Sociology of Race and Ethnicity

(The median citation count of Sociology of Race and Ethnicity is 0. The table below lists those papers that are above that threshold based on CrossRef citation counts [max. 250 papers]. The publications cover those that have been published in the past four years, i.e., from 2020-07-01 to 2024-07-01.)
Where Platform Capitalism and Racial Capitalism Meet: The Sociology of Race and Racism in the Digital Society108
Color-Blind Racism in Pandemic Times67
Whose Lives Matter? Race, Space, and the Devaluation of Homicide Victims in Minority Communities20
The Blood Line: Racialized Boundary Making and Citizenship among Native Nations17
Discrimination and Black Social Media Use: Sites of Oppression and Expression16
Racial States and Re-making Race: Exploring Coloured Racial Re- and De-formation in State Laws and Forms in Post-Apartheid South Africa14
Racialized Organizations and Color-Blind Racial Ideology in Brazil13
“I Just Couldn’t Relate to That Asian American Narrative”: How Southeast Asian Americans Reconsider Panethnicity12
Diversity Displays and Organizational Messaging: The Case of Historically Black Colleges and Universities11
Color in Context: Three Angles on Contemporary Colorism11
Debtors’ Blocks: How Monetary Sanctions Make Between-neighborhood Racial and Economic Inequalities Worse11
Understanding the Empty Backpack: The Role of Timing in Disproportionate Special Education Identification10
Making Space: Racialized Organizations and Student of Color Groups at U.S. Colleges and Universities10
The Race That Space Makes: The Power of Place in the Colonial Formation of Social Categorizations9
Settler Simultaneity and Anti-Indigenous Racism at Land-Grant Universities9
Hypervisibility and Invisibility: Black Women’s Experiences with Gendered Racial Microaggressions on a White Campus9
Appearance, Parentage, and Paradox: The White Privilege of Bi/Multiracial Americans with White Ancestry9
The Legacy of Slavery and Contemporary Racial Disparities in Arrest Rates8
When the “Blank Slate” Is a White One: White Institutional Isomorphism in the Birth of National Public Radio8
The U.S. Racial Structure and Ethno-Racial Inequality in Urban Neighborhood Crime, 2010–20138
Do You Know Where You Are? Bringing Indigenous Teaching Methods into the Classroom7
When Affirmative Action Disappears: Unexpected Patterns in Student Enrollments at Selective U.S. Institutions, 1990–20167
Revisiting the Marginal Man: Bridging Immigration Scholarship and Mixed-Race Studies7
A Metaregression Analysis of the Effects of School Racial and Ethnic Composition on K–12 Reading, Language Arts, and English Outcomes7
Creating Intersectional Subjects: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Health Science Breastfeeding Research7
Visualizing Injustice or Reifying Racism? Images in the Digital Media Coverage of the Killing of Michael Brown6
Field Experiments and Job Posting Sources: The Consequences of Job Database Selection for Estimates of Racial Discrimination6
Context of Reception and School Violence: Exploring the Nexus of Immigration, Race/Ethnicity, Place, and School Crime6
Media Framing of COVID-19 Racial Disparities: Lessons from Memphis, Tennessee5
Race-shifting in the United States: Latinxs, Skin Tone, and Ethnoracial Alignments5
Sociology of Race and Ethnicity, Onward!5
What’s Race Got to Do With It? Disrupting Whiteness in Cultural Capital Research5
Latino/a Sociology: Toward a New Paradigm5
Differential Racialization and Police Interactions among Young Adults of Asian Descent4
Economic Competition and Police-caused Killings4
Latina Educators in Sociology: Combating Trumpism with Critical Pedagogy4
The Paradox of Integration: Racial Composition of NFL Positions from 1960 to 20204
Race over Religion: Christian Nationalism and Perceived Threats to National Unity4
A Black Feminist Analysis of Patient Provider Concordance in Sexual Health Care4
Signifying Aggrieved White Selves: Trump Supporters’ Racial Identity Work4
Tolerable Suboptimization: Racial Consequences of Defunding Public Universities4
Black and Indigenous Inequality in Mexico: Implications for Multiracialism and Intersectionality Research4
