IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking

(The TQCC of IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking is 8. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2021-02-01 to 2025-02-01.)
Table of Contents287
Learning-Based Spectrum Sensing and Access in Cognitive Radios via Approximate POMDPs197
Energy-Efficient Joint Resource Allocation With Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces in Symbiotic Radio Networks152
Active Learning for Network Traffic Classification: A Technical Study149
Federated Online Learning Aided Multi-Objective Proactive Caching in Heterogeneous Edge Networks104
IEEE Communications Society102
Table of contents98
Table of Contents82
A Novel Privacy-Preserving Incentive Mechanism for Multi-Access Edge Computing78
Coded Distributed Computing for Resilient, Secure and Private Matrix-Vector Multiplication in Edge-Enabled Metaverse77
Coded Caching for Reliable Map Dissemination in Symbiotic Communication Aided Emergency UAV Systems76
Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning-Based Joint Caching and Routing in Heterogeneous Networks75
How to Evaluate Semantic Communications for Images With ViTScore Metric?67
Machine Learning in NextG Networks via Generative Adversarial Networks67
Message Passing Neural Network Versus Message Passing Algorithm for Cooperative Positioning66
Accelerating Federated Learning for Edge Intelligence Using Conjugated Central Acceleration With Inexact Global Line Search64
IEEE Communications Society Information62
Maximizing Packets Collection in Wireless Powered IoT Networks With Charge-or-Data Time Slots62
Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Enhanced Multi-User Semantic Communication60
Message From the New Editor-in-Chief56
Adaptive DTN Routing: A Neuromorphic Networking Perspective55
AI-Assisted Slicing-Based Resource Management for Two-Tier Radio Access Networks54
Spatial Structure Matching-Based DoA Estimation and Tracking for Integrated Sensing and Communication Massive MIMO OFDM System53
Deep-Learning-Aided Successive Cancellation List Flip Decoding for Polar Codes52
Spectrum Prediction for Protocol-Aware RF Jamming52
Millimetre-Wave Beam Tracking: An Intelligent Machine Learning and Kalman Filter Fusion Technology51
Resource-Efficient QoS-Aware Video Streaming Using UAV-Assisted Networks50
Sparse Array Selection Across Arbitrary Sensor Geometries With Deep Transfer Learning49
Detection of Insider Attacks in Distributed Projected Subgradient Algorithms49
Context-Based Semantic Communication via Dynamic Programming48
Correlation-Based Spectrum Sensing With Oversampling and Optimal Weights Selection for OFDM-Based Networks Coexistence in TVWS47
Effect of Intelligent Multi-Association in Civil Aircraft-Augmented SAGIN47
IEEE Communications Society46
A Fast Deep Unfolding Learning Framework for Robust MU-MIMO Downlink Precoding46
IEEE Communications Society45
A Deep Learning Method for Open-Set Transmission Mode Recognition Based on Multiresolution Time-Frequency Spectrograms44
Edge Computing-Aided Coded Vertical Federated Linear Regression43
Bayesian and Multi-Armed Contextual Meta-Optimization for Efficient Wireless Radio Resource Management43
Improving User Environment Detection Using Context-Aware Multi-Task Deep Learning in Mobile Networks41
Deep Learning Based Power Optimizing for NOMA Based Relay Aided D2D Transmissions40
Adapting to Nonlinear Transmitters With Hybrid Model Training for Neural Receivers39
Multi-Objective Computation Offloading based on Decentralized Deep Reinforcement Learning in Industrial Internet of Things39
IEEE TCCN Special Section Editorial: Convergence of Collaborative Distributed Machine Learning and Edge Computing Toward Intelligent Networking38
Directivity in RF Sensor Networks for Widespread Spectrum Monitoring38
Connectivity of Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted Network via Percolation Theory38
WiDFF-ID: Device-Free Fast Person Identification Using Commodity WiFi36
Energy Efficient Power Control for Cognitive Multibeam-Satellite Terrestrial Networks With Poisson Distributed Users36
A Hierarchical Deep Learning Approach for Optimizing CCA Threshold and Transmit Power in Wi-Fi Networks35
Accurate Automatic Extraction of Signal Components From Noisy Radio Spectrograms35
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Dynamic Radio Map Using Statistical Hypothesis Testing33
GAN-Based Siamese Neuron Network for Modulation Classification Against White-Box Adversarial Attacks32
A Reinforcement Learning-Based Incentive Scheme for Multi-Hop Communications in Vehicular Networks32
Adaptive Modulation and Retransmission Scheme for Semantic Communication Systems32
