple-Phase Shift Control for Bidirectional EV Charging Systems46
Dynamic Pricing for EV Charging Stations: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach45
A Review of Thermal Designs for Improving Power Density in Electrical Machines45
All-Electric NASA N3-X Aircraft Electric Power Systems45
Design and Implementation of a Fast Sliding-Mode Speed Controller With Disturbance Compensation for SPMSM System45
Carbon-Oriented Expansion Planning of Integrated Electricity-Natural Gas Systems With EV Fast-Charging Stations44
A Hybrid Battery Equivalent Circuit Model, Deep Learning, and Transfer Learning for Battery State Monitoring44
Heuristic Energy Management Strategy of Hybrid Electric Vehicle Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning With Accelerated Gradient Optimization44
In-Wheel Motor Vibration Control for Distributed-Driven Electric Vehicles: A Review44
Operation of Inductive Charging Systems Under Misalignment Conditions: A Review for Electric Vehicles43
Open-Circuit Switch Fault Diagnosis and Fault- Tolerant Control for Output-Series Interleaved Boost DC–DC Converter42
Optimal Design of Terminal Sliding Mode Controller for Direct Torque Control of SRMs42
Technical Review of Dual Inverter Topologies for More Electric Aircraft Applications42
Review of Recent Control Strategies for the Traction Converters in High-Speed Train41
An Optimized DPS Control for Dual-Active-Bridge Converters to Secure Full-Load-Range ZVS With Low Current Stress41
A Novel Helical Superconducting Fault Current Limiter for Electric Propulsion Aircraft41
Data-Driven Estimation of Remaining Useful Lifetime and State of Charge for Lithium-Ion Battery41
Estimation of Oil Spray Cooling Heat Transfer Coefficients on Hairpin Windings With Reduced-Parameter Models41
Low-Temperature Separating Lithium-Ion Battery Interfacial Polarization Based on Distribution of Relaxation Times (DRT) of Impedance40
Partial Discharge Investigation of Form-Wound Electric Machine Winding for Electric Aircraft Propulsion40
Design and Analysis of a Novel Transverse-Flux Tubular Linear Switched Reluctance Machine for Minimizing Force Ripple40
Routing and Scheduling of Electric Buses for Resilient Restoration of Distribution System40
No-Insulation High-Temperature Superconductor Winding Technique for Electrical Aircraft Propulsion40
A Comprehensive Design Guideline of Hairpin Windings for High Power Density Electric Vehicle Traction Motors40
Battery Health-Aware and Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Energy Management for Naturalistic Data-Driven Driving Scenarios40
Robust Adaptive Current Control of a 1.2-MW Direct-Drive PMSM for Traction Drives Based on Internal Model Control With Disturbance Observer40
Robust Controller Design for Maglev Suspension Systems Based on Improved Suspension Force Model40
A Communication-Less Multimode Control Approach for Adaptive Power Sharing in Ship-Based Seaport Microgrid39
A Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Energy Management Framework With Lagrangian Relaxation for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle39
Disturbance-Observer-Based Terminal Sliding Mode Control for Linear Traction System With Prescribed Performance38
Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Prognosis Based on Frequency-Domain Kalman Filter38
Overview of Current Thermal Management of Automotive Power Electronics for Traction Purposes and Future Directions37
Evaluation on the Autoconfigured Multipulse AC/DC Rectifiers and Their Application in More Electric Aircrafts37
Negative Resistance Converter Traction Power System for Reducing Rail Potential and Stray Current in the Urban Rail Transit37
Online Estimations of Li-Ion Battery SOC and SOH Applicable to Partial Charge/Discharge37
An Improved Implicit Model Predictive Current Control With Continuous Control Set for PMSM Drives37
Overview of Axial-Flux Machines and Modeling Methods36
Design and Analysis of an Integrated Modular Motor Drive for More Electric Aircraft36
Electric Power Integration Schemes of the Hybrid Fuel Cells and Batteries-Fed Marine Vessels—An Overview36
Cross-Domain State-of-Charge Estimation of Li-Ion Batteries Based on Deep Transfer Neural Network With Multiscale Distribution Adaptation35
Flexible Integrated Network Planning Considering Echelon Utilization of Second Life of Used Electric Vehicle Batteries35
Generic Carrier-Based PWM Solution for Series-End Winding PMSM Traction System With Adaptative Overmodulation Scheme35
Characterization and Implementation of Resonant Isolated DC/DC Converters for Future MVdc Railway Electrification Systems35
Torque Ripple Suppression of PMSM Using Fractional-Order Vector Resonant and Robust Internal Model Control35
Candidate Modulation Patterns Solution for Five-Phase PMSM Drive System34