Augustus Granville Dill: A Case Study in the Conceptualization of a Black Public Sociology4
Racism and Confederate Monument Construction: Temporal Regimes Distinguishing the 1900s, 1960s, and Contemporary Decades4
Twenty-Five Years of Charles Mills’s Racial Contract in Sociology4
“In My Heart, I Am Cambodian”: Symbolic Ethnicity among Parents Who Adopt Transracially4
The Rise of Asian Ethnoburbs: A Case of Self-Segregation?3
Who Should Be Provided with Pathways toward Citizenship? White and Black Attitudes toward Undocumented Immigrants3
Unspoiling Identity: An Intersectional Expansion of Stigma Response Strategies3
“Over-zealous Parents, Over-programmed Families”: Asian Americans, Academic Achievement, and White Supremacy3
The New Principle-practice Gap: The Disconnect between Diversity Beliefs and Actions in the Workplace3
Is There a Bamboo Ceiling? The Asian-White Gap in Managerial Attainment for College-Educated Workers3
“Imagine an Ignorance That Fights Back”: Honoring Charles Mills, Our Inheritance and Charge3
The Spirit of Critical Race Theory3
Diversity Discourse as Racialized and Double-edged: Findings from a National Survey3
Systemic Anti-Black Racism Must Be Dismantled: Statement by the American Sociological Association Section on Racial and Ethnic Minorities3
Examining the Experiences of Racialized and Indigenous Graduate Students as Emerging Researchers3
Race Lessons: The Role of Place in Shaping Black Parents’ Racial Learning and Educational Engagement in a Predominantly White Suburb2
Paradoxical Politics? Partisan Politics, Ethnoracial Ideologies, and the Assimilated Consciousnesses of Latinx Republicans2
The Role of Skin Color in Latino Social Networks: Color Homophily in Sending and Receiving Societies2
The Racial Elevator Speech: How Multiracial Individuals Respond to Racial Identity Inquiries2
(Un) Just Deserts: Examining Resource Deserts and the Continued Significance of Racism on Health in the Urban South2
“Asians Are the Least Troublemaker”: Navigating Racial In-betweenness in Korean American Community-based Spaces2
“Merciless Indian Savages”: Deconstructing Anti-Indigenous Framing2
Colorblind Spots in Qualitative Methods Training2
Resisting Racist Discourses with Research Methods, Active Learning, and Storytelling2
Paying for the Prestige: Differences in College Investment between Asian American and White Families2
Transgressing the Academy2
Formal Social Control and Mental Health: Ethnic Variation among Black Women2
Critical Race Structuralism and Charles Mills’ Racial Contract: Pedagogical Practices for Twenty-first-century Educators2
Organizational Directives and the Persistence of Racial Discrimination in U.S. Public Accommodations1
The Struggle for Authentic Teaching1
Finding Black Joy in a World Where We Are Not Safe1
The Invention of the “Underclass”: A Study in the Politics of Knowledge1
“Stakes is High (Higher than High)”: A Symposium on Doing and Teaching Race Scholarship in Perilous Times1
Goodbye Florida, I’m Out! For Good1
Diversion and Restorative Justice: Salt Lake Peer Court Disrupting Disproportionate Minority Contact?1
Up the Hill: The Familial-institutional Reproduction of the Black Upper-middle Class1
Assessing and Extending Colorblind Racism Theory Using National Survey Data1
Aquilombamento, Entrepreneurial Black Placemaking in an Anti-Black City1
Teaching Race After the Genome: An Approach to Challenging Biological Understandings of Race in the Classroom1
Missing Colonies in American Myths of Slavery: Where Is the “Deep North” in Sociology Textbooks?1
Using Educational Institutional Archives to Unsettle and Rectify Racial Pasts1
Changing Boundaries of Whiteness? Demographic and Social Determinants of Middle Eastern and North African Marriage Trends in the United States1
“Even Being a Citizen Is Not a Privilege Here”: Undocumented Latinx Immigrant Youth and Perceptions of Racialized Citizenship1
The Informal Safety Net: Social Network Activation among Hispanic Immigrants during COVID-191
Slavery’s Legacy of White Carceral Advantage in the South1
Skin Tone and Inequality of Socioeconomic Outcomes in Mexico: A Comparative Analysis Using Optical Colorimeters and Color Palettes1
Guess Who: Experiential Learning and Reflexivity in Race and Ethnicity Courses1