Delay-Constrained Grant-Free Random Access in MIMO Systems: Distributed Pilot Allocation and Power Control31
Cognitive Sub-Band Scheduling and Link Adaptation for 5G URLLC31
IEEE Communications Society Information30
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Enabling Fully-Decoupled Radio Access With Elastic Resource Allocation29
Learning-Based Real-Time Transmission Control for Multi-Path TCP Networks29
MRIRS: Mobile Ad Hoc Routing Assisted With Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces28
LINA: A Fair Link-Grained Inter-Datacenter Traffic Scheduling Method With Deadline Guarantee28
Security Outage Probability Analysis of Cognitive Networks With Multiple Eavesdroppers for Industrial Internet of Things28
Data-Aware Device Scheduling for Federated Edge Learning28
Deep Neural Network: An Alternative to Traditional Channel Estimators in Massive MIMO Systems27
Reinforcement-Learning-Based Network Slicing and Resource Allocation for Multi-Access Edge Computing Networks26
Weighted Sum-Rate Maximization for Multi-IRS-Assisted Full-Duplex Systems With Hardware Impairments26
Communication-Efficient Federated Learning over Capacity-Limited Wireless Networks26
Priority-Aware Deployment of Autoscaling Service Function Chains Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning26
Semantic Utility Loss of Information for Energy Efficient Semantic Status Update Communications26
Deep Learning-Assisted Adaptive Dynamic-SCLF Decoding of Polar Codes26
IEEE Communications Society25
UAV-Assisted Cooperative & Cognitive NOMA: Deployment, Clustering, and Resource Allocation25
Fine Timing and Frequency Synchronization for MIMO-OFDM: An Extreme Learning Approach25
Three-Dimensional RF Sensor Networks for Widespread Spectrum Monitoring24
Design of an Efficient CSI Feedback Mechanism in Massive MIMO Systems: A Machine Learning Approach Using Empirical Data23
Secrecy Outage Analysis of CR-SWIPT Networks With Artificial Noise and Spatially Random Secondary Terminals23
Enabling Cooperative Relay Selection by Transfer Learning for the Industrial Internet of Things23
Enhanced Few-Shot Specific Emitter Identification via Phase Shift Prediction and Decoupling23
Detection of Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Signals Based on Deep Learning22
Secure Performance of RIS-Aided NOMA in Cognitive V2X Networks With Imperfect CSI Over Double Rayleigh Fading22
Performance Analysis of IoT-Based Overlay Satellite-Terrestrial Networks Under Interference22
Deadline-Constrained Multi-Agent Collaborative Transmission for Delay-Sensitive Applications22
A Supervised Learning-Assisted Partitioning Solution for RIS-Aided NOMA Systems22
DQN-ALrM-Based Intelligent Handover Method for Satellite-Ground Integrated Network22
Maximizing Reliability in Overlay Radio Networks With Time Switching and Power Splitting Energy Harvesting22
Coalition Formation for Outsourced Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Network21
Outage Analysis in SWIPT Enabled Cooperative AF/DF Relay Assisted Two-Way Spectrum Sharing Communication21
Robust Bayesian Learning for Reliable Wireless AI: Framework and Applications21
A Reinforcement Learning-Assisted OFDM-IM Communication System against Reactive Jammers21
Delay-Constrained Joint Power Control, User Detection and Passive Beamforming in Intelligent Reflecting Surface-Assisted Uplink mmWave System21
Delay-Aware and Energy-Efficient Computation Offloading in Mobile-Edge Computing Using Deep Reinforcement Learning21
A Prediction-Enhanced Physical-to-Virtual Twin Connectivity Framework for Human Digital Twin21
Pattern Design and Power Management for Cognitive LEO Beaming Hopping Satellite-Terrestrial Networks20
Interference-Aware Spectrum Resource Management in Dynamic Environment: Strategic Learning With Higher-Order Statistic Optimization20
Energy-Efficient Power Allocation in Downlink Multi-Cell Multi-Carrier NOMA: Special Deep Neural Network Framework20
Inter-Cell Interference Mitigation for Cellular-Connected UAVs Using MOSDS-DQN20
Dynamic Resource Scaling for VNF Over Nonstationary Traffic: A Learning Approach20
Deep Recurrent Reinforcement Learning-Based Distributed Dynamic Spectrum Access in Multichannel Wireless Networks With Imperfect Feedback20
Physical Layer Security for Wireless-Powered Ambient Backscatter Cooperative Communication Networks19
Turbo Detection Aided Autoencoder for Multicarrier Wireless Systems: Integrating Deep Learning Into Channel Coded Systems19
Blockchain-Empowered Federated Learning for Healthcare Metaverses: User-Centric Incentive Mechanism With Optimal Data Freshness19
Massive MIMO-Based Underlay Spectrum Access Under Incomplete and/or Imperfect Channel State Information19