Low-Complexity Deadbeat Model Predictive Current Control for Open-Winding PMSM Drive With Zero-Sequence Current Suppression34
Cyberattack Detection for Electric Vehicles Using Physics-Guided Machine Learning34
An Adaptive Energy Management Strategy of Stationary Hybrid Energy Storage System34
A Novel Adaptive Steering Torque Control Approach for Human–Machine Cooperation Autonomous Vehicles34
Torque Ripple Reduction for a 12/8 Switched Reluctance Motor Based on a Novel Sliding Mode Control Strategy34
Online Estimating State of Health of Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Hierarchical Extreme Learning Machine34
Adaptive Sliding Mode Observer-Based Sensorless Control for SPMSM Employing a Dual-PLL33
A Quick Screening Approach Based on Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm for the Second Usage of Retired Lithium-Ion Batteries33
Characteristics Analysis of Linear Synchronous Motor Integrated With Propulsion, Levitation, and Guidance in High-Speed Maglev System33
An Onboard Magnetic Integration-Based WPT System for UAV Misalignment-Tolerant Charging With Constant Current Output33
Design and Optimization of a Magnetic-Geared Direct-Drive Machine With V-Shaped Permanent Magnets for Ship Propulsion33
Cost-Efficiency Optimization of Ground Assemblies for Dynamic Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles33
Modeling of Regenerative Braking Energy for Electric Multiple Units Passing Long Downhill Section32
Adaptive Split-Frequency Quantitative Power Allocation for Hybrid Energy Storage Systems32
A Hybrid Class-E Topology With Constant Current and Constant Voltage Output for Light EVs Wireless Charging Application32
Partial Discharge Investigation of Form-Wound Electric Machine Winding for Electric Aircraft Propulsion32
Research on the Orderly Charging and Discharging Mechanism of Electric Vehicles Considering Travel Characteristics and Carbon Quota32
Electric Vehicle Velocity and Energy Consumption Predictions Using Transformer and Markov-Chain Monte Carlo31
A Real-Time NMPC Strategy for Electric Vehicle Stability Improvement Combining Torque Vectoring With Rear-Wheel Steering31
Multidisciplinary Design of High-Speed Solid Rotor Homopolar Inductor Machine for Flywheel Energy Storage System31
Flying Cars and eVTOLs—Technology Advancements, Powertrain Architectures, and Design31
Barrier Function-Based Adaptive Sliding Mode Control for Application to Vehicle Suspensions31
Coincidence Factors for Domestic EV Charging From Driving and Plug-In Behavior31
An Adaptive Active Disturbance Rejection Control Strategy for Speed-Sensorless Induction Motor Drives30
Real-Time Optimal Energy Management of Multimode Hybrid Electric Powertrain With Online Trainable Asynchronous Advantage Actor–Critic Algorithm30
Modulated Finite-Control-Set Model Predictive Current Control for Five-Phase Voltage-Source Inverter30
Quantified Assessment of Internal Short-Circuit State for 18 650 Batteries Using an Extreme Learning Machine-Based Pseudo-Distributed Model30
Planning Strategy for an Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Service Provider in a Competitive Environment30
Fast DC Charging Infrastructures for Electric Vehicles: Overview of Technologies, Standards, and Challenges30
Optimal Design of Fully Integrated Magnetic Structure for Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles29
Suppression of Dual-Harmonic Components for Five-Phase Series-Winding PMSM29
An Enhanced Linear ADRC Strategy for a Bearingless Induction Motor29
A Combination 5-DOF Active Magnetic Bearing for Energy Storage Flywheels29
Improved Finite Control Set Model Predictive Current Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor With Sliding Mode Observer29
A 1 + 1-D Multiphase Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Model for Real-Time Simulation29
Evaluation and Analysis Model of Stray Current in the Metro Depot29
Bidirectional Nonisolated Fast Charger Integrated in the Electric Vehicle Traction Drivetrain28
An Experimental Study on Prototype Lithium–Sulfur Cells for Aging Analysis and State-of-Health Estimation28
State-of-Health Estimation for LiFePO4 Battery System on Real-World Electric Vehicles Considering Aging Stage28
Design of a Low-Ripple Double-Modular-Stator Switched Reluctance Machine for Electric Vehicle Applications28
Adaptive Online Power Management for More Electric Aircraft With Hybrid Energy Storage Systems28
A Cell-to-Pack State Estimation Extension Method Based on a Multilayer Difference Model for Series-Connected Battery Packs28
Stable and Robust Design of Active Disturbance-Rejection Current Controller for Permanent Magnet Machines in Transportation Systems28
Power and Traffic Nexus: From Perspective of Power Transmission Network and Electrified Highway Network28