Racialization as a Strategic Orientation: Arab Organizations and the Construction of Ethnic Identity in the Cold War Era1
Anti-Muslim Surveillance: Canadian Muslims’ Experiences with CSIS1
What We Talk About When We Talk About Ethnicity: Hispanic Self-classification and Appraisal in an Online College Forum1
Racial-ethnic Differences in Anticipatory Stress about COVID-19 Mortality: An Evaluation of Multiple Mechanisms1
Aping Blackness: Reading and Evaluating Racialized Images in Cartagena, Colombia1
Residential Immobility and Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Housing Quality1
Documenting Black Faculty Experiences in the “Stop Woke” Era1
Racialized Organizations in Racialized Space: How Socio-spatial Divisions Activate Symbolic Boundaries in a Charter School and a Public School1
Interventions in Intersectionality: Exploring Fantastical World-building to Investigate Feminist and Anti-racist Strategies1
The Mothers and Fathers of the Sociology of Race and Ethnicity: Learning from Them in Eight Lessons1
Evaluating and Improving Department Racial Climate through Action Research0
Race, Power, and Resistance in Chicago: A Review of Building a Better Chicago and Uninsured in Chicago0
Narrating the Territorial Foundations of Privilege: Racial Discourse and Indigenous Peoples0
Neoliberal Multiculturalism and Changing Colonial Racial Hierarchies in International Development0
Whiteness Interrupted: White Teachers and Racial Identity in Predominantly Black Schools0
Understanding Racism through Critical Race Theory: A Review of The Racialized Social System and On Critical Race Theory0
Political Struggles Over Black Memory0
Suspended: Punishment, Violence, and the Failure of School Safety0
Modernity’s Corruption: Empire and Morality in the Making of British India0
Some Reflections on the Promise and Limits of ‘Getting King right’ in the Age of Polarization0
Different but Somewhat Similar: Panethnicity, Group Boundaries, and Dating Preferences among Asian and Latino College Students0
Black, No Question Mark: Black Student Organizations, (Multi)Racial Awakenings, and Reflective Resistance in Multiracial Families0
Sex, Law, and Sovereignty in French Algeria, 1830-19300
In Defense of Solidarity and Pleasure: Feminist Technopolitics From the Global South0
Sickening: Anti-Black Racism and Health Disparities in the United States0
Unfree: Migrant Domestic Work in Arab States0
Invisible Mothers: Unseen Yet Hypervisible after Incarceration0
Behind Crimmigration: ICE, Law Enforcement, and Resistance in America0
Now to Imagine a Different World? Race Critical Code Studies0
Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want0
We Still Mean Abolition: A Roundtable0
Exposing the Conjuror’s Tricks: Barbara Fields’s Sociological Imagination0
Book Review: Hate in the Homeland: The New Global Far Right0
Erasures, Omissions, and the Politics of Memory: A Reply0
Academic Apartheid: Race and the Criminalization of Failure in an American Suburb0
Racecraft as a Challenge to the Sociology of Race0
What’s Love Got to do with it in Academia: Reflections on Valuing Academic Outsiders0
“Racism Masked as Safety Concerns”: The Experiences of Residents of Color With Racialized Coveillance in a Predominantly White Neighborhood0
Urban Specters: The Everyday Harms of Racial Capitalism0
Religious Organizations as Racialized Organizations: Loose Coupling and Symbolic Allyship Between Denominational Racial Justice Statements and Congregational Practice0
Engage and Evade: How Latino Immigrant Families Manage Surveillance in Everyday Life0
Dying to Count: Post-Abortion Care and Global Reproductive Health Politics in Senegal0
Racialized Tensions and Affinities: Puerto Rican “Apprentices” and the Policing of Female Masculinity0
Racial Appraisals by White, Black, Hispanic, and Multiracial Americans0
Toxic Debt: An Environmental Justice History of Detroit and Tainted Tap: Flint’s Journey from Crisis to Recovery0
Refashioning Race: How Global Cosmetic Surgery Crafts New Beauty Standards0
The Foods of Black Folks: A Reply0
Interrogating Innovation0
The Color of Homeschooling: How Inequality Shapes School Choice0
African Masculinities in the Workings of Racial Capitalism0