MIMO Radar Spectrally Compatible Waveform Design via Inequality Constrained Manifold Optimization19
Outage Probability Minimization in Secure NOMA Cognitive Radio Systems With UAV Relay: A Machine Learning Approach19
A Family of Deep Learning Architectures for Channel Estimation and Hybrid Beamforming in Multi-Carrier mm-Wave Massive MIMO19
Will Emerging Millimeter-Wave Cellular Networks Cause Harmful Interference to Weather Satellites?17
A Robust Deep Learning-Based Beamforming Design for RIS-Assisted Multiuser MISO Communications With Practical Constraints17
Millimeter Wave Communications on Overhead Messenger Wire: Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Predictive Beam Tracking17
IRS-Assisted Spectrum Sensing and Primary-Secondary Transmission for Cognitive Radio Networks17
BD-SAS: Enabling Dynamic Spectrum Sharing in Low-Trust Environment17
Window Attention Convolution Network (WACN): A Local Self-Attention Automatic Modulation Recognition Method17
Precoding Optimization for MIMO-OFDM Integrated Sensing and Communication Systems17
Three-Dimensional Resource Matching for Internet of Things Underlaying Cognitive Capacity Harvesting Networks16
SwinJSCC: Taming Swin Transformer for Deep Joint Source-Channel Coding16
Model-Knowledge Mutual Reinforcement for Few-Shot Cellular Network Fault Diagnosis16
OFDM-Guided Deep Joint Source Channel Coding for Wireless Multipath Fading Channels16
A Self-Supervised-Based Approach of Specific Emitter Identification for the Automatic Identification System16
Incentive Mechanisms for Federated Learning: From Economic and Game Theoretic Perspective16
AoI-Based Temporal Attention Graph Neural Network for Popularity Prediction and Content Caching16
Asynchronous DRL Based Multi-Hop Task Offloading in RSU-Assisted IoV Networks15
5G New Radio Unlicensed: Challenges and Evaluation15
Decentralized Routing and Radio Resource Allocation in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks via Graph Reinforcement Learning15
Collaborative Cloud-Edge-End Task Offloading in Mobile-Edge Computing Networks With Limited Communication Capability15
Computation Offloading and Resource Allocation Based on DT-MEC-Assisted Federated Learning Framework14
Optimizing Model Dissemination for Hierarchical Clustering Learning in Edge Computing14
Robust Beamforming Design for Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Cognitive Radio Systems With Imperfect Cascaded CSI14
Combined RF-Based Drone Detection and Classification14
Deep Learning-Aided Signal Detection for Two-Stage Index Modulated Universal Filtered Multi-Carrier Systems14
A Radio Signal Recognition Approach Based on Complex-Valued CNN and Self-Attention Mechanism14
Channel Estimation Method and Phase Shift Design for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Assisted MIMO Networks14
Augmenting Radio Signals With Wavelet Transform for Deep Learning-Based Modulation Recognition13
Privacy-Preserving Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Effective Resource Auction in Multi-Access Edge Computing13
Joint Beam Management and Resource Allocation in a GEO and LEO Spectrum-Sharing System for Effective Interference Avoidance13
User Grouping, Spectrum and Power Allocation for Energy Efficient MEC Aided Cognitive Radio Networks13
Conservative and Risk-Aware Offline Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning13
IEEE Communications Society Information13
RFF Template Design: Adaptively Decreasing Both Doppler Shifts and Noise for Complex-Valued Signals13
SMTC-CL: Continuous Learning via Selective Multi-Task Coordination for Adaptive Signal Classification13
A Cascaded Broad Learning Network Embedded Image Features for Malware Traffic Classification12
Incentive-Driven and Energy Efficient Federated Learning in Mobile Edge Networks12
Toward Intelligent and Adaptive Task Scheduling for 6G: An Intent-Driven Framework12
IEEE Communications Society Information12
A Cloud Collaborative-based Intrusion Detection and Prevention System for IVN12
Sparse Channel Reconstruction: A Generative Adversarial Network-Based Approach12
RIS-Aided Symbiotic Radio: A Number and Phase Modulation Approach12
Aerial RIS-Aided Physical Layer Security: Optimal Deployment and Partitioning12
Joint Task Offloading, DNN Pruning, and Computing Resource Allocation for Fault Detection With Dynamic Constraints in Industrial IoT12
GOMOS: A GNN-Assisted Network-Media Integrated Optimization Framework for Massive Mobile Live Streaming12
Over-the-Air Modulation for RIS-Assisted Symbiotic Radios: Design, Analysis, and Optimization12
Multi-Seller, Multi-Buyer Spectrum Markets: A Self-Declared Valuation Framework12