Sensorless DPCC of PMLSM Using SOGI-PLL-Based High-Order SMO With Cogging Force Feedforward Compensation28
Iron-Loss Modeling With Sensorless Predictive Control of PMBLDC Motor Drive for Electric Vehicle Application28
Disturbance and Uncertainty Attenuation for Speed Regulation of PMSM Servo System Using Adaptive Optimal Control Strategy28
Segmented Hairpin Topology for Reduced Losses at High-Frequency Operations28
Design and Implementation of a Reconfigurable Phase Shift Full-Bridge Converter for Wide Voltage Range EV Charging Application28
A Path Following Lateral Control Scheme for Four-Wheel Independent Drive Autonomous Vehicle Using Sliding Mode Prediction Control27
Fault-Tolerant Controller Design for Path Following of the Autonomous Vehicle Under the Faults in Braking Actuators27
A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for the Energy-Aimed Train Timetable Rescheduling Problem Under Disturbances27
Distributed Power Sharing Control Based on Adaptive Virtual Impedance in Seaport Microgrids With Cold Ironing27
Multi-Timescale Lifespan Prediction for PEMFC Systems Under Dynamic Operating Conditions27
Modified Relative Entropy-Based Lithium-Ion Battery Pack Online Short-Circuit Detection for Electric Vehicle27
Four-Quadrant Position Sensorless Operation of Switched Reluctance Machine for Electric Vehicles Over a Wide Speed Range27
Co-Optimization of Energy Losses and Transformer Operating Costs Based on Smart Charging Algorithm for Plug-In Electric Vehicle Parking Lots27
An Improved Three-Vector-Based Model Predictive Current Control Method for Surface-Mounted PMSM Drives27
An Inductance Online Identification-Based Model Predictive Control Method for Grid-Connected Inverters With an Improved Phase-Locked Loop27
EV Prioritization and Power Allocation During Outages: A Lexicographic Method-Based Multiobjective Optimization Approach27
A Unified Control of Grid-Interactive Off-Board EV Battery Charger With Improved Power Quality27
Mutual Inductance Calculation of Circular Coils for an Arbitrary Position With Electromagnetic Shielding in Wireless Power Transfer Systems27
Intelligent and Fast Model-Free Sliding Mode Control for Shipboard DC Microgrids27
A Feature Fusion Method to Improve the Driving Obstacle Detection Under Foggy Weather27
State-of-Health Estimation for Lithium-Ion Batteries Based on Decoupled Dynamic Characteristic of Constant-Voltage Charging Current27
Dynamic Modeling, Simulation, and Testing of a Marine DC Hybrid Power System27
An Adaptive Hierarchical Energy Management Strategy for Hybrid Electric Vehicles Combining Heuristic Domain Knowledge and Data-Driven Deep Reinforcement Learning27
Design of a Highly Efficient 20-kW Inductive Power Transfer System With Improved Misalignment Performance27
Lifespan Prediction for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells Based on Wavelet Transform and Echo State Network26
Cooling System of Outer Rotor SPMSM for a Two-Seater All-Electric Aircraft Based on Heat Pipe Technology26
State-of-Charge Balancing Control for Modular Battery System With Output DC Bus Regulation26
Early Diagnosis of Accelerated Aging for Lithium-Ion Batteries With an Integrated Framework of Aging Mechanisms and Data-Driven Methods26
Additively Manufactured Ultralight Shaped-Profile Windings for HF Electrical Machines and Weight-Sensitive Applications26
Capacitor Technologies: Characterization, Selection, and Packaging for Next-Generation Power Electronics Applications26
Collaborative Optimization of Energy Management Strategy and Adaptive Cruise Control Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning26
A Two-Step Method for Energy-Efficient Train Operation, Timetabling, and Onboard Energy Storage Device Management26
Comparative Study on the Thermal Characteristics of Solid-State Lithium-Ion Batteries26
Remaining Useful Life Prediction for Lithium-Ion Batteries With a Hybrid Model Based on TCN-GRU-DNN and Dual Attention Mechanism26
Analytical Modeling of a Double-Rotor Multiwinding Machine for Hybrid Aircraft Propulsion26
Real-Time Energy-Efficient Driver Advisory System for High-Speed Trains26
Inventory Planning and Real-Time Routing for Network of Electric Vehicle Battery-Swapping Stations26
Incorporating Driving Style Recognition Into MPC for Energy Management of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Buses25
On the Role of Intelligent Power Management Strategies for Electrified Vehicles: A Review of Predictive and Cognitive Methods25
Investigation of Bread-Loaf Magnet on Vibration Performance in FSCW PMSM Considering Force Modulation Effect25
A Comprehensive Review on Fuel Cell UAV Key Technologies: Propulsion System, Management Strategy, and Design Procedure25
A Comprehensive Review of Second Life Batteries Toward Sustainable Mechanisms: Potential, Challenges, and Future Prospects25