The Black Register0
Inequality among the Disadvantaged? Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Earnings among Young Men and Women without a College Education0
Precarious Protections: Unaccompanied Minors Seeking Asylum in the United States0
Brown and Gay in LA: The Lives of Immigrant Sons0
Critical Race Theory and Inequality in the Labour Market: Racial Stratification in Ireland0
Policing the Racial Divide: Urban Growth Politics and the Remaking of Segregation0
Is Sociology Worth Saving? A Conversation with José Itzigsohn and Vilna Bashi0
Violent Ignorance: Confronting Racism and Migration Control0
W.E.B. Du Bois’s The Philadelphia Negro: A Book History0
The Racialization of Technology0
Is Free Speech Racist?0
“Take It to the Lord”: Religion and Responses to Racial Discrimination in the Workplace0
The Sociology of W.E.B. Du Bois: Racialized Modernity and the Global Color Line0
Unaccompanied: The Plight of Immigrant Youth at the Border0
Neglected Social Theorists of Color: Deconstructing the Margins0
The Politics of School Rezoning in the “Cradle of a Nation”: Racial Segregation, Settler Colonialism, and Private Property in Williamsburg, Virginia0
How the Visibility of “Whiteness as a Credential” Creates Trade-offs for the Fit and Belonging of Minoritized Students at College0
The Voucher Promise: “Section 8” and the Fate of an American Neighborhood0
Fractured Militancy: Precarious Resistance in South Africa after Racial Inclusion0
The Culture Trap: Ethnic Expectations and Unequal Schooling for Black Youth0
Black Aliveness, or a Poetics of Being0
These Are the Paths We Take0
Young, Gifted and Diverse: Origins of the New Black Elite0
The Death of White Sociology and the Academic Awakening of a Ghetto Jew0
From Here to Equality: Reparations for Black Americans in the Twenty-First Century0
Distributing Condoms and Hope: The Racialized Politics of Youth Sexual Health0
The Invisible Carework of Anti-racist Pedagogy: The Experiences of Graduate Student Teaching Assistants0
Beyond the Positivism/Non-Positivism Binary as a Step Toward Inclusive Sociology0
Introducing the New Book Review Section0
Measuring Lineage: Implications for Family Violence Research in Sub-Saharan Africa0
Mapping Racial and Ethnic Variation in Climate Belief Networks0
Bodies Out of Place: Theorizing Anti-Blackness in U.S. Society0
Durable Ethnicity: Mexican Americans and the Ethnic Core0
Book Review: Bodies in Evidence: Race, Gender, and Science in Sexual Assault Adjudication0
On the Relevance of Global Black Solidarities0
The Racial Contract: Challenging White Supremacy in Sociological Theories and Providing a Global Theory for Race0
Hyper Education: Why Good Schools, Good Grades, and Good Behavior Are Not Enough0
Epidemic Orientalism: Race, Capital, and the Governance of Infectious Disease0
“American Tales of Heroes and Villains”: Donald Trump’s Framing of Latinos During COVID-19 Times0
Nice White Ladies: The Truth About White Supremacy, Our Role in It, and How We can Help Dismantle It0
“Every Day We Wake Up with Something to Prove”: Black Misandry and Black Men’s Experiences in Navigating the College Environment0
Indigenous Memory, Urban Reality: Stories of American Indian Relocation and Reclamation0
Reading Ms. Bea’s Food Voice: An Ode to My Grandmothers and Black Women across the World0
Between Stuart Hall and Cedric Robinson: Capturing Imaginaries of Racial Capitalism0
Race at the Top: Asian Americans and Whites in Pursuit of the American Dream in Suburban Schools0
Respectable: Politics and Paradox in Making the Morehouse Man0
The Color of Asylum: The Racial Politics of Safe Haven in Brazil0
Food as Soul and Survival0
The Colors of Love: Multiracial People in Interracial Relationships0
Thick: And Other Essays0
Beyond Intersectionality: A Political Economy Approach to the Intersections of Race, Class, Gender, and Nation0
Mixed-Race in the US and UK: Comparing the Past, Present, and Future0
Privilege and Punishment: How Race and Class Matter in Criminal Court0
Making Middle-Class Multiculturalism: Immigration Bureaucrats and Policymaking in Postwar Canada0
Racism in the Machine0
Sweetness in the Blood: Race, Risk, and Type 2 Diabetes0