Snowball Effect in Federated Learning: An Approach of Exponentially Expanding Structures for Optimizing the Training Efficiency11
On the Secrecy Analysis of Dual-Hop SWIPT-Based Multi-Source Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks11
DSIL: An Effective Spectrum Prediction Framework Against Spectrum Concept Drift11
Jointly Optimal RIS Placement and Power Allocation for Underlay D2D Communications: An Outage Probability Minimization Approach11
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Hybrid Backscatter and Wireless Powered Communications: 3-D Trajectory Design and Resource Scheduling11
Cognitive Multi-User Multi-Relay Network: A Decentralized Scheduling Technique11
Spectrum Mask-Based Multi-Antenna Covert Communications in IoT Networks11
Knowledge-Driven Rapid Adaptation to New Attacks11
Collaborative Learning-Based Spectrum Sensing Under Partial Observations11
Learning-Based Proactive Resource Allocation for Delay-Sensitive Packet Transmission11
AEALV: Accurate and Efficient Aircraft Location Verification for ADS-B11
Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation for Automatic Modulation Recognition in Unseen Scenarios11
Robust Energy Efficiency Optimization for Double-RIS-Assisted Wireless-Powered Backscatter Communications11
IEEE Communications Society10
Modeling and Optimization of Channel Allocation for PAL and GAA Users in the CBRS Band10
Distributed-Proof-of-Sense: Blockchain Consensus Mechanisms for Detecting Spectrum Access Violations of the Radio Spectrum10
Deep Learning-Based Energy Efficient Resource Allocation for Underlay Cognitive MISO Interference Channels10
IEEE Communications Society10
Thompson Sampling-Based Dynamic Spectrum Access in Non-Stationary Environments10
Table of Contents10
On the Performance of Rate Splitting Multiple Access for ISAC in Device-to-Multi-Device IoT Communications10
Intelligent Service Migration Based on Hidden State Inference for Mobile Edge Computing10
Task-Oriented Communication for Graph Data: A Graph Information Bottleneck Approach10
Table of Contents10
Coordinates-Based Resource Allocation Through Supervised Machine Learning10
Multi-Layer Computation Offloading in Distributed Heterogeneous Mobile Edge Computing Networks10
IEEE Communications Society10
Cross-Scenario Device-Free Gesture Recognition Based on Parallel Adversarial Network9
Spatial-Frequency Block Coding Automatic Recognition With Non-Gaussian Interference for Cognitive MIMO-OFDM Systems9
Deep Reinforcement Learning-Aided Optimization of Multi-Interface Allocation for Short-Packet Communications9
A Flow-Based Anomaly Detection Approach With Feature Selection Method Against DDoS Attacks in SDNs9
Toward Open-Set Specific Emitter Identification Using Auxiliary Classifier Generative Adversarial Network and OpenMax9
Integrating Convex Optimization and Deep Learning for Downlink Resource Allocation in LEO Satellites Networks9
Cooperative NOMA Empowered Integrated Sensing and Communication: Joint Beamforming and User Pairing9
TrustFed: A Reliable Federated Learning Framework With Malicious-Attack Resistance9
IEEE Communications Society9
Energy-Efficiency Maximization for STAR-RIS Enabled Cell-Free Symbiotic Radio Communications9
Explanation-Guided Fair Federated Learning for Transparent 6G RAN Slicing9
Toward Efficient Neural Networks Through Predictor-Assisted NSGA-III for Anomaly Traffic Detection of IoT9
Model and Transfer Spatial-Temporal Knowledge for Fine-Grained Radio Map Reconstruction9
Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Trajectory Planning for Multi-UAV Assisted Mobile Edge Computing9
GAF-MAE: A Self-Supervised Automatic Modulation Classification Method Based on Gramian Angular Field and Masked Autoencoder9
Multi-ARIS Backscatter Enabled Downlink NOMA Communication for Cognitive Radio Systems8
TMLAA for Automatic Harmonic Beam Steering Toward User-Defined Direction Using Black Hole Mechanics Optimization8
On Evolutionary Game of Dynamic Devices in NOMA-Based IoT Networks8
An Emergent Self-Awareness Module for Physical Layer Security in Cognitive UAV Radios8
IEEE Communications Society Information8
Performance Analysis of RIS-Assisted Spectrum Sharing Systems8
Multi-Agent Multi-Armed Bandit Learning for Grant-Free Access in Ultra-Dense IoT Networks8
IEEE Communications Society8
Reconfigurable RAN Slicing for Ultra-Dense LEO Satellite Networks via DRL8
NOMA-Aided Distributed Massive MIMO—A Graph-Theoretic Approach8
Online Decentralized Scheduling in Fog Computing for Smart Cities Based on Reinforcement Learning8
MAESTRO-X: Distributed Orchestration of Rotary-Wing UAV-Relay Swarms8
Hifoots: A Highly Efficient DDoS Attack Detection Scheme Deployed in Smart IoT Homes8
IEEE Communications Society Information8