A Novel Learning-Based Model Predictive Control Strategy for Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicle25
A Novel Hybrid Physics-Based and Data-Driven Approach for Degradation Trajectory Prediction in Li-Ion Batteries25
Optimal Scheduling of FTPSS With PV and HESS Considering the Online Degradation of Battery Capacity25
A Decentralized Cooperative Control Framework for Active Steering and Active Suspension: Multi-Agent Approach25
Hybrid Multi-Vector Modulated Model Predictive Control Strategy for Voltage Source Inverters Based on a New Visualization Analysis Method25
Oil Injection Cooling Design for the IPMSM Applied in Electric Vehicles25
Duty Cycle Control Strategy for Dual-Side LCC Resonant Converter in Wireless Power Transfer Systems25
Coordination Control of Maneuverability and Stability for Four-Wheel-Independent-Drive EV Considering Tire Sideslip25
A Platoon Control Method Based on DMPC for Connected Energy-Saving Electric Vehicles25
A Fully Decentralized Hierarchical Transactive Energy Framework for Charging EVs With Local DERs in Power Distribution Systems25
A Generalized Input Impedance Model of Multiple Active Bridge Converter25
A Surface Temperature Estimation Method for Lithium-Ion Battery Using Enhanced GRU-RNN25
An Online Torque Sharing Function Method Involving Current Dynamics for Switched Reluctance Motor Drives24
Dual Separation-Based Spatiotemporal Modeling Methodology for Battery Thermal Process Under Nonhomogeneous Boundary Conditions24
Module-Based Active Equalization for Battery Packs: A Two-Layer Model Predictive Control Strategy24
Modeling and Predictive Control of Shipboard Hybrid DC Power Systems24
Reliability and Life Evaluation of a DC Traction Power Supply System Considering Load Characteristics24
Adaptive Eco-Driving Strategy and Feasibility Analysis for Electric Trains With Onboard Energy Storage Devices24
Sine Resistance Network-Based Motion Planning Approach for Autonomous Electric Vehicles in Dynamic Environments24
Fast Calculation of Broadband Battery Impedance Spectra Based on S Transform of Step Disturbance and Response24
A Dahlin Cruise Control Design Method for Switched Reluctance Motors With Minimum Torque Ripple Point Tracking Applied in Electric Vehicles24
Multisource Domain Adaption for Health Degradation Monitoring of Lithium-Ion Batteries24
Principle Investigation and Performance Comparison of Consequent-Pole Switched Flux PM Machines24
Comparison of Si and SiC EMI and Efficiency in a Two-Level Aerospace Motor Drive Application24
Frequency-Adaptive Repetitive Control for Three-Phase Four-Leg V2G Inverters24
Review of Bearingless Synchronous Motors: Principle and Topology24
DC Bus Current Sensed Space Vector Pulsewidth Modulation for Three-Phase Inverter23
The Impact Analysis of Operational Overvoltage on Traction Transformers for High-Speed Trains Based on the Improved Capacitor Network Methodology23
Modified Particle Swarm Optimization With Chaotic Attraction Strategy for Modular Design of Hybrid Powertrains23
Design and Experimental Performance Assessment of an Outer Rotor PM-Assisted SynRM for the Electric Bike Propulsion23
Partially Isolated Multiport Converter With Automatic Current Balancing Interleaved PWM Converter and Improved Transformer Utilization for EV Batteries23
Cyber–Physical Security of Energy-Efficient Powertrain System in Hybrid Electric Vehicles Against Sophisticated Cyberattacks23
Fault Diagnosis and Tolerance With Low Torque Ripple for Open-Switch Fault of IM Drives23
Comparison of Eccentricity Impact on Electromagnetic Forces in Internal- and External-Rotor Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors23
Data-Driven Efficiency Modeling and Analysis of All-Electric Ship Powertrain: A Comparison of Power System Architectures23
Regrouping and Echelon Utilization of Retired Lithium-Ion Batteries Based on a Novel Support Vector Clustering Approach23
Online Diagnosis of Slight Interturn Short-Circuit Fault for a Low-Speed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor23
Open-Circuit Fault Detection in PMSM Drives Using Model Predictive Control and Cost Function Error23
Integration of Interturn Fault Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant Control for PMSM Drive System23
Analysis and Control of Cascaded Energy Storage System for Energy Efficiency and Power Quality Improvement in Electrified Railways23
Risk Assessment for Electrified Railway Catenary System Under Comprehensive Influence of Geographical and Meteorological Factors22
Open-Switch and Current Sensor Fault Diagnosis Strategy for Matrix Converter-Based PMSM Drive System22
The Oil Spray Cooling System of Automotive Traction Motors: The State of the Art22
Experimental Investigation and Adaptability Analysis of Hybrid Traction Power Supply System Integrated With Photovoltaic Sources in AC-Fed Railways22