Insurgent Empire: Anticolonial Resistance and British Dissent0
Revolution Around the Corner: Voices from the Puerto Rican Socialist Party in the United States0
Book Review: Reconsidering Reparations0
COMPUGIRLS: How Girls of Color Find and Define Themselves in the Digital Age0
Maya Guatemalans Seeking Asylum: Race and Gender in a Continuum of State Control0
Reading, Writing, and Harassment: White–Latinx Test Score Disparities on the U.S.–Mexico Border0
Contested Americans: Mixed-Status Families in Anti-Immigrant Times0
Geek Girls: Inequality and Opportunity in Silicon Valley0
Roma Minority Youth across Cultural Contexts: Taking a Positive Approach to Research, Policy and Practice0
Theorizing Pain and Exclusion: On the Violence of “Playing the Game” in the Academy0
“You’re a Different Kind of Black—Where You From?”: The Qualifying Role of Place in the Construction of Black Racial and Ethnic Identities among Louisiana Creole Migrants0
Contesting Race and Citizenship: Youth Politics in the Black Mediterranean0
Activism under Fire: The Politics of Non-Violence in Rio de Janeiro’s Gang Territories0
Remembering, Learning, and Envisioning as the Work: A Conversation with the Editors of Black Feminist Sociology0
Introduction to “Our Two Cents”0
Second-Class Daughters: Black Brazilian Women and Informal Adoption as Modern Slavery0
A Symposium on Charles W. Mills and The Racial Contract0
The Souls of White Jokes: How Racist Humor Fuels White Supremacy0
Race in the Machine: A Novel Account0
Black in White Space: The Enduring Impact of Color in Everyday Life0
There and Back Again: Reflections on Where We Were At, Where We Are Now, and Where We are Going0
How White Americans Experience Racial Gaze: Public Interactions and White Parents of Black Adopted Children0
Book Review: Birthing Black Mothers0
Against Race, Toward the Abolition of Racism0
The Love Jones Cohort: Single and Living Alone in the Black Middle Class0
The Making, Unmaking, and Remaking of Historical Memory, Radical King, and the Black Freedom Struggle0
Trading on Diverse Relationships: The Process of Racialized Social Commodification in Multiracial Congregations0
Policing the Second Amendment: Guns, Law Enforcement, and the Politics of Race0
Book Review: Refuge: How the State Shapes Human Potential0
Archipelago of Resettlement: Vietnamese Refugee Settlers and Decolonization across Guam and Israel-Palestine0
Figures of the Future: Latino Civil Rights and the Politics of Demographic Change0
Toward an Ethnoracial Ontology for the Study of Race and Ethnicity: The Case of African Americans and Black Immigrants in the United States0
Racist Agnotology: How Myth-Making about Institutions and Knowledge Production Contributes to Racialized Ignorance0
Walking Mannequins: How Race and Gender Shape Retail Clothing Work0
Purgatory Citizenship: Reentry, Race, and Abolition0
The Ruse of Recognition: Black Labor in the Afterlife of Slavery0
Assessing the Impact of Cannabis Decriminalization on Racial Disparities in Chicago’s Cannabis Possession Arrests0
(Un)docile Bodies0
Conditional Belonging: The Racialization of Iranians in the Wake of Anti-Muslim Politics0
Ethno-Racial Stratification in the Refinanced Mortgage Market0
Indefinite: Doing Time in Jail0
Canada at a Crossroads: Boundaries, Bridges, and Laissez-Faire Racism in Indigenous-Settler Relations0
Black Campus Life: The Worlds Black Students Make at a Historically White Institution0
The Racializing Work of Cultural Narratives: An Analysis of Colorblind Frames of Puerto Rican Climate Migrants0
Building Downtown Los Angeles: The Politics of Race and Place in Urban America0
Wellness in Whiteness: Biomedicalization and the Promotion of Whiteness and Youth among Women0
Thematic Book Review: Labor and Elite Domination in the Color Line of U.S. Higher Education0
Punishing Places: The Geography of Mass Imprisonment0
Divisions: A New History of Racism and Resistance in America’s World War II Military0
Always Question the Hype0
Decolonizing Sociology: An Introduction0
Migrants’ Attitudes and the Welfare State: The Danish Melting Pot0
Against the Carceral Archive: The Art of Black Liberatory Practice0
An Ethnography of Racial Capitalism’s Long Crisis: A Reply0